Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapter One

~~May and Hannah~~
May slowly walked down the hallways with Hannah helping her. Hannah is a year younger than May. Hannah's in tenth grade and it's her first time being in a new in a school this big. They had to move around a lot because of their father's job. But they were pretty sure this was the last place they were going to move to. May had come to this school last year so she knew where everything was, and all the little hiding spots where the cameras couldn't see.
She carefully walked down the hallways to try and find Hannah's locker so she could find her own so they can put their belongings into it. Finally, she found it; Locker 1542, Hannah's locker.
"Well, here's your locker. And your lock." May pulled out a lock with Hannah's name neatly written onto it.
"Thanks sis. You're the best." Hannah said with a smile.
"It's nothing, really. Try and have a good day today, and try not to get lost. But if you do, I've got my cell on me." May kisses Hannah's forehead and Hannah hugged her.
"My locker's very close to yours. It's just across the hall, see?" She said as she pointed to the vacant locker right across the hall. The boy who's locker was next to hers caught her eye.
"Alright" Hannah said as she opened up her locker.
May whispered into Hannah's ear, "Don't let your powers slip."
May walked away to her locker.

~~May and Demetri~~
May walked across the hall and started putting her things into her locker when the boy next to her said, "Um, hi. I'm new here, I just transferred, do you think you can help me?" He was blushing and switching between eye contact with her and the floor.
"Yeah, that'll be no problem." She said with a smile. Hannah glanced over at her, May was doing that pose that she only does when she finds someone she likes. Hannah just smiled and walked to her homeroom.
"Oh, I forgot, I'm Demetri." He said as he held out his hand and smiled.
"May" She said while blushing as she shook his hand. "Oh, it'd help me to see your schedule, so I'm not leading you in the wrong direction."
"Oh yeah, hold on." Demetri said as he pulled a folded up piece of paper from his back pocket.
As she looked at it, she realized that they had all the same classes and homeroom, except for 9th period.
"Oh, well, this will be easy." May said.
"Why do you say that?" Demetri asked confusedly.
"Because every single class is the same except for ninth period. And that's even right across the hall." She said with a smile as she handed it back to Demetri.
They closed their lockers and walked to homeroom, making small talk on their way there.
"Oh by the way, I love that band" Demetri said with a smile.
She had to look and see what she was wearing; a black My Chemical Romance T-shirt, black skinny jeans, and her favorite pair of purple converse.
She smiles "Oh, thanks." She blushes looking at the floor. Finally, there here; homeroom.

~~Anastasia and Xavier~~
"But I don't wanna go to school! It's big and scary!" Anastasia said with a whimper.
"You don't have anything to be worried about Anni! I'm the one who's new!" Xavier said half yelling at his big sister.
Anastasia starts crying and starts to walk away, but before she gets too far Xavier grabs her arm and pulls her close to his chest which makes her feel better in the absence of a stream.
"Now come on, we're going to be late for homeroom"
"But what if something bad happens Xavier?!" She said with a quiet scream.
"Like what?!" Xavier said back confused.
Anastasia whispered in Xavier's ear so that no one else can hear what she's about to say "What if I let my powers slip?"
"Anastasia," Xavier said back just as quietly, "You have nothing to worry about. The only big body of water here is the swimming pool. As long as you don't go anywhere near there, you'll be fine."
"Alright, I guess I'll go now." Anastasia wiped away her tears and hugged her brother and started to walk away.
"Anastasia," Xavier said before she got too far.
"Yeah Xavier?" She said back trying to fake a smile.
"Have a good day" He said with a smile.
"I'll try" she said as she softly giggles and walks away.

~~Alyx and Hannah~~
Hannah awkwardly walked into her homeroom and sat down next to the boy who sat grimly in the corner. She got an evil scowl when she did so.
"Are you hear to make fun of me too?" The boy said while glaring at Hannah.
"Uhmm.. Uhh…" She said nervously "No, I just thought you looked a little lonely, and I don't like that so I came to bring you some company…" Hannah said.
"Hmm. Well, you're the first to say that. All of them," He glared at all of the preppy girls and jocks. "Don't want to be in the same room as me."
"I don't see why," She said with a smile. "You seem pretty nice"
He half smiled showing his white teeth which almost matched his skin tone.
"Thanks." He said.
"So, where's your next class? Maybe we'll have it together." Hannah asked politely.
"I think it's a study hall, let me check." He opened up a single black folder and pulled out his schedule. "Yeah, it's a study hall in the cafeteria."
"That's where mine is." Hannah said with a smile. "Oh, I'm Hannah, by the way."
"I'm Alyx."
After he said that, the first period bell rang, and they walked together.