Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapters 8, 9, and 10

Chapter 8:

~~~May busts Hannah~~~
May was running some errands for a teacher during second period. She didn't want to go back to class quite yet, so she decided to go to her favorite place to hide; behind the stairs in the stairwell. She was on her marry way, and then she went to sit behind the stairs and found Hannah and Alyx sucking face. They didn't even realize she was there until May did a fake cough.
"Holy shit! It's my sister!" Hannah's face instantly turned red.
"What do you think your doing?"
"Ummm…." Hannah couldn't speak and scooted closer to Alyx, he then put his arm around her.
"Hannah, come with me." May grabbed Hannah's arm and Hannah mouthed the words "I'm sorry" to Alyx.
May took Hannah into the girls bathroom.
"What did I tell you about things like this?!" May screamed at her sister.
"I don't know! He's just too damn sexy to resist! Have you ever looked at his lips?! They're mesmerizing!" Hannah was almost in tears.
"I don't care! You could've at least told me! I worry about you, what if you ran away with some boy you just met today?! Do you know how bad my life would've been! Next time you see someone like that, at least tell me. Do something. And don't ever go behind my staircase." It was obvious that Hannah felt bad.
Hannah hugged her sister and cried. "I'm sorry…"
"It's alright. But next time, at least text me before you do anything." May wiped away her sisters tears. "Now I want you to go back to class, now." They walked out of the bathroom, Hannah walked to her class and May went back to talk to Alyx.
"Look, I barely know you, but next time, keep your seducing lips to yourself." Alyx touched his lips.
"I'm sorry… Am I still allowed to come to the back table during lunch?" Alyx asked cautiously.
"You have powers don't you?" Alyx knew it was a rhetorical question.
"Alright. I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Now get back to class." Both off them went back to their classes. When she got back her class she sat back down next to Demetri.
"Why were you gone for so long?" Demetri whispered to May.
"I busted my sister with Alyx." May whispered back annoyed.
That's when the bell rang. Demetri and May were the last to walk out.
"Let's skip the next class." Demetri suggested.
"Sounds good to me. Let's go behind my staircase. I'm to annoyed to sit in another class." May took the two of them to her stair case where she recently busted her sister.

Chapter 9:

~~~May and Demetri's makeout session~~~

"So, what were they doing?" Demetri asked nervously, scared to know what they were actually doing.
"Having a make out session. Behind my stairs! They were making out behind my stairs! That's my job. Not even I have made out behind my stairs yet!" May's voice was clearly annoyed.
May looked at Demetri. "Can you bel--" She was cut off by Demetri's lips on her's. May was melting inside. Before they knew it, 10 minutes had passed before either one of them stopped kissing the other.
"Wow." Was all May could say.
"I was thinking the same thing."
"You're an amazing kisser" May said while cuddling up to Demetri.
"Thanks." Demetri started blushing.
"You know, I rea--" Demetri was cut off by May's lips. When they kissed, they both melted inside. It was like their lips were meant to be together, like they melted together. May loved the feeling of Demetri's soft lips. They were lost in the kissing. Before May knew it, she realized how much she liked being French. After about 15 minutes, May pulled away.
"I'm sorry to disturb your sentence, continue it."
Demetri giggled. "As I was saying, I really like you."
"I really like you too."
"Oh, good. So umm, will you be my date to my gig on Saturday?" Demetri couldn't stop blushing.
"Yeah sure. Can I bring Alyx and Hannah?"
"Sure. I'll get you guys 3 backstage passes then. We're going to be in the Vans Warped Tour. We end the concert, but we show up a few times through it."
"All right. The bells going to ring in like five minutes, wanna get a head start?" May asked.
"One more thing before we leave."
"What's that?" May asked.
Then Demetri kissed her one last time.

Chapter 10:

~~~Sasha and Shawn~~~

"Shawn! Hurry up! We're going to be late to see May!" Sasha screamed at her boyfriend of one year next week. Sasha started to walk away.
"Sorry babe." Shawn quickly caught up to his girlfriend.
Eventually they got to the room where Sasha's best friend was.
"Finally. I thought you were gunna take a year back there."
"Sorry. I had to make sure I--"
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, shut your trap."
Shawn mumbled to himself, "Geeze can't even explain myself."
"Whatever you're mumbling about, you can just stop it now before I have to start acting nice to you."
Shawn shut up for the rest of the time. They got to class and sat in the back of the room whispering among other people. When class was almost over, Sasha and Shawn found May and Demetri.
"Hey girl" Sasha said to May.
"Hey girl, hey" May replied. Demetri and Shawn sat there awkwardly until Demetri was introduced by May.
"Oh, this is Demetri, my boyfriend." May got excited about being able to use that term.
"I swear if you ever hurt my girl, I'm going to hurt you." Sasha said to Demetri.
"Would you mind telling me who they are?" Demetri asked while slowly backing away from Sasha.
"Oh! Of course, this is Sasha, my best friend since I was little. And this is Shawn, her boyfriend of almost a year." May said while pulling back Demetri.
"Oh, hey." Shawn shyly said, hoping not to get yelled at by his girlfriend.
"After school, are you doing anything? We need to hang out." Sasha asked while checking her millions of messages on her phone.
"Actually, I'm going to be hanging out with Demetri with his band…" May said while she held Demi's hand.
"Oh, All right. We'll just catch a movie then." She gestured to Shawn, who wasn't even paying any attention to her.
"O-oh right." Shawn said, hoping to make it sound like he was actually part of the conversation.
The bell rang to go to the next class.
"C'mon Demetri, we gotta go." May and Demetri walked to their next class with their finger's intertwined. Shawn and Sasha walked to their next class without touching.
"Why aren't we cute like them?" Shawn asked with a sad look on his face.
"Because you're never cute with me" Sasha replied in a bitchy tone.
"I try to be, but you're always out with guys who are 'just friends' so I can never get the message across that I just want to hang out with you. I mean we are dating after all."
Sasha scoffed. "Whatever. I've gotta go, this is my next class." Sasha said ignoring everything her boyfriend just said. Shawn walked to his next class wiping away a tear.