Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapters 26, 27, and 28

Chapter 26:

May and Demetri wanted to go on a walk around the east side of New Jersey, since that's where they just moved to. They got changed, and May did her hair. Demetri just brushed his to the side. They told everyone where they were going and that they shouldn't be to long.
They went up many paths, and found a few cute little parks with lots of little kids. They walked up one of the main roads and found a lot of cute little shops, and some restaurants that smelled really good. May saw a store that looked like Hot Topic and Spencer's put together and wanted to go in.
"Demetri! Can we go in there? Please?!" May tugged on his arm and bent her knees a little bit.
"Yeah, baby. C'mon." Demetri started walked towards the store.
"Yay!" May jumped on Demetri's back; wrapping her legs around his waist and cuddled into the side of his face.
Demetri chucked and held on to her legs. "I love you."
"I love you too!" She kissed his cheek. "Now carry me inside!" May giggled and pointed to the store.
Demetri carried her across the street to the doors and she hopped down.
"LE GASP!" May ran to the back of the store and dug her face in one of the T-shirts.
Demetri ran after her. "What's wrong?!" He asked confusedly.
She was basically hyperventilating. "Look…. What… I… Found…!" It was a shirt that said If you don't support gay marriage then you're a faggot
"OH MY GOD! WE NEED THEM!" Demetri was just as excited as she was because he knew who wore it first. May grabbed a small and a medium off the shelf. She handed Demetri the small.
"I feel so fat, I have to wear a bigger size than my fiancé." She looked down at her shirt.
"Sweety, we wear the same shirt size." He paused before basically yelling at her. "AND MAY CLESTA DEAN WERNER. YOU ARE NOT FAT. AT ALL. DON'T EVER THINK THAT. EVER." He took the medium out of her hands and exchanged it with a small.
"You passed." She smiled.
"What?" Demetri was confused.
"I knew all that, and I know I'm not fat. I was just testing you. You passed!" May replied.
"Oh god. You scared me there for a minute." He hugged her.
She hugged him back. "So, how many things can I get…?"
Demetri stopped hugging her, put his hands on her shoulders and said "As much as you want.You said you wanted a new wardrobe anyway."
"You're the best!" She gave him a tight hug around his waist and ran off to the other Sleeping with Sirens shirts.
She chose about 5 SWS shirts, 8 MCR shirts, 3 BVB shirts, 3 Falling in Reverse shirts, 8 BOTDF shirts, 2 Ludo shirts, 6 P!ATD shirts, 4 GreenDay shirts, a Linkin Park shirt, 10 Pokémon shirts, 6 Nickleback shirts, 10 My Darkest Day's Shirts, 8 Pairs of Skinny Jeans all different colors, 5 pairs of black skinny jeans (Some ripped some not), hair dye, a new Pokémon bag, 12 bracelets, 3 hair bows, a zebra print hat with pockets, a Finn hat, a Jake hat, a Pikachu hat with ears and a tail, a Pikachu hoodie, a Paramore hoodie, a pair of rainbow shorts, some new lip rings and ear rings, 4 pairs of new Converse (Black, purple, red, and blue), 5 pairs of Pajama pants, and some nail polish.
"Honey, is this too much?" May had a look of worry on her face.
"What did I tell you?" Demetri said as he put all the stuff on the counter.
"I could have anything I wanted…" May said biting her lip ring.
"Exactly, it's not too much babe." Demetri smiled.
The bill was over $750. It was no problem for Demetri though. They walked outside with their 15 or so huge bags. By this time it was about 6:00.
"Let me call Hannah to come get us, this is a little much to carry the 4 miles home." May said as she put her bags on the bench. Demetri put his bags there also and sat down, pulling May on his lap.
"Hey Han, can you come get Demetri and I? We kinda went shopping, and we have a lot of stuff… A little too much to carry home… We're right by the beach actually. Yeah, that road behind it. Alright." May hung up the phone.
"Hannah and Shawn are on their way. They'll be here in like 5 minutes." May said as she curled up into a ball on his lap.
"Okay." Demetri said as he pet her head.
5 minutes later, Hannah and Shawn pulled up.
"Holy shit May! How much stuff did you get?!" Hannah shouted.
"A whole new wardrobe, now open the trunk." The trunk opened, and Demetri and May put in all the bags. May and Demetri hopped in the back seat.
"Hey, when we get back to the house, you guys stay in the car. We're gunna tell everyone else that we're all going out for dinner. You all will follow us." Demetri said as Shawn pulled away.
Within 5 minutes, they were back at the house, and Demetri and May took her bags up to the room. The both changed into their matching shirts, and gave everyone a matching one so they'd all match. Of course; Xavier, Frankie, Arianna, and Anastasia loved them.

Chapter 27:

Once everyone changed their shirts, and fixed their hair, Demetri and May got in the car. They drove down to this fancy restaurant and ordered a table for 6, but the only table that was available was a table for 8. They didn't complain though, they just had some extra space. May sat next to Demetri, who sat beside Hannah; who was obviously sitting next to Shawn. On the opposite side of the table, the lesbians and the gay men sat next to each other.
Everyone ate a normal combination of food, except for Hannah. She got a king size steak, a large side of French fries, fresh green beans, mac and cheese, apple sauce, mashed potatoes, and a large diet coke. No one quite understands Hannah and her strange ways.
After they ordered their food and their drinks, when all the sudden a girl with brown hair comes running up behind them and steals a chair next to May.
"Guys! Can you do me a favor? Can you pretend to know me? I'm kind of hiding from someone…" This girl was hyperventilating and trying to catch her breath.
"Yeah sure, who you hiding from?" May asked.
"This girl and her new girlfriend. She's actually my ex…"
"Wait, so you're a lesbian?" Arianna asked.
"Oh, no. I'm bi." The random girl said.
"If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" May asked politely.
"Oh, I'm sorry; I should've said something. I'm Alazaya. You can call me Zaya."
"Ermergerd! I love your name!" Hannah squeeled while having a spaz attack with her arms.
"Ha. Thanks. Do you mind me asking, what are all of your names?" Zaya asked.
"Oh, I'm May. This is Demetri, my boyfriend. The one having a spaz attack about your name is Hannah, who's also my sister. That's her boyfriend Shawn. Those are the lesbians Anastasia and Arianna. And last but not least, the gay couple; Xavier and Frankie."
"Aw." Zaya put her hands on her face and tilted her head to the side and looked at Xavier.
Xavier got confused and tilted his head back at her. "What?"
"You're gay." Zaya smiled.
"Um. Yeah…" Xavier smiled and held Frankie's hand under the table.
"Oh my god! Hide me!" Zaya slid closer to May.
"Wait, Why?" May was confused but let her stay close to her.
"That's my ex and her new girlfriend." Zaya pointed to a girl who looked a lot like Sasha and a girl who looked just as bitchy as Sasha was.
"Hannah, Is that Sasha?!" She gave Hannah a quick look and then made eye contact with the girl with all pink hair.
"It is! And she's walking this way." Zaya grabbed May's arm and cuddled close to her.
The Sasha tapped the other girls arm and they walked over with their bitchy strut and their hands on their hips. Once Sasha got over to the table she interlocked arms with the other girl.
"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Isn't it little Zaya? Oh look, and all her new friends. I hope they all bail on you like you bailed on me. At least my new girlfriend won't bail on me. Right Bailey?" Sasha looked at the girl and gave her the seductive wink.
"'Course sweetie." Bailey annoyingly chewed her gum and twirled her hair.
"Really Sasha? You really have to attack her like that? You're a grown girl. Get over yourself." May hugged Zaya.
"Yes I do. She's a bitch. She left me for some other girl." Sasha looked at May and popped her hip to one side.
Zaya interjected angered, "The only reason I left you is because you were being a complete bitch to me! You completely ignored me for almost a whole month, you didn't want to hold my hand, you didn't want to kiss me, and you were always hanging out with your friends! You cared about them more than me! And then you acted like leaving you was only because I was bored with you! I think you were the one who was bored of me!" She almost started crying and dug her face into May's armpit. May petted the back of her head.
Sasha was speechless. She scoffed, grabbed Bailey's arm, and walked away.
May pulled Zaya's face out of her armpit and moved her hair to the right side. "Hey, it's okay. She's gone."
Zaya sniffed. "Thanks for letting me hide my face in your armpit." She giggled.
May giggled too. "No Problem."
All of the sudden, Shawn stood up and looked like he was in a panic. "Oh god. Guys, I'll be back like tomorrow. My mom's in the hospital. I gotta run back to the condo really quick and grab some stuff."
Hannah grabbed his arm. "I'll come with you, it sounds serious."
Shawn pushed her back down. "No, stay here. I'll be back. I shouldn't be too long."
"O-okay…" Hannah said as Shawn practically ran away from the table. "Good Luck!"
"I hope everything goes okay." Zaya interjected awkwardly. "I mean, I know I just met you guys, but I still worry." Zaya scooted her seat closer to May.
"It's okay to worry. I have a feeling you'll be around for a long time anyway, and you'll get to know us." May said.
"Okay. Cool. I didn't want to creep anyone out."
The group of friends talked for a while and finally their food came. Hannah got a little too excited when hers came.
"Um, I've got everything but the huge order… She's got that…" The waitress pointed to the waiter carrying a huge try of food. Hannah's mouth started to water. Once everyone got their food, the waiter basically just gave the tray to Hannah.
"Potaytoes! Gurn burns! Yuuuurm!" Hannah did the most cheesy smile ever, showing her almost perfect teeth. May quickly took a picture.
"Lol. That's going on facebook." May tapped a few places on her iPhone and then locked it.
May shared half of her meal with Zaya since she didn't get to order. Everyone ate relatively slow, except Hannah. She went at everything like it'd be the last meal she'd ever eat. She was the first to finish. Demetri was the second.
"Hey Demetri, switch me places." Hannah said as she stood up.
"Alright." Now Hannah was sitting in between May and Demetri.
Once everyone finished and the waiter came by the table to clean up the dishes, Demetri went up to pay for everyone's dinner.
"Hey, do you have somewhere to stay tonight?" May asked Zaya.
"Actually; No, I don't have a place where I feel I fit in…" Zaya looked down and twiddled her thumbs.
"Why don't you stay with us? We have a lot of extra space." May looked around at everyone and they were all nodding in agreement.
"Really?" Zaya gave a big smile.
"Of course. I don't like lying to people." May said.
Zaya hugged May. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"
May laugh sighed. "It's no problem, really. C'mon guys. Let's go."
Demetri, May, Hannah, and Zaya rode in Demetri's car. And Arianna, Anastasia, Frankie and Xavier rode in Frankie's car.
Once they got back to their penthouse; May tried to unlock the door, but it was already unlocked. She just blew it over as Shawn being forgetful.
"Hey Zaya, you can sleep with May in our bed. I'll sleep on the pullout couch." Demetri said to Zaya.
"Oh thanks!" Zaya said smiling.
"Um, May…" Hannah said shyly and walked up to her sister.
"What's wrong sweetcheeks?" May asked as she pulled off her jacket.
"If Shawn's not here I won't be able to sleep, I need someone to cuddle with…" Hannah said as she bit her lip.
"Hold on, let me go talk to Demetri." She walked away and went over to Demetri. Hannah walked off to her room.
"Hey babe, would you mind sleeping with Hannah for tonight? She's not going to be able to sleep without someone else's body heat." May asked him before he started making his bed for the night.
Demetri smiled. "Yeah, that'll be no problem."
May rubbed the top of his head. "Thanks. I'll go tell Hannah."
May walked into Hannah's room and saw her sitting on a bed reading a note, and crying.
"Oh my god, what's wrong?" May closed the door and ran over to the bed and sat down right next to her.
"Shawn's gone." Hannah whispered.
"Yeah, he's coming back tomorrow." May was confused on what her sister meant.
"No, May. He's gone forever. Look:" Hannah handed her sister the note that said:

I really wanted to stay, but I found someone else. I didn't know how to tell you, so I just left. I changed my cell number so you can't contact me, I don't want to be screamed at by you or your sister. Also, I left the shirt and anything else I may have that would have been yours, or anyone else's. And in the envelope next to this is all the money I owe Demetri, he'll know what I mean; just make sure he gets it. My key is in the dish by the door.

Hannah started crying in May's arms. Hannah just about feel asleep because May was petting her hair, so she moved her up to her side of the bed.
"I'm going to get Demetri to come in with you. Stay right here." May kissed her forehead and walked out to get Demetri.
"Okay look, Shawn just left Hannah and she was just crying for 20 minutes. Just go in there with her and keep her company and warm and all that jazz." Hannah had her hand on his shoulder.
"Got it." Demetri turned towards Hannah's bedroom. "Night guys!" Demetri went into the bedroom, got on the other side of the bed, crawled under the covers and kept Hannah warm by hugging her all night.

Chapter 28:

When May woke up; she was still cuddling Zaya, except Zaya was facing her. There was just a pale light coming in from the partially opened window. The small dim beams of light hit Zaya's face, making her still sleeping face look so precious. There was a small breeze coming in the window from the ocean, which would have chilled Zaya to the bone if she were to get up right at the moment.
May used her telekinesis to close the window and turned the heater up to 95 in fear of it still being too cold for Zaya when she got up. May didn't want to leave the warmth of the bed that she and Zaya created. Besides; Zaya's light snore made May more tired. May fell back asleep for about another hour.
Zaya finally woke up; it was about 9:15. The light was now brighter and lite up May's face, although, it didn't look as cute on Zaya's face. Zaya took her finger from the bottom on May's forehead and went down her nose. May drowsily opened her eyes. Once she saw Zaya's smiling face, she smiled as well.
"Morning, Sleepyhead." Zaya said softly to May.
May softly giggled. "Morning,"
"How'd you sleep?" Zaya asked.
"Like a rock." She smirked. "Hey, wanna go get some food?"
"Yursh please," Zaya sat up so May could get up. Once May got up and fixed her shirt, Zaya sat up and stuck out her arms.
"Help me." Zaya awkwardly said and awkwardly laughed.
"Oh my," May smirked and rolled her eyes. She wrapped her arms around Zaya's torso and lifted her up. Zaya wrapped her legs around May and put her arms around her neck and stuck her head on May's shoulder.
"I feel like a baby! Hehehe!" Zaya giggled like a little 6 year old.
May smirked and rolled her eyes again. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah," May walked over to the door and opened it using her telekinesis, walked out, and closed it again.
Everyone was sitting in the living room, on the couch. Demetri was sitting on the very end, Hannah sat next to him. Xavier had his legs on Frankie who was beside Hannah. Arianna and Anastasia weren't there for some reason though.
"Uh… May…" Hannah gave her a weird look. "Why are you being koalaed?" Hannah burst out laughing, which everyone followed her laughter.
"Koalaed? What?" May started laughing and sat down on the very end of the couch, and Zaya turned around so she was facing everyone else on the couch.
"Koalaed: When someone is clinging onto you for dear life. Examples: Zaya koalaed May this morning, for some strange reason." Hannah started laughing again.
"Hahaha. Very funny," May started laughing, but it was an awkward laugh like she was trying to hide something from everyone.
"Wait. Zav. I know that laugh. You're hiding something." Hannah interrupted the various laughs, but then the room went silent.
"What are you talking about? I'm not hiding anything." May instantly got serious; sincerely trying not to let it spill out. Zaya moved to one of the couch cushions
"Are you sure?" Hannah questioned, leaning into the middle of the couch.
"Yes! When did you become so nosey?!" She emphasized the word nosey. May stormed off into the kitchen and made herself some cereal and sat on the counter and ate it.
Demetri wandered into the kitchen and sat on the opposite side of the counter.
"We need to tell everybody. It'd make our lives easier, You know." Demetri looked at her though the one corner of this hair.
"Yeah." May angrily crunched her cereal.
"You don't need to be mad at me, I didn't question you. And you know I'll still be there for you. I still love you, y'know. No matter what happens we're always going to be best friends."
She looked at her cereal as he said that. "You're the best, best friend I've ever had." May said realizing she was being a little harsh. She slowly crunched her cereal.
"After you finish we should tell them all." Demetri slightly kicked his foot and fixed his hair. "I already told Hannah last night… And Um…" He paused.
"Wanna finish that sentence?" May asked as she finished her last bite.
"Hannah and I are what you and I used to be…" Demetri said guiltily; knowing how protective she was of her sister. He was worried she would freak out.
May took her last swallow of her milk, threw the bowl and spoon in the sink, and hopped off the counter.
"C'mere." May looked down at the floor. Demetri hopped off the counter and slowly walked towards her. May walked towards him and hugged him.
She released the hug. "She deserves someone like you. Take care of her for me. Tell everyone I'm going out. I might be back." May said softly and she walked towards the back door.
Demetri put a hand on "May wait."
May turned around. "Yeah?"
"We need to go tell them. The sooner the better. Let's go now." Demetri put his arm around her shoulder.
"Oh, right…" May looked down again.
"Wait, are you okay?" Demetri asked concernedly.
"Yeah, Yeah. I'm fine let's just go." She tried to cover up her emotions.
Demetri and May walked out into the living room and they sat down in the chairs that were facing the couch.
"Guys, we have something to tell you." Demetri said, May still looking down. Everyone looked so intrigued.
"IS MAY PREGNANT?" Frankie shouted loudly.
"No! No! No! Faaaaar from that!" May yelled and blushed.
"Then what is it?!" Xavier said anxiously.
"Demetri and I aren't together anymore." May took off her engagement ring and held it out to Demetri. "Here, you might want this."
"No, No. You keep it." Demetri said, enclosing her hand around the ring.
"But you might want it for Hannah, and I'm never going to wear it anyway." She sat the ring on his lap and walked into her room. She laid on her bed and cried.