Status: Hiatus

Obsessed With the Thought of You

Watchman duties

The rest of the dinner goes surprisingly well after the dipshits left. I managed to speak a lot to Ada and I really like her. Jorel was oddly quiet every now and then but would speak up with some unexpected comments. He seems to listen a lot and then say something that I personally would not have pictured him say. I’m really starting to think that the reputation he has is inaccurate.

“So what do you want to do now Cat?” Jorel asks me as some of his men clear away out plates and cutlery.

“Wanna hang out with me?” Ada offers and I look over at her.
“I’d love to but first could I go speak to Dylan?” I say turning my gaze back to Jorel.

“Of course,” he smiles.
“I’ll take you,” Ada stands up. “I need to check on him anyways.”

“Have fun ladies,” Jorel says as we leave.
“Bye Jordon,” I call and he says bye back.

“Well you’ve made quite an impression on everyone,” Ada comments as we make out way to the medibay.

“Oh?” I look at her.
”Yeah, it’s funny as fuck,” she laughs. “I don’t think I’ve seen Matt and George get so qound up by someone in so long.”

“Yeah they really don’t like me,” I mumble.
“They’ll come around,” she shrugs. “We’s a crew so they gosta.”

I bite my tongue when the phrase ‘we will never be a part of this crew’ threatens to fly out of my mouth. I want to be friend with this girl after all. I don’t think me running my proud mouth will help that to happen so I just nod instead.

We reach the medibay and she opens the door before gesturing for me to go first. I thank her and step in seeing the guy who must be Hamish. Dylan and the man are laughing but it dies down when they notice us.

“Ladies,” Hamish tilts his head at us in polite greeting and we smile.
“Go get some dinner Hamish,” Ada smiles at him. “We got it covered from here.”

He nods and looks at Dylan holding his hand out for shaking. “It was good to meet you, sir.”
“You too man, come see me again,” Dylan gives him a firm shake before Hamish leaves.

“How are ya feelin’?” Ada asks placing the back of her hand on Dylan’s forehead.
“Not bad,” he says and looks at me.

“You still feel a bit hot,” she says and I’m surprised when he doesn’t make an innuendo, I guess I did upset him earlier. “I think I’ll give your wounds a clean and then re-dress them before you settle down for the night,” she tells him and he nods still looking at me.

“Ada,” I pipe up and she looks over at me while she fumbles around looking for more gauzes. “Could I have a minute with Dylan please?”

“Yeah, of course,” she smiles. “I’ll be right outside.”
“Thank you,” I say and we watch her leave.

“Did you manage at dinner without biting everyone’s heads off?” Dylan asks me and I turn my gaze to him.

I ignore his comment and walk up to him with a sad look. “Dylan I’m sorry.”
“Sorry about what?” He gives me a cold look.

I sigh. “Mentioning my brother and hassling you earlier,” I say quietly as I look at my hands resting on his bed. “It was cruel of me to bring him up in a heated discussion to use as a weapon.”

“It was cruel,” he agrees and I look at his face to see it softening. “So don’t do it again.”
“I promise I won’t,” I tell him and he smiles.

“I’m glad you came to say sorry,” he tells me as he opens out his good arm to me. I carefully lean in and hug into his good side so as to not hurt him.

“Me too. I really am sorry Dylan,” I tell him.
“Forget about it,” he says as I pull away. “So is that fox outside single do you know?”

I laugh and shake my head. “I have no idea. I didn’t ask,” I say going to open the door and she smiles as she looks at me. “Are you single Ada?” I blurt and smirk at Dylan who glares at me.

“Err-“ she stammers with a confused look. “I am.”
Bones,” Dylan groans and I laugh.


“I am so beat,” Ada yawn a few hours later. She did her medical duties with Dylan and then we hung out with him before his eyelids were getting heavy. We then went to my room and we looked at the clothes Jorel had given me.

She didn’t mind at all me having them. She even said she thought some of the stuff would suit my style better. We laughed and got to know each other a bit more. She asked about my brother, having heard of him through myths and legends, and I gladly told her with pride.

We then discussed why there was a life-long feud between our crews. I explained as best I could from what I know. We narrowed it down to the boys all feeling threatened and wanting complete ownership of the seas but the other crew was the last thing to stand in the way of this domination.

She makes me laugh because she has this knowing look when she’s quiet. It tells me that she is humouring the person she’s talking to. As if she knows the person is wrong or exaggerating but not calling them up on it because she doesn’t feel the need to waste her breath on it. Instead she will laugh internally at them and look on amusedly. Thankfully, so far, she hasn’t given me this look personally.

If it were someone important to her I know she’d speak up, however. She also appears to have a very feisty side. Quick with wit and temper so I hear. I certainly see why she is a valued member of the crew. The men seem to adore her as family and she them. It makes me smile as I see her rolling her eyes at her friends in a sisterly way.

“All tonight needs now is a shot of rum and bed, says I,” she tells me standing up from my bed. “Don’t look at me like that,” she chuckles heartily at my disgust. “A shot of rum’ll put the soot in your pistol.”

“So why would you want it before bed?” I question with a frown of confusion.
“Dear girl,” she laughs touching her brow. “It’s good for nerves. Calms one down. You’ll see.”

“I couldn’t possibly drink that muck,” I gasp.
“Muck? Blow me down! Bones don’t let any of the men hear you disrespect the stuff.”

“As if they’d fall out with me for voicing what I think of that ghastly liquid,” I tut.
“Two things pirates love,” she leans in with a smirk. “Treasure and rum.”

I roll my eyes and shake my head. “I’m not a pirate. I’m just a silly girl.”
“Says who?” She frowns, standing up straight.

“Everyone forthright enough to tell it to my face,” I reply. “Don’t you think I need some soot in my pistol? It certainly seems that Skullcrack and Johnny think I-“

“Need a jolly good seeing to,” Ada interrupts me and I gape at her frankness shocked. “Not my words, darling, Johnny’s.”

“That cad! Where does he find the gumption to speak such crude words about a lady? One would believe he never had a mother to teach him manners,” I explode.

“He didn’t,” Ada shrugs and then smiles. “Don’t let them get to you. Chin up. Sleep tight, m’lady.”

“Yes,” I murmur. “Take care in the night. I shall see you in the morning.”

I watch her leave my room as I try to forget George’s ugly statement. Who does he think he is? Talking about a perfect stranger like that? And a lady no less. I stand up and flatten my dress down as I leave my room also. I walk up to the edge and look down at the waves crashing against the ship.

I let out a small scream and turn to the side as I suddenly hear the noises of someone suddenly sliding down a rope and thumping to my side. “Evenin’ poppet,” Matt smirks at me chuckling at my reaction. “Splendid night, isn’t it? Perfect for watchman duties.”

“I feel you want me to apologise for your punishment,” I say.

“No,” he says but I don’t believe him. “I was warned but I pushed it. That deserves punishment, does it not?”

I look away from him, over the edge again. “You don’t like me.”

“You don’t like us,” he retorts. “I’d like you a whole lot better if you weren’t so spoilt and wretched towards us. We could all be quite good friends.”

“That’ll never happen,” I mutter.
“See?” He laughs again leaning on the edge. “Wretched.”

“And what about you boys?” I glare turning towards him defiantly. “The way you speak of me is positively disgusting.”

“Oh?” He looks at me amusedly. “What, in particular, has put that frown on that delicate face of yours?” He asks knowing I would never repeat some of the things that come out of their mouths.

“Just...things,” I answer looking away again.
“Things about your innocence?” He questions.

“Things about all sorts of other things, which then lead to other, other things,” I say not knowing what else to say so I try to confuse him to make him be silent. “Things you really know nothing about.”

“Oh I think we can read you quite well,” he says walking away, confident he has intrigued me enough so that I will follow. Begrudgingly, I do follow him as he walks to an area with a cup and cigarette materials. He starts smoking and I scrunch my face up in revulsion.

“What do you think you know?” I ask trying to show bravado.

“I don’t know what Bloodbath sees in you because you’re quite transparent,” he mumbles shaking his head. “And boring,” he finishes making me gasp as he gulps his drink.

“How dare you!” I say indignantly.

“Well you are,” he looks up at me from his spot sat down. “C’mon poppet. What do you have to offer a man? And I mean a real man.”

“A real man like you?” I quirk an eyebrow at him and he nods. “Well, I’m...I’m...”
“Yes?” He smirks.

“Intelligent,” I begin with a thick glare. “Independent, I think for myself, I’m-“

“Stroppy, moody, like I said spoilt, annoying, arrogant, up yourself, a diva,” he lists looking awfully pleased with himself. “No man could possibly cope with your bullshit. You wanna be more like Knucks. Now she has all the qualities you listed of yourself but she ain’t irritating as shit like you are.”

“I suppose you think you're telling me this for my benefit?” I peer at him trying not to cry.
“No,” he shakes his head simply. “I’m telling you this because I don’t like you.”

I reel back at his bluntness and open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. “But you want me to be less annoying because you have to live with me. I thought you were highlighting my bad points so you could help me change them. To make your and everyone on this ships’ lives easier.”

“No,” he says letting the smoke come out of his mouth slowly. “I’m highlighting them to hurt your feelings because you’re a bitch.”

I take a step back and shake my head as I look down. I didn’t realise how honest this whole crew is. I sniff and bring my hand to my face as the gravity from looking down helps my tears to fall more quickly. I hear him laughs as he gets up and walks away. I look behind me to see him go back to his ropes and he climbs back up onto the Crow’s Nest to watch out.

I let out a small sob as I run back to my room. When I get there I fling myself onto my bed and howl into my pillow. I feel so embarrassed and hurt that I don’t know what else to do but pour my heart out. Stupidly I think about my lost crew and home again, which only makes me cry harder.

I barely register someone walk into my room and sit on my bed. I notice when they start to pull me up. Blinded by tears, I let them bring me into a sitting position and cradle me into their chest. I feel the person rock us and ‘shh’ me soothingly. I try to steady my breathing and calm down. My chest heaves with ragged breaths as I take deep ones to slow my pounding heart.

“Come now princess, you’ll give yourself a sore throat,” I recognise Jorel’s voice and I sit up more to look at his face. He looks at me and gives me a smile as he cups my wet cheek. “Even though you even look beautiful crying, I’d still prefer if you smiled.”

I look at him dumbly as my brows furrow. “What-what are you doing here?” I stammer.

“I could hear you from my chamber,” he tells me as he leans over to get a handkerchief from my bedside table. “Here,” he hands it to me and I dry my face as he rubs my back comfortingly. “Now what’s wrong?” He asks me softly, in a non-forceful manner.

I think about getting Matt in trouble out of spite. I think about even exaggerating what he said to get him in even more trouble but then I really would be everything he expects me to be if I did. I wonder if I should just not let it get to me at all. Really surprise him and George by being strong and not caring what they think. It would surely throw them off and confuse them if tomorrow I came out fine, smiling even.

“I have this terrible habit of crying when I am distressed,” I admit.
“What’s distressing you? The same as this morning or has somethin’ happened?” Jorel asks me.

“Just all these recent changes and I’m upset for Dylan. I hate to see him in pain,” I say and he nods.

“If Knucks has anything to do with it, he won’t be in much pain. She is the best at her job,” Jorel comforts me. “I hate to see you so sad.”
♠ ♠ ♠