Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapters 29, 30, and 31

Chapter 29:

May was crying in her room for about 2 minutes when Hannah came in and locked the door.
"Hey, are you okay?" Hannah sat down on the bed hugged May's shoulders.
May wiped away a tear. "Do I look okay?!" She started bawling again.
"Obviously not, you knew what I meant." Hannah hugged May closer.
"You have no idea what I just did for you." May pushed her away and ran out of the room and ran to the bathroom, no one even noticed her running down the hall. She locked the bathroom door. She cried in the bathroom for 10 minutes and walked back into her room, thinking that Hannah would have left. She didn't. May flopped down on her bed and curled up in a ball under her maroon comforter and cried again.
"Okay, what's wrong? I hate seeing you cry." Hannah insisted that she tell her what was wrong.
"Like I told you, you have no idea what I just did for you." She avoided a direct answer and ran down the hall again. This time, Hannah ran after her. Hannah grabbed her arm and forced her back into the room. She pushed her down on the bed and locked the door and stood over her.
Hannah put her hands on May's shoulders and stared her down. "Look, either you tell me what's wrong or I'm going to go in the bathroom right now and kill myself."
"You wouldn't do that. You're too big of a chicken." May scoffed and walked out yet again. Hannah snuck out of the room and ran into the bathroom; quiet enough so that no one could hear her, she locked the door.
May sat down on the vacant end of the couch trying to hide her still red face. Everyone was too busy playing video games, or texting, or sleeping to even notice she was there. Zaya was playing Forza 4, and she was being a blonde and thought that moving the controller moved the car…
"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-o! Don't craaaaaaaaaaash!" Then she crashed, threw the controller on the ground and flailed.
Hannah opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out her special pretty colored cup (The only colored one~) She wasn't aware of all the medicines that May had put in there for when someone/everyone got sick. Because of this, she just dumped a little of everything into the cup. She randomly grabbed a cup, which ironically was May's. She filled it with water. She took a little at a time, because her mouth was too small to do it all at once. After she finished she drank a whole glass of water and then had to pee. So she peed.
Hannah unlocked the door to the bathroom and then started feeling sick. She walked out into the living room like a zombie; she was slouching, walking weirdly, she got pale really quickly, and started stuttering every time she spoke.
"I-I told you I-I was gunna… was gunna… gunna…" May walked over to her, and gave Hannah a hug.
"What did you do you stupid-" She was but off by Hannah's gags and a warm feeling down her back. May backed away and started flailing and ripping off her shirt.
Hannah fell to the floor and started laughing. "Hehehe. Vomit. All over you. Hehehe."
May ran to the bathroom. "Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww."
Demetri started freaking out because of the vomit on the floor.
"NOT ON THE WOOD! IT'S GOING TO SEEP INTO THE WOOD!" He ran to the kitchen and grabbed a mop and cleaned up everything and rushed into the storage closet in the hallway and grabbed a towel to dry the floor. He picked up May's vomit ridden shirt, rinsed it off and threw it in with a load of laundry down in the basement of the Hotel.
By the time he got back, May was done with her shower and was getting Hannah food.
"Yeey! Food!" She ate everything she had in practically 5 minutes. "Yummy." She stood up and walked into May's bedroom and sat on the bed.
"What the hell?" May walked into the room with her.
"Now that you're feeling better, what the hell did you do?!" May locked the door so no one could come in.
"Well, I said that if you didn't tell me what your problem was I was going to kill myself. I took a bunch of pills, drank a bunch of water, and was waiting to die. But then I puked all over you." Hannah said calmly. "Now you mind telling me what your problem was?"
May started getting misty eyes and sat on the bed. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes you do. Now C'mon. What is it?" Hannah hugged May's shoulders.
"The only reason I broke up with Demetri is because…" She paused.
"Because…?" Hannah egged her on.
"Because I knew you liked him!" May started crying. "He's the only person I've ever loved like that, and I choose your happiness over my own because I care for you. And I'm not a lesbian; it was just an excuse so that it didn't sound like I was breaking up with him for a stupid reason." She started crying so much she couldn't talk anymore.
"May! You didn't have to do that!" Hannah started to tear up, feeling touched and guilty at the same time.
"Yes I did! I knew you were never going to find anyone better, so you need him. You need Demetri. You two will be happy. I promise you." May cried even harder and gave Hannah a hug. She ran out of the room, out of the penthouse, out of the hotel. No one knew where she was going, not even her.
Hannah cried in May's room for about an hour, but no one thought anything of it; again, they were all too busy with other things.
May didn't know if she ever wanted to come back…

Chapter 30:

May ran for an hour until the Converse started to hurt her feet. She cried the entire time; mainly out of hurt in her heart, but the rest was the pain in her legs from not stopping.

She took all the back roads which were covered with filth. There were piles of garbage bags, smelly dumpsters, and graffiti all over the decaying brick walls, the ivy on the walls was immense; it looked like it had been growing since time began. Then there were the smelly beggars who were dumpster diving, a few old stray dogs in between dumpsters to get some shade from the heat that was coming down in massive waves. At the last corner she passed before heading into the woods there was a prostitute. But May was running to fast and crying too hard to notice any of the things that gave her begging looks as she ran.

Finally; she reached the edge of the woods. But she had one problem; she hates the woods. But at this point, she was in too much pain on the inside and out to care. She ran straight through.

The woods were covered with skinny trees, raging rivers, stagnant lakes, and lots of sharp thorns. The trees ranged from May's height to twenty feet tall. The rivers were so fast that the water splashed up from ten feet around the bank and made a mud slide. The lakes were a disgusting color of green and looked like bunches of dead fish were floating on the top of it. The thorns were everywhere! You had to be careful that a thorn didn't catch you off guard.
She eventually slowed down, and slowly became dehydrated. Luckily, she found a small stream. The water was slow moving and there were stagnant parts. She slowly moved the water around with her hand to get some clear water and drank. She didn't want to drink too much because she was sick anyway and she didn't want to make it worse.

After her drink break, she walked a little deeper into the woods. There she found absolutely nothing. She tried to find something to do; but all the trees were too skinny to climb, the lake was too small to swim, the other river she found was moving too fast to swim in. She finally decided she needed to go home. She turned around and a sharp pain ran though her calf. She looked down and saw her skinny jeans were ripped open and blood was running down her leg. She realized she was wearing an old camisole under her T-shirt. She ripped off her shirt and camisole, put her shirt back on and used her camisole to stop the bleeding. She wrapped the camisole around her leg. She was close to the edge of the woods by now. She limped back into town and decided to stay the night in a hotel so she could get away from the pain for longer.

The hotel was run down. Its door was going to fall off the hinges, the steps creaked, and you couldn't open any windows. It was amazing this place isn't closed because there was literally no business there. The hotel room smelled like moldy cheese and old socks. She got over everything quickly. She walked into the bathroom of the hotel and found some things to clean her wound with.

The Hydrogen Peroxide burned on the deep wound. The bubbles were everywhere. As she was cleaning, she found an actual thorn in the wound. She painlessly pulled it out and threw it in the toilet. She was weak and tired, so she decided to take a bath. Even though her bleeding wasn't done yet, she didn't care. She was taking a bath.

May was too weak to realize the things going on around her. She knew that if she got her leg in that water that it would just keep bleeding. But she was too weak to remember. She turned on the hot water and a little cold water to make the perfect mixture of heat. She slowly stripped down and got in the water.

She was slowly become unconscious from not eating and from the bleeding. She had her phone sitting on the toilet seat which was right next to the bathtub. She picked it up and started looking through it for no reason at all. She suddenly snapped back into consciousness; like someone was telling her she needed to get help. While she was mainly conscious, she texted everyone in the penthouse the same message:

Save me.

Once the message sent; she threw her phone back on the seat and grew more and more unconscious, she closed her eyes and relaxed her body. Images flashed in front of her closed eyes. They were strangely all her favorite people: Hannah, Demetri, Frankie and Xavier, Arianna and Anastasia, and Zaya. The images of Hannah and Zaya kept popping back up. Even though every muscle she had was relaxed, her face managed to make a smile and a tear ran down her face. The only words she spoke were, "I love you."

Chapter 31:

The living room was full of laughs as everyone told their funniest stories and jokes. The light in the room was starting to dim because of the sunset. The windows were opened slightly; so a nice cool breeze ran through the living room, which felt good considering it was a rather hot day.

Hannah got off the couch to go to the bathroom, sticking her phone in the pocket of her sweatshirt. As she was waiting for her bowels to empty; she felt her phone vibrating and the ringtone she had preset for May rang. She didn't feel like opening it yet, so she ignored it until she got out of the bathroom.

When she walked out; she opened the message from May.

Save me.

She started having a panic attack. "May! What the hell is that supposed to mean?! What do you mean save you?!" She was yelling loud enough for everyone in the living room to hear her. She ran out into the living room and had her shoes flung at her.

"Hurry up. We have to go help her. We all got the message, C'mon! Hurry up!" Demetri yelled. She quickly shoved on her skater shoes and ran after Demetri. They pulled away so fast the tires skidded on the cooling concrete.

"Where are the others?" Hannah asked anxiously, throwing her hair up into a messy bun.

"They didn't want to come, but you and I need to save her." Demetri shifted up a gear, and headed towards the old hotel that May was dying at.

"How do you know where she is?!" Hannah pried anxiously.

"The tracker I had in her cell phone. It's been there for a while." They were almost there.

"Wait, you had a tracker in her phone?"

"There's one in yours too. I have the need to know where everyone is if they get hurt, so I took the initiative to track everyone. It's not stalker-ish or anything, just me looking out for all of you." He pulled into the hotel. And they ran inside.

"I need into the room where May Dean is at, Please. It's an emergency." Demetri said anxiously to the fat and smelly clerk.

"And who are you to her?" The man with the name tag Billy chewed on his toothpick with his barely existent teeth.

"I'm her sister!" Hannah butted in. She gave Demetri a look and he understood what she wanted him to do in sake of her sister.

"And I'm her Fiancé!" Demetri felt weird inside, not knowing whether he felt guilty or if he wished that was the title.

"Alright then. Up you go. It's room 203. Second floor. Third room." He turned back to his small, crappy television which was on ESPN.

Hannah and Demetri ran up two flights of steps and found Room 203's door slightly cracked. Hannah pushed it open, and ran inside.

"May? May!" Hannah and Demetri yelled in unison. There was no answer.

"I'll check the bathroom, you check the bedroom." Hannah said. They searched the room for the bath and bed rooms, and finally they found their desired room. While Demetri searched everywhere in the bedroom he found nothing but a scream from Hannah.

"DEMETRI!!!" Hannah shrieked. Demetri came running.

"What is it Han—" Demetri cut himself off as he saw May's body being drained of the blood. Demetri got out his phone and dialed 911.

"Get her out of the water, she's only going to have more blood loss." Demetri went into the living room to tell the paramedics where they were and what the situation was. Hannah pulled May out of the water, covered the core of her body with a towel, and tried to stop the bleeding.

"They'll be here in like a minute, the hospitals' just down the road." Demetri said as he helped dry off her body and drain the bathtub of the bloody water.

The paramedics came in and got May's body on a stretcher. People were frantically running around May's body to get her strapped up, and they ran out the door.

"Either of you a direct family member?" The head paramedic asked they two of them.

"I am." Hannah stepped in front of Demetri. "I'm her sister."

"Let's go then." The paramedic grabbed Hannah's arm and they ran out the door. Hannah hopped in the back of the paramedic's van and held May's hand, which was cold. Hannah brought May's hand to her mouth and cried and mumbled words to herself that no one could understand.

Finally; they arrived at the hospital. Everyone rushed up to a room they already had ready for May's arrival. The doctors were speaking fancy terms that Hannah couldn't understand. Except for the words "Blood Transfusion" and "Babies."

Hannah hoped she was dreaming, because from what they were saying, May needed a blood transfusion so that the babies wouldn't die.

Hannah was continually confused, she just kept crying. She hoped this was just a really, really, really, bad dream. There was beeping of a heart monitor, and they stuck some needles in May's body. She could see the blood coming in from the tubes; Hannah hoped this would save her. Hannah, still, couldn't stop crying. The doctors started to calm down. The room was quiet except for the blood rushing though the tubes, and the heart monitors.

Demetri sat out in the waiting room, biting his nails. He tried not to cry, but he couldn't help it, he lost it. His body started shaking and the tears feel faster. He sat there and thought about his first love, and how he still cared for her, but not like he now loved Hannah. He decided just to not think, hoping he would stop crying. He popped in his ear phones and turned on to a random playlist, but he realized he had May's iPod when he realized what the pass code was. He listened to her music anyway, and it actually calmed him down because some of the songs she had wrote with Demetri and she sang were on there. He played the piano, and she sang. Her voiced calmed his body.

The quiet beeping of the heart monitor changed into a violent ringing, Hannah knew what that meant; someone's heart had stopped.