Status: Expect at least monthly updates

Lost In The Dark


I plummet deep into the cold ocean water, blood floats up to the surface of the water. I try to swim upward, but my strength slowly leaves my body. I flap my arms aimlessly in an attempt to get to the surface. I fold my hands to my side and close my eyes; I hear a splash above me and I see a hand reach down for me. It grabs my wrist tightly and pulls me away from the boat. Whoever has me obviously saw what happened on the boat, or maybe they were with the people on the boat and they were disposing the body.
I’m pulled on to something and I hear intense panting. I feel the blood leaving my body even faster than when I was under water. All I have the strength to do is let out a quiet wheeze for air. I try to cover my wounds with my hands, but before I could I black out.
I slowly awake to the smell of fire and I see the moon shining brilliantly in the sky, I try to stand up but I’m strapped down. I lift my hands to find that whoever tied me down, forgot my hands. I reach for the center of my chest where I was shot and there was no wound.
“Holy shit,” I mutter.
“WHAT THE HELL!” a girls voice screams, “I thought you were dead!”
“So did I,” I reply weakly, even though the wound were gone it still hurt like hell.
“But, your heart stopped beating!” She says standing up; I now see she was sitting in front of me.
“Well, maybe It started again.” I try to explain.
“Nooo, it’s still not beating!” She says, now freaking out.
“You know, I’m just as confused as you are.” I say as she unties me.
“I’M NOT CONFUSED!” She yells protectively, “I know exactly what’s going on!”
“Then explain it to me!” I challenge, “Tell me, what is going on!”
“You died in your human body.” She says as she finishes untying, “Now you demon form is waking up.”
“LIAR!” I say quite annoyed, “I don’t know how many more time I have to say this, DEMONS DON’T EXIST!”
“Then how are you alive?” She counters, “You were shot in the heart twice!”
“I don’t know!” I yell, “Medical miracle!”
“You’re a demon!” she yells, “Well you are turning into one to be exact.”
“My mother was as normal as it gets!” I yell, “If these so called “Demons” exist, then tell me how I’m one if she wasn’t!”
“You’re a…” She says, “Wait, that’s Impossible.”
“You see, Demons don’t exist.” I say triumphantly, “Now let’s go to a hospital and talk to a doctor about what’s going.”
“That’s out of the question.” she says quietly reaching to her side, “You’re gonna follow me quietly.” I now notice that the girl has a gun with a silencer attached to it.
“Is wanting to shoot me becoming a repeating theme?” I sigh, “Fine I’ll go, but tell me your name first.”
“Names later.” She says coldly, “Follow me and I’ll let the other’s decide your fate.”
“Fine,” I say annoyed. She waits for me to walk in front of her, and then I feel the cold, blunt edge of the gun press against my skin. We walk past tropical trees and wicked green grass. Eventually we get to a tent, it’s a dark blue tent lit dimly by candles. The girl pushes me into the tent and I land face first on the floor.
“Who the hell is this?” A boy in a black cloak asks, “Why the hell did you bring them here.”
“I pulled him up on the beach this morning.” The girl says as she kneels down.
“And this concerns me, Why?” The boy continues.
“When I found him, he was DEAD.” the girl says looking up slowly.
“So he’s turning into a demon?” the boy asks curiously.
“Don’t exist!” I say standing to my feet, “now you kids have fun with your little game I’ve got better thing to do.”
“Don’t talk to Krel that way!” the girl yells running over and punching me in the face. I fall to the floor and clutch my chest in pain. I guess the soreness in my chest isn’t going away for a while. The girl runs up and kicks me in the chest and I spit up blood on the floor.
“That’s enough,” The boy called Krel says, “Why did you bring him here; I taught you what to do with demons.”
“He claims his mother was a human.” The girl replies, “I thought you and the others should know!”
“Don’t you people know how to be fucking quiet?!” A girl another black cloak yells as she walks in the tent sleepily.
“Angel, calm down,” Krel says annoyed.
“I will not calm down!” Angel yells as she walks closer to me.
“This is not the time for this!” Krel yells.
“No, it’s the perfect time for thi-” Angel tries to yell, but she’s cut short. Angel had been so occupied yelling at Krel she never noticed I was on the floor. She tripped over me and slam face first on the floor.
“Idiot,” Krel mutters under his breathe.
“Not a rug,” I say annoyed as I slowly stand to my feet.
“MOTHER FUCKER!” Angel yell even more outraged, “YOU SHOULD HAVE FUCKING MOVED!”
“I don’t see how this is my fault.” I say still trying to catch my breath.
“ANGLE!” Krel yells, “THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR THIS!” Angel turns and glares at Krel, she slowly starts reaching into her pocket.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve.” She snarls, “nobody talks to me like that and lives!” She yanks out a necklace with a cross on it and holds it in front of her likes she’s praying.
“Stop it Angel!” The other girl yells, “You must calm down.” I can see in Angel’s eyes that she wanted to kill him, not hurt him, kill him.
“What about the Boy?” Angel snarls, “Why is he here.”
“Apparently his mother was human, But he’s turning into a demon anyways.” Krel says seriously, “What’s your take on it?”
“Kill him, and do it painfully.” Angel snarls again, “But first tell me how he died, It better have been brutal.”
“Yes, I could use a good story.” Krel says sitting down, “How did he die, THE FIRST TIME.”
“I don’t know the details sir.” The girl says meekly, “Maybe he’ll tell you.”
“Boy.” Kegan begins, “Tell us everything that happened before you died.”
“Why should I?” I say coldly attempting to stand up.
“Because if you don’t,” Krel says clearly, “We’ll kill you were you stand.”
“Fine, Do you want the before or after the plane crash?” I ask resting my back against a wall.
“After please,” Krel asks calmly.
“Basically, my asshole step brother Kegan shot me twice off a boat.” I say inching towards the door.
“Wait, First of all the plane crash didn’t kill you?” Krel asks confused.
“No, I jumped off before it exploded, but my step-dad Allos didn’t make it.” I say slowly standing to my feet.
“Wait, you were living with Allos, and your step-brother was Kegan?” Angel says slowly.
“Yup, sound like my personal hell.” I reply.
“Fuck, Then you must be Aeon,” Krel say reaching into his pocket.
“Calm your fucking shit Krel.” A familiar voice says coldly, “I did what I had to, and this is what happened.”
“Allos would be disappointed Kegan.” Krel says pulling out a knife with a white blade and a golden Aurora.
“Don’t even try to preach to me.” Kegan says walking into the room, “I do my job or I die, it’s that simple.” Kegan whips out a pistol and shoots at Krel, But Krel knocks the bullets away. Kegan runs and punches Krel in the face knocking him through the tent cloth.
“You traitor!” Angel yells running at Kegan, “We thought we could trust you.”
“I guess you aren’t the smartest around then.” Kegan says stopping Angel with a punch in the face, “Let’s go Aeon, they’ll be up real soon and they will be pissed.”
“Why should I trust you?!” I yell, “YOU SHOT ME, TWICE!”
“Just follow me!” Kegan says grabbing my arm and dragging me away from the fallen tent, “You’ll have a better chance to live if you follow me.” Even though I tried to protest Kegan dragged me to the beach by a very familiar boat,
“Why the hell are we back here?” I yell, “Trying to make sure they don’t find my body!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP AEON!” Kegan yells, “You’ll understand later!” Kegan whip around and punches me in the face knocking me unconscious.
I wake up in a fold out mattress I the familiar setting of below deck on the boat, slowly I stand up and slowly inch toward the stairs. I collapse halfway there, and have to start crawling to the stairs. I was obviously making a ton of noise because Kegan came down and sat on the stairs.
“Anything you want to tell me Kegan?” I snarl from the floor, “Anything at all?”
“Nothing in particular.” Kegan says, “Other that you’re a half demon.”
“You obviously are stupid, Demons don’t exist,” I sigh.
“You on fire idiot explain that one,” Kegan laughs. I look down and I see that I’m completely engulfed in flames, not normal flames ether, I was engulfed in black flames.