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Innocent Kill

Innocent Kill

“We never meant for there to be any harm. We never wanted any trouble,” said the young boy. Stephen was only six.

“Did we do that? Did we hurt Mama?” asked Caleb. He stood in shock and confusion.

Ethan burried his face in his hand and knees. His sobs were loud and clear. For a second, there was no sound. He stood up and turned around. His hands and clothes were covered in my fresh blood.

“Why did you do that?” He yelled in anger and frustration. “Why weren’t yall careful? You killed her!”

His eyes over flooded with warm, salty tears. His shirt was soaked from crying and sweating. The children, only five and six, were now afraid.

“We didn’t mean to. . .” tried Stephen.

“What happened to her?” Caleb, as young as he was, was clueless and only thought I was playing games, or maybe asleep and won’t wake up.

“She’s dead Caleb!” Ethan exclaimed. “She’s dead. . .” he said more quietly as he stood up from my lifeless body. His last two words made it obvious he had just now really thought about my death. He wasn’t ready to say good bye.

“But we were just playing,” assured Ethan.

“Well, game’s over.” Ethan seemed so depressed. I tried to reach out to him, but my hand nearly slipped through his carcass. The state I was in wouldn’t allow me to make contact with anyone whom was still alive.

Stephen pitched in now. “Caleb and I were only playing around. We started wrestling. . . She told us to cut it out, but we didn’t listen. Caleb and I hit something and it knocked her over. . .”

“Yeah, and she fell through the window. And now she’s covered in blood and glass. . . And, and. . . And now she’s dead!” Ethan was devastated. He couldn’t stay strong for my children, like I wished he did. Caleb and Stephen were beginning to cry. Stephen ran to my side with sobbing tears. He kneeled down beside me and grabbed my right hand. He held onto it dearly, crying into it, as if anything he did would provide my life again. He pleaded words of sorrow and apologized several times.

If only he knew everything would be okay. But I couldn’t be sure of that. With me gone, what would happen to them? Will they be okay, alright without me? Worry filled my form as I wondered what would become of them. I was beginning to panic when I felt someone’s presence near me, as if a hand had been laid upon my shoulder. I looked over to my amazement to find who I thought to be God. He assured me everything would be fine and that He would be waiting for me when I was ready to passover. He left my side to let me be.

Caleb was in shock to all of this. He still had no clue of what was going on. He screamed of panic.

"Shut up!” Ethan yelled back. This stunned Caleb, and he immediately got quiet. Caleb was surprised, and he was scared. He began to cry. He ran to Stephen who was still confessing his sin to my morbid body.

In the near distance, Ethan whispered to himself, “Game’s over. . .”
That was his last statement, and that was it. They’d nothing left to say to each other.
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