Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapters 5, 6, and 7

Chapter 5:

~~~Hannah and Alyx~~~

"Really?" Hannah asked, thinking that he was just joking because her sister just embarrassed the living shit out of her.
"Why would I lie to such a beautiful girl like you?" Each comment made Hannah blush even more.
"You really like making people blush don't you?"
"Only you, you're the only one worthy of my blushing powers." This made them both giggle.
"Hey, come here for a sec" Alyx grabbed Hannah's and took her to behind a staircase where no one could see them. "Let's hang out here for a bit. I want to talk to you."
Hannah was a little worried at first, but she knew this boy who she just met wouldn't hurt her because of her overprotective sister.
"O-okay…" Alyx took Hannah's hand and sat down on the ground, Hannah did the same.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Hannah asked.
"Oh, nothing really. I just wanted alone time with you not in front of the camera."
Hannah did a nervous giggle. Alyx looked at her and smiled. His lips tantalized her. She didn't even know how much she wanted to kiss him. She was so lost in his moving lips she didn't even notice that he was talking to her until he touched her cheek, "Hannah? Hannah?"
"O-oh. Sorry." She gave a nervous laugh again. Alyx touched his lips. "Is there something on my face, you kept staring at my lips like they were bacon."
"O-oh. No. I just… really like your lips…"
"Really?" Alyx said excitedly.
"So you wouldn't mind if I did this then?" Before she realized what he said, his lips were pressed up against hers. She melted inside. After about a minute Alyx pulled away and Hannah cuddled up next to him.
"My belly has tons of butterflies in it right now." Hannah said while getting her long braid played with.
Alyx giggled. "You have no idea how badly I wanted to do that." He pulled out his phone and brought up the camera. "Smile." Hannah smiled and then he took the picture of them both. He looked at the picture and said, "Perfect. That's my new background." He shuffled through all the pictures on his black iPhone and made that his background.
"So, since that's over with, I was umm.. wondering if umm.. you'd uhh… want to be my…" Before he could finish his sentence Hannah said, "Girlfriend? Yes. I've been waiting for you to ask. Yes. Most defiantly yes."
Alyx chuckled. "It's like you read my mind."

Chapter 6:

~~~Xavier and the Mysterious Purple haired boy~~~
The second period bell rang 10 minutes after he got back from the incident with the rest of the group. As he walked down the hallway, a short, mysterious boy with black and purple hair. His first thought was,
Did Hannah get a hold of his head?
The purple haired boy walked into the same room that Xavier walked into. The only seat left was beside this boy that Xavier found extremely attractive. The teacher then walked into the room.
"Welcome everybody." She had a bright and cheery voice. "I'm not sure who all of you are, and I really hate not knowing. I'd like each one of you to tell me your first names please. I'd like you to start." She pointed to the girl with short blonde hair in the front row. The whole class said their names, and finally it got to Xavier. He felt nervous because he kept thinking about the purple haired boy whose name he would very soon learn.
"M-my name's Xavier..." His voice sounded shaky. He got a glimpse of the rainbow boys face, a big bright white smile. His hair accented his bright green eyes. Finally it was purple haired boys turn, he would finally know his name.
"Hello, my name is Frank. But I prefer to be called Frankie." His voice was very sweet sounding. It made Xavier melt inside. Frankie looked at Xavier, smiled, and winked.
"Thank you everybody. For today, I'm just going to pass out some papers, but I'd like you to stay quiet." The teacher said to the class.
Frankie pulled a piece of paper out of his rainbow notebook and wrote on it.

Hey there sexy. ;3
Xavier looked at the paper, blushed, looked at Frankie, and wrote back:

Hey. I like your hair…
Frankie replied:

Thanks. Text me sometime. 324-1546

Xavier kept the piece of paper in the front of his binder to remember to text him. Xavier's heart fluttered. The boy that he has a strange attraction to, thought he was 'sexy'. For the rest of the class, Xavier couldn't stop thinking about Frankie. The bell rang to go to the next class. The teacher walked out of the door first. Xavier and Frankie were the last two out. Before Xavier could walk out the door, Frankie grabbed him from behind and whispered in his ear. "Don't forget."
Xavier felt like mush inside.

Chapter 7:

~~~Anastasia and her new crush~~~

Anastasia walked down the halls searching for her next class. She couldn't find it, so she stopped to ask a girl with long blue hair, Anastasia thought she was cute.
"Umm… Sorry to disturb you, but can you help me find my next class? I'm a little lost." Anastasia couldn't stop blushing, the color of her hair didn't help make the pinkness of her cheeks come out.
The girl with blue hair smiled. "Sure, where are you going?"
"Room 321" Anastasia said confidently.
"Oh! That's where I'm going. Let's walk together."
The two girls walked to room 321 together.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Anastasia"
"I like you're name, Anastasia. I'm Arianna."
"I like your name too. It's pretty, like your hair. How'd you get it that blue?"
"It's a mixture of like three hair dyes" Arianna giggled.
"Oh wow. I wanted pink hair, but my brother would have freaked out."
"Why's that?" Arianna sounded confused.
"Xavier's really over protective. He also really like's the color pink and would get jealous of me, but he doesn't want anyone to know that he's gay." Anastasia put her hand over her mouth. "I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that."
"It's alright, it's safe with me."
"Okay, Good."
"Since you spilled something that you weren't supposed to tell, I'll tell you something too."
"O-okay…" Anastasia was a little scared.
Arianna brought her voice to a whisper. "I'm bisexual… I didn't want to tell anyone, but I thought you might find it creepy if I called you pretty without you knowing."
"You think I'm pretty?" Anastasia's heart went all a flutter.
"Yeah…" Arianna's face got bright red.
"Thank you. That means a lot because…. Umm… I'm bisexual too… and umm… I uhh… think you're… umm… pretty too…." Anastasia was super embarrassed; her face was even redder than Arianna's.
"Thanks." Arianna smiled. The more she smiled, the more the butterflies appeared in Anastasia's stomach. "Hey, today during lunch, can you come to the pool with me? I want to show you something…"
"What do you have next period; I have a study hall, so I can go then." Anastasia replied.
"So do I, where is it?"
"Just across the hall"
"Oh my god, so is mine. Let's go then."
"I guess it's a date then." Anastasia winked as they walked into the classroom.