Status: This will be reworked.

In Your Dreams, Alex Gaskarth


"What the hell was that Alex!" Jack yelled at me, when he got back inside. I pulled away from Tiffany's kiss causing her to pout.

"I don't know what your talking about," I said glaring at Jack.

"Like hell you don't! You hurt the, girl then decide 'hey lets fuck with her emotions some more'."

"What is he talking about Alex," Tiffany asked getting all defensive, Tiffany never drank so she would remember all of this tomorrow when I wouldn't.

"I said I don't know what your talking about!" I yelled at him.

"Yes you do! Don't think just because Ray left she doesn't mean anything to us! Tell me Alex where you thinking?"

"Please not this again," I said looking down at my hands. The last time Jack asked me that was 2 years ago, and then he stopped speaking to me.

"I can't deal with you anymore, Alex," Jack said walking away. I decided leaving the party would be the best thing for me right now.


When I woke up, I had a splitting head ache and I could barely remember last night. I did remember Jack yelling at me, but that was all. I quickly hoped in the shower, then through on clean closed, after taking an Advil.


Ray's POV

I slammed the door to my locker and started walking toward my first class. For some reason today was the first day I picked up on how popular Alex Gaskarth actually was, and he didn't even go to my school! In my first hour some girl was wearing a homemade shirt that said 'Alex,Gaskarth = Love'. In my second hour, some girl was singing Running From Lions, I almost cried, that was one of the three song Alex had written for me, but it wasn't my song.

Now it was third hour, English. Our teacher Mrs. Collin, gave us all a copy of the school's new paper, The Call. I flipped through the pages and thats when I saw it, a student review of All Time Low. I stuffed the paper into my bag, and laid my head on my desk.

"Alex is so hot," Stacey giggled behind me.

"Oh I know, and he is such a good singer I love that song Jasey Rae."

"I know! He is just so cute, I hate his girlfriend though she is such a lucky bitch."

"I know!" Callie replied. The memories came flooding back, I couldn't block them out as they played in my mind.

"We'll call this song Jasey Rae, but we will spell Rae, R-a-e, so the guys don't know I named part of it after you," he smiled, scribbling the name on the paper he was holding.

"Ya I'm sure they will have know idea," I laughed rolling my eye.

"Dance with me," Alex laughed pulling me to the center of the garage. He continued singing as the band continued playing, Running From Lions. I laughed and started slow dancing with Alex. When the song finished Jack ruined the moment, by throwing guitar picks at us.

I put my hand up to my eyes not letting the few tears escape me eyes. The rest of the day went by fast, but Alex kept popping up in conversations all over the school. When I got into Keith's car he gave me a disapproving look.

"Don't let him get to you," was all he said the whole ride home.
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