Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapter 35 and Epilogue

Chapter 35:

The next morning, May awoke before everyone else, and fed Misty and Ash. She began making breakfast for everyone, and called a babysitter to watch the kids while everyone went out to the high school to help the ninth graders with their presentations.
Demetri awoke to the sweet scent of bacon, and everyone soon followed. Everyone gathered around the big dining room table to feast on the breakfast that May was bringing everyone. Soon after everyone finished eating, the baby sitter showed up. It was May’s good friend Lexx.
Lexx smiled happily and asked to see the newborns. May took him back while everyone went to get dressed and Lexx admired the babies. May showed Lexx where all of the babies formula’s and when they should eat, also where all of the necessities for the babies are located.
Soon everyone was dressed and ready to go, and they all said good-bye to Lexx, Misty, and Ash.
Everyone piled into their cars, and drove to the high school a few minutes away from their condo. Once at the school; May walked in first and explained what they were here to do. They secretary walked them to the auditorium where all the students were waiting for them. The school had previously set up groups for everyone to take, and everyone had a partner. Hannah and May were together, Xavier and Frankie were together, Arianna and Anastasia were together, and Demetrius was put with his close friend Sebastian. Sebastian had a brother too, Regi. Regi was hardly ever around, and had powers like Sebastian and the rest of the gang. Regi was by himself because he honestly didn’t like kids as much, and he had to watch over everyone to make sure nothing bad would happen, a security monitor.
Everything at the school had been going well for the first three hours, a lot was getting done, and a there were a lot of happy children. But suddenly, Regi began paranoid… He felt like something bad was going to happen. He just wasn’t sure yet. But then it came; what paranoid him. A bunch of men dressed in all black with ski masks over their faces barged in through the double doors holding guns.
“If you all don’t lay on the ground we’re going to have some very unhappy people in here!” One of the gunmen said loudly, his words ringing in the ears of Regi like knives. Most of the kids were already on the ground, but some were out. None of the guides laid on the ground. One of the masked gunmen gestured to May, Hannah, Ari, and Anni to lay on the ground. They all shook their heads, Anni hiding behind Ari. Two of the gun men instantly shot them to the ground, and all the kids began screaming for their lives.
“All of you need to shut up!” Three of the gun men screamed at the same time, the auditorium going instantly silent. One of the gun men went on a rampage, Shooting Xavier, Regi, Demi, and Sebastian. Demi instantly used his healing powers to heal himself, then moving to Sebastian, tears in his eyes. Children began getting up and running away, screaming for their lives. The process took a nice amount of time. By the time Sebastian was healed, he moved to Regi, because he knew those two were an unstoppable team. Once Sebastian and Regi were healed was when a bunch of chaos began happening.
Regi pulled out one of his various sketchbooks, and rubbed over the page with a bunch of army men on it, instantly, the army men began to fly out of the book. Sebastian put a giant gust of wind pushing through the auditorium; pushing the kids out, and the gun men against the wall. The gunmen tried to get away but could hardly move, soon the army men began shooting at the gunmen, instantly killing them. Demetrius ran over to Frankie, afraid that he wasn’t going to be able to save everyone. He had gotten through everyone by May and Hannah. There was no way Hannah could be saved. She was shot in a place that Demi could never heal; the heart. No matter if he tried, there would be nothing he could do. Hannah’s Aortic vein had been shot, and that was the main heart artery in the heart. He couldn’t do anything. He rushed to May and tried healing her. May pulled her hands away.
May spoke with a raspy tone. “You’ve already saved me once, you don’t need to do it again. Everything I own goes to you. Misty and Ash, they’re yours. All my money, goes to you. I love you Demetrius Victor Werner. Take care of my kids for me.” May reached up with her hands, placing them on Demetrius’ cheeks, and kissing him softly on the lips. Soon her lips went cold and her hands limp. May had died.
Demetrius laid her head to rest softly on the floor, moving the two sisters together. He called the police and said that there had been 2 murders. After hanging up the phone, he sat on the floor cursing at his self and crying.
The cleanup crew came to the school and removed the two past sisters. The parents had come to the school to get their children, to get them home safely. Thankfully no children had been harmed, but unfortunately the two sisters had died. Regi did a head count, there was only 5, there was supposed to be 7.
“Hey guys… Where’s the other two chicks?” Regi announced loudly, closing his sketchbook to get rid of the artificial army men.
Demetrius looked around. “Actually… I don’t know… Let’s just go back to the condo, they’ll meet us there if they’re still alive.”
Everyone agreed and packed themselves away into their cars, Sebastian and Regi following everyone. Once back at the condo, Demi found Lexx with Ari and Anni. They explained how they wanted to stay alive so they evacuated. Demi paid Lexx, causing Lexx to say his goodbyes and leave. Everyone piled around the couch, watching the TV to see the footage of what had just happened. To all of their surprise, Regi, Sebastian, and Demetrius’ powers had been seen.


Since the deaths of May and Hannah, Sebastian and Regi had moved in with the rest of the men. Demetrius and Sebastian had crushes on each other their whole lives, and they finally got together. Frankie and Regi hooked up, leaving Xavier with Lexx. Ari and Anni stayed together. Demetrius and Sebastian took custody of Misty-Jayne and Ash. Everyone decided that it’d be best to stay inside from now on, to prevent future disasters. Everyone was more happy now, being with the ones they really loved. Life was good now. May and Hannah were burned and their urns were set on a display shelf in the living room. Every day they were missed, and hopefully the kids wouldn’t mind hearing about their fantastic mother, even if she only lived for a day after they were born, and to hear about their wonderful aunt who loved them very much even if she only saw them for a day. Demetrius looked forward to telling the many stories of May and Hannah.
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Finished book!! How was it?