Doctor Who, with a twist

Aliens aren't real, are they?

Alan looked around, he was in whiteness all around he saw white and he had a feeling of terror, then out of the white came a man, he had brown hair and square glasses, he was wearing a long brown trench coat, and his eyes looked like they held all the wisdom in the world. the man walked up to him and said, "it's alright, I'm here now" in a British accent and suddenly Alan felt safe.
Alan looked around, he had been daydreaming again.
"Alan, what do you think?" asked his twin sister Alex
"what?" he asked confused
"daydreaming again?" she teased
"yeah sorry" he said sheepishly
"i asked if you thought there were aliens living among us"
"oh, no i don't think so, if their were wouldn't it be hard for them to hide it?" he anwserd after some thought
"i don't know, what if they looked human?" she asked
"then we better hope they want to live in peace" Alan joked
Alex laughed "do you even think Aliens exist?"
"no i don't think so" he answered truthfully, after all he was thirteen and was to old by his standards to believe in such things.
the bell rang and the twins rushed out of the room to get to their lockers. they grabbed their bags and hurried out the door
"finally!" exclaimed Alex " i thought it wouldn't end"
Alan laughed and said"well, you've got a week left until schools really over"
the twins chatted about summer vacation when Alan bumped into a man.He fell over
""sorry" said the man he reached out his hand and helped Alan up
then Alan saw his face, it was the man from his "dreams". " who are you"? he asked distressed, this was the person who he had seen every day for as long as he could remember, and now he was finding out that he was a real person.
""excuse me?" the man asked confused.
"sorry, my brother's a little weird, I'm Alex, this is Alan."Alex told him glaring at her brother
" nice to see to see you, i'm-"
then they heard a scream, it was coming from up the road near the twins house, they looked at each other then ran, leaving their books in the middle of the road, the man ran after them.when they got to their house the door looked like something cut through the hinges.
"what the hell?"asked Alex
then they noticed that the man was still with them
"well than, shall we?" he asked when Alan looked at him he saw a reckless gleam in his eye's they walked in and saw a disaster area the bookcase had fallen down and had scattered books all over the place. the man took out a strange looking flashlight, he scanned the room with it and said
"well then we've got some tarin signatures, thats interesting"
then he looked at the twins
" does your mum ever talk about aliens?" he asked
"no i don't think she believes in them" answered Alex then she said
"what's happened where's our Mum?"
"she's been abducted by Aliens" he said simply
"I'm sorry, not to be rude or anything, but who are you anyway?" asked Alan annoyed
"I'm the doctor"was his answer.