

“Aiden…? Where are you going…?”

Lucien stared up at me with sleepy eyes.
I pressed a kiss to his forehead and shushed him.

“It’s okay. Go back to sleep. I’m just going to take a walk.”
He nodded and snuggled back into the bed sheets.

“Be safe…”

I closed the bedroom door and grabbed my house keys and Lucien’s car keys again.

‘It’s Saturday night. He’s at the club getting drunk and sometimes fucking strangers while his wife visits her mother and father. Poor woman has no idea. You already know what to do, Aiden.'

I turned on the ignition and put the car in ‘drive’, driving off.

In about fifteen minutes, I arrived at the club.
I took off my jacket and threw it into the backseat, revealing a black halfway buttoned-up shirt.

I couldn’t let Lucien get suspicious.

I got out of the car and walked into the club, being welcomed by the smell of various colognes and perfumes and Ke$ha blasting on the speakers.

‘Right on time. He’s at the bar. On his fourth shot of tequila. Take the advantage before someone else does.’

Somehow I could still hear the voice over the ear-deafening music, but I decided not to question it.

I walked over to where Michael was sitting. I quickly got his attention.

“Ohhh…Hey, Aiden. I didn’t know you come to places like this.”
“There are a lot of things that you don’t know about me, Michael…”

I took one of his shot glasses and downed the bitter liquid, licking my lips while staring at him intently.

“Be honest with me, Michael…”
I stood in front of him and unbuttoned his shirt a little and started kissing his neck.

Once again, I felt like I was outside of my own body.

“Isn’t there anything else you want to do? Instead of sitting at his drab bar?”
I rested my hand on his thigh and rubbed it.

I smirked.

Got him right where I want him.

I reached behind him and dropped the pill into his drink.

He slid his hands to my butt and pulled me closer to him. He pressed his lips against mine and shoved his tongue into my mouth.

He’s obviously drunk. His mouth tastes like nothing but tequila.

“How about…we continue this? At your place?”

“I don’t know…”
I traced the inside of his thigh, near his crotch.

“Do you think you’re worthy to come home with me?”
He growled and grabbed me by the hand.

“You know I am.”
He reached over and drank the drugged shot.

“Follow me, then.”

I led him to the car and put him in the backseat, then I quickly got into the front seat.
I turned the car on and drove to the edge of town.

* * *

2:34 A.M.

Michael woke up, wrists and ankles bound to the table, just like Kyle.

“Where am I? What the hell is this?”

I walked over to him and ran my hand through his hair.

“What does your wife see in you? Does she know that you’re a sick, twisted psychiatrist who rapes his own patients and fucks random people from a club? Of course she doesn’t know. That would mean the end of your marriage, and you wouldn’t be able to keep her or dispose of her as you please.”

“W-Who the hell are you?!”

“Let’s just see how sick you are.”

I unzipped his pants and took out his penis, bending down and taking it into my mouth.

What am I doing? What am I trying to prove with this?
Why can’t I stop? Why can’t I take control of my body?!

Soon he came into my mouth with a strangled moan.
I spat his cum into his face.

“Even in a life or death situation, you still get turned on.”

I got a small scalpel from the nearby table.

“That won’t be a problem anymore.”
I took it into my hand and sliced the head in the middle.

His screams of agony sent shivers down my spine.

One cut after another. Mutilation after mutilation.
I finally got bored and decided to castrate him.

I picked up the handsaw and decided to give him the same treatment as Kyle.


One limb after another.


More screams of agony and begs for mercy.

I decapitated him and watched as his head rolled on the floor.

I was back in my own body.

The deed has been done.

And once again…

I had a smile on my face.

Once again, I burned the outfit that I was wearing and changed into a clean one.

Once again, I buried the body.

Once again, I sat in front of the warehouse with my head in my hands.

What the hell have I done? What the hell have I done?!
He had a wife waiting for him at home! He had someone who cared for him!

I’m sick!
I’m demented!
I’m a disgusting human being!

‘You did the right thing. He was an adulterer. He cheated on his wife with random people from clubs. He raped his own patients, including you. Remember how painful it was, Aiden? In and out…in and out. Non-stop.'

“S-Shut up…!”
Tears were pouring from my eyes.

No more blood…No more murder…I’m done…I’m done!

‘That’s what you think.’

I tried to ignore the voice once again as I walked to the car.
I turned it on and drove home.

* * *

No response. Only light snores came from him.

I sighed in relief and quickly stripped down until I was only in my boxers then I climbed into bed with him.

“I’m back, Lucien.”

I wrapped my arms around him and pressed small kisses to the back of his neck, trailing them down his back.

He moaned slightly and turned around to face me.
He rested his head on my chest and closed his eyes.

“You were out for a long time…I was starting to worry…”

I rested one hand on his hip while the other one ran through his hair.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you worry…”
“It’s okay…as long as you came back safe. Night, Aiden…”

I pressed a kiss to his forehead and closed my eyes as well.

“Night, Lucien…”
♠ ♠ ♠
I honestly felt a little bit awkward writing some of the stuff in this chapter, but c'est la vie!
Comment and tell me what you think lovelies!
'Til the next chapter ~ <3