Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapter Four

~~~The Whole gang~~~
"Wait, do you have them too?" Demetri asked.
"Yes. So does Hannah." May said.
"Umm, then you guys aren't the only ones…" Alyx said from behind his black hair.
"Okay! Whoah!" Hannah shouted.
She lowered her voice to a whisper. "I understand we all have powers right now, but if someone doesn't do something for my ankle I'm going to change you all into your least favorite colors and make you make fools out of yourselves."
"Sorry, Hannah." May said. "Now, Demetri, you said you can help her. What exactly can you do?"
"This." Demetri touched her ankle and smiled at her.
"Holy shit, the pains gone." Hannah said.
"Now try and stand up." Demetri said.
Hannah stood up to find that her ankle had been completely healed by this mysterious boy that her sister just met earlier in the day.
"Thank you. Thank you for helping my sister." May said while giving a hug to Demetri. Her head fell in the perfect place for a hug; right in the middle of his chest. May's heart started to tingle.
"Okay, I'm curious, what can the rest of you do?" Hannah asked.
All of the sudden crying Anastasia and helpful Xavier walked down the hall and stood three inches away from Demetri.
"Can we help you?" May asked.
"This is going to sound extremely odd to you, but my sister and I have these powers, and she can't calm down because she saw a spider. Water calms her down, but we can't find the swimming pool, could one of you help us so she can do her water manipulating thing so she can stop crying?" Xavier said while hugging Anastasia in front of him.
"For one, that doesn't sound so odd because we do too. And two, the pool would be easier to find if you went in through the big gym, made a left, and go through the door that says 'pool' on it."
"What are your names and what can you guys do then?" Xavier asked in a puzzled tone.
"I'm Demetri and I fix broken things, and make things sound better, I'm like a human auto tuner." Demetri said proudly.
"I'm Alyx and I can do this." Alyx made the lights in the school dim, and light again, dim, and light again.
"That's cool." Hannah added with an amazed tone while staring at the lights.
"I'm Hannah, and I can do this." Hannah made Demetri turn a bunch of different colors as everyone stared at him in amazement. "It's like my version of camouflage."
"I'm May and can do this," May made Xavier and Anastasia fly up into the air spun them around and put them down again.
"Holy shit!" Xavier screamed while he was in the air.
"And this," May stuck out her finger and then a small burst of fire came out of her finger. "I can't get burns. I can walk through a burning building and not get hurt at all. I feel cold around fires."
"Whoa." Anastasia stopped crying to look at the mesmerizing finger. She looked up at Xavier. "C-can we go to the pool to show them our p-powers?" Anastasia asked in a shaky voice from crying.
"Do you guys wanna see?" Xavier looked at everyone else nodding their heads.
"May, you lead the way, since you know where it is so well." Xavier said.
They walked through 3 different hallways to get to the gym and walked through the door that said 'pool' on it.
"Now, show them what you can do Anastasia." Xavier told her.
Anastasia walked to the edge of the pool, and moved her hands. All of the sudden, water started lifting out of the pool.
"Yes, yes she is." Xavier added.
Anastasia started being funny and making different shapes with the water and then everyone's names.
"So, what can you do Xavier?" May asked.
"Oh boy. Here we go." Xavier said before stretching to the ceiling, clinging on, and then stretching back to normal size. Xavier chuckled and then stretched back.
"You should have saw your faces!" Xavier said while laughing so hard he almost fell to the floor.
Everyone's jaws were still dropped.
Hannah broke the silence. "Okay, May. I really want to leave my classes early; can we pass this off as a sprain?"
May replied with, "Only if you find someone to help you all day."
Alyx quickly jumped in, "I'll do it!"
May smiled, knowing that they already liked each other.
"Okay then. Let's get you down to the nurse's office. Demetri, Alyx, carry her. I'll follow. Anastasia, Xavier and I will look very concerned. Hannah will look like you're in serious pain. Got it?"
Everyone nodded their heads as Alyx and Demetri picked her up and carried her down the hallways.
"Wee~!" Hannah felt like a gothic Paris Hilton. She enjoyed being carried to much.
They finally made it to the doors of the nurses office.
"Wait, I got this," May bust through the doors gesturing for everyone else to follow her.
"Nurse! Help my sister! She's done something to her ankle! Nurse!"
The nurse came through the back doors to see what all the fuss was about. Hannah looked like she was about to scream from the 'pain'.
"Boys, bring her back here." She gestured to the back room. "May and the two boys can stay here. You two should get back to class, get a hall pass from my assistant."
They nodded their heads and walked over to the desk.
"Xavier and Anastasia, meet us at the very back lunch table during lunch. No one ever sits there."
"Alright," Xavier said as his sister walked out the door.
May walked back to where her sister was, still with a concerned face.
"It just looks like a sprain, one of you boys will need to help her for the rest of the day. I'll have to know now so I can give you a pass to get out of classes early." The nurse said.
"I think Alyx should." May said winking at her sister and Alyx.
"Alyx, do you mind?" Hannah looked over at him with big puppy dog eyes.
"Of course not, I'll do it." He said this while smiling.
The nurse wrote his pass and handed it to him.
"May, call your mom and tell her she will need to pick you two up and drop you off every day for a week. I don't want her riding the bus." The nurse said while wrapping up Hannah's ankle.
"Alright." In this school, you're allowed to use cell phones for emergencies during school. She got out her cell phone, went into the bathroom in the nurse's office and then told her mom the whole situation about Hannah's ankle being 'sprained', but she made it sound like it was really actually sprained to make things easier for her sister at home.
She came out and saw that everyone was ready to leave, and they all walked out together.
"Thanks Alyx for helping me." Hannah said sweetly.
"No problem" Alyx said with a smile.
"I'll see you both during lunch. We're going to meet Xavier and Anastasia at the very back lunch table." May said before leaving with Demetri.
"Okay. Remember that Alyx." Hannah said.
"I'll try." He replied.
"C'mon Demetri, we have to leave the love birds alone." May said while smiling knowing that she embarrassed Hannah.
"May! How'd you find out that I liked him?!" Hannah said with blushing cheeks.
"Because I'm your big sister, I know these things!" May yelled from halfway down the hallway and into the stairwell.
"That makes me feel better. Oh, by the way, I like you too." Alyx said with a wink, which made Hannah blush even more.