Status: This is just book one of two. Book two is definitely full of homosexuals. Be prepared.


Chapters 14, 15, and 16.

Chapter 14:

~~~The lunch table~~~

It was finally lunch, and everyone met at the back lunch table as planned. Everyone was there; May, Demetri, Hannah, Alyx, Xavier, Frankie, Anastasia, Arianna, Sasha, and Shawn.
May wasn't expecting Arianna and Frankie.
"Umm, guys, who are they?" May pointed at Arianna and Frankie.
"Well, Arianna," she pointed at her, "Is my new friend. She's just like me. But, why are they here?" Anni pointed to Sasha and Shawn.
Before May could answer her, Xavier, who was still blushing from the locker room, said "This is Frankie."
Before anyone could say anything else, Frankie said, "His boyfriend" he smiled and held up their hands which had intertwined fingers.
All you could hear from the table was "Awwww." Except for May, she squeeled so loud the whole lunch room went quiet. "Oh, sorry…" She said blushing. The lunch room suddenly got loud again.
"Anyway! Sasha and Shawn know about me, they can know about you too. They don't have powers, but they've known for a really long time that I have." May explained to everyone else at the table. Everyone got the "Ohhh Okay" face.
"So, can everyone explain their powers to the rest of us who don't know?" May looked at everyone else at the table. "Here, I'll start. I'm May and I can control fire and I have telekinesis."
Demetri went next. "I'm Demetri and I heal people, and fix things easily."
Then Anastasia, "I'm Anastasia and I'm a waterbender."
"I'm Arianna and I'm also a water bender."
"I'm Shawn, Hi…" Shawn waved.
"I'm Sasha, and I don't do anything" She tried to be funny, but she failed.
"I'm Alyx and I control how dark a room is."
"I'm Hannah and I can change the color of things and make people fall in love with me or other people."
"I'm Xavier, and I can stretch really far…"
"I'm Frankie, and I can read minds, make people tell the truth and can control people, I make them do anything I want to." Frankie said this with a smile.
"Thanks everyone. Now for the rest of the year I expect you all to sit here, unless you piss everyone off, and we all hate you and force you to move."

Hannah could feel that something bad was going to happen very, very, very soon…

Chapter 15:

~~~May and Shawn~~~

Lunch was over and everyone had a free period to do whatever they chose around the school. Demetri and May were walking around for a while, Demi was being his usual sweet self, but then, Shawn walked over to the two of them.
"Hey, Demetri, you mind if I borrow your girlfriend for a sec? I need to talk to her."
"Yeah sure, just no messing up her lip gloss" Demetri winked at May. She let go of Demi's hand and walked with Shawn.
"So, what's up? Is something wrong?" May asked Shawn.
"Oh, no, not at all. You know how it's going to be mine and Sasha's first year, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Well, I wanted to do something special for her, and I wanted her friends to be there too, I figured that since you were friends with everyone you could help with it."
"Oh, sure, what do you want to do?"
"Well, I was thinking that Demetri's band could play for us, like a concert type thing. It could be like a gig for him, and an anniversary party for us."
"That sounds like a good idea. Hannah could help too, she can just change the light colors every 30 seconds or something. If anything gets broken my Demi can fix it."
"Demi?" Shawn asked confusedly.
"Oh, my bad, Demetri. That's my pet name for him."
"Oh. Okay, so, do you think you can help me?"
"Totally. We'll make sure all of us are there."
"Cool. We'll set up at Sasha's house, she's going to be shopping with another friend during that time."
"It's a plan then."
May walked back to Demetri and explained everything, but when Shawn walked back to Sasha he just got screamed at. Hannah came over to hang out with her sister because Alyx was being a jerk. Shawn eventually came over because he'd rather not get screamed at and May didn't ever scream.
"So, what's the occasion? Apparently we have a posse now."
"Well, All that happens if I even want to hang out with my girlfriend is get screamed at." Shawn put his hands in his pockets.
"And Alyx is being a jerk," she looked over at Sasha. "Eww. He's not talking to Sasha." Hannah crossed her arms.
"Well, you can hang out with us, we don't care." Demetri spoke for the both of them.
"I don't like the way Alyx is acting around Sasha. It's like he's more interested in her than me." Hannah tried not to freak out.
"It's alright Hannah. Sasha's new to him, maybe he's like a dog and wants to get to know her." May said.

What May didn't know is that Alyx was more like a dog than she was thinking…

Chapter 16:

~~~May, Hannah, and Demetri during the gig~~~

It was Friday after school, and May was keeping her promise, she was going to go see Demetri's gig. Hannah went even though she was depressed, but that all changed once she met Gerard Way and Frank Iero. Before they went on, May got to meet her favorite bands like; Sleeping with Sirens, My Chemical Romance, All American Rejects, and many others. They got to take a picture of Gerard and Frank kissing and had them sign it. They also got Bob's, Mikey's, and Ray's autographs too. May secretly got Gerard and Frank's numbers. She knew Hannah would go complete fan girl on them so she decided to keep it a secret.
"Babe, I gotta go on. Don't go anywhere." Demetri said to May, then he kissed her forehead.
"We won't go anywhere as long as they're here." She pointed to MCR and SWS.
They jammed out with every band. By the end of the night, Hannah was so tired; she passed out on the walk to the bus. There was no one around; So May used her powers to carry her sister to the car.
"You were amazing tonight" May said to Demetri.
"Thanks babe" Demetri moved closer to May.
"Hannah had an amazing time. And thanks to you we met our idol" May smiled at Demetri.
"You're welcome" Demetri smiled and held May's hand until they got to the bus. They took Hannah inside and laid her down.
May yawned. "I'm getting kinda tired…"
Demetri sat down on his bed. "Come here" May laid her head on his lap and he petted her head until they got home.
"May… May…" Demetri tried to wake her up.
"Hmm?" May was still tired but she eventually woke up.
"We're here."
"Oh, okay."
May woke up Hannah and walked up to their room, Demetri walked in with them. Hannah laid down on her bed and instantly fell asleep.
"Umm, would you mind if I stayed the night here? I'm much too tired to drive home tonight." Demetri asked shyly.
"Yeah, sure" May made her queen sized bed. She was too tired to remember that she had a guy in her room, and put on her Xbox 360 pants, and a black tank top on. She turned around and remembered that he was in the room.
"O-oh sorry about that. Forgot you were here." May said while blushing. She started to brush out her hair to make it flat again.
"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention" That was a complete lie, he enjoyed the sight.
May and Demetri crawled into her bed, May cuddled up to Demetri and they fell asleep together.