Status: Still working on it

Do I Hear Wedding Bells?!

Chapter 1: the beach

Beep-beep-beep her cellphone rang, Hello?, hi willow this is rose, meet me in your front yard in 15 minutes. willow knew something was up, she picked out her blue flowery dress and was outside to meet here friend rose. When rose pulled into rose's driveway she couldn't shut up about this new boy Devon, she kept going on and on about how drop dead gorgeous he was. When they finally reached the beach, willow turned and said there he is its Devon. Devon turned and caught roses gaze, she knew that face, it was really Derek. Derek came over to give her a fake hi-I'm-Devon hug, but when she was pulled into his embrace he whispered I am here, here to claim you my queen of the underworld. She pulled away from him, and slapped him across the face.