Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapter Three

I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay. I LIED I'M NOT OKAY. IT'S COMING TOWARDS ME.
"XAAAAAVVVVIIIER!!!!" He was only one room away, and she totally disrupted both classes.
Xavier came running over to the other classroom. "Excuse me and my sister," Xavier said to the teacher. "What in god's name are you screaming about Anastasia?!"
She started to sweat. "There's a… SPIIIIDEERRR!!!! GET IT OFF OF ME!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" She screamed as it started to crawl onto her.
Xavier ran to the back of the room and smashed the small arachnid. Anastasia jumped on her brother and cried on his shoulder.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Take me home. Now. Please? I'm begging you. Pleeeeeease, little brother. Pleeeease?" She gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes he'd ever seen.
"Anastasia, you can't go home. You're in high school. This isn't elementary anymore. And the puppy dog eyes don't work." He dropped her and wiped away her tears.
"But… But.." She mumbled.
"Anastasia, no. Do you see all these people?" Xavier pointed to the rest of the class with their mouths wide open.
"Yeah…" She said.
"They think that you're weak, that you'll be easy to pick on and bully you. You have to show them that you're a strong girl. Okay?" Xavier said as he bent down to look into her eyes.
She thought to herself.
I can do it. I'm strong. I will not cry and scream, I CAN do it.

Uggh. Can this class get any more boring? I wish something exciting would happ…
He heard a scream from what seemed to happen from the room next to him.
"Can I go see my sister? That's her scream…" Xavier asked the teacher.
"Go ahead, but hurry." The teacher said back with a scoff.
He ran to the next room just to find his sister in the back of the room with a look that only meant one thing; a spider.
"Excuse me and my sister," He said politely to the teacher.
"What in god's name are you screaming about Anastasia?!"
"There's a… SPIIIIDEERRR!!!! GET IT OFF OF ME!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" She screamed.
Oh god…
He ran over to save his sister and killed the smallest spider he'd ever killed for his baby of a 'big' sister.
She jumped on him and .
I hate when she does this… time for the pep talk...
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Take me home. Now. Please? I'm begging you. Pleeeeeease, little brother. Pleeeease?" She gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes he'd ever seen.
"Anastasia, you can't go home. You're in high school. This isn't elementary anymore. And the puppy dog eyes don't work." He dropped her and wiped away her tears.
"But… But.." She mumbled.
"Anastasia, no. Do you see all these people?" Xavier pointed to the rest of the class with their mouths wide open.
"Yeah…" She said.
"They think that you're weak, that you'll be easy to pick on and bully you. You have to show them that you're a strong girl. Okay?" Xavier said as he bent down to look into her eyes.
"Okay." She said
Thank god. That's over. I love her to death but...

~~~Hannah and Alyx~~~
Hannah and Alyx were on their way to study hall in the cafeteria. There was a bug rush of people carrying food, which they assumed were people from the lunch room, and someone spilled applesauce on the floor. No one saw it and Hannah slipped on it.
"Ouch. Oh god it hurts." Hannah was holding back tears as she sat on the floor helpless.
"Oh my god. What hurts?" Alyx said concerned.
"My ankle. Can you go get my sister? Please?" Hannah asked.
"Here, let me help you onto the bench" He helped her on the bench.
"Where is she at?" He asked as he put her on the bench.
"Study hall, room 232." She said in pain.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." He said while running down the hall to the staircase.
He got there and looked at the study hall teacher, "I need May. Now, please, it's for her sister."
~~~May, Demetri, Hannah, and Alyx~~~
May was redder than her streaks. And Demetri was speechless.
"Really?" Demetri asked.
"Yeah… I've never had a year that I've been happy with the person that's in all my classes that I'm stuck with." May said while doing the best to cover her blushing face.
"I think I'm going to have a pretty nice time with you too" he said as he touched her blushing cheeks, which made her blush more.
The study hall teacher came by and ruined the moment.
"Are you May?" He asked rudely.
May grabbed Demetri's hand to make it less awkward.
"Yes, sir." May said.
"You two need to go help, I believe it is your sister," He pointed to May.
May stood up. "Why? Is something wrong? Is she okay?" She said worriedly.
"Not sure, just go with him" He pointed to Alyx at the doorway gesturing to hurry up.
"Can I take Demetri with me, just in case?" She asked as she grabbed his hand.
"I don't care." He said as he walked away.
"Come on Demetri, my sister needs help" She stood up and ran over to Alyx, Demetri followed.
"You must be Hannah's sister, let's go, I'll explain on the way." All three walked down the hallway and ran down the steps.
"Hannah slipped, she didn't want me to do anything without you there. She's down by the lobby. She did something to her ankle." Alyx explained.
"Oh god." She ran faster. Demetri ran just as fast.
"Hannah!" She ran over to her.
"I think it's broken." Hannah said as she hugged her sister.
"Uhh… I think I can help…" Demetri said from the background.
"What? How?!" May half screamed.
"Can you all keep a secret?" Demetri looked at everybody nodding their heads.
"Yes we can. Now can you please tell me how you can fix this?" May said trying to keep her calm.
"Well, um.. I have these powers… I can fix… broken things… If her ankle is really broken, I can fix it…" Demetri said while blushing and scratching the back of his head.
"You have powers too…?" May said with her dropped jaw.