Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapters 11, 12, and 13.

Chapter 11:

~~~Anastasia and Arianna at the pool~~~
Anastasia and Arianna walked together to their next class.
Anastasia asked Arianna, "So, you want to go to the pool to show me what you wanted to?"
"Oh, yeah. Totally, let's go." Arianna walked up to the teacher explaining they had to be somewhere and their pass was in their locker. The teacher could have cared less if they had a pass or not, every teacher seemed to be.
"I got us permission, let's go." Arianna grabbed Anastasia's arm and they walked together. After walking for a minute or two, they reached the pool. Anni was extremely calm now.
"Now, I don't want you to scream and run away when I do this. Just stay right there" Ari said to Anni.
"Okay…" Anni stood there a few steps back from Ari and watched.
Ari started moving her hands in the same way's that Anni did when she was water bending. All of the sudden, water started to lift in the air and she started making shapes.
Anni got excited. "Oh my god. Stop for a sec." Ari stopped, put the water back in the pool and looked at Anni. "Watch this." Anni said to Ari. Anni started to move her hands in a different way than she usually did and made a heart out of the water.
"You're a water bender too?" Ari asked astonished.
"Yep" Anni said with a smile.
"I thought I was the only one." Ari said.
"Ditto" Anni thought for a minute and said, "You know, you should come sit at my lunch table with me and my friends fifth period."
"It's third now right?"
"Alright, I'll see you then. But for now, I want to ask you something."
"What would that be?"
"Have you ever had a crush before?" Ari asked while blushing.
"Of course I have. Why do you ask?"
"Just curious. Because I have one right now… And I kind of want to tell you about it…" Ari said, her face getting even redder.
"If you want to tell me anything I'll listen." Anni said while making a small whirlpool in the swimming pool.
"Well, you see, I umm… Have a crush on umm…" Ari paused for a minute.
"On…?" Anni was anxious to know.
"You" The whirlpool Anni was making suddenly stopped.
"Is this some kind of a bad joke?" Anni was shocked.
"I'm sorry, I would have kept it to myself, but knowing me I would have told everyone else and you and that would be more embarrassing than this is right now." Ari looked at the ground and twiddled her thumbs.
"So it's not a joke?"
"No, not at all"
"Good, because I was going to say the same thing eventually, but I wanted to make sure you liked me first…" Anni blushed extremely red, her hair color didn't help anything.
"So it's final. We both like each other."
"Yep…" It suddenly became awkward from this point on.
"We should probably get back to class."
"Yeah…" Anni agreed.

Chapter 12:

~~~Hannah and Alyx~~~

Hannah went out to her locker, only to find that Alyx was there as well.
"What are you doing here?" Hannah was puzzled, she wasn't expecting Alyx to be at her locker.
"Ehh. I saw you walking down the hallway, and figured sometime you were going to come back to your locker to fix your lip gloss, since I ruined it earlier." Alyx smiled.
"It's like you read my mind." She winked at the fact that she used his line from earlier, and opened up her locker and pulled out her lip gloss. She looked in the mirror to make sure it looked okay, and turned around. When she did, her lips automatically met Alyx's.
"Well, that was unexpected; nice, but unexpected." Alyx had a devilish smile on his face. "What are you smiling about, Mister Smooth?" Hannah smiled and leaned against the locker.
"Because I'm going to mess it up again"
"Mess wha--" She was, again, cut off by his lips. She couldn't get enough of it. It was like her weed. Alyx pulled away. Hannah did one of those nervous-ish laughs. "Ooooh.That"
Alyx pulled took Hannah's hand and took her to the staircase near the swimming pool. On their way in they saw Ari and Anni.
"Hey Anni, and Anni's new friend." Hannah said before being dragged away by her new boyfriend.
They both sat down behind the stair case. As soon as Hannah even looked at Alyx, their lips met again. Alyx put his hands on her sides, which made Hannah shrink down a bit, she hates her sides being touched, but it was Alyx, so she wasn't complaining. Hannah slowly pulled away because she was running out of breath. As she did, Alyx began kissing her neck. Hannah hated her neck being touched too, but again, it was Alyx, and it felt right, so she wasn't going to say anything. Alyx pulled Hannah onto his lap, and they began kissing again. Hannah could feel Alyx 'getting excited' and smiled at the thought. And like her sister, she realized how much she enjoyed being French. After about twenty minutes of the frenching, Hannah pulled away.
Hannah said her exact thought "We should probably go before anything else happens." Alyx agreed.
"But wait" Alyx grabbed Hannah's arm before she could stand up.
"Hmm?" Alyx kissed her one more time before they left.
This has been the only time Hannah actually liked being in school.

Chapter 13:

~~~Xavier and Frankie~~~
Xavier sat in the back of his classroom doodling of girly things, because that's all he could think of since he met Frankie. The teacher never talked, and just handed out for them to read, Xavier reads extremely fast, so he was done within five minutes. The teacher left the room. Without realizing anyone came in or out of the room. Xavier jumped when he felt fingers running down his back and a whisper in his ear.
"You need to come with me." Xavier knew that voice anywhere: It was Frankie's. Xavier stood up, grabbed his books, and walked out of the room with his crush.
"What'd you need me for?" Xavier confusedly asked Frankie.
"You'll see. First, you need to put your things in your locker. It'll make this easier." Frankie said as they walked to Xavier's locker.
"All right… My lockers right around the corner." Xavier opened the lock, and put all his belongings, except for his phone, into his locker, closed the locker, and locked it again. Frankie grabbed Xavier's hand and they walked to the boys' locker room and locked the door. Frankie had the key for it because his dad was the boys' gym teacher.
"W-why are we here?" Xavier asked confused.
"Because I wanted to talk to you in private"
"A-about what?" Xavier was scared to ask.
"About us. I know I like you, and I know you like me." Xavier started to sweat.
"Why would you think that I like you?" Xavier was trying to hide that what Frankie said was a complete fact.
"You know those powers that you have? Those ones where you can stretch your body really far?" Xavier was trying to figure out how Frankie knew all this. No one else knew about Frankie, and he just met him two periods ago.
"H-how did you know I have powers?"
"Because I have powers too" Xavier's jaw dropped.
"Yes, I can read minds, make people speak the truth, and control people."
"Oh. It all makes sense now."
"Of course it does."
"So, is that it?"
"Oh heavens no! Now we need to talk about us"
"What about us?"
"We both know we like each other. Why not make it official?"
"Oh, I must have not explained how I make it official, let me show you…" Frankie grabbed Xavier's shirt, pushed him against the wall and kissed him.
No one could hear the many moans through the sound proof walls…