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Lost In The Dark


I collapse on my bed, face down in pillow like usual. It had been I crap day already, First I bombed the algebra test, got beat up by a locker, and like usual we were moving to another town, city, hell we could be leaving the frickin country. We always move and I don’t know why, are we in debt, did my dad piss of the mafia and they’re out for his head? Nah can’t be that, dad is way to lame to have that happen to him.
“Aeon!” a voice I recognize as my step- brother yells, “Get your lazy ass down stairs!”
“You can kiss my ass Kegan!” I yell back at him as I push my black hair out of my eyes, as usual I was wearing a black hoodie, dark blue jeans, and I have blue highlights in my hair which believe it or not are completely natural.
“Aeon, get packing then!” Kegan yells, “We leave in an hour, pack only what you need”
“Whatever you say master!” I snap back sarcastically at Kegan, and if you didn’t pick this up already we don’t get along. I grab my dark green backpack and start loading my clothes in it; I didn’t need to check which clothing I put in because I literally own the same type of clothes. After I got done packing I slowly trudged down the stairs, I see my Step-dad glaring at me like I was the worst thing that could have possibly happen to him.
“Get outside and into the car.” he says coldly, “you’ve wasted enough time.”
“Whatever,” I reply back in the same cold tone. I hop in the back of the car, since I was fourteen and Kegan was fifteen I always was stuck in the back. My step-dad and Kegan get in the front of the car and my step-dad tries to start the car. At first it does nothing, and then it roars to life. The car jerks forward and takes off down the road.
“Dad.” Kegan whispers in my step-fathers ear, “We can’t keep running forever.”
“I know,” He responses.
“First New York, Now Hollywood.” Kegan continues, “It’s only a matter of time until-”
“Do not speak of him,” my step-dad snarls, “We do our job, Live or die.” I don’t know what they’re taking about but I don’t like the sound of “or Die.”
“Well, where are we going next Dad?” Kegan asks louder as if the conversation I just overheard never happened.
“London.” He says blankly.
“Oh god,” I mumble, “Don’t tell me we have to eat scones?”
“Shut up Aeon.” Kegan laughs, “You know we can’t eat bread, bread is our friend!” And with that one liner we drove in silence for the rest of the car ride to the airport. After an hour of airport security, we finally board the plane and we take our seats. I’m sitting next to Kegan and my step-dad is sitting by the airplane door. I feel the plane start moving and I see that Kegan is excited as all hell.
“What wrong with you?” I ask bluntly.
“Okay?” I say slowly, “Have fun with that.” After the half an hour it took for the plane to reach cruising altitude, I see a man in a black fedora stand up. He looks over at me and, well he smiles.
“Kegan,” I say nudging his shoulder.
“What do you want now?” Kegan moans.
“That man over there, he’s looking right at us,” I say as quietly as I possibly can, and just as I say that I see my step-dad jumps the man and punch him in the face.
“Allos!” the man laughs as he flips my step-dad Allos over, “I knew you would come.”