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Three's a Crowd

Keep Me In Mind; Somewhere Down The Road It Might Get Lonely

For Ashley, the following morning started out just like every other Saturday had started for her for almost a year now. The brunette got up, showered and dressed before grabbing some breakfast and leaving for her job at the campus bookstore. It had been her professor who had suggested it, upon discovering Ashley’s love of books and Ashley had welcomed the opportunity to fill the void in her life that had been there since Matt had left town. It was something to keep her mind off the hazel-eyed singer or at least it was supposed to be but every day she would find herself thinking about him for one reason or another. She had found herself unable to move on from their relationship, even though it was her decision to call it a day and it was for that reason that for the last six months she had turned down the same guy who had called into the bookstore every Saturday and asked her out. Today, however, things had taken a different path and her admirer had summoned up the courage to ask her a different question, unexpectedly turning the tables on her as soon as he entered the store.

“Why won't you go out with me?” He questioned, his dark eyes finding hers as she stood behind the counter at the store that morning.

Ashley looked stunned, his question catching her completely off guard. She was so used to him asking her the same old question that she never expected him to ask her why she kept on rejecting him and she honestly didn’t know what to say in response. She thought a moment, trying to not make eye contact with him. He was a very attractive guy, and smart too from what she had gathered from his purchases at the book store but underneath it all he was still a guy and guys broke girl’s hearts. A lesson she had learnt the hard way.

“Well?” He pressed, leaning over the counter and cocking his eyebrow.

“Because…” Ashley paused, thinking. “Because I don't even know you!” She continued, shaking her head at him. She turned away from the counter, digging through an open box and retrieving one of the books inside of it.

“Well, how else are you going to get to know me if you don’t talk to me or allow me to take you out?” He quizzed, watching her continue to take more books out of the box. “What do you want to know about me?”

Ashley shrugged, shaking her head again as she tried not to face him.

Her admirer let out a breath; “My name is Austin. I’m 20 years old. I was born in Pensacola, Florida but moved here when I got my scholarship almost two years ago. I love music and art and animals. I’m a Libra, I love rock music and I just want you to say yes to one date with me…”

He watched her for a moment, waiting for her reaction before speaking again; “You know, I’m not used to having a girl resist me as much as you do, Ashley…”

Ashley couldn’t help the small smile that formed on her lips as he said her name, the way it rolled off his tongue almost melting her into a pool of mush.

“How many times have you shot me down?” Austin asked, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets.

“I don’t know,” Ashley sighed, biting her lip as she turned around, their gazes meeting.

“Too many times I reckon,” Austin smiled at her. “And I’m tired of always hearing the word ‘no’ fall from your beautiful lips,” He uttered, Ashley feeling a small bit of remorse for denying him on so many different occasions. “C’mon, I’m not that bad, surely…”

“It’s not you,” Ashley tried to assure him, Austin tilting his head as he studied her face.

“What is it? Is it an ex? Ashley, I’m not some dumb boy who’s gonna break your heart,” He told her, reaching out for her hand that was resting on top of the counter. “I’m here to show you how a real man treats a lady,” He winked at her, Ashley blushing a light pink color as he held her gaze. “C’mon, what do you say? Just one date so I can prove to you that I’m not like other guys…”

“Austin, I….” Ashley started but Austin shook his head.

“Don’t let your past ruin your future, Ashley,” He urged her, Ashley biting back a small grin as she looked at him. “Look, at least let me walk you home from work? What time do you finish?”

Ashley drummed her fingertips against the countertop as she raised an eyebrow at him; “I get off in a half-hour but how do you know that I’m walking?”

Austin looked a little concerned, a frown taking the place of the smile that had been playing on his lips; “Well, I just assumed…”

Ashley cracked a smile, watching him squirm; “Yes, you can walk me home, Austin…”

Austin grinned wider than she had ever seen anyone grin before; “Well, that’s a start. I’ll be back soon, Buttercup…”

Ashley shook her head, watching in amusement as Austin left the store and walked away with a triumphant smile plastered across his face. She knew that she had been wrong to deny him all of the times that she had. Matt had moved on, now it was time for her to do the same.

Her last half hour of work flew by and as promised, Austin returned to walk her home and he had been thoughtful enough to stop and get her a hot chocolate from the on campus coffee bar on his way back to her.

She grabbed her jacket off of the rack, cinching it around her waist before he handed her the cup of cocoa.

“You didn't have to do this,” She replied as she led the way out of the bookstore.

“I wanted to...”

Austin reached for her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. Ashley began to feel the heat rise in her cheeks, completely in shock at his forwardness. She took a sip of her hot chocolate, trying to be careful not to burn her lips. It was awkwardly quiet as they walked along the sidewalk, only a few words spoken between the two of them until they reached a crosswalk.

“So, I’ve got a question for you…” Austin began, Ashley raising an eyebrow at him. “How much does a polar bear weigh?” He asked with a cheesy smile that made Ashley automatically smile back at him.

“I don’t know,” She shrugged her shoulders, laughing. “A tonne, maybe?”

Austin shook his head, grinning at her; “No, enough to break the ice!”

Ashley giggled, being careful not to spill her hot drink as she shook her head and smiled at him.

“You’ve got a pretty smile. You should show it off more often,” Austin told her, Ashley blushing at his compliment.

“I haven’t had much reason to smile lately,” She confessed, Austin nodding his head.

“Well, maybe I could change that…” He suggested, glancing sideways at her but frowning when she didn’t respond to him. “You know, you’re the first girl at college who hasn’t thrown herself at me. It’s a little surprising…”

Ashley shrugged her shoulders; “Sorry to burst your bubble but I’m pretty reserved when it comes to guys…”

“You're afraid of getting hurt, huh?” He asked, Ashley nodding in reply.

“When you've been hurt like I have, you generally don't leave yourself open.”

“Yeah, I know what that feels like but do you know what you need, Ashley?” Austin spoke, the brunette glancing sideways at her admirer as he squeezed her hand in his grasp. “You need a guy who can take away all your problems,” He continued, a smile on his lips.

“Well Austin, you point me in that guy's direction and I'll be grateful,” She retorted, causing Austin's face to change.

He stopped in his tracks, holding her hand to his chest.

“I think I could be that guy for you,” He confessed, Ashley rolling her eyes.

“I'm not your typical college girl who just hooks up with anybody, Austin. I need a stable guy who's around all the time,” Ashley explained, Austin just offering her a small smile.

“I never said that I was going anywhere, did I, Buttercup?”

“No, but guys always make promises that they can’t keep…” Ashley replied. “They say you’ll be together forever and then they get offered a once in a lifetime opportunity and leave you behind only to come home twenty months later with your replacement…”

Austin’s brow furrowed in confusion; “I’m gonna take a guess and say that this has something to do with why you’ve shot me down so many times…”

“I’m sorry, Austin,” Ashley sighed. “But when you fall in love with someone, it’s hard to let them go. Damn near impossible….”

“So, you decide that the best way to deal with that is to just shut yourself down and build walls around your heart?” Austin questioned, his voice completely one solemn tone as he spoke. “Ashley, you can’t live like that. No one can. This guy, whoever he is, he moved on. You shouldn’t stop living your life just because he’s not in it anymore…”

“You don’t know anything about it, Austin…” Ashley snapped suddenly, dropping her hold on his hand and narrowing her eyes at him.

Austin shook his head; “Life’s too short to be too damn complicated, Ashley and I can see that I’m obviously fighting a losing battle here but keep me in mind, somewhere down the line it’s bound to get lonely for you…”

He started walking away, leaving Ashley completely dumbfounded. She had never been spoken to in the way Austin had just addressed her and she immediately felt guilty when she realized what he had said was true. She was becoming a cold-hearted bitch. Why had no one else thrown it in her face?

“Austin, wait,” She called out to him, the seemingly heart-broken boy turning to face her with a forlorn look on his face.


“I’m sorry. I’m being a bitch and you deserve to be treated way better than that. You’re not the guy who hurt me…” The brunette apologized, Austin lifting an eyebrow at her before walking towards her again.

He smirked; “So, you’re not mad?”

“No, just a little taken aback by your brutal honesty,” Ashley admitted, a look of relief on Austin’s face. “I’m used to getting that off my best friend but not off guys who want to date me…”

“I keep telling you, I’m not like other guys, Buttercup,” Austin winked again, moving closer to her. “And I’m glad you’re not mad at me because I like you, Ashley. I’d really like a chance to make you smile again…” He took her hand again, wrapping his fingers around hers as they continued walking.

“So, how about we start over? Have you got anything to ask me?” Ashley asked him and Austin grinned at her, knowing exactly what he wanted to ask her.

“How would you feel if our lips were to meet? Because I think it would be a lot of tension between us exuded,” He reasoned, Ashley glaring at him. “Or not, it was just a joke… So what’s his name?” He asked, Ashley confused as she glanced around for the person Austin wanted her to identify.

“Who’s name?”

“The asshole that broke your heart and ruined you for the future...” He explained, Ashley immediately feeling herself shut down.

“I don't want to talk about it...”

“What's his name, Ashley? C'mon, tell Austin all about it,” He pressed, Ashley sighing.

“His name is Matt and I'm the one who at first, broke his heart,” She confessed, biting her lip.

“Why are you so damn hurt about it then? You're the one who broke his heart...not the other way around,” Austin told her, Ashley shrugging and feeling anger start to rise as she thought about her ex.

“I obviously didn't hurt him enough...he's with someone else,” Ashley enlightened him, Austin obviously furious at her pining over her ex when he was standing right in front of her, trying to make her see him.

“Then forget about him! Forget about him the same way he forgot about you. Don't live your life like you're still with him, because he's not living like he's still with you,” Austin said viciously, Ashley's mouth gaping open as she tried to find her words.

“Wow...” She uttered, Austin shrugging at her once again.

“That's the truth and sometimes it hurts. But I'll tell you one thing; I think you should give me a chance to show you that I can be what you're looking for. I can be your man,” He wanted her to know that he meant every word he said.

“Austin, this is our first real conversation...” Ashley reminded him, Austin smiling at her as if she wasn't trying to blow him off.

“One of many if you just gave me a shot… Come on, Ash, what do you say? Just come on one date with me and I promise if it turns out that I'm not the guy for you then fine, I won't bother you again… But don't dismiss me before you've even given me a chance to prove my worth….” He pressed, Ashley trying to reply as they neared the edge of campus.

“Austin, I…” She started, interrupted by another student who waved at the two of them.

“Hey guys!” He greeted them, Austin immediately becoming grumpy at the sight of his friend who was quite clearly about to interrupt his time with the brunette he’d been trying to date for the last six months.

“Oh, hey, Kellin….” He grumbled out a reply, his blue-eyed friend standing awkwardly between the two of them.

“I thought you had class?” He asked, Ashley laughing as Austin seemed irritated with the other guy.

“I did…And now I don't…” Austin explained, Kellin continuing to walk with the couple, making their situation even more disturbing.

“Well, this is me… It was nice of you to walk me home, Austin….” Ashley informed him as they reached her house, Austin nodding and ready to say something before Kellin spoke up, interrupting him once more.

“Hey, um, is there any chance that Rae is home, Ashley? I wanted to, uh, ask her about an assignment we got given for English,” He explained nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

“Uh, I think Rae’s busy today, Kellin,” Ashley told him, the dark haired boy letting out a sigh.

“Oh, well, I guess I’ll just see her in class on Monday then,” He muttered, his shoulders slumping the way that Austin’s did whenever Ashley had turned him down and the brunette realized that it wasn’t just herself that had an admirer on campus. She smiled back at the blue-eyed male before her.

“I guess so…. Well, I've gotta go… I'll see you guys later…” She dismissed herself, leaving the two guys to keep on to wherever they would be going.

Ashley walked into her home, the sound of rock music and familiar male voices bantering with each other making her smile a little as she made her way down the hallway. As awkward as it was for her to see Matt last night, she had to admit that it was good to have the boy’s home. The house had seemed dull and empty without them around.

“Hey Ash! I'm making pancakes, you want some?” Raven asked cheerfully as she stood in the kitchen dressed in her skinny black jeans and one of Brian's Metallica t-shirts. Ashley dumped her bag down onto the kitchen table and slid into one of the empty chairs, watching her friend as she stirred the pancake batter.

“Um, sure…” The brunette nodded, glancing at her watch. “But isn’t it a little late in the day for breakfast?”

“I’ve literally just got out of bed,” Raven threw her friend a wicked grin. “Bri’ convinced me to have a lazy morning and you have no idea how much I've missed his…”

Ashley raised a hand, gesturing to her friend to stop talking; “Don't need to know, I can tell by that smile on your face what you guys have been up to while I've been working my ass off and getting pestered by super-hot bookstore guy.”

“If he's so hot, Ash, why do you keep saying ‘no’ to him?” Rae asked, Ashley leaning her head on her hand.

“You know why….” Ashley replied in a small voice as her fingertips traced invisible circles on the table top.

“Yeah and I also know that said reason has already moved on, you should do the same, Ash,” Rae advised, Ashley shaking her head slowly.

“It's not that easy, Rae,” Ashley noted, Raven flipping the pancake in the frying pan in front of her.

“Believe me, I know… But, you can't waste your life mooning over him when he's busy making eyes at other chicks… There's plenty more fish in the sea,” The redhead insisted, Ashley squirming in her seat.

“Yeah, but he's the only fish that I want,” Ashley replied with a thoughtful sigh.

“Girl, you need to broaden your horizons,” Raven stated, placing a plate of freshly cooked pancakes down in front of her best friend and handing her a fork. “Step into the deep end once in a while….Cast your line and see what you get….” She mused.

“Morning, ladies….” A cheerful male voice called to them, making both girls look up from their conversation to glance over at the kitchen doorway.

“Speaking of catch of the day…” Raven muttered just low enough for Ashley to hear as Zack entered the kitchen, topless but wearing his jeans instead of the tight-fitting boxer shorts he usually chose to walk around in. Raw scratch marks and a hickey on the left side of his neck revealed that he was successful in his mission last night and he seemed to be quite proud of his reminders. “Hey, Zee, you want pancakes?”

“Delicious food cooked by an equally delicious babe? Sure, I'll take it…” The green-eyed guitarist replied, giving Rae a playful grin and winking at her as he slumped down into a chair opposite Ashley's.

“A simple ‘yes’ would have sufficed….” The red head grumbled, rolling her eyes at him as she turned back towards the stove to cook up another batch of pancakes.

“Hey Ash, how was work?” Zack asked, watching the brunette as she poked at her food with the fork avoiding his gaze.

“Same old, same old…” She commented with a sigh.

Before he could say anything else, there was a knock at the front door. Zack stood up from his seat, claiming that he was going to answer the door.

Rae glanced at his disappearing form before looking at Ashley, her eyes wide at her best friend's confused look.

“Are you blind? He was totally checking you out just then!”

“He's like that with every girl, Rae,” Ashley affirmed, Rae clicking her tongue.

“Nu-uh, he has got a thing for you… I can tell,” She assured her, Ashley waving her hand at her.

“Sure, sure, whatever,” Ashley objected, the sound of Zack talking to Johnny and Gabby interrupting the otherwise quiet household.

“I'll be right back.”

Rae carried the plate of pancakes drowned in maple syrup into the living room, narrowing her eyes at Zack who was getting ready to play a video game with Johnny as she held them out to him.

“Hey Baker, I'm not your slave,” She hinted, Zack reaching for his breakfast.

“Thanks Rae, you're a doll,” He proclaimed, Johnny staring at the stack of pancakes his band mate had just scored off the redhead.

“Hey, um, Rae, can I get some of those?” Johnny questioned, Rae raising an eyebrow at him.

“What, am I suddenly house chef now?” She asked before looking at Gabby who looked uncomfortable as she perched on the edge of the settee beside Johnny. “Hey Gabs, you wanna join me and Ash in the kitchen?”

Gabby glanced at Johnny, sighing when she realized his attention was on the game loading up on the TV screen and she looked back up at Raven; “Sure…”

The two girls returned to the kitchen, Rae shutting the door behind her before heading for the stove. She immediately picked up from where her conversation with Ashley had left off as Gabby quietly slumped down into the seat beside the brunette.

“Um, are you forgetting your little moment with him the New Year's before they left?” Rae asked, Ashley biting her bottom lip.

“No, I'm just choosing not to remember it,” Ashley revealed, Rae chuckling.

“You're crazy; the guy's a hottie….” Raven proclaimed, the brunette pushing her plate away from her. She had suddenly lost her appetite. “Back me up here, Gabs. Zee is easy on the eye, right?” The redhead suddenly asked the younger teen who squirmed in her seat, feeling uncomfortable under her friend’s questioning gaze.

“Uh, yeah… I mean, I guess so…” Gabby shrugged, Rae grinning victoriously as Ashley shook her head.

“He's also one of Matt's best friends,” The brunette speculated, Rae standing with her hand on her hip as she looked at her.

“Yeah, and you once said that if you two were single and you guys had another moment you would totally see where it went…. As far as I'm aware, Zee is still on the market and you, Little Miss Mopey, have become a nun as far as guys are concerned,” Rae theorized, pointing her spatula at Ashley.

“Just because you're all loved up, doesn't mean everyone has to be,” Ashley grumbled, Rae shaking her head as she turned to the stove again.

“I'm not saying get loved up with him, Ash… I'm suggesting you get on board and enjoy a ride on the Baker express…. Hell, I would if I was single,” Raven admitted. “And I’m pretty sure Gabby would too…”

Ashley glanced at Gabby noticing the way the younger redhead kept her gaze on her freshly manicured nails and rolled her eyes.

“Yes, but you're both spoken for,” Ashley pointed out, Gabby glancing up and smiling weakly at her and the brunette returned her friends grin before turning her attention back to the older redhead. “So, how is the adorable Brian, Rae? Have you left him in one piece?” Ashley asked, thankful to have found a way to change the subject.

“He inked me!” Rae announced, stacking her newly made pancakes onto a plate as the two girls at the table exchanged a confused look with each other.

“Excuse me?!” Ashley piped up as Raven began to leave.
Johnny smiled widely as Rae brought him his food, the teen thanking her as she walked away.

Ashley and Gabby remained dumbfounded until Rae began to speak again, the redhead talking animatedly.

“He inked me… I'm right there on his chest, right over his heart… Permanently!”

“Be thankful it's not his ass and be happy about it,” Ashley pointed out, her best friend glaring at her as Gabby fought back the urge to giggle.

“Your sarcasm is not helpful, Ash,” Raven scolded, Ashley shrugging at her.

“Well, I'm sorry but I don't see what the big deal is… So, he got a tattoo for you? Big whoop! You already knew he was committed to you, this just shows you were right,” Ashley observed, Rae crossing her arms over her bust.

“I guess… I mean, it's sweet and everything and it's not like he got my name or anything,” She trailed off, biting the inside of her cheek. “It's just a literal raven but still… It's a huge thing for him to do for me.”

“Does it freak you out?” Gabby asked, Rae shrugging as she glanced at her friend.

“A little… But I was also thinking that maybe I could go get something done for him,” Rae replied, Ashley tilting her head at Raven.

“Like what?”

“I don't know but when I decide will you girls come with me?” Raven questioned, Ashley and Gabby nodding.

“Sure thing,” Ashley affirmed, standing up from her seat.

“Oh, and I’ve already mentioned to Brian about throwing a ‘Welcome Home’ bash here for the guys. You’re okay with that, right?”

“I guess I need to be…” Ashley said with a sigh. “Right, I'm gonna go shower… I smell of musty old books,” She explained, Raven cracking a smile.

“I thought you liked that smell,” Rae speculated, Ashley smirking at the redhead.

“Funny…” Ashley muttered as she turned to leave, ready to wash away the scent of the bookstore and to think about the boy who wouldn't take no for an answer. “Catch you girls later…”

She left the kitchen door open, leaving Gabby with Rae in the kitchen to finish making pancakes. The older redhead glanced into the living room, smirking at the sight of Johnny and Zack sitting on the settee together and listening to their conversation as she went back to cooking at the stove.

“So, JC, how did it go with the delicious Gabby last night?” Zack questioned, Johnny letting out an annoyed sigh. “I mean, she’s, uh, blossomed while we’ve been away…” The green eyed guitarist made an hour glass shape with his hands. “Did you get to feel those new curves or what?”

“I wish you wouldn’t talk about my girl like that…”

“Just stating facts, JC. Your girl is a babe…” Zack grinned. “So, come on, how far did you get?”

“She gave me a ride home,” Johnny quipped, Zack raising an eyebrow as he tried to get more out of the bassist.

“And?” He pressed, Johnny huffing.

“Literally a ride home. We couldn’t go back to her place because her parents were there so she dropped me off at my Moms…”

“Cock blocked by the rentals… Man, it must suck to be you,” Zack jeered, Johnny rolling his eyes as he picked at his pancakes.

“No need to ask how your night went, the evidence speaks for itself…” Johnny grumbled, Zack smirking as Brian entered the room half-dressed and on a mission to find his girlfriend.

The dark-haired guitarist nodded a greeting towards his band-mates, bumping his fist with theirs as he passed them, disappearing into the kitchen.

“Don't be jealous, dude…” Zack said to the teen beside him. “You've just got to know the right places to go and the right words to say.”

“Right now, I’d just be happy with a fucking blowjob…” Johnny complained, exasperated. He was becoming increasingly frustrated with his band mates having more luck with women than he was and his frustration wasn't exactly eased by Brian reappearing, his arms wrapped firmly around Raven's waist as he walked behind her, his face buried in the crook of her neck.

“Te amo, Rae….” He announced, the soft sultry tone of his voice as he declared his love for her in Spanish sending a shiver down her spine. She spun around in his arms, placing her hands on his chest and staring into his eyes, the fact that Johnny and Zack were also in the room not even registering in her mind.

“Since when did you become bilingual?” She asked, Brian pressing a kiss to her lips.

“He sido siempre…” Brian replied, making Raven smile with delight as she looked back at him.

“Say something else…” She urged him, desperate to hear Spanish words roll off his tongue again. She had no idea what he was saying, her Spanish was a little vague but the way he made it sound so sexy was awakening her desire for him and she needed to hear him say something else, anything. Hell, he could tell her that her shoes made her ankles look fat and she'd still want to rip his clothes off and jump him right then and there.

“Te quiero…Ahora.” Brian grinned, bringing a hand up to brush a stray hair away from her face before cupping her cheek as she stared back at him, the sound of the two boys playing video games behind her completely fading into the background.

“I really wish I paid more attention in Spanish and that I knew what you were saying because it sounds fucking amazing…” She told him, frowning a little and Brian smirked at her.

“Vamos a la cama…” He tilted his head suggestively and raised his eyebrows.

“Cama is bed…” Raven smiled knowingly and Brian nodded. “You, me, there, now?”

She didn't wait for his response, spinning around in his arms and grabbing hold of his hands leading him out of the lounge and up the stairs as Johnny and Zack watched them leave. Zack grinned, listening to the young couple giggling as they made their way up to their room and turned his head to glance at Johnny who was looking completely astonished by what he had just witnessed.

“And that, JC, is how it's done,” He nudged the teen, laughing at the look on the bassist's face.

“But, I can't speak Spanish….” Johnny looked a little crest fallen as he looked back at his band mate who just seemed to laugh harder at him.

“Dude, did you see the look on Rae's face?” Zack took a breath, trying to regain his composure. “Gates could have been saying fucking anything to her but she was putty in his hands. It's not what you say, it's how you say it.”

“So, basically I should just act more like you and I’ll get laid?” Johnny asked, Zack's eyes widening at the teen's realization.

“Exactly!” Zack agreed, nodding his head and throwing his controller down as he got to his feet. “I need beer, you want some?”


Zack walked into the kitchen, his gaze instantly falling on the dark red-haired teen sitting at the table poking at a stack of pancakes Raven had forced upon her.

“Hey beautiful,” He grinned, Gabby’s gaze immediately snapping up to collide with his.

“Oh, uh, hey Zack….” She murmured, feeling the heat in her cheeks start to rise underneath his lustful gaze.

“You should eat them, you know, she’ll only force feed you again if you don’t…” The guitarist pointed at the pancakes as he pulled the refrigerator door open with his other hand.

“I’m not hungry…” Gabby replied, shaking her head and pushing the plate away as her gaze dropped to the tiled floor beneath her feet.

Zack pulled two chilled beers out of the fridge before turning to look at her; “Do you want a beer?”

“No thanks, I’m driving…” The teen muttered, Zack smiling at her reply as he closed the refrigerator door.

“You know, one day you’re going to surprise me by breaking out of that cocoon of yours and spreading your wings a little, Butterfly…” He said, Gabby looking back up just in time to see him walking out of the kitchen to rejoin Johnny in the lounge leaving her confused at his words.

Raven and Brian rushed past Jimmy’s bedroom, the giggling couple completely oblivious to their friend’s tense situation with his girlfriend in their eagerness to be alone with each other. Jimmy poked his head out of his doorway, glancing towards Brian and Raven’s room just in time to see the dark-haired guitarist grab the redhead around her waist and kiss her deeply as she slammed the door to their room shut. He let out a sigh, wishing that he was about to turn around and be faced with the same scene as his best friend but knowing that he was currently at war with the blonde that stood beside his bed, staring at him.

“So, I got fat whilst you were away, is that it, James?”

“I didn't say that you were fat. I said that the dress made you look a little rounder around the hips than usual….” The drummer declared, turning around and trying his best to calm an irate Stacy who just rolled her eyes at him and shook her head.

“Rounder than usual, James? Why don't you just say that I look like a beached whale and have done with it?” Stacy was glaring at him, her eyes narrow and cat-like as she stood there with her hands on her hips challenging him to make the hole he had dug for himself just that little bit deeper.

“You don't look like a fucking whale, Stacy…” Jimmy let out an exasperated breath as he moved away from the door and stepped towards her. “I just think that that dress is a little…. Tight….” He placed his hands over hers as they rested on her hips, expecting her to thaw a little but instead she pushed him off her, throwing her hands up into the air.

“So, now I dress like a street walker, is that it?”

Jimmy tugged at his ebony hair in frustration as he made a little groan of annoyance; “No, I never said that at all!”

“Suddenly you're the big drummer man in a signed band and I'm not good enough for you anymore… Is that it, James?!” Stacy remarked, Jimmy shaking his head quickly.

“What the fuck, Stacy?! When have I ever said that you're not good enough for me?” He demanded to know, the blonde narrowing her eyes at him again.

“You don't have to say it, Jimmy… I can see it in your eyes every time you look at me… You got what you wanted when I told Daddy to push your meeting through a little faster than usual and you guys got signed… Now I'm just holding you back, weighing you down like a boulder tied to a sack of puppies,” She nagged, the blue eyed drummer scoffing at the blonde.

“What the fuck have you been smoking?!” He retorted, Stacy crossing her arms.

“I've seen you looking at other girls since you've been back, James… I know that you wanted to fuck those groupies that threw themselves at you on tour,” She stated as-a-matter-of-factly.

“Firstly, I’ve been back for one damn night and I spent it with you because you insisted on fucking coming over and secondly, I never fucked any groupies while I was away because I'm with you… Fuck knows why though,” He mumbled the last words, hoping she wouldn't hear him.

“Excuse me?!” She hissed, Rev rolling his eyes.

“All you do is give me a hard time, every time I go somewhere without you, you're convinced that I'm cheating on you with the first chick that bats her eyelids at me. I tell you that you look hot and all of a sudden I'm judging your clothes and calling you a cheap ass hooker. I'm tired of it, Stacy. I'm fucking tired of all your shit,” He finished, Stacy biting her lip.

“Well then maybe we should just end this, then?” Stacy reckoned, Jimmy nodding his head.

“Maybe we should,” He revealed, running a hand through his hair as he stared at the blonde.

“James, I….” She began, the drummer raising his hand to stop her plea.

“No, Stacy, I've had it…. It didn't work the first time and we should have known better than to try to make it work again for a second time…. I'm sorry, but I just can't do this anymore,” He confessed, the blonde chuckling under her breath.

“You mean you want to be free to fuck groupie bitches,” She seethed, Jimmy groaning.

“Well at least I wouldn't have to listen to them bitchin' at me all the time,” He grumbled, the blonde's hand rearing back to connect with his face.

Stacy slapped him, the sound of her palm connecting with his cheek reverberating around the bedroom; “Go to Hell, James Owen Sullivan!!”

She ran out of the room and down the stairs as fast as she could not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She had made it to the bottom step, covering her face with her hands when she realized that he had followed her out of the bedroom but to her dismay it wasn't to call her back or to apologize. He sounded angry and positively definite about what he had just decided about their future together, or lack of.

“I'm already fucking there, sweetheart!” Jimmy yelled after her, watching her run out of the house. “I'll save you a fucking seat!”
Ashley was coming out of the bathroom completely dressed, confused at the sound of thundering footsteps.

“Hey, what's with Stacy pulling a Road Runner?” Ashley asked, Jimmy shrugging.

“We broke up,” He stated, Ashley's eyes wide as she searched his face for any sign of emotion. He remained stoic.

“Oh…. Um, are you okay?”

“I'll get over it” He assured her, with a simple shrug of his shoulders.

“Jimmy, I…” She started, the blue eyed teen cutting her off.

“I'm going to get drunk, you wanna join me?” He offered, the brunette smiling weakly. “Misery loves company and all that….”

“As awesome as that sounds, I have studying to do,” She confided, Jimmy smirking at her.

“Suit yourself…. I'll be at Seven Bar Lounge if anyone wants me,” The drummer revealed, heading down the stairs for the front door.

Ashley watched him, wondering if he was going to be okay as he flung the door open. As if it was planned, Jimmy and Ashley simultaneously jumped at the sight of the blonde in the doorway.

“Is Matt here?” She spoke, Ashley stopping mid-step even though she knew seeing the two interact would break her heart.

“Matt, someone is here to see you!” Jimmy shouted over his shoulder, Ashley rolling her eyes.

The hazel-eyed singer rushed down the stairs, past the brunette who remained at a stand-still.

“That someone is Val,” Matt spoke, lacing his fingers with hers and pulling her into the house past the drummer.

“And she is?” Jimmy asked with complete seriousness, Matt shaking his head.

“Rev, you seriously need to stop drinking….” Matt advised, Jimmy shaking his head.

“Maybe next year, I have sorrows to drown right now… Later,” He bid them goodbye, pushing past the couple as he left the house.

Ashley slowly descended the stairs, her eyes narrowing on the blonde girl beside Matt with her pretty eyes and perfect make-up.

“Oh, um, hey Ashley… This is….” Matt stammered, Ashley cocking an eyebrow at his sudden inability to speak.

“My replacement, I know,” The brunette snapped, her hazel eyes darting between Matt and his new girlfriend. She brushed past them, calling after the drummer. “Hey Jimmy, wait up!”

“Well, she's rude,” Val complained, Matt shaking his head.

“You don't even know her, Val,” He conceded, Val smirking at the singer.

“The way she blanked me just then, I don't think I want to know her,” She concluded, Matt letting out a sigh as he led her into the lounge.
♠ ♠ ♠
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