

You, with your consistence. You are always there. I know that sometimes it’s hard. And some days you have so much love and you don’t know what to do with it all, and some nights you cry yourself to sleep because you just feel so alone. Even with a family who loves you and supports you and accepts you. Even with the most beautiful friends, real friends, the kind of friends that other people would die for. Friends who tell you how wonderful you are, and who almost make you believe it. But you just don’t give yourself enough credit. I know you’re not great at calculus, or social situations. I know that sometimes your anxiety pushes you to the point where you barely even recognise yourself. But you are good. You are. There is good stuff here. You can sit down and read an entire book, without your mind wandering once. You have more determination than anyone else I’ve ever met. Your unending love for yourself, and for everyone else around you, is the best thing about you. You are inherently good. And if you ever, for one second, stop believing that, I want you to come here, and listen to these words. I know that sometimes friends drift away, and relationships stop making sense. But none of them really matter. This is the most important one. You. And me. We’re in this together. Forever.