Status: "Why are you painting in Gallifreyan? How can you know Gallifreyan?"

Let Down Your Hair

I see the world in swirls of color. Starbursts of blues, greens, oranges, splashes of red and violet, sprinkles of yellow scattered among a sky filled with pricks of fiery, pinpointed, beautiful light. I find solace in the colors, a special kind of peace that slips smoothly through my veins and relaxes every stress and every worry, even if only just for a moment.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve watched those ethereal, glowing lanterns drift past my tower window like they were lost and looking for a home. They always remind me of stars, floating their way through the universe with an age-old calm that told secrets.

A calm that kept secrets.

More than anything, I want to know those secrets.

And he'll help me.

An entry for this contest with this picture