Truth, Justice, and the American Way

Daily Planet Romance

The day was nearly ending; leaving the sky an orange glow. The hum of the busy highway was slowly dying as people finally got home to their families. The suns light fading as it sets only to be replaced by the moons light and the twinkle of millions of stars. A dark figure stood above the glowing city of Metropolis, Kansas. A savior bearing the symbol “S” on his chest, was representing his alien family crest of a serpent trapped in an impenetrable diamond. The people entrusted with this savior admired his presence and always pointed him out when he made himself noticeable. “Superman!” yelled a civilian as they looked up with a smile several feet below the dark figure atop the sky scraper. The figure emerged from the darkness and stood in a pocket of light casted by the florescent lights of hotels. As if standing in a spot light, crowds of people looked up at him, adoring him like a god. Among the crowd, Lois Lane, a brunette, sarcastic, nosey, yet compassionate reporter for the Daily Planet whom Superman had fallen deeply in love with at first sight. She looked up smiling, knowing he too was smiling back. But after a few short moments, Superman had took flight and went off to save innocent people and patrol the city.
Early morning the next day Clark Kent had rushed to work at the Daily Planet. He worked along side Lois, masquerading as the clumsy nerd behind thick rimmed glasses, an act to hide from the fact that he was the man in red and blue, simply living as a human who wishes to have a relationship with Lois Lane. Lois played a role too. She hated hiding that she knew the identity of Superman but it was Clark’s decision to keep it secret. Lois came into work that morning slapping her story on the table thankful it had been finished. “Smallville, I finally got this story finished!” she said out of relief.
Clark smiled and replied, “I am glad!”
Lois stood quiet for a few moments scanning her desk. She saw that Clark hadn’t completed his story yet and crinkled her brows.
“Clark,” Lois began. “Why haven’t you finished that story you’ve been assigned to?” Clark began to type furiously and paused briefly.
“I was…out remember?” he replied discretely. Lois remembered he was busy saving people but he usually had his stories done even when it was a busy night. Even the Chief said himself that Clark typed remarkably fast, faster than anyone he’d met.
Lois then replied, “Smallville, you’re being lazy! HUSTLE!” Lois smirked and Clark sarcastically chuckled in return. Lois then left to hand in her story to the editor.
After a few moments went by, Lois returned steamed. “I swear, someone needs to bring me a hammer to slug that mans head…”
Clark looked up from his monitor. “I take it the editor didn’t like your paper?”
Lois rolled her eyes and ignored Clark. Instead she sat down at her desk and slumped into her chair stuffing her mouth with a pink sprinkled donut, nonchalantly. Clark smirked and leaned back in his chair still working on his story. After a few seconds more of typing, he hit the print button and leaped out of his chair to the printer.
After coming back from the printer, Clark passed Lois and said, “Maybe the editor will approve my story…” Lois watched Clark fade away into the editors office. A few moments had passed and he returned with a rather happy expression.
“Looks like my story made the front of the paper, Lane!” He passed by Lois and saw her roll her eyes again. He dropped his story on her desk and Lois looked down at it, scanning it briefly.
Clark had written about a save Superman had made involving a bus filled with special needs kids. Lois darted from her seat and replied, “That’s so unfair, you are him….it’s easy to write about what YOU did!”
Clark again leaned in his chair and said, “It’s what chief assigned me…..” Clark stared at Lois for a few minutes, admiring her jealousy. Lois too was staring back at Clark, falling more and more in love with him, even if she thought he was being a pain in the ass.
The day was ending once again, and Clark was getting ready to patrol Metropolis. As the Daily Planet was emptying, he worked on his next story, making phone calls and sending emails. Once no one was there other than Lois who was pecking at her computer still, he stood up. His chair squeaked loud enough to unglue Lois from her story.
“Off to save the world?” Lois asked.
Clark ran and changed and returned to Lois in a matter of seconds replying, “Yes.” “Hoping I can help more tonight than last night.”
Lois smiled and watched Clark speed out of the Daily Planet at super speed. She was always amazed at what he could do. She sat there pandering for a good hour before realizing she didn’t finish the story she barely started. Lois had been so in love with Clark she couldn’t stop thinking about him. It made her upset he was working and saving all the time with no break it seems. She thought she would do something the next day for Clark. She would do something to make him feel human and normal for a change.
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This might be edited from time to time.