Status: Under Major Reconstruction, Check Back For Updates!!

Three's a Crowd

In Your Arms, I'll Be Alright

Everything seemed to happen so fast that Brian hardly had time to register what was going on in his mind. One minute he was in the back of Brandon's car, Rae clutching his hand like her life depended on it and the next they were in the hospital, rushing to get up to Mr. Matthews room. They had only just stepped out of the elevator when a nurse approached them, a sorrowful look on her face, and Brian stood in the background as she spoke to Raven and Brandon. He watched as the nurse seemed to deliver some heart breaking news, Rae's mouth dropping open and Brandon slinging an arm around her shoulders. When she turned to look at him, he could see the pain in her eyes and knew that they were too late; Mr. Matthews had passed on to the next life to live eternally with his wife.

“He's gone…” Rae whispered, Brian taking her into his arms as Brandon stepped away holding his head in his hands before muttering something about needing to go outside for some fresh air.

“It's okay, baby, it's going to be okay…” He soothed her, running his hand through her hair as she cried onto his shoulder. “Everything's going to be okay, I'm right here….”

Raven shrugged out of his grasp, shaking her head as she wiped at her tears with the back of her hand.

“Don't,” She warned him, looking up at him with such a painful gaze that he found it hard to look back at her. “Don't lie to me, Brian. I can't take anymore lies…” She continued, Brian looking at her in confusion. “You don’t know that everything is going to be okay. Nothing is ever going to be okay again. You can’t make something not okay, okay again, okay?”

Brian held his hands up defensively, shaking his head; “Rae, I know you're upset but honestly, baby, I'm having trouble understanding you right now…”

“Everything is going to be different once we get back to L.A,” Rae sighed, Brian's muddy brown eyes trying to catch her gaze. “I’m not going to have a family to come home to if I ever want to get away…” Her head fell forward as she wrapped her arms around herself, putting her defenses up.

Brian took a careful step towards her, unsure of how she would react if he was to reach out and touch her; “Baby, I know it’s not going to be the same but you’ve still got Brandon and Summer… And me.”

“I can’t believe he’s gone…” Rae sniffed.

Brian closed the space between them, reaching out and placing both hands on her arms as he tried to capture her gaze; “I know this hurts, baby, but he’s at peace now. He’s not in pain anymore…”

“I just… I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now, Bri’…,” Rae confessed as she finally looked up into his eyes, tears pricking against her eyelids.

“You’re not supposed to do anything, baby…” Brian said his voice a lot quieter this time. “But whatever you want to do next I’m going to be right there with you. You’re not alone in this, Rae… I’ve got your back. No matter what…”

“No matter what?” Raven mumbled, Brian nodding as she looked up at him.

“No matter what, Bonnie,” Brian confirmed.

“Then can you do something for me?” Raven asked, Brian nodding his head again.

“Anything… You name it and I'll do it…” He asserted, trying to capture her gaze.

Raven looked up at him, the tears she had been holding back now starting to make an appearance and trickle down her face; “Kiss me….”

Brian didn't need telling twice. He pulled her into his arms with a fierce intensity, crashing his lips against hers. His tongue swiped across her bottom lip, begging for entrance and delving into her mouth once she granted it. Relaxing his hold around her, Brian kept his arms around her waist as Rae's fingers tangled themselves in his hair.

“I love you,” Brian stated when they came up for air, Rae leaning her head into his chest as he held her as close to him as he possibly could.

Rae listened to the steady beat of his heart, closing her eyes as his fingers ran through her hair. She fingered the buckle on his belt, her mind full of thoughts of her father and how he had always told her that she was a Princess who would meet her Prince one day. She always used to tell him that she didn't want her Prince to come, but now, standing here in the hallway of the hospital where her King had been cruelly taken from her she wanted nothing more than to drive off into the sunset with the man that was holding her together at that very moment.

“Come back to me, Rae…” Brian whispered into her ear, breaking her out of her thoughtful trance and Raven looked up at him noticing the look of concern in his eyes.

“Sorry, I guess I spaced a little,” She began, Brian raising a hand to push her hair back off her face.

He bent his head and captured her mouth in a tender kiss; “It’s okay. You space out all you want. I’m not going anywhere.”

He held her there in the middle of the corridor, various members of the public and hospital staff passing them by but he didn't see them. All he saw was the redhead in his arms, the redhead he wanted by his side for the rest of his life and in that moment, he knew what he had to do. He had made a promise to a dying man whose last wish was for him to take care of his daughter, to make her happy and as they stood there in each other's arms Brian knew that he never intended to break that promise for as long as he drew breath.

Gabby sat on the couch in the living room, staring at the TV screen as she tried not to think about all the things running at a million miles an hour in her head. From her once-loving boyfriend distancing himself to Zack, the bad boy who slowly showing his soft side to her... she could barely focus on the chick flick her and Ashley had picked to watch.

Her brunette friend returned from the kitchen, carrying two bottles of water in her arms along with a bowl of popcorn for them to split. Ashley paused in front of the sofa, placing their snack down on the coffee table before joining Gabby on the couch. She pulled the edge of the blanket they were going to share over her lap, simultaneously pulling the dark red-haired teen out of trance.

“So how do you like the movie so far?” Ashley questioned, raising an eyebrow as Gabby shrugged and started picking fuzz off of the blanket.

“It's a movie about a guy falling in love with the woman planning his wedding to someone else...”

“C'mon Gabs, I can read the back of the VHS box too,” Ashley teased, tossing a piece of popcorn at the teen.

Gabby smiled, reaching to grab a handful of popcorn for herself before turning her attention back to the television.

“Wait a minute, I know that look!” Ashley declared, the brunette setting down her bottle of water and turning to face Gabby completely. She pointed at the wide-eyed teen who seemed in shock as Ashley narrowed her eyes at her.

“You're thinking about Johnny, aren't you?” Ashley stated, Gabby's look of shock fading as she rolled her eyes, continuing to eat her popcorn in silence before taking a deep breath.

“He's part of it... and not the main guy I'm thinking of...” her voice trailed off as Zack entered the room as if on cue, a smirk on his face as he crossed the living room to go to the front door. As he walked along the back of the couch he gently ruffled her hair, winking at her when she turned to look at him.

Ashley gazed between the two of them, almost in a dumbfounded manner as Zack left the house, Gabby's eyes trailing after them.

“Not you too,” Ashley whispered, shaking her head at the teen who leered at her as if she'd grown a second head.

“What do you mean 'you too'?” Gabby asked in an astonished tone, brown-eyed gaze matching Ashley's hazel on as the brunette just laughed.

“You've got to be careful around Zack, honey. It's like playing with fire and you're the one liable to get burned...”

“To be honest, I think he's worth feeling the heat for.” Gabby retorted, watching as Ashley's jaw dropped.

“What about Johnny? What's going on with you two?”

“It's like we grew apart, Ash. He went out on the road as the boy I fell in love with and was waiting for and the guy who came back is an alcoholic who thinks the world owes him everything and acts like he's got this giant chip on his shoulder. I know Zack is an ass, but Johnny's being a downright pig,” Gabby replied heatedly, the brunette raising her hands up in defense.

“What you do and who you do it with is your business Gabs, I was just stating what I know about our beloved green-eyed guitarist with the penchant for having girls like puppets in the palm of his hand. Zack and I had a moment too, but that was before he left. Trust me, he does this thing where he gets in your head," Ashley pointed to her head for emphasis, Gabby just smiling as she reached for her bottle of water.

"Good. I kind of want him to stay there,” she admitted, Ashley just grinning at her friend, hoping that she would make up her mind about what she truly wanted.

“As long as you're happy, Gabby... Then I don't have a care in the world about what you do,” Ashley concluded, turning her attention back to the movie.

“Speaking of being happy... How are things with you and Austin?” Gabby turned the conversation back to the brunette who simply blushed, biting her bottom lip before taking another sip of water.

She cleared her throat, “They're fine. He's a really nice guy and he walks me home from work. Funny you should mention it... He's actually taking me out tonight. With everything happening with Rae's dad, I figured I could go out and just clear my head,” Ashley explained, biting the inside of her cheek and looking everywhere but at her friend.

“So that's it? You're going out tonight? Have you guys kissed? Is he a good kisser? Tell me all the juicy details!” Gabby pressed, nearly bouncing in her seat with excitement.

Ashley laughed at her, “We have kissed. It was pleasant.”

Gabby cocked an eyebrow at her. “You're going to tell me that the gorgeous man you invited to the party planted one on you and it was just 'pleasant'? That's something my Grandma would say about her potpourri in her house. Give me the break down... Where did it happen, when did it happen,” she demanded to know, Ashley trying to maintain her lack of eye contact.

“Why do you want to know, Gabs? Do you want to kiss Austin?” Ashley taunted, the teen just giggling.

“You're avoiding the questions, Ash....”

The brunette sighed, crossing her arms over her bust and giving her friend a pointed look before gesturing to the TV.

“I'm trying to watch a movie here,” Ashley said with as straight of a face as she could pull, trying not to burst out laughing when Gabby huffed.

“Fine, I'll tell you!” Ashley exclaimed, following it up with a play-by-play of her liplock in a defeated tone.

“He was leaving the house after the party and he stopped on the porch to say he had a good time. I was telling him that he was a lot of fun to be around and that we should hang out again soon and he just grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me before I could finish my sentence.”

She stopped when Gabby inhaled sharply, a goofy grin on her face.

“That it? No make-out scene?”

Ashley groaned, holding her face in her hands and peeking out at the dark red-haired teen through her fingers.

“I don't ask all these questions about you and Johnny!” Ashley pointed out, Gabby rolling her eyes at her brunette friend.

“And if you did, I would tell you straight up. But I don't want to relive some of my moments with Johnny because let's be honest... he's not the most romantic guy in the world.”

Ashley nodded, turning to look at the television.

“You know... I could use some help picking out a dress for my date tonight,” Ashley declared, Gabby immediately sitting up straighter and throwing the blanket off of her lap.

“What are we waiting for? Let's go play dress-up!” Gabby exclaimed, the brunette having to race up the stairs after the teen.

The girls reached the hallway and headed down to Ashley's room, the brunette pausing for a brief second outside of Matt's door.

"Come on Ash, we need to get you kitted out for your hot date!" Gabby urged her, already pushing open the door leading into the brunette's room.

“Gabby, I don’t even know what to wear…” Ashley frowned, pushing her rack of clothing back and forth, fanning through some acceptable outfit choices.

“Do you know where you’re going?”

“Not at all, he told me he was picking me up at seven tonight.”

“Maybe he has reservations…. Wear something sexy and maybe you could get lucky!”

“Yeah, that’s just what I’m going for… to get laid,” the brunette rolled her eyes.

“He was hot, Ash, I bet he’ll know how to treat you like a lady and treat you like a lady…”

“That makes no sense, Gabby!” Ashley huffed, staring at one outfit choice before looking at another.

She dug in her closet, letting out a frustrated sigh as she flopped down on the bed.

Gabby immediately took Ashley’s spot in front of the rack of clothing, plucking one hanger out of the mix and holding it up. The smooth black material shined in the light of the closet, Gabby glancing from the dress to her friend who was slouched over in defeat.

“You should wear this,” she offered the garment to Ashley who immediately shook her head.

“I bought that for homecoming junior year of high school and never got to wear it… I highly doubt it fits now.”

“I bet it does. Just try it,” the dark red-haired girl beckoned, watching as Ashley groaned and reached for the dress.

“Fine, Mother, I’ll put on the fucking dress. But I’ll be so happy to say I told you so when the zipper doesn’t go up and it rips at the sides.”

Gabby rolled her eyes at Ashley’s dramatics, turning away so the brunette could slip into the dress.

“Can you help me with the zipper?” Ashley asked, Gabby rotating around to see the brunette struggling to pull the zipper up any further than the center of her back.

Gabby zipped the rest of the black dress up, laughing when Ashley let out a sigh of relief.

“Okay, so I guess you were right…” Ashley started as she looked at herself in the mirror, playing with the hem of the black dress that rested just above her knees.

Gabby nodded, “Of course I was right. You’re gonna level Austin in that dress, you know? He’s not going to know what hit him!”

Brian sat in the hospital corridor, his arm wrapped firmly around Raven as she sat next to him watching her brother talk to the doctor who had been in charge of their father's care. Her fingers idly played with the plectrum that hung around her neck as she observed her brother shake and nod his head at regular intervals, his gaze focused on the clipboard full of forms that the doctor held in his large hands.

“I should be doing all that with him,” She suddenly announced, breaking the silence that had surrounded herself and Brian since they first sat down together. “He sucks at paperwork…”

“He looks like he's got everything under control, Rae…” Brian offered, looking over at Brandon who was taking the clipboard off the doctor and nodding his head.

“My brother can just about control his bladder, Brian…” Rae snapped, turning her head sharply to look at him and instantly biting her lip when she caught the hurt look in Brian's eyes. “I'm sorry, I didn't…”

Brian raised a finger to her lips, smiling as he pushed her hair back away from her face; “Didn't I tell you once before that you never have to apologize to me?”

Rae smiled faintly, his words bringing the memory of their first official date back into her mind. He had driven her to a hilltop that gave her a perfect view of the town they called home and had even thought to pack a picnic. She had apologized to him back then for her cold hands and he had held her face like it was the most precious thing in his world as he told her he thought she was perfect, cold hands included.

“You also called me a dinosaur….” She whispered, leaning into his touch as his palm cupped her cheek.

“Trust you to bring up that part of the date…” Brian laughed softly, leaning forward to brush his mouth against hers just as Brandon approached them, the chains hanging off his jeans clinking together as he walked.

He cleared his throat as he looked down at his kid sister and her boyfriend, clutching the clipboard tightly in his hands; “Uh, the Doc says we have to fill in a couple of forms and that we can go see dad now, you know, to say goodbye and that…”

Raven's hand fell to Brian's knee, squeezing it in a silent request for support as she looked up at her older brother; “I don't know if I can do that, Brandon… I don't know if I can go in there knowing that he won't be able to talk back to me….”

Brian wrapped an arm around her shoulders again and squeezed them gently, letting her know that he was there for her as the two Matthews siblings stared at each other for what seemed like forever until Brandon finally spoke up again.

“I know, Rae, and I'm not all that up for going in there and seeing him like that either but…” Brandon paused, dropping down in front of her and placing a hand over hers. “If you don't go in and say your goodbyes to him now, you'll only regret it for the rest of your life, Kiddo…”

Raven looked from her brother to Brian beside her, her blue eyes questioning what she should do and Brian nodded his head sympathetically.

“Brandon's right, Rae…” He said softly. “You'll only look back on this in years to come and regret not going in and saying whatever it is you have to say to him while you were able to…”

Rae's eyes grew wide with fear, her hand squeezing Brian's knee a little harder; “But, he's… I mean…”

“It'll be fine, Rae…” Brian reassured her, Brandon nodding his agreement. “We'll be right there with you, he'll just look like he's sleeping baby, I promise…”

“Okay…” Raven nodded, Brandon rising to his feet again and looking down at the clipboard in his hands as Brian helped Rae up from her seat. “But, you'll stay with me, right? You won't leave me?”

Brian pulled her into his arms, kissing her forehead tenderly before whispering a promise to her that he had once told her before; “Wild horses couldn't pull me away from you…”

It was a quarter to seven and Ashley was waiting nervously downstairs, pacing back and forth in the living room and subconsciously picking at her cuticles on her thumbs.

“You’re gonna make them bleed like you always do,” Gabby stated, Ashley pausing to glance up at her friend who was leaning against the door frame.

"You should wear dresses more often, Ash... They look good on you!"

"Says the girl who almost always has a dress at the ready..."

"Not always," she stepped over to where Ashley was, turning her to look into the full-length mirror by the front door. But look at you! You look amazing!"

"Probably overdressed... I bet he shows up in jeans and a tee..."

Gabby shrugged, “It doesn’t matter what you wear, you know. Austin’s taking you out because he likes you, not because he likes what you wear.”

“Way to state the obvious, Gabs. What if we’re going to a movie or something and I just look like a total prostitute?”

"Hey, if anything that dress makes you look like a high class hooker not just some regular dumb broad you'll catch all kinds off..."

"Gee, thanks..."

The red-haired teen smiled, “And he won’t be able to handle himself once he looks at you…”

Ashley glared at her, Gabby raising her hands in defense.

“I’m kidding! You’ll have a good time,” the teen winked, Ashley raising an eyebrow at her.

Ashley scowled at her, Gabby laughing when the brunette jumped at the knock at the door.

“Your knight-in-shining armor is here!” She announced, leaving Ashley to answer the door in the midst of her blush.

She took a deep breath when the knocking sounded again and reached for the door handle, pulling it towards her and revealing her date not dressed in jeans and tee as she predicted but in a shirt and tie, the sleeves of his red dress shirt rolled up to his elbows.

Austin smiled, his eyes roaming along her figure as she took his appearance in as well. He was wearing black skinny jeans but the fact he was wearing a tie and a button-up made her feel like her outfit was right for the occasion. Ashley caught sight of his widening smile and couldn’t help but smile back, relieved at his reaction.

He ruffled his hair as he looked at her, having a difficult time trying to find his words. He gestured towards her with an open palm as if he was trying to say something before clasping his hand over his mouth, leaving Ashley flustered.

“Is there something wrong?” She asked, glancing down at her attire and frowning.

He shook his head, blinking slowly as his gaze met hers.

“You’re beautiful,” he told her, Ashley blushing at his words and allowing him to take her hand as he stepped closer to her.

He leaned down and kissed her cheek, moving back a little to ask her if she was ready to go.
She showed him her clutch, laughing to herself.

“I’m all set!” She confirmed, allowing him to lead her off the front porch and to his car where he opened her door for her to settle into the black Honda Civic.

The brunette glanced through the window at Gabby who was waving at her from the door and she waved back as Austin climbed in beside her. He turned the key and with a rumble of the engine the teen and the house were no longer in sight.

Day turned into night, the world continuing to spin on even though Raven felt like it had crashed down around her. She had cried most of the way home from the hospital, breaking down into uncontrollable sobs when it was time for them to leave Joaquin in the morgue. Brian had held her in his arms the entire time, wishing that there was something he could do to help alleviate the pain that she was going through. Sitting in the backseat of Brandon's car with her once more, his gaze shifted from the passing streetlights to the redhead who was now sleeping in his arms, all cried out and exhausted from the day's events. He placed his lips against her head in a tender kiss as he glanced at Brandon in the driver's seat. The oldest of the Matthews children seemed to be holding it together a lot more than his baby sister, his blue eyes focused firmly on the road ahead as he drove them home. Brian had observed that Brandon rarely showed any real emotion other than anger, choosing to hide how he was feeling instead of letting people in. The dark haired guitarist concluded that maybe the emotional barricade was a Matthews's thing, a consequence of losing a parent at such a young age.

“Summer will be waiting for us when we get back to the house…” Brandon suddenly spoke up, his gaze flickering to Brian in the rear view mirror for no more than a second. “Do you know if Rae has told Ashley yet?”

“Um, no, I don't think she has…” Brian replied, his hand smoothing Raven's fiery mane as the other stroked her arm lightly. “Everything was pretty crazy back there…”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Brandon nodded his head, turning off the main road and onto a smaller one that he knew would take them home.

“Do you, um… Do you want me to call her? I mean, I don't mind…” Brian offered, Brandon's gaze meeting his in the rear view mirror once more.

“I think my sister will want to do that herself, dude…” Brandon said with a small smile. “Those two are inseparable; they've been through a lot of shit together… If anyone calls Ash, it should be Rae…”

Pulling up into the driveway of the Matthews house, they were greeted by Summer waiting on the porch. Brian saw Brandon's face light up at the sight of her and watched as the blonde raced down the steps towards them.

“Hey baby,” Brandon greeted her, switching off the engine and opening the car door.

Summer threw her delicate looking arms around him straightaway; “I'm so sorry, honey…”

“Let's just get inside, shall we? It's been a long day….” Brandon took hold of her hands, removing them from around his neck as he got out of the car. He moved to circle his arms around her tiny waist and buried his face in her hair as they hugged before he looked back at Brian and Raven in the back seat of his car. “You, uh, want a hand with Sleeping Beauty there?”

Brian shook his head, looking down at Raven before looking back at Brandon; “No, it's okay… I've got this…”

“Okay, see you inside…” Brandon closed the car door, his arm wrapped around Summer's frame as they made their way into the house.

Brian watched the couple enter the Matthews home, noting that Brandon left the front door ajar for him to follow inside with Rae. He looked down at the sleeping redhead, his heart aching at the thought of having to wake her. Brushing his fingertips across her cheek lightly, he bent his head to whisper into her ear.

“Rae, baby, we're home,” He told her softly, watching as she stirred from her slumber. “We're back at your dad's, honey…”

Raven let out a soft groan, rubbing at her eyes with her hands before slowly sitting up to look at him; “We're here already?”

“Yup,” Brian nodded. “Your brother's not exactly the most law abiding driver, is he?”

“The only person Brandon took notice of was dad,” Raven said before sighing sadly. “I guess I'm going to have to prepare myself for the day my dumbass brother lands himself in jail now…”

Brian shook his head, opening the car door and stepping out into the night air; “I don't think that'll happen, baby… Not with Summer around…”

“Is she here?” Raven seemed to brighten at the mention of her brother's girlfriends name and Brian guessed that she probably had a sisterly relationship with her, just like she had one with Ashley.

“She's inside with Brandon…” Brian informed her, wrapping his arm around her as soon as she was standing next to him. “Do you want to go and talk to her?” He asked as she closed the car door.

Raven allowed her head to fall to his shoulder, walking up the driveway with him; “Actually, as much as I love the girl, I'm pretty beat… I just want to go to bed…”

They made their way up the bleached white wooden steps of the porch, slipping in through the front door and heading straight up the stairs to Raven's bedroom. Once inside, Rae slipped off her shoes and flopped down onto her bed overwhelmed with the exhaustion of the day.

Brian stood and watched her bury her head into her pillows and close her eyes; “Do you want me to leave you to sleep?”

Raven opened her eyes to look at him, stretching out her hand towards him; “If you don't mind, can you lie with me for a bit?”

“Of course I can, baby…” Brian took her hand allowing her to pull him over to the bed and he took up his rightful place at her side, his arm instantly finding her waist as she moved closer to him.
“Now, sleep…You've had a hard day…”

“Understatement of the year….” Raven murmured making Brian smile a little.

He brushed his lips against her nose as she closed her eyes again, her hand gripping a fistful of his shirt as she slipped into a much needed slumber.

Ashley watched out the window as they drove down countless streets, her hazel eyes illuminated by the passing lights. Her gaze wandered from the outside world to the guy in the driver’s seat who was focused on the road, a smile on his face.

Their conversation had been minimal, Ashley nervous to speak to him because she feared she’d bore him with talking about herself. Austin hadn’t said much either and Ashley assumed that it was a bad idea to say yes to a solo date with him if this was what the rest of the night was going to be like.

“So...” His voice interrupted their silence and Ashley focused on him, lost in the smile that was perched on his lips before it faded away. “I’m sorry about not really saying a lot to you... but I’m really nervous right now because I'm not really a smooth guy. I can talk to you, but I doubt I’ll say the right things,” he explained, glancing sideways at her.

She sighed in relief at his words, placing her hand over his that was resting on the center console.

Offering him a gentle smile she laced their fingers together, giving his hand a squeeze.

“I'm nervous too...”

“What sucks is that I really want to get to know you but you seriously leave me at a loss for words,” Austin continued, “So let’s just forget about being nervous around each other and enjoy our time together.”

Ashley giggled, feeling a little less tense about the night to come.
He dropped her hold on his hand to turn into a parking lot, Ashley peering through the windshield to look at the restaurant’s sign.

“Slow Fish?” She quizzed, Austin nodding.

“Have you ever had sushi?” He asked, Ashley making a face.

“No,” she admitted, Austin grinning at her look of hesitance.

“Don’t worry, it’s not all that bad,” he assured her, turning his car off and climbing out.

Ashley was pushing the door open when Austin appeared on her side, helping her out of the car and offering her his arm.

As they entered the restaurant, Ashley’s mouth gaped open slightly. From the outside, the general appearance was a little off-putting with a fish head located on the sign that read “Slow Fish”. But once inside, the warm atmosphere of the dining room lit by crystal chandeliers and flickering candlelight was more than welcoming as the host led them to their reserved table near one of the metallic pillars.

Austin pulled out Ashley’s chair, gesturing for her to sit on the plush upholstered seat. She obliged, allowing him to push her up to the table before taking the seat across from her. Their table was in one of the darker places of restaurant, the large candle in the center of the table a tiny light source to the somewhat dim area.

Ashley picked up the scarlet red napkin, draping it over her lap as she stared at the chopsticks on the table beside her.

“I promise you that it’s not as intimidating as it seems,” Austin laughed, “And you can always use a fork.”

The brunette just shook her head at her date, a small smile on her lips.

“You’re really brave taking me out to a sushi place. I don’t want to embarrass you....”

“Embarrassing me is the last thing I think you’ll do,” Austin grinned, biting his bottom lip and blinking slowly as he stared at the smooth marble in front of him.

Ashley took a deep breath, her gaze meeting Austin’s and she found it impossible to do anything but smile at him, especially with the wide grin plastered on his face. His smile made her heart flutter because it was so genuine; from the way the corners of his mouth turned up and accentuated his laugh lines to the way his brown irises seem to shine as his eyes narrowed. He exuded happiness and Ashley couldn’t help but try to mirror it.

“If this is ever going to evolve into anything, then we should definitely get to know each other,” Ashley started, the fire from the candle dancing in her hazel eyes.

“What do you want to know about me?” Austin asked, relaxing into his chair, “I’ll be an open book for you.”

She grinned, “I love books.”

Austin raised an eyebrow, “I’m glad I chose to be one then,” he admitted, glancing at the waiter who approached their table.

“Good evening Mr. Carlile, would you and your guest care to pair some wine with your meal tonight?”

Austin looked at Ashley who simply shook her head and Austin returned his gaze back to the waiter.

“No thanks, Nick. Can we just get some water?”

The waiter nodded, “Yes sir. I’ll bring it to you shortly.”

He disappeared from sight and Ashley narrowed her eyes at Austin in a curious manner.

“Mr. Carlile? You bring your ladies here often, I take it....” She teased, Austin chuckling.

“More like I bring myself here a lot,” he explained, “I talk a big game but in reality, pretty girls like you scare me.”

“I find that extremely hard to believe,” she replied in a condescending tone.

“You’re the first girl to not write me off when I asked you how much a polar bear weighed...”

“I thought it was cute and you were cute so why would I ignore you any more than I already had?”

“Most girls aren’t into goofy guys.”

“I hate to say the same old thing.... but I’m not like most girls,” Ashley revealed, Austin’s laugh making her giggle.

“That’s more than reassuring,” he responded, “I’m glad you aren’t like most girls.”

“And I’m happy that you’re goofy.... It makes it so much easier to be around you.”

“Well what about you? You’re pretty amazing yourself,” Austin replied, his words making Ashley blush.

“If my several months of rejection taught me anything it’s that you were a girl that I had to get to know. You’ve got a smile that’s just so inviting....”

“You need to quit flattering me, Austin. I can only handle so much,” she laughed, Austin biting his lower lip as he looked at her.

“So what should I know about you, Ash?” He pressed, “How would you sum yourself up?”

“Well, I’m an art student, I’m terrible at being single, and sometimes I wish I was a little more adventurous like my best friend. Honestly, kissing you after our house party was the riskiest thing I’ve done in awhile...”

“So you’re better at being in a relationship?” Austin winked, “I guess I’ve got something to look forward to if you think you’re terrible right now... And I’m thrilled to be a part of your risky behavior.”

Ashley giggled, “You’re definitely funny.”

Austin shrugged, “I’m optimistic. I shoot for the moon because then I know I’ll at least catch a star... I think I grabbed one when I fell for you.”

“I hope you didn’t have to fall too far...”

“Actually, I think I’m still falling,” he added with a grin, Ashley’s cheeks still dusted with a light pink.

“Austin.... you’re really making it hard to do anything but fall for you.”

“I’ll stop trying to be so charming!” He taunted, Ashley laughing to herself.

“But seriously, Austin. I’m supposed to be getting to know you, not letting myself fall under your spell.”

“I’m sorry,” he apologized, his voice soft and sincere, “I can’t help but think you’d be really good for me, though.”

Ashley cleared her throat as the waiter arrived with their glasses of water, handing each of them a menu.

“Tonight’s special is the chef’s sashimi plate with shrimp, squid, and salmon on a bed of daikon and gari,” Nick the waiter explained, “Do you want any appetizers to start with?”

Ashley looked puzzled as she looked at the menu, most of the terms completely foreign to her and she felt a little overwhelmed.

“I think an order of gyoza and some bacon wrapped artichoke would be fine. Anything jumping out at you, Ash?” Austin questioned, the brunette immediately shaking her head.

He nodded at the waiter who left them alone again, Ashley swallowing around the lump in her throat.

“I don’t know what to order, Austin,” she admitted, setting her menu down with a frustrated sigh.

He reached across the table, placing his hand on top of hers.

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have picked a sushi restaurant....”

“It’s not that! I just feel so dumb about this menu and I’d rather not sit here and ask the waiter to explain to me every dish...”

Austin stood up, tucking his menu underneath his arm and walking around to her side of the table, taking the seat beside her.

He placed a gentle hand on her back and propped his head on her shoulder, his other hand pointing to her menu.

“So basically the difference here is how each dish is prepared.
Some are served raw and some are actually fried.... I take it you’d rather not eat raw fish?” He quizzed, Ashley nodding as she glanced at him.

“Okay, then you’d order something that’s served tempura style... that’s battered and fried. I like the spicy tuna tempura with black rice myself....”

Ashley observed as he continued explaining the menu, how enthusiastic he was about raw fish. She smirked at him and found it hard to listen to him when she was so focused on the way his lips were moving.

Turning slightly toward him, she grasped his chin with her thumb and forefinger, Austin immediately shutting his mouth.

“Thanks for being a good sport,” she murmured, looking into his dark brown eyes and finding his gaze heart-melting.

“Any time, champ,” he replied with a grin, closing the distance between them to gently kiss her cheek.

Austin moved back to his original seat, Ashley releasing a deep breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

After more small talk, the waiter returned with their appetizers and took their orders, Ashley settling on the dish Austin had recommended.

“So you're an artist?”

Ashley shrugged, “I’d like to think I am... but I’m not very versatile. I like drawing but I think my paintings and ceramics suck.”

“You are your own worst critic though,” he remarked, taking a bite of one of the artichokes. Ashley picked at the food on her plate with her chopsticks, Austin explaining to her that gyoza was just a Japanese word for dumpling. She reluctantly lifted the food to her mouth, gingerly taking a bite and surprised at the fact she found it delicious.

Their food soon arrived and Ashley was cautiously trying her spicy tuna, relieved when it didn’t make her retch. The black rice wasn’t exactly flavourful, but she was mentally thanking Austin for spurring her to order a tasty dish.

They sat in a comfortable silence as they ate, Ashley nervously close-lipped smiling at Austin whenever he seemed to look her way.

When their meals were finished, Austin casually glanced at his watch, a discontented sigh falling from his parted lips.

“It’s almost 9:30... I bet you’d probably like to get home, especially if you have class tomorrow,” he grumbled, Ashley giggling.

“Are you trying to get rid of me?” She teased, Austin immediately shaking his head.

“No, it’s not that! I just figured you wouldn’t want me to pester you any longer.”

She rolled her eyes, “For your information, I don’t have class tomorrow. And I definitely don’t have a curfew...”

A smirk played on Austin’s lips as her voice trailed off.

“So would you mind coming back to my place to watch a movie? I know you said earlier that you hadn’t seen The Breakfast Club in a while...”

“You did not just invite me back to your house,” Ashley replied in an astonished tone, “It’s the first date!”

The look on Austin’s face revealed how embarrassed he was.

“I didn’t mean it like that, I just wanted to spend more time with you,” he scrambled for his words, Ashley realizing that she may have been a little too harsh on him.

“We can go back to your place as long as you promise no funny business,” she demanded, Austin nodding at her.

“No funny business,” he concluded as he retrieved his credit card from the waiter, ready for the two of them to leave for his place.

Pulling the covers over Raven, Brian kissed her forehead and whispered that he loved her before leaving her to sleep. He stepped out into the hallway, closing the door as quietly as possible behind him and heading down the stairs. Brandon and Summer seemed to be in a deep discussion about something serious in the lounge so he decided to step out into the back garden for a smoke instead of interrupting them.

The sky was almost pitch black now, the stars lighting it up in an impressive display as he made his way down to the bottom of the garden and sat down on the red plastic swing. Rocking himself back and forth gently, he dug out his cigarettes and lighter and lit up as he gazed up at the stars, wondering if it was true what people said about the brightest stars being the souls of those who had recently passed on to the next life.

The door creaked open and footsteps approaching him interrupted his thoughts. Turning to look over his shoulder, Brian saw that it was Brandon walking towards him. His hands were shoved deep into the pockets of his jeans; his shoulders slumped as he made his way towards the swing set. Brian wasn't sure what it was that he was supposed to say to the grieving young man before him. The phrase `I'm sorry for your loss' just didn't seem to be enough somehow.

“Hey, you got another one of those?”

“Uh, sure…” Brian pulled out his packet of cigarettes and offered them out to Brandon who took one and inclined his head gratefully.

“I'm supposed to be quitting but after the day I've had I really couldn't give a fuck…” Brandon shook his head, placing the cigarette between his lips and Brian flicked open his lighter to light it for him. “Thanks, man….”

“No problem…” Brian shrugged, shoving the cigarettes and lighter back into his pocket before looking back up at the stars.

“You know, Summer is always going on about how insignificant we all are and how much we all take for granted in this world…” Brandon started, Brian looking over at him. “But it's not until I look up at the stars that I realize just how right she is… No one is untouchable…”

“She seems like a smart girl…”

Brandon looked back at Brian, smiling affectionately as he spoke about his girlfriend; “She is. She's awesome, she just makes it all feel okay, you know?”

Brian nodded, a small smile playing on his lips as Raven entered his mind; “Yeah, I know…”

“So where's Rae anyhow?” Brandon asked and Brian's gaze flickered up to Raven's bedroom window.

“She's in her room, she needed to sleep… ” He replied. “I hate seeing here like this, I don’t know what to do to make her feel better…” He admitted, standing up off the swing and letting out a deep breath.

“Don't worry about it too much, Guitar Boy,” Brandon said reassuringly, blowing a smoke ring. “She's just dealing with it in her own way, when she's ready to let you in, she will…” He added, Brian looking at him curiously.

“Has she always been so…”

“Difficult?” Brandon smirked, Brian nodding. “Yeah, pretty much… But, she's a good kid, you know… She'll do anything for the people she cares about; sometimes that gets her hurt….” He shrugged, glancing down at his feet before looking back up at Brian. “Look, man, about yesterday…”

“It’s okay…” Brian said, knowing that Brandon was attempting to apologize for how he had behaved yesterday. “I get it. I’m a big brother too…” He admitted. “My little sister Mac isn’t old enough to date yet but when she is… Man, I’m going to end up losing my mind…”

Brandon laughed at that confession; “Dude, I lost my mind when Rae started Kindergarten…”

“She had a boyfriend in Kindergarten?” Brian asked, his eyes wide with surprise and Brandon nodded, looking out into the night sky thoughtfully.

“On her damn first day…” He grinned. “She made that kid carry not only her book bag but Ashley’s too…” He laughed as he recalled the memory. “Dad almost bust a blood vessel when she saw her kiss him on the porch…”

“I bet…” Brian laughed, picturing a five year old pigtailed Raven kissing her first boyfriend on the porch of her home.

The door to the house creaked open and Raven stepped out wrapped in an oversized grey hooded sweater. She smiled when she saw Brian and her brother clearly having a bonding moment over a cigarette. By the looks on their faces when they noticed her, she knew that they were discussing her and she walked over to Brian, her head falling all too easily to his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He turned his head slightly, placing a tender kiss on her forehead before offering her the cigarette and Brandon excused himself heading back inside to find Summer.

“So, when did you start a bromance with my brother?” She asked teasingly, handing him the cigarette as he smirked at her.

“We found common ground and discovered that we have a mutual interest…” He smiled, bringing his lips down to meet hers.

“Oh, yeah, what's that then?”


Raven smiled and leaned into him, capturing his lips with her own. She felt his tongue enter her mouth and let it dance with her own as the kiss deepened before she pulled back, resting her head against his shoulder once more.

“I thought you were sleeping…” Brian stated, Raven letting out a breath.

“I was, but then I woke up to find you gone and I…” She paused, wondering how he would take her next confession. “Well, I guess I just freaked…”

“Baby, I told you…” Brian turned to press his lips against her hair. “I'm not going anywhere…”

“I never told him thanks…” She whispered, suddenly changing the subject and staring out into the night sky as her fingers clutched the ends of the grey sweater she was wearing. Brian noticed that it was far too large for her, especially in the shoulders and that there was black lettering declaring `Deadman' printed across the chest area. She was wearing her father's wrestling hoodie and that made his heart ache for her that little bit more.

“Thanks for what?”

“For everything,” Raven replied, her gaze focused on the star that was shining the brightest. “I never thanked him for all that he did for me…”

Brian brushed his lips against her forehead again; “I'm sure he knew, Rae…”

She glanced back at him, her brown eyes full to the brim with sadness and heartache; “I should really call Ash…”

“Are you really sure that you want to do that now, baby? I mean, I could do it if you needed me to…”

“Thanks Bri', but this is something that I need to do myself…” Raven replied, her voice shaky with the imminent threat of tears. “He was like a dad to her too, you know? If anyone is going to break the news to her then it needs to be me….”

Brian tossed his cigarette to the ground, stubbing it out with the heel of his sneaker as his hold around Raven tightened; “Well, at least let me be there with you when you do it…”

“Okay…” Rae nodded her head in agreement. “Thank you…”

“Baby, you don't need to thank me for anything….” Brian brushed his lips against her head. “What kind of man would I be if I was to just walk away from the woman I loved when she needed me the most?” He gazed into her eyes for a moment before pressing a sweet kiss to her lips. “Come on, let's go back inside and make that call….”

Austin unlocked the door to his apartment, Ashley peering around him anxiously at the inside of his place.

He reached along the wall, flipping on the lights and gesturing for Ashley to come in. She walked inside, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor as she took in the sights around her.

“This is the living room,” Austin told her, pointing to his left toward the leather couch, entertainment center, and large flat screen television, “I’m not really one for decorating because I have horrible taste, but it’s good enough for me.”

“I think it’s lovely,” Ashley retorted, Austin’s hand moving to her waist, signalling for her to follow him.

They walked together across the wooden floor, the hardwood morphing into marble tiling as Austin showed her his kitchen. He pointed at the door across the floor in the kitchen.

“Through there is the dining room. It’s got a small table, but I never eat in there...”

He continued showing her around his apartment, pausing to show her his ‘office’. From the battered acoustic guitar in the corner and the baby grand piano near the window to the massive shelf of books, Ashley was in awe.

“You play piano?” She asked, glancing at him as he looked around.
Austin nodded, “Somewhat. I’ve been teaching myself that and the guitar...”

Ashley felt her heart melt a little more and more as he continued talking and showing her his apartment, realizing just how interested she was in him as he guided her to the sofa.

He grabbed the VHS off of the shelf, turning on the television and VCR before popping the movie in.

“Do you want anything to drink while I’m up?” He asked, dark eyes watching her.

Ashley shook her head, shifting her weight from one side to the other underneath his gaze.

Austin flopped down on the sofa beside her, his tattooed arm wrapping around her.

She took a deep breath before dropping her shoulder and relaxing against him, kicking her heels off and pulling her feet up onto the couch.

Ashley glanced between the movie and Austin, unable to decide what was more captivating. Her eyes were trained on the TV, but she was anxious to glimpse at him.

She gazed over at Austin who seemed interested in the movie, his fingertips brushing along the smooth skin of her arm. Ashley tried not to shiver under his touch, finding it hard to pay attention to the movie when sitting next to him.

Returning her gaze to the movie, she didn’t notice Austin turning to look at her, studying her face intently. She had a small smile on her lips as she watched the movie, softly laughing at what was going on.

“You comfortable?” He asked, looking down his nose at her.

She glanced up at him, craning her neck to press a kiss to his chin.
“I’m better than comfortable,” she admitted, her gaze wandering to the TV.

“Since we aren’t really focused on this movie, why don’t you tell me more about you….” Austin pressed, Ashley sighing at him.

“I’m really boring,” she revealed, Austin shaking his head.

“I think that’s a lie…”

“Well, the truth would probably scare you off,” Ashley admitted.

“Tell me something a stranger wouldn’t know about you…”

“I don’t know… I love to read and draw…”

“What don’t I know about you?”

“A lot of things... what’s something I don’t know about you?”
Austin grinned, staring at her lips with a hungry look.

“I'll show you,” he whispered, his hand moving from her arm to her shoulder, his tattooed fingers twirling the ends of her long dark hair.

The brunette moved closer to him, his free hand reaching to grasp her chin. Ashley reached for the front of his shirt, holding onto a side of the red button-up for leverage as the two of them held each other’s gaze.

Ashley leaned closer to him, intrigued as her eyes raked over his face. Her gaze fell on his lips and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, wanting nothing more than to kiss him.

“Is this okay?” He asked, his minty breath fanning across her lips.
She nodded, grabbing a fistful of his shirt to pull him infinitely close, her hand the only thing separating their chests from pressing against each other.

Her lips ghosted over his as their noses brushed and she seemed to forget how to breathe when he finally captured her lips with his. His right hand continued to caress her arm while the other tangled in the ends of her hair, his fingertips smoothing over her neck as they continued to kiss.

Ashley’s right hand moved to grip his neck, her fingers threading in the long hair at the nape of his neck as their kiss deepened, her lips seeming to dominate his as she nipped at his bottom lip.

They broke for air, Ashley’s heart racing as Austin’s lips wandered from hers and along her jaw, his hands finding purchase on her waist. He continued his line of kisses, Ashley tilting her head and revealing more of her skin; a barren white canvas that his lips hadn’t brushed against. He kissed behind her ear, his hot breath on her neck making her head lull backwards.

His lips travelled down to the space where her neck met her shoulder, the soft pecks he was leaving on her skin making her tighten her hold on his neck. Her lips parted in a silent moan, her breath catching in her throat as he continued his barrage of kisses.
Eventually his lips wandered back to hers, their tongues duelling as Ashley allowed her hands to wander from their separate spots, drifting along the front of his shirt. Her fingers played with the black buttons of his shirt, freeing a few of them as her hands skimmed along his chest.

Grabbing onto his shoulders, she signalled for him to move, nudging him toward the arm of the couch. Austin responded by breaking their kiss, his hands grasping hers and his eyes opening for their gazes to meet.

Ashley looked at him, confused by his actions when he laced his fingers with hers. A wide smile spread across his lips as he looked between their hands and her eyes, his tongue sweeping across his top teeth as he laughed.

“Ashley...” He started his voice low and the brunette furrowed her eyebrows at him, puzzled at the fact he was stopping her.

“Is there something wrong?” She asked, Austin shaking his head and letting go of one of her hands to push some stray hair out of her eyes.

“There’s nothing wrong, Ash. I just know that if you push me over, I’m gonna let you have your way with me,” he explained, biting his lip.

"Hmmm, that sounds like a good way to end the night, don't you think?" Ashley asked, fingertips moving along the front of his shirt and continuing to unbutton it.

"Believe me, I've thought of nothing else ever since I first laid eyes on you,” Austin's voice trailed off, his hands moving to her hips.

"Then maybe we should act on those thoughts... Carpe Diem and all that..."

His grin made her smile back at him and she just leaned over and kissed him, her hand running through his hair.

She stood up off the couch, lacing her fingers with his. She pulled him toward his bedroom, Austin raising his eyebrows as she dragged him along.

”Anxious are we?” He teased, a smirk on his lips as she fiddled with the door knob, biting her bottom lip.

“I can't wait any longer,” she admitted, her grip fading as she pushed him toward the bed on the opposite side of the room.

Austin turned to face her, astonished as she placed her hands on his chest and walked him backwards until his legs hit the bed.

Her fingers laced together on the back of his neck, Austin’s hands slipping along her waist to pull her closer. They toppled over onto the bed, landing softly on the plush comforter. Their kiss was feverish, Ashley taking the lead and working her hands between their bodies. Ashley broke their kiss, pulling his shirt up and over his head. She sat up on her knees, pulling the zipper of her dress down and shoving the material away from her skin.

The sound Austin made was completely sexual, his eyes roaming her body without any hesitation His hands followed the path his eyes had made, down her sides and along her hips, grabbing her ass. He pushed his hips up into hers, his hand cupping the apex of her thighs when he rolled them and laid her on her back. She moaned, putting her hand on top of his and grinding into his touch.
“Fuck, Austin,” she breathed out when he nipped at her neck, his hand between her thighs setting her body on fire.

“You're even hotter with your clothes off,” he whispered into her ear, biting at her lobe.

She leaned up and kissed along his jawline, a smirk on her lips when she heard him moan softly as she worked her hand down the front of his jeans. Austin groaned when she undid his belt and unzipped the denim, his obvious arousal pressing hard against his boxers. It didn’t take him long to wriggle from his pants, grabbing her hand and pinning it against the bed.

She was drawn from her thoughts when Austin's gaze captured hers, pure lust in his eyes as he looked at her before kissing down the center of her chest. His large hands groped her breasts, her chest pressing more into his hands as he massaged her lace-covered flesh. His hands slipped away from her breasts, his tattooed knuckles sliding along the bare skin of her stomach as they moved further south to meet the waistband of her panties.

His hands moved in tandem to rid her of her underwear, his long fingers stroking her exposed skin as the dark material hit the carpeted floor. He moved from his spot above her and slumped off of the bed, dropping to his knees and pulling Ashley across the comforter towards him. The brunette propped up on her elbows and glanced down at him, a puzzled look on her face until he smirked at her and ran his hands over the top of her bare thighs.

Austin kissed along her inner thighs, working his hands along her bare skin before pushing her knees further apart. His stubbled cheek brushed her thigh, the roughness sending a shiver up her spine. His dark eyes met her gaze again. The heat in Ashley’s body rose as she stared down at him who was kissing a path from her knee up her thigh, his face dangerously close to her exposed center.

Before he could lean forward Ashley tangled her fingers in his dark locks, immediately catching his attention. She crooked the fingers of her opposite hand at him, beckoning him to slink his way back up to her. He swooped up from his spot between her legs, his lips meeting hers in a kiss that stole her breath as his hands orbited her body.

When she finally caught her breath she smirked at him, placing her hands on his shoulders as he hovered over her. She pushed him onto his back, her hands moving along his chest as she straddled his lap. Her fingers pulled at the waistband of his boxers, Austin lifting his hips to assist her. He held onto her hips, catching her off-guard as she sent her onto her back beneath him. She challenged him with a raised eyebrow, Austin grinning devilishly before his hands moved along her outstretched arms.

His hands found Ashley’s, his fingers lacing with hers. He pushed her hands above her head and against the headboard, her knuckles scraping against the wood. He lowered his body on top of hers, their lips meeting as the space between them became obsolete. Rolling his hips against hers, a moan escaped his lips at the feeling of her skin meeting his. His right hand detached from hers and he leaned away, blindly reaching for the bedside table. Ashley leaned up, her lips meeting the side of his neck as Austin retrieved a condom from the drawer.

He tore the foil package with his teeth, Ashley moving her left hand from his to grab the condom from him.

“I’ve got it,” she whispered, her hands working between their bodies to roll the condom down his length.

Ashley groaned when he settled his hips between hers, his hands finding purchase on her waist. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer as their bodies melded together with a push of his hips. Both of her hands moved to his back, her fingernails digging into the flesh of his shoulder blades. She closed her eyes tightly as Austin sank inside of her, his breath fanning across her neck. He started thrusting; the quick rocking of his hips into hers made her moan, the feeling of him inside of her finally hitting her when she felt his length brush against the spot that would push her into her orgasm.

She pushed her hips up into his, pulling him away from the look of absolute bliss on his face as he continued his slow thrusts. He looked down at her, their gazes meeting before he kissed her inviting lips, enjoying the way she nipped at his bottom lip before pulling away.

“I’m not made of glass,” Ashley spoke, her voice barely audible as she tried to speak between her moans, “you aren’t gonna break me...”

Austin smirked, wrapping his hands around her thighs and pushing them upwards toward her chest, slamming into her harder than before. Her back arched as he continued to enter her, her eyes squeezing tightly as the heat in her body rose to her face. She felt like she was on fire as he continued to take her higher, his grip on her thighs tightening. She arched her back, her body quaking as she felt the start of her orgasm. The brunette’s head flopped back against the pillow as she came, Austin still slamming into her as she rode the waves of her orgasm.

He released his grip on her right thigh, allowing his fingers to working against the apex of her thighs. She saw stars as he worked magic with his fingertips between her legs, using her moans as his cue. Austin choked out a moan against her lips as her walls tightened around him. He came with a stifled growl, his sweat-slicked chest meeting hers as he collapsed on top of her, peppering her flushed skin with wet kisses.

Ashley giggled when she heard him sigh and began running her fingers through his damp hair. She leaned up and kissed his forehead, Austin smiling at her before kissing her mouth again. He waited for her to relax her legs before he pulled out of her, flopping on the bed beside her and turning away to dispose of the condom.

She clasped her hand over her mouth as she tried to catch her breath, her entire body still a little shaken from what had just transpired.

Her mind was racing as fast as her heart, trying to catch up with what just happened. She hadn't expected her night to go like this. She wasn't expecting going back to Austin's apartment so she could have her way with him.

“You thinking about something important?” Austin asked, kissing her shoulder when he turned to face her again.

“Just how I wound up in bed with you... I said no funny business,” Ashley giggled, Austin kissing the side of her mouth before winding his fingers in her hair.

“Well now I'm just wondering if you're up for a few more rounds of funny business?” Austin bit his bottom lip, raising his eyebrows at her suggestively.

“I'm all in,” Ashley replied, nudging Austin's shoulder and causing him to roll onto his back.

“I'm not sure if I know what I'm getting myself into...” Austin started, Ashley closing the distance between their lips.

“Good. You're in for a hell of a night,” Ashley whispered, ready to have some fun and get rid of the thoughts of her ex that were starting to creep in.

At the Matthews house, the night was dragging on in silence. Rae and Brian were curled up together on one of the large leather sofas while Summer and Brandon sat together on the opposite one, all four of them staring into the roaring flames of the log fire that Brandon had lit. The orange flames cast a soft glow over the faces of the quartet, the only other light in the room coming from the candles that were scattered about the lounge area in various gothic looking holders. No one dared to speak, each of them lost in their private thoughts as they watched the fire dance and listened to the clock on the mantel slowly ticking away the evening.

The shrill sound of the house phone ringing broke the still, quiet air of the room startling the four of them out of their trances. Rae and Brandon exchanged a look with each other as if to be debating which one of them was going to answer the late night call and then they heard a voice they never expected to hear again as the machine cut in to record the caller's message.

`Hi there, you've reached the Matthews residence. If you're calling for my son, try the local police station and if you want my daughter, I have a shotgun and its always loaded… Leave a message…'

Brian tensed, expecting Raven to break down into tears again at the sound of her father's stern voice and as he glanced across at Summer he knew that she was expecting Brandon to have a sudden outburst of emotion. She caught his gaze for a second before looking back at Brandon worriedly, watching as the eldest Matthews child slowly started to smirk as he stared at his sister who was fighting back the urge to smile. Then without warning, they erupted into laughter, Summer and Brian looking at each other in confusion.

“Only he would leave a message like that on an answer machine…” Brandon laughed, shaking his head and smoothing back his messy hair with his hand.

“No wonder we didn't get any calls when we lived here,” Rae said with a smile, a faint look in her eyes that told Brian she was thinking of happier times.

“Um, are you guys okay?” Summer asked tentatively looking between the siblings and Brandon pulled her to him in a hug, kissing her hair.

“We're fine, baby…” He told her, his hand rubbing at her shoulder as he looked across the room and watched Raven cuddle further into Brian, talking softly to him. “We're going to be just fine….”

After what felt like hours of bone-melting, heart-skipping, earth-shattering pleasure... Ashley and Austin finally succumbed to sleep. He was laying with his head in the crook of her neck, his breath warm against her collarbone as he inhaled and exhaled in a peaceful pattern when they finally passed out.

She was awakened when she felt his weight shift from her chest to just against her side, his back to her as he snuggled with a pillow. She couldn't help but smirk at his current position, having stolen all the blankets and leaving her with just the sheet to cover her body.

Feeling extremely thirsty she carefully climbed from the bed, her feet padding quietly along the hardwood floor as she headed to his kitchen. It was like a maze of cabinets but she finally found a glass, running the tap water on a low setting so she wouldn't wake him. Squinting hard to read it, the time on the display of the microwave said 3:15. She couldn't remember the last time she'd looked at a clock.

Before heading back to the bedroom she stopped to check her phone, having to hold a mini excavation to find her wallet in the couch. When she saw the missed call from Rae, her heart immediately sank into her stomach. The blinking notification of a voicemail caused all the bile in her stomach to creep up her esophagus, leaving her suddenly feeling like her organs were tying themselves in knots.

She dialed her voicemail, preparing for the worst as she swallowed around the lump in her throat.

“Hey Ash, it's Rae. It's all over-” before she could listen to the rest of the message she was rushing into Austin's bedroom, searching the floor for her dress by the light of her phone. She quickly slipped into the dress, not bothering with zipping it up all the way before giving Austin a second glance. She ran a gentle hand along his arm, leaning down to kiss his cheek before heading out the door.

Her best friend needed her more than anyone else needed her at that moment.