Doctor Who, with a twist


The inside was huge! it was a large circular chamber with hallway's branching off in the middle was a large computer console. the twins ran outside and walked around it, it was just an old police box. then they walked back in and their was the huge room!
"how did you do that?" asked Alan now officially awed
"do you like it?" asked the Doctor smiling
"heck yeah" said Alex
"where'd you get it?" asked Alan
"i made it" he answered proudly
"oh" Alan thought about that
"so than shall we?"asked the Doctor
"does it really work?" asked Alex
"oh yes" answered the doctor smiling widely
he started to fiddle with the controls
"hold on it's gonna be a bumpy ride!"
the ship shook as they took off the Doctor held onto the console and the twins hung for dear life on the railing.
"couldn't you have made it a little smoother?" asked Alex
"yes" he answered grinning "but this is more fun!"
the twins groaned and the ship stopped
"here we are!"
the twins stepped out of the blue BO and into
"if I'm not mistaken, we're still in London" said Alan
"well yeah I'm just calling in the Calvary"
"the Calvary?"asked the twins
"I've got some friends in London that can help us" he answered
then he walked up to a house and knocked on the door
"be there in a minute" called a female voice
then the door opened and a young African American opened the door she looked about in her 20's
"Doctor!" she said
"hello Martha"
then the woman saw them
"who are they?" she asked quietly
"someone who needs your expertize" he answered
"what?"she asked confused
"I'll tell you about it on the way we just have to pick up three more passengers"he said smiling
"are you serious" she asked smiling
"oh yes' was the jovient reply
so the doctor Martha and the twins got back in the TARDIS
"it hasn't changed a bit"Martha whispered "it's just like i never left"
"hold on tight" said the doctor
the twins grabbed onto the railing and Martha and the doctor held onto the console.
"here we are!" he said with his broad grin
"and where exactly is here?" asked Alan
"torch wood headquarters home of the infamous captain Jack"
"seriously?" asked Martha "the home of the head of Bo?"
"don't worry he isn't a head yet"
"sorry did i miss something?" asked Alex
"he's an old friend" answered the doctor
"who doesn't like not having news for fourteen years doctor" said a voice near the door of the TARDIS they all turned around and saw a man about in his late 30's leaning against the doorway twirling a keyring
"Hallo Jack" exclaimed the Doctor "i see we don't have to come in to get you"
"nope, so whats the emergency?" asked the man closing the door behind him
"I'll tell yo in a bit we've got two more to pick up" said the doctor
"haven't redecorated the TARDIS then?" asked captain jack
"nah i like it like this"
"hold on and they were off again.