Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapters 32 and 33

Chapter 32:

The heart monitor started ringing violently, and Hannah had thought the worst; May had died. The Doctors started swearing at each other and yelling in a different language. One doctor pushed Hannah out of the room and asked her to stay outside because they had to perform and emergency surgery. Hannah still felt so confused. No one knew what May had done, and no one knew if she was going to die.

Hannah looked into the window and saw some doctors cutting open her stomach, and she saw another type of doctor that she knew extremely well, because she used to want to be one; and OBGYN. She frantically ran into the room with a crib for a baby. She saw the doctors take a crying baby out of May's stomach.

Wait, May just had a baby?! Hannah thought to herself.

Then the doctors pulled out another one, and its' body was lifeless. The OBGYN took it to a special wing in the hospital to try and save it. The other doctors stitched May back up as another OBGYN came in to take the crying baby to another wing where all the living babies go. The doctors then took May to a room on the other side of the hospital, Hannah tagged along.

There May lay; on a breathing machine, with a heart monitor, lots of fluids going into her body though IV's, and Demetri next to the bed sitting in a chair holding her hand and crying. Hannah did the same thing but with the other hand. The room was quiet except for the occasional sniffles from the two who were crying. About 20 minutes later; a doctor came into the room and coughed to get their attention.

Demetri and Hannah jumped to his cough.

The doctor spoke with a heavy Russian accent. "We're not sure if she's going to live or not. She's in a coma right now. In a week or so, if she isn't making any improvements in her levels, I'm afraid we're going to have to cut the cord…" His voice began to fade out.

Demetri and Hannah looked at each other and started to tear up.

"W-well… How are her levels now…?" Hannah asked quietly, afraid of the answer.

"They're just at the level to knock her into a coma, but with all those tubes there," he gestured to the IV's. "Her levels should start to raise slowly. Hopefully by Friday; she'll start to gain consciousness again." The doctor with the long Russian name that no one can pronounce; grabbed Hannah's hand. "Your sister should be okay soon, sweetheart." He flipped his clipboard and walked out of the room.

Demetri and Hannah stood there, their bodies numb, afraid of what was going to happen next. A few minutes later, an OBGYN came in the room with a baby crib.

"This is May Dean's room, correct?" They looked at the blonde girl who walked into the room, looking confused.

Hannah cleared her throat. "Y-yes. That's May." Hannah pointed to her sister lying there lifeless on the bed.

"Oh, good." The girl walked around to the side of the crib and pulled out a baby wrapped in a pink blanket. She handed it to Hannah. "You're her sister right?" She pointed to May.

"Y-yeah…" Hannah looked at the baby now in her arms. "Is this hers?"

"Mhmm! Isn't she gorgeous?" The nurse said.

"Is it pre-mature at all?" Demetri asked, admiring the baby's beautiful face.

"Nope, exactly nine months. And she's a very healthy baby too." The nurse was excitedly happy.

"B-but… but how? It can't be mine…" Demetri looked at the nurse confusedly.

"I'm not sure, I just make sure the baby is healthy and deliver it to the parents. Are you her boyfriend?" The nurse looked at the lifeless May.

"I used to be…" Demetri looked down at his feet. "Can I hold her?" He asked Hannah.

"Sure," she handed the baby to Demetri.

"She looks just like May." Demetri smiled at the baby and she giggled.

The nurse looked at her beeper. "Oh, guys. I'll be right back, I have something else I need to give you." The nurse ran out of the room.

"She's so beautiful…" Demetri admired the new baby. Hannah and Demetri made small talk while sitting in the chairs in the corner of the room. Mainly, they admired the baby. Eventually, the nurse came back in with another baby crib, but this time, the blanket was blue.

"This is the other present." Hannah ran over to the nurse who was lifting a sleeping baby out of the crib.

"The baby had some complications, but we fixed them. He had some unknown fluid in his lungs, but we got it out, and now he's just sleeping." The bubbly nurse said as her blonde curls bounced. Hannah took the baby and sat next to Demetri again.

"I'm going to put these over here, in case you don't want to hold them any longer." She pushed the two baby beds, one pink and one blue, over to the vacant corner of the room.

"If anything happens, just press the button on the end of her bed." The bubbly nurse skipped out of the room.

"I wonder how she had two babies. I know they're not mine, because the boy doesn't look anything like me or May." Demetri said looking at the boy's face.

"I don't know either, maybe we should get a DNA test or something…" Hannah said smelling the sleeping baby's head. She kissed his head.

The room was silent until Hannah gasped. "Wait, Demetri…"

"Yeah Hannah?" Demetri said in a voice that made the little baby girl laugh.

"Seriously," Hannah said.

"Oh, sorry. What is it?" Demetri bounced the baby and looked at her.

"You can save May.” Hannah said while looking at May.
♠ ♠ ♠
A few more chapters and the books over!!