She's My Ride Home

Chapter 2

“We're graduating in a week.” Said the calm voice, of Jackie who sipped at a cherry slushie. She smiled through the straw in her mouth, at Brian who sat next to her on the bench next to the small ice cream parlor.
Brian smiled, digging his spoon into the creamy vanilla ice cream cup in his hand. He gave a nod. “Yeah...It's come by pretty quick.”
Jackie gave a nod of agreement. “ has. I remember freshman year like it was yesterday!”
Brian grinned recalling when he and Jackie had skipped class on the first official day, and being caught just as they sneaked out of class. He looked up, smile still slapped along his face. “Yeah, that year was so awesome...Freshman Friday was hilarious!”

Jackie grinned. “Hey! Don't be mean now...I know exactly what you're thinking of!”
Brian grinned, leaning his face a little closer to her. “Oh yeah? What?”
Jackie grinned, leaning her head in also. “When Zacky was dumped into a trash can by you and Matt.”
Brian gave a pout, and worked out the best puppy dog look ever. “But you know it was funny...” Brian gave her a quick peck on the lips, leaving some vanilla along her lips.
She laughed, wiping her lips with a napkin. “Gross! You did that on purpose!” She laughed punching his arm a little.
“What? Me!? No never!” He laughed, leaning in again with vanilla ice cream on his lips.
Jackie gave him a knowing glare. “Bad, Brian! No!” She said in joking tone.
Brian laughed and kissed her again. Jackie gave a small sigh, and kissed him back. She grinned into their kiss, as she quickly pressed the cold slushie cup to Brian's bare arm. Brian yelped and jumped back eyes wide.

“That wasn't nice.” He said grinning
“Yeah, well you getting your vanilla slobber on me, wasn't nice either!”
Brian rolled his eyes, and ate another spoonful of his ice cream. He looked at her pursing his thin lips. “So uh...Jackie?” he said, semi-quietly, getting a bit awkward.
“Hm?” She hummed, slurping at the straw.
“I decided on what we were gonna do after graduating.”
Jackie lifted her eyebrow, her ears dwelling on the 'we' of his sentence. “Go on...”

Brian took another spoonful of his ice cream. “So I'm gonna stick with the band...full time, I mean...I seriously think we're good enough to become big. And you could come with us. When we get a tour bus and stuff! And you could be a manager.” Brian looked at her with a smile, like he'd been planning this.
Jackie stared at him, her eyebrows furrowing. “Brian...that's your dream. That's not mine. I have plans of my own Bri...”
“What about me?” Asked Brian, pursing his lips staring at her.
“...What? Brian...I mean come on, it's not just about you all the time. I have my own dreams. I want to be a clothes designer. I want my own line and everything. I can't just give that up, to be some sort of groupie for you.”
Brian lifted his brow. “Groupie? No, Jackie...I'm not saying to be a groupie. I just want you with me. We can be happy together. You'll be around me and all the guys. It'll be like never leaving home.”

Jackie hissed out a breath. “Brian, I love you. I really do. But, how dare you be so selfish to think that I would leave my own dreams for yours.” She growled and stood from the bench. She walked away, and didn't look back...

I exhaled a little, fogging up the tour bus window next to me. I couldn't help but feel butterflies rumbling in my stomach as the bus edged the state of New York...where she would be. I groaned grasping my stomach as it flipped around. I could feel nausea inching around. I grasped my head and heaved in a couple of breaths.

Alright...Calm down Brian. You've been friends forever. And that post graduation shit, has long time passed...And we're just friends now...You've got nothing to worry about. Nope...nothing...Only maybe the fact that she might not even show up...Or tell me off...And to leave her alone forever...Brian groaned and pressed his palm against his face, only ruining what was supposed to be a pep talk.

I yelped, straightening out of my position, when a strong palm fell against my back. I peered up with a glare, then softened when I stared at Zacky's chubby figure.

“Hey man. We're almost there!” He yelled enthusiastically. But, fuck, that only made my stomach churn and flip around more.
I gave a nod and looked towards the window nervously. “I don't know man...I'm scared as hell.”
“F'aw...Are you kidding me man?!” Yelled Zacky, I could feel him sit down next to me.
“No man, I'm serious.” I looked over at him, trying to keep my expression serious, but I couldn't help but laugh at his face. Sometimes, he just gave unknowingly dazed and confused looks.

Zacky grinned, his snake bitten lips puckered. “Dude, she's been our best friend since, ever. What could have changed?”
I grabbed his shoulders and shook him. “That I sounded like a fucking desperate guy when we talked!! She probably doesn't want to hang out with me anymore! I sounded so desperate, like...all I wanted was maybe to get laid! Oh shit...Yeah, that's what I probably sounded like to her. Real fucking great.”
I smashed my hands into my face and groaned into them.
I could hear Zacky laugh. “You’re stupid. Stop being an idiot. She's your best friend, and she probably gets that you just want to have an actual chill out with her. She's always been awesome dude. I don't get why you're freaking the fuck out.”
I sighed, rubbing my face a little. “Yeah...right...I guess you are right.”
“I know I'm right, Brian.”

I huffed softly as I felt a punch to my arm. A screech from the tour bus breaks, froze me in place. I could feel my eyes widen and my bones and muscles lock into place. My heart was beating at an outstanding rate...I could probably have a heart attack right now. No wait....I can't I have to see Jackie...I need to make sure she didn't think I wasn't desperate. But, with all that I thought, I still couldn't seem to move from my seat.

“Brian...we're here...” Said Zacky from beside me.
“Y-yeah.” I stuttered, gulping.
“Don't be such a pussy man!” I felt his hands wrap around my arm and begin to pull me off.

I heaved in a breath then stood from my seat. “I can do this!!” I yelled pushing Zacky out of my way and marched towards the door. I grabbed my leather jacket from my bunk, and then ran out of the tour bus door. I stared at the busy New York streets. Nothing unusual...New York was known for its unsupportable traffic and snot nosed pedestrians. I gulped once more, and put on my sunglasses. I walked along the side walk quietly, blending with the crowds as much as I could, but I knew I looked like a tourist by how I looked at each store I went by.

I spotted a Starbucks down the street, and licked my lips. That's where we're supposed to meet...I think. Well, fuck I hope so. I crossed the street with a huge crowd of people, then walked into the Starbucks, that was moving around quickly with hundreds of people. People were in and out. Typical business-like New Yorker. I looked towards the stairs to the second floor, and caught a glimpse of tables. I could see some people seated and drinking quietly, even some teenagers on their laptops. I looked around for any blazing red hair, but caught nothing. Good, this should give me some time to think. To calm down...Yes, calm down.

I walked forward in line, and eventually after what felt like forever I reached the cash register. “Hi...Um can I get coffee with milk?”

The girl at the register gave a nod. “6 dollars.” She grumbled, and walked off to I assume grab the drink. I pulled a 10 from my pocket and slid it on the counter.

She came back a couple of seconds later, sliding the cup over to me. She gave me my change, and I strolled away with my drink. I sipped on the straw and walked towards the stairs. At the first step, I looked around once more for a re-
My breath hitched as I spotted, red flaming hair come through the door. I stared mouth gaping slightly, at how much yet how little she'd changed. I scrambled quickly up the stairs, hoping she hadn't seen me. But shit, with the ruckus I was making, I'm pretty sure I caught the attention of everyone on that damned floor.