Status: still in the process of writing

Just A Song

Chapter Eight

Felona woke up with a throbbing headache. She doesn’t remember most of the things that happened before she blacked out. She looked around her and wondered where she is. She was wearing something that looked like a hospital gown and she had tubes connected on both her arms. She had no idea at first then she realized–she’s in the hospital. That isn’t too hard to figure out, is it? She sat on her hospital bed in shock of what must have happened to her. She knows where she was yesterday. She knows who she talked to yesterday—wait, it seems like some sort of valuable is missing in her brain. It seems like she has to keep in her mind but she can’t remember it.

Nothing is entering her brain. What must be happening to me?, she thought to herself. No one really knows what is going on. Whoever it was that hit her, caused a huge disaster. If her family was here, they’d seek justice. That person just left her lying on the road and she, herself, doesn’t even know that she’s a victim of a hit-and-run. She was fortunate enough to be found by John O’Callaghan. The name seems so familiar to her, yet still so foreign.

John went back to the hospital to check on Felona. He found her lying unconsciously on the road yesterday. He felt anger towards that person who left her lying there. It’s not right to do such a thing. But then again, John O’Callaghan has been waiting for this chance. Felona couldn’t remember anything. John could totally fool her. He is to take advantage of her situation. A very selfish idea, isn’t it? Anyone in the right mind would know how bad this idea is. This makes everyone question if John is still sane.

John knocked on Felona’s hospital door and waited for someone to respond.
“Come in,” Felona shouted. John turned the door knob and entered the room.
“Hello. How are you feeling?” John asked as he walked towards the hospital bed. He had a huge grin on his face, so that he won’t scare Felona.
“I’m good, actually. I just feel a bit dizzy but it’s tolerable. Are you the doctor?” she asked. This made John laugh.
“No. I am John O’Callaghan. I saved your life,” he smirked.
“I’d like to think otherwise but I guess that’s believable,” she laughed.
“I didn’t know you were that easy to convince,” he said as he raised his left eyebrow.
“I don’t think I’m usually like this. You seem so familiar but—,” she groaned. “I don’t really know who you are. I’m not really convinced that you’re not an asshole.”
“Well, are you going to allow me to prove you wrong?”
“We’ll see.”
They kept their conversation going and they didn’t run out of things to say.

Felona’s headache would come back from time to time but she didn’t mind it. She likes talking to John O’Callaghan. It’s quite odd how she only forgot about John O’Callaghan when she could remember everyone else. Was John that big of a stranger to her? How come she couldn’t remember having a harsh conversation with this guy in front of her? Maybe she could only remember those who are close to her. She couldn’t remember the first time she met him but she knows that she did before. She doesn’t know what her first impression was of him but she doesn’t really care anymore.

A few hours later, Nick visits Felona and finds John with her. What’s worse is that Felona was laughing with John O’Callaghan. He wanted to leave but he couldn’t. He feared that Felona might enjoy the times she’s spending with John than her time with him. He greeted the both of them and sat on the opposite side of the bed. He gave her a tight hug that left Felona breathless. She loved Nick’s scent but John’s fragrance filled the room and it was like a drug to her.

“The doctor told me that you’ve got a mild case of amnesia. Do you still know who I am?” Nick said.
“Yeah, of course I can still remember you. You’re my best friend,” Felona replied as she kissed him on the cheek. This made the butterflies in Nick’s stomach flutter even more. Just the sight of her made him feel light; almost as if he doesn’t have any problems.
“Glad that you still remember me. Never forget me, okay? That’s our promise to each other,” he said as he intertwined his pinky with Felona’s.
“Yes, Nick,” she said. Nick was hoping that yes was the response to the “big question” but sadly it isn’t.
John coughed to get their attention away from each other. He did feel a small hint of jealousy but he brushed it off before it took over his actions.
“Oops, I’m sorry. Do you guys know each other or do I have to introduce you guys?” Felona asked as she sat back up.
“There’s no need for that. We’ve been touring together since the dawn of time. Right, John?” Nick said.
“Correct,” John replied, putting an emphasis on the letter o.
Felona nodded. “You know what, I’m going to sleep. If you guys want to sleep, the sofa’s right there and the chair’s over there.”
The two boys agreed but neither of the two went to sleep. They both watched Felona sleep.

John watched Felona’s movements in her sleep. She moves a lot in her sleep. He studied her features and saw how beautifully flawed she was. She had scars on her face but she was still beautiful. John wasn’t falling for her yet. But then again, she seems different now. She doesn’t seem like the before-amnesia-Felona who’s so arrogant and bitchy. She seems…perfect. Perhaps, too perfect for a guy like John Cornelius O’Callaghan the Fifth. She’s always been better than him. He didn’t deserve someone like Felona Powell.

Nick Santino. Does he deserve Felona? He hasn’t proved himself worthy to have Felona either. He watched her sleep too. He couldn’t manage to fall asleep knowing that John is in the same room as Felona and him. He fears that the day will come when John and Felona will be together. He wanted to warn John of what he’s capable of doing if he hurts her. But then again, he isn’t even sure about what he’s really capable of doing. Like John, Nick is afraid of a lot of things. He’s afraid of losing his best friend and his only love. He’s afraid that she’s going to choose John over him. What will I do if she chooses him? he thought to himself. He finally got the courage to look up and talk to John. He couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“John,” Nick called. “We need to talk.”
“That sounds like a line that’s supposed to come from Felona’s mouth but go ahead,” John replied with that same-old smirk.
“Do you like Felona?” Nick asked curiously.
“What are you going to do if I say yes?” challenged John.
“You must be lying, then. I know you John. We’ve been friends for more than five years.”
“You want the truth? I don’t know.”
“I’m going to warn you before you figure things out. I love Felona. You don’t know how much I love her. Don’t hurt her. Ever. I might kill you if you do. I won’t even hesitate to do so. Don’t do anything shitty. If you want to use someone for a song, then find someone else. Don’t use Felona. She’s the perfect girl anyone can have.”
“Why aren’t you guys together, then?”
“Because,” Nick sighed. “I’m afraid that she doesn’t love me the way I love her.”
John looked at Felona one more time. “Nick, she’s different. She’s not like the other girls who act like a pet. I think—I think I may be in love with her too.”

Felona was awake the whole time. She heard everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
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