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Three's a Crowd

Tell Me Have You Ever Wanted Someone So Much It Hurt

“So, c’mon, kid, are we going to have this talk or what?” Raven asked Gabby as the two girls stood at the bottom of the garden, Raven resting back against the small wall of the wishing well and looking at Gabby who stood anxiously in front of her. Night was coming in fast, the sun fading into the horizon as the redhead waited for her friend to tell her what was on her mind.

“Well, I just…” Gabby paused, trying to figure out what it was that she wanted to say. She watched as Raven pulled a cigarette out of the box of Marlboro Red she held in her hands and placed it between her lips as she lit it.

Raven raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to finish what she was going to say as she inhaled deeply. Taking the cigarette away from her lips and blowing out the smoke, she offered the box to her friend.

“Here, smoke one of these. It’ll help you relax…” The redhead insisted, Gabby shaking her head at her.

“I don’t smoke…”

Raven rolled her eyes at the teen; “Trust me, if you did, you wouldn’t be so stressed….”

Gabby watched as Raven pulled another cigarette from the box and handed it to her.

“Just try it and tell me what’s on your mind…”

Gabby took the cigarette, feeling a little apprehensive about trying it but placing it between her lips anyway. Raven lit it up for her, smirking when the teen inhaled deeply and spluttered a little.

“Baby steps, little grasshopper…” The redhead chuckled, placing her own cigarette back between her lips and taking another drag on it before blowing the smoke out and looking back at her friend. “So, what’s up?”

“Johnny’s being weird…” Gabby sighed, Raven grinning at her.

“JC has always been weird, honey, you just haven’t noticed it…”

“No, it’s not that…” Gabby shook her head. “It’s like… Well, it’s like he’s came home and all of a sudden he’s this different guy…”

“He’s only been back a day, G’….” Raven shrugged. “Maybe he’s just out of sorts…”

“Last night he barely touched me but wanted to go back to my place to get reacquainted,” Gabby started to explain. “I told him that my folks were home then dropped him off at his Mom’s place and then this morning he was odd with me again until Matt and Val started making out in front of us…”

“Urgh, don’t give me mental images of that please…” Raven groaned, scrunching her nose up in disgust.

“Believe me, I think it damaged my brain witnessing it…” Gabby said before returning to the original topic of their conversation. “But while they were doing that, Johnny just threw himself at me and bit my ear…”

Raven almost dropped the cigarette right out of her mouth, her eyes growing wide; “I’m sorry, he did what?”

“He bit my ear…” Gabby stated. “I just don’t get why he’s acting so strange. One minute he’s really distant with me, the next he’s practically forcing himself on me…”

Raven shrugged; “Just hit him where it hurts next time he tries it. He’ll soon stop….”

“There’s something else…” Gabby said, looking down at her feet and Raven looked at her, intrigued.


Gabby glanced up at her friend, knowing that she could tell this girl anything having spent so much time with her whilst the boys were away; “Zack and I… Had a moment…”

“Not you too….” Raven groaned, dropping the cigarette down to the floor and stubbing it out with the heel of her boot. “Can’t Zee hit on a chick who’s not with one of his friends?”

“Well, he didn’t hit on me exactly…” The teen started to explain, Raven looking back at her confused.

“Well he either did or he didn’t, Gabby. Which is it? There’s no middle ground with Zee…”

“We were talking and…” Gabby paused, averting her friends gaze. “I almost let him kiss me…” She confessed, her voice small and quiet.

“Almost?” Rae quizzed, Gabby shrugging her shoulders slightly as she looked back up at her.

“Johnny came back from the bathroom but Rae,” The teen bit down on her bottom lip as if to be ashamed of what she was about to say. “If he hadn’t, I’m pretty sure Zee would have kissed me… And I would have let him…” She confessed, Raven grinning at her.

“Well, of course you would, kid, Zee’s a babe…”

The two girls started laughing, looking up as the patio door opened and Johnny walked out into the garden. He smirked when he saw them looking at him, raising an eyebrow at Gabby who was still smoking the cigarette Raven had given her.

“What’s going on out here?” He asked, walking down the path towards them. “Are you corrupting my girl, Matthews?”

Raven pulled a face at the bassist; “She’s old enough to make her own decisions, Seward…”

Gabby dropped the cigarette to the floor, stubbing it out the way Rae had done earlier just as Johnny reached them and pulled her into his side. Raven narrowed her eyes at him, scowling at the way he was treating her friend. She waited for Gabby to say something but when the teen remained silent, she let out a breath and addressed the bass player.

“What are you doing out here anyway?”

“I came to see my girl…” Johnny replied, squeezing Gabby’s shoulders and the young redhead squirmed uncomfortably underneath his arm.

Raven rolled her eyes at him; “She can go somewhere without you, you know? You’re not joined at the hip…”

The redhead looked at Gabby questioningly, asking her without words if she was okay and the teen nodded, biting down on her lip.

“Thanks for listening, Rae…” She murmured, Raven nodding as Johnny looked between them.

“Anytime, kid… And, Johnny?” Raven said, Johnny looking straight at her. “Be good to my girl or I’ll kick your ass…”

The redhead left the young couple to do whatever they were going to do and walked back into the house, smiling when she spotted Brian ducking into the laundry room. Following him, she crept up behind the dark-haired guitarist and snaked her arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder.

“I’m sorry, little lady, I’m spoken for….” Brian chuckled, placing his hands over hers and Raven giggled, nuzzling at his neck.

“Is she pretty?” She asked, her warm breath tickling his exposed skin and Brian turned in her arms, his arms falling around her waist.

“The prettiest girl I know….” He grinned, Raven pecking his lips.

“Has Barbie gone home?”

Brian nodded; “She left just after you said your piece. Matt made sure of it…”

“Good,” Raven smiled. “The last thing Ash needs is to see that tramp….”

“So, uh, I need to tell you something….” Brian started, Raven looking worried as he dropped his hold on her and moved towards the door.

“What is it?” She asked, Brian closing the door and looking back at her. He noticed the concerned look in her eyes and quickly pulled her to him, kissing her head.

“Don’t worry it’s nothing bad…” He assured her. “At least not for us anyhow…”

“Then what is it?” Raven wanted to know as they broke apart again and she watched as Brian started to load the washing machine with all the dark linens from the laundry he had collected earlier.

“Well, I had a little talk with Zee earlier…” He started, closing the door on the washer and pouring soap powder into the drawer before switching the machine on. “About Gabby…”

“Gabby?” Rae hopped up onto the work surface, watching as Brian rose to his feet and looked at her. “Johnny’s Gabby?”

“Yup…” The dark-haired guitarist nodded, walking over to her. “Apparently they…”

“Had a little moment?” Rae finished for him, Brian looking back at her in astonishment.

“You know?” He asked, placing his hands on her knees and Raven wrapped her arms around his neck.

“She may have mentioned something to me in the garden just now…” She told her boyfriend, leaning in and kissing him.

“I told Zee that she was off-limits….” Brian spoke when they broke for air, Raven smiling and shaking her head at him. “What?”

“Baby, you’ve just told him that he can’t have something…” Raven pointed out. “Now he’s just going to want her more. You know what he’s like….” She smirked, Brian frowning at her words.

“Hey…” Raven pressed her lips to his, moving forward. “Is there a lock on that door?” She asked, Brian grinning back at her.

“No, but we can always fix that…” He said, kissing her before moving out of her embrace to shove an old chair up against the handle of the door. Turning back towards her, he smirked when he noticed that she had already pulled off her top. “Well, I see you’ve got something dirty in mind… Which is appropriate given where we are…” He taunted, walking back over to her and Raven pulled her to him, wrapping her legs around his waist as she gripped greedy handfuls of his t-shirt.

“Shut up and kiss me….”

Johnny and Gabby made their way back into the house to find that Zack was the only one in the lounge now. He looked up from the video game he was playing when they walked into the room, his eyes instantly finding Gabby’s and she looked away quickly, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks.

“Where is everyone?” Johnny wanted to know, Zack tearing his gaze away from the young redhead to look at his band mate.

“Shads took Val home and Gates is with Rae in the laundry room….” He told him, Johnny glancing towards the kitchen doorway. “I wouldn’t bother going out there, I’m pretty sure they’re not doing the laundry….”

“Well at least at least someone’s getting some action…” The bassist groaned, releasing his hold on Gabby’s hand and flopping down onto the settee.

Gabby cut her eyes at him, unable to believe that he had just spoken so carelessly; “You know, I think I’m just going to go home…”

Johnny looked up at her; “Okay…”

“Okay?” Gabby asked, Johnny nodding as he turned to pick up a control pad off the coffee table.

“Okay…” He repeated, looking over at Zack. “So, do you need a player two, man?”

“Uh, sure…” Zack nodded, looking up at Gabby who looked close to tears and he found himself resisting the urge to jump up and pull her into his arms.

“Well I guess I’ll see myself out then…” The young redhead muttered, Johnny not even flinching as she left the room and Zack watched her go, wincing as she slammed the front door.

He looked back at his bandmate, shaking his head; “Man, you’re a fucking tool…”

“Excuse me?!” Johnny looked a little taken aback by the lefty’s words as he looked back at him.

“You heard me,” Zack said, meeting Johnny’s gaze. “You’re a tool….”

“Man, shut up and play the game…” Johnny shook his head, dismissing Zack’s comment as another off-hand remark from one of his bandmates and Zack narrowed his eyes at him, suddenly dropping the control pad down to the floor as he rose to his feet.

“Play by yourself…” He snapped, walking out of the room and up the stairs, Johnny watching in confusion and wondering what was going on with his friend.

The sunshine was weak and watery as it peered over the rooftops trying to bring light back into the world, Ashley and Jimmy laughing to themselves as they walked along the street to return home in the early hours. The crunch of gravel beneath their feet coupled with their laughter as they staggered up the path, arm in arm.

"That was a great time," Ashley confessed as they walked up the steps of the porch.

"Only 'cause I was there!" Jimmy mentioned. "But I'm trying to remember how that one song went..."

"Cause I got friends in low places where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away... and I'll be okay!" Ashley sang out loudly as they both raced to push through the front door, Ashley giggling as she staggered through first and landed near the couch with a soft oomph.

Jimmy stumbled past her, laughing as he tripped over her and slid down the wall near the kitchen door.

Having heard the commotion, Rae rushed down the stairs; her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at Ashley sprawled on the living floor.

"Oh... Hey Rae..." Ashley greeted her with a smirk on her face, pulling herself up using the sofa beside her. "Did you know that Seven Bar turns into a honky tonk late at night? It was fucking great!" She informed the redhead, Jimmy nodding from his spot as he stood up.

"Ash and I were fucking line dancing!" He told her excitedly, moving to help Ashley to her feet.

"We can show you!" Ashley offered, linking her arm with Jimmy's.
The drunken pair started to move to the right, Rae shaking her head at the two of them as they started to sing out.

“Hey, it’s almost morning you idiots. People are still trying to sleep upstairs…” She reached out and grabbed Jimmy’s arm causing him to stop and Ashley bumped into him. The drunken pair looked at each other before glancing back at Rae.

“Since when did you become such a party pooper?” Jimmy asked, Rae rolling her eyes at him.

“Since you guys decided to wake me up with your stupid songs…” The redhead told them. “Some of us actually enjoy sleeping, you know…”

“Pffftt,” Jimmy scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead…”

“Rev, Ash, I mean this in the nicest possible way...” Rae started, gesturing towards the settee. “Sit down and shut up. I’ll go make you both some coffee…”

Jimmy waved his hand dismissively at her again; “I don’t need coffee. Coffee is for people who want to feel… I don’t want to feel…”

The drummer shook his head at the girls, walking out of the lounge and stomping up the stairs, humming a tune obnoxiously as he reached the top.

Ashley's gaze narrowed at Rae who just told her to sit down on the couch.

"Unlike Rev, you’ve got work later so you need to sober up, Ash. I'll bring you some coffee," Rae offered, Ashley nodding as she sat against the arm of the settee.

"Okay..." The brunette agreed, waiting impatiently for her friend to return with her drink.

Raven came back with a steaming mug of coffee, handing it carefully to her friend before taking the seat beside her and picking up the notepad she had left on the coffee table. Ashley sipped on her coffee, her eyes focused on the notepad in her best friend’s hands.

"What’s that?" Ashley demanded to know, Rae glancing sideways at her.

"It’s the stuff we need to get for the party," Rae explained, Ashley biting her bottom lip.

“Oh, so we’re still having that then?” She asked, Rae looking at her questioningly.

“Of course we are! Why wouldn’t we? Our boys are back in town, Ash! We need to celebrate that…” The redhead explained. “I mean, without the whole Matt being a sleaze ball and bringing his Barbie here, you’re happy that they’re back, right?” She asked, Ashley nodding as she placed her coffee cup down onto the floor.

“Yeah…” The brunette almost whispered. “Yeah, it’s good to have them home…”

A soft silence fell between the two of them, Rae almost sure her barely sober friend had fallen asleep. She began to stand, jumping when Ashley's voice cut through the calm atmosphere.

“Why did I break-up with Matt?” Ashley questioned, Rae biting her lip as she thought of what to say to her friend. “It's because I love him, right?” The brunette continued, Rae frowning at the sight of her best friend tearing up. “I tried to smother all my emotions by drinking until I could barely stand and now…” She took a deep breath, wiping her tears away. “Now I wish I had never been in love at all.”

Rae shook her head, slinging her arm around Ashley's shoulders; “You don't mean that, Ash. What you had with Matt was special and you would take it back in a heartbeat.”

Ashley shrugged; “Too bad my heart stopped beating when I said goodbye to Matt.”

“I'm sorry Ash, but that's what you get when you let your heart win…” Rae conceded. “You get hurt whether you made the right choice or not.”

“Is the pain really worth it?” Ashley wondered out loud, glancing sideways at her best friend who just shrugged her shoulders and let out a sigh.

“I don’t know, Ash. Only you can decide that,” Raven told her.
“Matt’s a dick for flaunting his relationship with Val right in front of you but I doubt she’s going to want to be coming back here anytime soon…”

Ashley raised her eyebrows at her friend; “I take it she met you then?”

“And I politely asked her to leave in my own unique way…” Raven grinned. “Zacky was pretty pissed about her being here too.…”

Ashley shook her head; “Stop with the Zack talk, it’s never going to happen. He’s not the guy for me…”

“Then who is?” Raven wanted to know, Ashley turning to look at her.

“Someone I was too quick to get rid of, someone who forgot all about me out on the road…” The brunette admitted in a small voice. “Someone who I’ll probably never get to call mine again…”

Raven grinned, patting her friend’s knee and smiling at her; “No one is unattainable, Ash…Unless they’re the President...”

The redhead rose to her feet and glanced down at the semi-sober brunette who looked up at her; “If you want him back, go get him. I’m in your corner no matter what, Ash…”

Ashley smiled up at her friend; “Thanks, Rae…”

“No problem, it’s in the best friend agreement, remember? We support each other even if we thing the other person is being a dumbass,” Rae grinned. “Right, I’m off to join that man of mine in bed to get some sleep. I suggest you do the same, we’ll be partying later…”
♠ ♠ ♠
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