Status: First story! Hope you enjoy :)


"Explain It To Me"

“So we were thinking of going out this weekend,” Matt said, holding the glass door open for Taryn. “Delta is having something at their house and Maggie’s friend can get us on the list.”

Taryn walked through the door, on her way to eat at the dining hall with him.

“Do you think you’ll want to come?” he asked, looking down at her as they started walking.

“I don’t know yet. Maybe,” she said, crossing her arms against the chilly wind.

“Well, I hope you can,” he replied, flashing her a cute smile. She bit her lip, feeling her cheeks burn. Why was he looking at her like that?

“So…where is everyone again?” she said, looking over at him. She had honestly been surprised when he had texted her and asked if she wanted to go to dinner with him. Apparently the rest of the group had holed up in the library for the night, leaving Matt stranded. At least that’s how he made it sound.

“The library. They’ve been there all afternoon and opted to get Starbucks instead of joining me.”

“And you don’t do Starbucks?”

“Do I look like some spoiled white girl to you?” he joked. She giggled, knowing that she was often one of the girls he was poking fun at.

They arrived at the dining hall, finding a table by a far window. “Okay, so that was mean,” he said, shooting her a puppy-dog glance. “But yeah, I wasn’t about to eat alone, that’s for sure.”

“Well, thanks for inviting me,” she said, tossing her lanyard onto the table. She, too, had faced a night alone in her room with Easy Mac. Hallie had agreed to help Parker study, and consequently, left Taryn alone for the evening.

“Of course. I feel like we don’t hang out enough,” he said, joining her as she headed for the salad bar. He looked down at her, trying to gauge her reaction.

“I know,” she agreed as she scooped some salad onto a plate. “I see the girls all the time, but you and Parker…not so much.”

“Well, Parker’s head over heels for Theresa…so he’s no fun,” he joked, grabbing a turkey wrap from the bar next to Taryn.

“Wait, he’s still hung up on her?” she asked, surprised. Hallie had made it sound like Parker was trying to move on.

“Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah, she blew him off the other day,” he began, grabbing a bottle of water and offering one to Taryn. “But she could totally hook up with me and he’d be okay with it after a while. He’s got a total blind spot for her.” He and Hallie both, it seemed.

The two returned to their table, sliding into the booth across from each other. “But yeah, he’s currently in Theresa mode, so it’s all he talks about.” She nodded, taking a bite of her salad. “But enough about him. How was class today?”

“It was alright. Just…class,” she shrugged, rolling her eyes. He laughed, reaching for his water. “It’s boring most of the time.”

“At least you have that Danielle girl and your other friends, yeah?” he said slowly, looking up at her.

“Yeah, Shae and Shane and them,” she said. “I mean, Danielle and Shane are really cool and all but Shane’s just awkward for me at this point- ” she paused, looking down at her plate and shoving lettuce into her mouth. Whoa. That was not supposed to have come out.

“Why?” he said, surprised.

“Nothing, he’s just being weird or something,” Taryn lied. “Shae’s cooler anyway. We get along really well.”

“Do you like him?” Matt asked quickly, his eyes widening.

“No, why?” Taryn said, biting her lip and smirking at him. “Would that be weird?”

“Not at all,” he said, trying to play it off. “Just…wondering.”

“You’re so full of shit,” she laughed, throwing a crumpled napkin at him.

“What, I can’t know all the details of your personal life without being a creep?”

“Yeah, basically,” she said. “Besides, I don’t even know anything about you.”

“Well, we can change that,” he said, leaning in closer. Her eyes widened slightly. That was weird. She knew he was flirty to begin with, but now he seemed interested? Strange.

“Sorry. I only get to know boys who are willing to go to Starbucks with me,” she said, flirting right back with him. His green eyes seemed to gleam across the table. He was cute, she’d give him that. And she could use a change of pace for once. Someone who didn’t just want to hook up with her and keep it a secret.

“Yeah, I don’t know if this is going to work after all,” he joked, leaning back in the booth and shrugging. She giggled. “But maybe I can make an exception. What time is your class tomorrow morning?”

“Ten,” she said with a flirty grin.

“Meet me outside Radnor at 9:00?” he asked, studying her face.

She bit her lip, feeling her cheeks blushing as she nodded. “Sure.”


She jerked awake to the sound of her ringtone in her ear. Her books lay open in her lap, her head resting against the stack of pillows behind her. Shit. She was supposed to be studying.

“Hey, Dad,” she said, answering the phone and sitting up straighter.

“Hey, sweetheart. Just wanted to check in and see how things were going. I know finals are coming up soon. How are you?”

“I’m good. Just…lots of studying. But I’m feeling pretty good.”

“That’s great, Taryn. Your mother says good luck.” Taryn bit her lip, fighting the urge to call her father out on his bullshit.

“What do you say the three of us go out to dinner after your last final? Before you come home?”

“I mean, if that’s what you want,” she said quietly, playing with the hem of her comforter.

“I think it’ll be good for us. Let’s get you and your mom back on the same page.”

She pursed her lips again, knowing it was going to take much more than one dinner for her to be alright with her mother again. “Okay.”

“Well, enough of that. How are your friends? Any boys I need to be aware of? Anyone coming home for Christmas that we need to know about?”

She laughed, images of Shane, Alex, and Matt flittering through her brain. “No, Daddy. It’s just little old me.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with that, sweetie. College boys only have one thing on their minds anyway.”

“Dad, please. I’ve heard this speech too many times already.”

“Fair enough. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t going to fall for the batting eyelashes and smooth one-liners. Because they don’t mean anything if he can’t hold an actual conversation with you.”

“I know. Trust me, I know.” She cringed at the idea of her father meeting any of her “charming” hookups from this year. He would disown her, at least.

“Okay, well, it’s good to hear your voice, sweetie. It’s pretty quiet around here without you and your brother.”

“I love you, Daddy. See you after finals?”

“Of course. Love you too, sweetheart.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 26! Soooooo my mood has been terrible lately. But that usually makes me want to write, so I suppose that's a good thing that has come out of this week! Yay!

Anyway, many thanks to loyal readers for sticking with me thus far. Story's not over yet....not even close, so please keep commenting! I love to hear what you guys have to say!

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Song: 'Explain It To Me' by Liz Phair