

"Aiden, it's your turn to speak."

I shifted a little in my seat and ran a hand through my hair.

I was a little nervous. Ryan and Seth were no longer coming to the meetings. They had each other and no longer needed help from anyone else.

I honestly feel proud of them. But...
I wish I was just as strong as them to leave this place.

Michael was long gone and replaced by a female psychiatrist named Julia.
But...I still feel that I'm chained to this place.

I just can't leave.

"Aiden. We're waiting."

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"I...I'm making a slow recovery still...sometimes the voices narrow themselves down to one single voice. I haven't heard anything for two months now. Now that I'm with my boyfriend, I don't feel as lost or helpless as I used to be. I'm able to get some sleep. I eat healthy and regularly. I get out more often...and...I'm able to smile with ease..."

The thought of Lucien alone brought a small grin on my face.

"Alright, very good."
She jotted a few notes down on her clipboard and took off her glasses.

"You are dismissed everyone. See you all next week."

I got up from the seat and walked towards the door, the smile on my face growing a little wider.

I didn't have to stay after...I didn't have to stay after.

* * *

"The sunset is so beautiful, don't you think, Aiden?"

We were at the park, lying on the cool grass, Lucien curled up on my side.

He was right.

The light from the sun bathed the sky and clouds in warm shades of orange, leaving everything else in a dark, comforting shadow.

However, Lucien's face was still visible in the light.

A bright smile...warm, kind, green eyes staring into mine...his usual russet brown hair, shining a soft caramel color...

"What are you thinking about, Aiden?"

I shook my head and pressed my lips against his, smiling into the kiss.

"I love you, so much, Lucien."
I pulled away to see him smiling back at me.

"I love you too, Aiden."

I'm so lucky to have him...
A disgusting human being like me...A deranged murderer like so lucky to have him.

I've killed for him...I'm recovering just for him.

I can't afford to lose him...I just can't.

'How long do you plan to keep it a secret from him?'

I tensed up at the sound of the voice.

'He's bound to find out, Aiden.'

I shut my eyes tight, trying to will them away, knowing that it wouldn't work...
No matter how hard I try...

'All of those people. Chopped up, mutilated, rotting underground.'

Shut up...!

'What do you think Lucien would do if he ever found out?'

'He'll betray you, despise you, fear you.'

'He'll turn you in without a second thought. That's the way people think.'

No...! Lucien is different! different...

'Keep telling yourself that lie. You're only making it harder on yourself.'

'How could he ever love you? You're a psychopath, remember?'

'Remember your girlfriend? Remember what she did and why you killed her?'

N-no...! Stop...Stop!


I opened my eyes to see Lucien sitting up and staring down at me, worry etched on his face.

"Aiden, what's wrong?"

I sat up as well and shook my head.

"N-Nothing...can...can we just go home?"

I knew he didn't believe me, but he didn't say anything.
He only nodded and stood up from the ground, helping me up afterwards.

As we walked, felt a small amount of guilt in my stomach.

I ruined a nice, peaceful moment...I made Lucien worry...

I was about to apologize, but he grabbed my hand and held it in his.

"Don't even think about apologizing, Aiden. None of this is your fault."
He pressed a kiss to my cheek and tugged me along.

My heart skipped a beat and the guilt in my stomach disappeared.

The voices are wrong.
Lucien is different.

He loves me, and that's all that matters.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOO!!! 100 readers! Thank you all so much, lovelies~! <3
Thank you to those who commented and recommended the story!
'Til the next chapter!