

Lucien Beauvais…Nationality: French…Age: twenty-one…Sexual orientation: Bisexual…Is in a relationship with another male…Habits: chews on the sleeve of his sweater/jacket when he’s nervous, bites on his lip when he’s afraid, fidgets with his fingers when he’s lying…Fears: heights, blood, death…left-handed…birthmark on his neck that’s the shape of a heart…a pale scar on his right wrist…

I’ve collected all of this information from his first three visits…just by watching him.

Why am I paying so much attention to him?

He’s just a guy who visits me every other day, monitoring my current mental health.

I don’t need to be monitored. I’m fine. I’m fine.

‘Quit lying to yourself, Aiden…You’re far from fine.’

I shook my head, trying to will the voices away.

“Are you okay?”

Lucien sat in front of me, chewing lightly on his bottom lip.

He’s afraid…

‘Of course he’s afraid…People are always afraid of psychopaths.’

I shut my eyes and let out a shaky breath.

‘Don’t deny the truth…’

‘Only we understand you, Aiden…You’re our psychopath…’

‘We love you, Aiden…’

I opened my eyes when I felt a hand on my head.
Lucien was slowly and gently ruffling my hair, those beautiful, green eyes staring into my dull, grey ones.

His touch is…warm…and calming…

And...The voices had stopped

“You don’t talk much, do you?”
I shook my head at his question.

He smiled. “It’s okay. I used to be really quiet, too.”

He started to pull his hand away, but I quickly grabbed it.

“What is it…?”

I looked away from him, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

I placed his hand back on my head and mimicked the motion that he did earlier.

“You want me to keep doing that?”
I nodded shyly.

He giggled slightly.


The rest of the time he was here…the voices didn’t say a word.

Now that he left, they won’t shut up…

‘Don’t trust him. Never trust a pretty face.’

‘He’s afraid of you. He’s only being nice by “helping” you.’

‘Why do you like him? Why would he like you back?’

‘Don’t be stupid. He has a boyfriend.’

‘What if the boyfriend…“disappeared”?’

The last sentence made me shiver in disgust…

Don’t listen to them…don’t listen to them…
They’re not real…they’re not real…

I opened the bottle and took out two pills. I swallowed them and shut my eyes.

Breathe in…breathe out…breathe in…breathe—

‘Don’t deny it, Aiden. You want him to “disappear”…’
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you so much for those who commented! <3