Sweeping Movements

A Sweeping Movement

The bench was warm from the summer sun, the heat caressing me even through my skirt. I was sitting all alone while the life in the park went on. Children sat on swings pumping their tiny legs, mothers talked in tight little circles and kites were overpowering the sky.

But it was all silent. All of it. For two years it had been.

Before long I found myself looking at the clouds, head craning to get a good look at them from in-between the branches of the tree beside me. It was easier that way, to pretend I was alone. Everything stood still in such silence.

I hadn't noticed I had started to cry, but others had.

And it wasn't until the tap on my thigh that I tore my gaze from the blue skies above. Looking down to see a little boy around three years old staring intently at me. Eyes that seemed to see into my very soul. He said something, too fast for me to read his lips. Doubting he could read sign language, I just smiled. He seemed to understand or at least understand I didn't want to talk, for he picked up a flower, a weed really, and handed it to me before kissing my knee and walking away.

It helped. Knowing someone cared for me, even if just a three year old whose mom looked like she was scolding him for talking to strangers and checking him to see if he was alright.

Someone saw through the silence, saw through to me.

It was then I saw him, a tall man of no more than 24 just sitting down to eat underneath a tree not three yards from where I sat. He was wearing a dark grey suit and red tie, uncaring of the dirt that was surely going to stick to a suit as nice as that. But he didn't seem to mind as he pulled out an apple and a book.

I don't believe in love at first sight but I didn't doubt the immediately attraction I felt to this very man.

So I came back the next day, at the same time, which turned out to be twenty minutes before he arrived.

Soon it became a pattern. After that we exchanged smiles, then little waves.

Until the day he came up right in front of me and started to speak, looking sheepish and blushing like a school girl with a crush. Maybe he was asking me on a date, or to move, I couldn't read lips and I wasn't really paying too much attention to that.

Without thinking I raised my arms and began to sign. A flurry of words, and I just knew he wouldn't understand.

Wouldn’t understand the words that had me looking exactly like he did, like a silly girl with a high school crush. And here I had thought I had left high school behind.

I risked a glance back up after lowering my head when finished.

Just in time to see him raise his arms and begin with a sweeping movement.
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I kinda actually am really proud of this.

For a Contest. :D

It's In the Body Language

The url is http://www.mibba.com/Forums/Topic/181824/Its-In-the-Body-Language/

I have no idea what so ever how to link. I have asked two people and I still don't get it. At all.

Thank you to the people who told me how, I am just not computer savvy at all. In any shape or form.