
Hold On

The all too familiar sound of my own sneakers hitting the pavement. I really wish Gerard was by my side. I frowned at this thought. People tell me all the time that my frown looks like a kid pouting. Upon thinking of this I stopped an instead wore a blank expression. I stopped in front of the gate to my house. I peered through the bars, thinking of the drunken beating waiting for me just inside. I cracked the door just a smidge and peeked in.
"No Dad." I whispered happily to myself. I went the rest of the way in and just as my foot touched the first step to the attic a hand caught my arm and drug me back down. The person spun me around so quickly I barely got the chance to see who it was before feeling the same hand that was previously grasping my arm glide across my face. It all seemed like slow motion as I fell to the floor, hitting my head on the banester on the way down. My vision went all white for a few seconds, then I heard my father screaming.
"Why the hell were you kissing that boy?!" He kicked me hard in the ribs and I immediately went to the fetal position.
"You little faggot!" Another blow to the rib cage. He spit on me and proceeded to the kitchen. Just then I heard the front door.
"Oh no." I said silently. Mom slowly walked passed me into the kitchen, arms full of grocery bags. Now he was screaming at her.
"Did you know he was gay?!"
"No honey, I-" He cut her off.
"It's probably all your fault."
"What could I have done?!"
"All your fucking shows about cooking and fashion probably had something to do with it!"
"You can't TURN someone gay! They're born..." Again he cut her off.
"Shut up, bitch!" I heard a loud smack an the thud of her hitting the floor. He came stomping from the kitchen. I crawled up the stairs as fast as I could for fear of being beaten any further. Luckily, I made it up to the attic before he could reach me. I lied down on y bed and popped a couple of Ibuprofen to ease the pain in my ribs and head. As I was lying there, starring up at the ceiling covered in dust and cobwebs, I thought of Gerard and the kiss that got me into this mess in the first place. In that moment I was truly happy. The kiss made me feel actual joy. Something I hadn't experienced in a long long time. This boy had saved me so many times before and now he can be mine... What a thought.
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Sorry about the slow update. It's been a busy busy couple of weeks. Hopefully the next chapter will come sooner. Keep it ugly.

Adrenaline Revolver.