Status: First story! Hope you enjoy :)


"My Head Is Spinning 'Cause of You"

"So tell me about your weekend!" Taryn said excitedly, sitting cross-legged on her bed in her pajamas. It was Sunday night and Hallie had just started unpacking from her weekend back home.

"It was great!" Hallie said, adjusting her black sweats and heading to her closet. "My grandpa has been pretty sick lately, so things have been kinda sad around the house. But when I left, he was feeling really great, so hopefully that continues."

"That's awesome, I'm so glad," Taryn said earnestly. "I'm sure he'll be fine."

"He's certainly got the spirit," Hallie said with a hopeful smile. "My whole family's like that, actually. I think you'd like them."

"I'm sure," Taryn said, fiddling with her phone. She hadn't gotten any messages since that morning, when her mom had texted her to see what was going on. "Especially if they're anything like you."

"You're so sweet," Hallie said, sprawling on her bed and stretching. "I'm so lucky you're my roommate. I feel like I've known you forever and we've only been here for a month!"

"Seriously," Taryn said graciously. "I like you better than pretty much everyone back home. And I've known them my whole life." Which was completely true.

"But enough gushy stuff," Hallie said, squeezing her throw pillow and tossing it in the air. "How was your weekend without me?!"

"It was alright," Taryn said. God, she could feel her face burning already.

"What did you do?! Please tell me you didn't hang out here all weekend."

"No," Taryn said, tying her hair in a messy bun. "I...went shopping with Danielle, this girl from my ethics class. And then I went out with her Saturday. And then I spent the day today in the library with Jocelyn and Matt."

"Yay! How was going out?!" Hallie said, enthusiastically.

"It was fun," Taryn said quietly, forcing a smile. Her stomach churned.

"You sure...?" Hallie said, clearly sensing that something was off.

"Yeah," Taryn said. "I mean, it really was up until I came back here."

"What happened?! Oh, God, you didn't get written up, did you? Was it Alex? I'll kill him."

"No," Taryn said, laughing. "Um, I had a guy over."

"Oh," Hallie squealed with a smirk. "Details!"

"Um, he's a friend from my ethics class. It was fun, know, it probably went farther than it should have."

Hallie gasped. "Girl, you didn't..."

Taryn shrugged. "Please don't judge."

Hallie squealed into her pillow. "Of course not! I just wasn't expecting that! You strike me as the type to take things slower."

"Not when I'm drunk," Taryn scoffed. See? It really wasn't as big of a deal as her stomach seemed to think it was.

"So who was it?!"

"You probably don't know him...Shane Beauman?"

"Wait, you slept with Shane Beauman?!"

"Yeah," Taryn said, hoping with all her might that this kid didn't have a shady reputation. That also would not be a first. One she particularly didn't want to repeat.

"Wow. Also wouldn't think of him as your type. Clearly, I don't know you like I think I do," Hallie laughed. "Damn. Well, I'm glad you had fun!"

"Thanks," Taryn said, slightly uncomfortably. "And I did. I just...wasn't expecting to let myself do that."

"That's what college is for, though," Hallie said supportively. "Don't worry. My lips are sealed."

"Thanks. I'm just going to move on. Although, he left his wallet," Taryn said, smirking as she motioned to her desk.

"Wow, and he hasn't said anything?!" Hallie said in disbelief.

"Guess not," Taryn said, pursing her lips. "Oh, well. I'll see him tomorrow."

"Don't sweat it, girl," Hallie said. "Just see what he says and go from there. He probably feels sort of weird, too. Maybe it'll just make you guys closer friends. It'll be like an inside joke. He didn't ask you out or anything, right? Would you say yes if he did?!"

"Nah," Taryn said, amused at Hallie's excitement. "He's cute, but entirely too full of himself."

"Aren't they all," Hallie joked with a smile.


She took a deep breath, composing herself before she walked into the classroom. She hadn't slept well, still stressing over how she was going to approach Shane. By the time she had to shower and get ready, she had become angry. She was tired of dwelling over every little thing when, quite frankly, they weren't that important in the grand scheme of things. Who was this guy, anyway? No one. Just a friend. He shouldn't have that type of power over her. As she stood outside the lecture hall, she squeezed his wallet, bracing herself. Starting now, she wasn't going to give a shit. From here on out.

She strode into the room, finally finding her confident stride again. The same one she had before Saturday night. She climbed the stairs to her table, meeting his eyes as she stepped up. He was smirking, like always.

"Hey," he said. He was talking to Shae and Danielle, who were turned around to face him. He aimed his upper body in her direction as she finally reached the table.

"What's up?" she said confidently, tossing his wallet onto the table as she pulled out her chair and sat down. He paused for a split second before grabbing it and sliding it into his pocket. Shae watched the exchange, intrigued.

"Not much," Danielle said. "How was your day yesterday?"

"As good as it could've been after Saturday," Taryn laughed. She could feel Shane's eyes on her, but that only fueled her to keep going. "I had the worst hangover."

"Yeah, I bet," Danielle giggled. "I'm surprised it didn't last that long."

"Well, it was a good thing we got back to my room okay," Taryn said, keeping her eyes on Danielle's. Shane was still watching her. She marveled in it, finally feeling like she had the upper hand over him. As long as she flirted around the truth, he could knock off that damn all-knowing smirk. "Thank you, by the way."

"Of course. That party was fading out anyway." She shot Shane a look.

"Hey, I slept out. I can't be held responsible for what happened after I left," Shane said, throwing his hands up. Taryn raised her eyebrows at him.

"Regardless, I totally forgot we were supposed to meet up yesterday for this dumb project," Danielle groaned. The rest of the group nodded in agreement. They, too, had forgotten.

"Let's meet up Thursday night. Does that work?" Taryn said, trying to take charge. Everyone nodded, and she penned the date into her planner. The professor called the class to attention, earning an eye-roll from pretty much everyone around. Shae and Danielle turned around and Taryn leaned back in her chair, adjusting her plaid button-down and resting her arm on the desk. Shane slid his chair a few inches closer to Taryn's, leaning over her to grab her pencil. He pulled back, brushing his hand along hers. It lingered there for a moment before he kept moving. Just long enough for her heart to pound a few times. She bit her lip, fighting the urge to look over at him. She knew all she would see was his stupid smirk again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 11!

I just started a second job, so writing's going to be a bit more difficult than usual. So that sucks. But I have big plans for where I want this story to go (finally!) so I'm not going to forget about it.

Thanks for reading and for any feedback! Feel free to comment, subscribe, and recommend :)

Song: 'What You Do To Me' by We the Kings