Status: Updating

And Cut

Chapter 3

Since the ending of the movie Paul’s been busy with interviews and auditioning for other movies. It is a cloudy Sunday afternoon and Paul is spending the day with his daughter. They are sitting at the table working on a puzzle when his phone rings. Paul, thinking it is Rebecca, picks up the phone without looking at the caller id.

“Hi, are you outside?” There is an obvious pause on the other end.

“Paul, this is Mark, your publicist. I wanted to give you a heads up; Gwen is telling the public that you two are in a relationship. I’ve gotten four calls in the last twenty minutes about it.” Paul quickly gets up and walks into his bedroom. He does not want Lily to see him get angry.

“What the fuck, when did this start?”

“As far as I can tell, her story is that she left the movie because neither one of you could concentrate onset with the other one there, that it was all you could do to keep your hands off each other. Uh, she’s also tweeting pictures of an engagement ring and alluding to the fact that you proposed.”

“Ok, that fucking bitch! Shit, this is bad isn’t it Mark? There is no way of dealing with this without it blowing up.” Mark’s silence on the other end of the phone is all the confirmation Paul needs.

“Mark, tell the press this; I am not dating, nor have I ever dated Gwen Smith or will I ever date her in the future. She is lying to gain notoriety and I will not stand by and let her make false statements against me. I am single and am not interested in dating anyone at this time. My focus at this time is on my daughter and my work.” Paul hangs up the phone and immediately gets on his computer to see for what she has been saying for himself. Sure enough on her twitter page is a picture of her left hand with a giant diamond ring. Paul pounds his fist on his desk which brings Lily to the doorway.

“Daddy, what’s wrong? Is the press being mean to you?” Her innocence brings a smile to Paul’s face. He closes his laptop and picks up his daughter for a hug.

“It’s nothing sweetheart, let’s keep working on this puzzle, ok.” They spend the rest of the evening in silence with Lily working on her puzzle and Paul attempting to read a script.

A week goes by without a word from Gwen and Paul is starting to believe that the drama is over. He has occasionally gone to the Tea and Crumpets and today is no different. His heart sinks a little when he doesn’t see her but instead of just turning and leaving he decides to see if he can find out where she is. When he is at the front of the line Paul is surprised to see that Aurora is in fact working there; she has completely changed her appearance however. Instead of her gorgeous red hair she now sports platinum blond hair, her green eyes are now sky blue and she is spray tanned to within an inch of her life. She is also sporting a sizable diamond ring on that one particular finger. Aurora’s surprise at seeing Paul does not go unnoticed.

“Hi Paul, what can I get you today?” That smile is still there and it still has the same effect of making him weak.

“Uh, just a large black coffee please.” Once he gets his coffee Paul finds a seat and pulls out his book. His attention keeps getting pulled to Aurora though. Five minutes later Aurora walks over and sits down next to him.

“What happened to you?” He can see the hurt register across her face.

“Shit, I’m sorry Aurora. I just meant that you look completely different.” Aurora nervously plays with her engagement ring and looks around the coffee shop.

“Jason, my, uh, fiancé likes this look.” She briefly flashes her engagement ring towards him but to Paul it seems almost like she’s ashamed to be wearing it.

“Well congratulations. Have you set a date yet?” Paul can’t help but hear the lack of enthusiasm in Aurora’s voice. He can see that she is unhappy, the look in her eyes when she said his name was not one of love but of something else, something Paul couldn’t quite put his finger on.

“No, not yet, we are trying to get settled and get some money saved up before we get married.”

“Well I still need an assistant; you won’t have to give up working with your folks here, if you want.” He could tell that she was relieved somewhat by the offer. Aurora sank into her chair and runs her fingers through her hair, pausing only briefly to grimace.

“I kinda really need the money, so, yeah I guess.” It isn’t quite the enthusiastic reply Paul hoped for. Just then Paul notices an older couple walking towards him and Aurora. She visibly stiffens at their approach.

“Aurora, what are you still doing here? We thought you would be headed home to see Jason.” The way the woman spit the fiancé's name out makes Paul wonder.

“Paul, these are my parents, they own this shop, Robert and Jessica. Mom, Dad, this is Paul; we know each other through Gwen. He’s just offered me a job.” Robert and Jessica nod at Paul, and he reciprocates.

“Well, good; hopefully it will lessen the amount of time you can spend with Jason.” It is clear that Robert is unhappy with the impending nuptials, and by the look on Jessica’s face Paul can deduce that she feels the same way. Aurora does not say anything; however, the look on her face is one of pure rage. She grabs her bag and stomps out of the shop.

“I’m sorry we aired our dirty laundry in front of you Paul.” Robert offers Paul another cup of coffee on the house as an apology but Paul kindly refuses. He leaves the coffee shop a few minutes later, not before giving Aurora’s parents his number and getting her number as well.

*Aurora, its Paul. Your parents gave me your number. I am busy all day tomorrow, doing some interviews, so if you can I would like to meet up on Tuesday. Paul* Almost before he can turn off his phone there is a response.

*Paul, Jason would like to meet you, he gets a little jealous. Is it okay if he comes on Tuesday?* The bad feeling Paul has about Jason intensify.

*Aurora, sure if it will make him feel better about you working for me.*

“This is going to get interesting.” Paul mumbles to himself. Tuesday rolls around surprisingly quick and at 7:00 sharp there is a knock on Paul’s door. Looking through the peephole Paul can only see the back of a man’s head. What he hears though chills him; it is a man that is verbally abusing someone. Paul quickly opens the door to see Aurora near tears and the man he assumes to be Jason.

“You Paul?” Instead of being asked to enter Jason just enters upon the nodding of Paul’s head yes. Aurora follows meekly behind both men quietly shutting the door.

“And you must be Jason. Congratulations on the engagement.” Jason does not acknowledge Paul, he just keeps looking around the apartment.

“Can I help you find anything, you seen in need of something?”

“Ass,” Jason mumbles just loud enough for Paul to hear, ”nah, man. Just looking around. Gotta make sure you ain’t gonna kill her or nothing.” After a couple of more minutes of looking around which included looking inside the cupboards in the kitchen and the bathroom, Jason sits down taking up half the couch. Paul had almost forgotten that Aurora was even there, she moves from the doorway to stand beside Jason. Paul chooses to remain standing as well.

“This is kind of a crappy place, since Aurora tells me you’re a movie star, what’s the deal with that?” The interrogation phase of things, Paul thinks to himself. Instead of answering Jason, Paul just walks into the kitchen and pours himself something to drink.

“Not much of a host, not offering us anything to drink.” Paul is still standing in the kitchen trying to calm down when he hears a soft smack and Jason mutter something to Aurora. Silently she appears in the kitchen doorway.

“Jason wants something to drink, a beer if you have one.” She is practically whispering and Paul can still see the tears threatening to fall.

“I don’t have any, is a soda okay.” She nods and Paul grabs a can from the fridge. She disappears back into the living room area, just as silently as she appeared. Paul can hear Jason complaining to Aurora, yet again. Forcing his hand to unclench Paul picks up his soda and walks back into his living room.

“Well, dude, me and Aurora have to go.”

“Aurora, I really need you to stay so we can discuss what I need you to do as my assistant. Jason, if you would like I can drive her back home when we’re done.” There go the flaring nostrils, Paul thought with slight amusement.

“I don’t thi-“

“I’ll stay, Jason I have my cell phone so you don’t have to worry about me.” Both men have looks of shock on their faces. It is the first time in the twenty minutes they’d been there that she’d really spoken. The look on Jason’s face is one of undiluted rage. He is clenching his teeth and hands.

“Look, I have several important things I have gotta do tomorrow and I need you home tonight to get things ready for me.” Jason stands there for a few seconds and when Aurora makes no move towards the door he throws his hands up and stomps towards the door.

“If she acts up I give my permission for you to keep her in her place.” Paul can tell that Jason is 100% serious about this. Aurora’s eyes get big for a second but she stands still. Jason slams the door shut and Paul immediately locks it. He puts his back against the door and silently assesses Aurora. She is slightly shaking; her hands were trembling so badly that the soda she still held was splashing onto her.

“I’m sorry about him, he puts on a big show but deep down he’s a nice guy.” Paul just rolls his eyes and sits down on the couch. Aurora sits on the opposite end with her legs crossed underneath her. Almost as soon as she’s sat her phone lights up with a text message. Aurora surprises Paul when she doesn’t reach for it immediately. She instead pulls a ponytail holder out of her pocket and quickly puts her hair up in a bun. Out of her bag she grabs a notebook and a pen.

“Are you going to answer the text?”

“No, it’s just Jason. He’s probably apologizing for being an ass.” Paul can’t hide his surprise at the change in Aurora. Maybe there is hope for her after all.
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I hope you enjoy reading this.