Status: Updating

And Cut

Chapter 1

“And cut. Everyone take a break, we’ll reconvene in fifteen.” The director is already speaking with the cameraman about where to get the next take from. Paul walks to his trailer to grab a cigarette and people watch. It is an irony that is not lost on him; his love of watching people and yet his despising of being watched himself. He notices that his costar, Gwen, is being her typical diva self demanding to be waited on hand and foot, Paul felt bad for her assistant, she looks dead on her feet. Paul tries to recall her name, something that starts with an A and is a little unique but it just won’t come to him.

“That is going to bother me all fucking day.” Paul finishes his cigarette and walks back to the set.

“Um, Aurora did I say I wanted generic fucking water? NO, I said I wanted some EVIAN water. You better be thankful that I am patient or I would have fired your fucking ass so quick. NOW GO.” Paul is shocked by the way Gwen is talking to her assistant. He’s been in the business for a few decades and has only rarely come across bitches like this. He tries to catch Aurora’s eye to give her a smile and let her know that he is on her side but she doesn’t look up.

“Can you believe that idiot not getting me the correct water? I should look up her transcripts and see if she even graduated from high school.” Paul knows that Gwen has a thing for him, hell she tries to always be near him and is always talking to him about how fantastic she is. Paul just looks at her with an incredulous scowl and picks up the refused water and takes a long slow pull from it.

“Actually I think that this is better than that other stuff.”

“Oh, yeah me too it’s just well, um…” Just then Aurora walks up and notices Paul has taken the water. Without saying a word she places the new water on the table next to Gwen and walks away. Paul takes a cue from Aurora and turns on his heel walking to the catering table leaving Gwen frustrated and silent.

“Okay, everyone we only need a few people to stay and redo some of the scenes from earlier. Paul you’re free to go and Gwen you need to stay.” The director is clearly annoyed at Gwen’s lack of ability, it is an observation that everyone has seen. The crew is just waiting for the day they come in and the main female character is recast. Paul runs his fingers through his hair breaking up the goo that the stylists put in it. He quickly washes his face, removing his makeup, in his trailer. He hears a soft tentative knock on his door and as he opens it he is glad to see Aurora standing there with a small box.

“I, um, made cookies for everyone and I noticed you didn’t get any so I thought I would bring some for you.” Before he can even respond the box is in his hands and Aurora is walking away.

“Wait, please come back and enjoy some of these with me.” He sees the hesitancy play across her face as she debates what to do; should she go back to Gwen and wait to be yelled at some more or enjoy some cookies with someone who seems to be genuinely nice. Paul feels like this is taking way too much time and he is about to tell her never mind when she turns towards his trailer and climbs the stairs. Sitting down at the small couch Paul is really able to get a good look at this young woman. Aurora has long red hair and is on the short side, maybe best guesstimate 5’4”; she has piercing green eyes and small but at the same time full lips. She quietly looks around the room as Paul grabs a couple of glasses and some soda for the both of them. He sits down at the tiny table and motions for her to sit across from him, and Aurora obliges.

“So, how long have you been Gwen’s assistant?”

“About three years, wow it doesn’t seem that long ago. She and I lived in the same neighborhood and our parents were friends so we just kinda hung around each other.” Aurora falls silent. Instead of trying to fill the silence, Paul just lets it linger and enjoys the company. It hasn’t made it to the press yet that his relationship with Rebecca was over and he is reveling in having someone other than his child around him.

“Thank you for inviting me in for the cookies, Mr. Martin, however I need to go.”

“Paul, please call me Paul.” He sees a slight smile play across her lips and it is with a sudden realization that Paul wants to kiss them that sends him standing up. He tries to play it off as just going to open the door for her but he could tell that she caught the awkwardness of the situation. Aurora leaves with a wave and a smile. Paul grabs his jacket and keys and heads back to his apartment. He lives in a small two bedroom place in the heart of L.A. He has always loved the life that is practically vibrating through the walls. He lights up another cigarette as he sits on the small balcony looking at a city just coming to life for the evening. Paul finds his mind wandering back to Aurora, he can’t explain why but there is something intriguing about her that has his attention. His attention is diverted when his phone rings. Paul knows that it has to be his daughter, Lily, calling to say goodnight.


“Paul, this is Gwen. I know that you and I have some great chemistry onset and I think it would be only prudent to see how our chemistry is offset.” His heart sank and the fury rose.

“How the fuck did you get my unlisted number?”

“Let’s just call it the fates and guess what Paul, they are saying we belong together.” Is she really serious? Paul can’t tell if this is some sick prank or if this girl is really and truly that stupid to think that this is the way to gain his affections.

“Gwen, I am going to say this once and never again. Leave me alone. I have no desire whatsoever to date you.” Paul can practically see her sitting there with a stunned look on her face.

“Well then, Paul you need to keep a better eye on who you let into your trailer, you think that she is little miss perfect, and yes I did see you two speak, her go inside for fifteen fucking minutes and the look on your face when she left is one of a well satiated lover, I would know that look very well. You will get a reputation as a whore Paul if you aren’t careful about the company you keep.” Before he can even respond Gwen has ended the call.

Paul is grateful that he has the day off from the set; he can’t handle seeing Gwen yet. He is afraid of what he would say to her. He already can feel a headache coming on so he grabs his skullcap and sunglasses to go get some coffee. Walking into the Tea and Crumpets, the local coffee joint, Paul does a double take when he notices the familiar red hair standing behind the register. A look of shock crosses Aurora’s face that is quickly replaced by a slight pink tinge.

“Hi, uh, Paul what would you like?”

“Large black coffee please.” Once he has his coffee Johnny sits in a corner. He pulls out a book intent on finishing a chapter. Twenty minutes goes by and Paul looks up to see Aurora coming towards him with her purse in hand.

“My shift is done, could I sit here while I finish my coffee.” He immediately stood and pulled out the chair next to him. She sits down and takes a sip of her coffee.

“So, this is…awkward.” Her smile warms Paul’s heart and before he realizes it he is opening his mouth to speak.

“Why are you working here? I thought you were Gwen’s assistant. Oh, god I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be so blunt and abrupt.” Paul gives her a small smile as a way of saying she doesn’t have to answer.

“My parents own this place and I help out whenever I can. Also, Gwen was let go yesterday.” He can tell that she wants to say more but is holding back.

“I need an assistant. Uh, wow, fuck that came out of nowhere. I can understand if you say no. I am a weird old guy just randomly asking you to be my assistant and all. I would probably kill my daughter if she did something like that.” Paul chuckles slightly and tries to hide his blush.

“Let me think about it.”
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Hi everyone, this is my first time posting something so I welcome critiques and comments. I hope you enjoy it.