Status: still in the process of writing

Just A Song

Chapter One

Felona is a very beautiful girl. She has long brown hair that reaches the bottom of her spine. She has big brown eyes and a pointy nose. She has a flat chest, not that she cares about it. She is a college student who takes up Journalism. She likes to skate during her free time but she rarely hangs out with her friends. She usually goes to concerts on her own and makes new friends at the event. I guess that’s all you need to know about her.

She has a Math test today. It is the last Math test she has to take before she graduates from college. The test starts at 8:30AM and she is late. Felona immediately gets out of her bed and brushes her teeth. She put on the first shirt she found in her closet along with her skinny jeans. She then ran out of her dorm room and headed straight to Room 108. She arrived just a minute before their professor, Mr. Richards, entered the room carrying their test papers. Everyone went back to their seats as he put his stuff on the teacher’s desk. Mr. Richards is a hot-headed bald man. His glasses slip off of his nose 90% of the time. Felona finds it funny.

“I will not be monitoring your test-taking today. My son’s friend will be doing the honors. He is not a teacher and he is very inexperienced. But if you cheat, he will surely notice it. I am just here to distribute your test papers. Be a hundred percent honest and do think before you write down your answers,” Mr. Richards said and distributed the test papers.

Felona’s hands were shaking. She has to pass this test or she has to take another Math test in order for her to graduate. A few minutes later, Anna Baker raised her hand to ask Mr. Richards a question. Anna is very smart but she is the annoying type. “Mr. Richards, who will be proctoring our test today?” She asked.
Mr. Richards looked up with his glasses hanging on the tip of his nose and said, “His name is John O’Callaghan. Just in case some of you are familiar with him, please do not get yourself distracted.”

This made Felona more nervous. John O’Callaghan, she thought, he’s the lead singer of The Maine, right? She furrowed her eyebrows and brushed the thought out of her tiny brain. She doesn’t want to fail Math so she has to stay focused even with him in here. Felona saw The Maine live a month ago and she likes their music. She can still remember that time when she visited their merch tent only to find herself spending all her cash on their CDs. She doesn’t regret it, though. For her, every single CD or merchandise she buys is worth it. She keeps them confined in a box…well, boxes.

In the middle of her thoughts, John O’Callaghan finally arrived wearing his pair of Ray-Bans with his hair all messed up as if someone told him to get out of bed and get his ass in this place. Felona immediately sat straight and took her pencil out. Mr. Richards finished distributing their test papers and introduced John to the class.

“This is John O’Callaghan. He is the vocalist of The Maine. For those of you who are taking up Journalism, Ms. Johnson told me that you have to interview someone for your last project. You may interview him after taking the test, if you’d like,” Mr. Richards said, “Okay, I will leave now. I’ll leave them up to you, John. Don’t let them cheat or Justin’s never going to hang out with you and the other guys ever again.”
“Okay, Mr. Richards. I won’t fail you,” John replied, flashing his set of white teeth.
Mr. Richards nodded his head in reply and rushed out of the room.
The moment Mr. Richards closed the door; John spoke and said, “Alright. I see you have your test papers with you. Let’s get this shit over and done with. You’ve got one hour and a half. You may start now.”

It took Felona a second to get back to reality. She caught John’s attention so he walked towards her and eyed her for a moment, making Felona very nervous. He removed his sunglasses and said, “Show me your wrists.”
“Why?” Felona replied even though she doesn’t have cheats written on her wrist.
“You seem nervous. It must be because you have codes on your wrist,” he replied with a smirk.
“Okay, then,” she held out her arm and showed John her wrists that only had scars in it.
His eyes grew wide and stared at it for five seconds. Her scars were still fresh. She had five new scars on her left wrist. It was why she didn’t want John to see it. He dropped her wrist and whispered, “Let’s talk later.”
She nodded her head in reply and grabbed her pencil. She only has an hour and 20 minutes left to answer the test. She did her very best. She was the very last person to finish the test which made her the last person to leave the room.

She walked towards John who was seated on the teacher’s desk and gave him her paper. She hoped that John didn’t see her scars. In reality, John could still remember. John saw the sorrow in her eyes but he felt no compassion. He wasn’t concerned. He was pressured. He had been looking for the perfect girl to hook up with in order for him to be able to write new songs. Now he found her. He needs Felona.

Now, Felona thought John forgot about the scars on her wrist but he didn’t. She walked out of the room thinking that John won’t chase after her. He was so busy stacking up the test papers that he didn’t even notice her leave. He didn’t even hear the door close. He stacked the papers as fast as he could and ran out of the room. He spotted her by the grass where everyone else sits during break time to review for their tests. She found a spot underneath a tree and sat down. She was about to review for her English test when John approached her and cleared his throat to get her attention. It made her jump in surprise.

“Oh, hello John,” Felona said.
“We still have to talk, remember?” John replied, furrowing his eyebrows.
Felona nodded her head in reply and stood up.
“Where do you want to go so we can talk? Do you have a class after?” he asked.
“Uh, anywhere. No,” she replied.
“Okay, that’s good. Let’s go to In ‘n’ Out,” he said and they walked to the parking lot.

John owned an old pick-up truck that was of the color brown. It was an old model but it still looked decent. Felona rode shotgun and they drove off. They reached In ‘n’ Out in just ten minutes and John was willing to treat her. She denied his offer, of course but John didn’t argue. They sat down and talked. She was nervous because no one saw her scars before. It was a very stupid act to show John her wrist but she had to do it in order for her not to get in trouble.

She took three bites from her burger before John finally spoke.
“So, what’s up with your wrist?” he asked.
The question made her even more nervous. She didn’t know how to answer the question. She never thought someone would ask. She didn’t want to open up to The Maine’s vocalist because she was afraid that he would judge her.
“It’s a long story,” she replied with a soft voice.
“Well, we’ve got all the time in the world.”
She let out a sigh and began, “It started when I was in middle school.”
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Hi, I know I left a lot of fanfics unupdated and it's all because of this one.
Second chapter will be up in a few hours. Hang in there!