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Chapter 2

The day was running by slowly. I saw no walkers around. I drove around to secure the area. Afterwards, I searched for a newly fair house to rent. Houses were evacuated months before. I wondered where the people that lived here were. The walkers haven't reached this town yet, or at least I'd thought.

Occasionally, I would come across blood splatters. I found it strange; there were blood splatters, puddles, stains, and more, but the carcass was always gone. Maybe the government had transferred the bodies elsewhere. I try to think back to that night, but memories come and go. I can hardly remember anything that happened around the ground zero attack. Frustrated, I shook my head, trying to erase the thoughts I looked through to remember the event.

I can only remember memories before a certain date. I remember having the idea of 17 float in my head all the time, but nothing further more. My new suburban told me the date and time. I'm rocking my suburban. It helps a lot. Knowing the dates, I concluded that I was almost three months into 17.

I still wish I remembered the lost memories in between.

I continued looking for my temporarily home when I heard a thud and more to follow. I rolled my window up, and parked the car. I got out, leaving the keys in the ignition just in case I needed to fly out of there. I walked up to the housing's front door. I thought I'd seen it shut before getting out of the vehicle.

Opening the door, I called for anyone who may have been there. My hands were already by her belt, already on top of her weapons in which were easiest to get to.

I walked through the door, careful and cautious. I kept calling for an answer. I checked every corner of every room before getting to the master bedroom. I heard sniffles and whimpering. That can't be a walker, I thought. Another human? The idea of another human around made me excited. I walked into the master bedroom.

I found a man, about my age, sitting on the bed. His head was burried in his hands. This must have been his parents' room. He held a wallet picture of the two.

I tried to approach him, but I must have made him flip. He looked at me with such surprise and confusion. He stayed silent.

I spoke.

"Nice day, isn't it?"

He looked at me as if I was crazy. Only about two seconds later, he gave a faint, but hopeful smile.

"Name's Kristen," I informed him.

"Alec," he replied.

He had dirty blond hair that had grown out passed his eyes. It developed a crazy swoosh to the side, but still a little bit choppy. It was cute.

I looked at him and chuckled.

"What? Something wrong with me?" His words were kind and friendly. He looked all over his body in amusement to sarcastically see what was wrong with him.

I stood silent, for his eyes had caught my attention. They were such gorgeous hazel eyes. He smirked at me, seeming to wonder what I was doing, but not bothering to ask.

I stared into his eyes, as if it brought new life, new hope.

"Your eyes," I started. "They are gorgeous."

He chuckled and stood. "Family?"

"Nope. I can't remember what happened. Can you?"

"Not much. Last thing I remember is getting in the bunker and hearing bombs go off and the innocent screaming."

I became a little confused. Wouldn't there be more of a sign that the town had been bombed? I pushed it aside. "What about your family?"

"I couldn't tell ya. They should be down by the coast, towards Florida. I'm hear with my grandparents. Or, well I was."

He didn't seem too upset about his parents. I didn't bother to ask anymore questions about his life. "Mind if I stay here tonight?"

"As long as you'd like," he offered.

My face brightened, and my smile grew large. "Thank you. It means a lot."

This Alec guy was a magnet. I knew it from the moment he gave me that smile. I was stuck like glue on a stick.

The longer we were together, the more we began to know about each other. There was no way to get out of this.

Within abrupt time, we became best friends. We were now partners. We never went anywhere without each other's consent. Even with the consent of the other, we still usually didn't walk around anywhere without a buddy. The only people around were us two, so it wasn't that hard to find a buddy.

One afternoon, my glasses broke. I had accidentally slept with them on. The glasses were now hanging crookedly on my face. He had gone to look for tape. Tape was perfect, I assured him. He came back and reached for my glasses. He fixed them just right. He began putting them back on my face; I noticed him hesitate.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. Your eyes are just the most beautiful and unique eyes I have ever seen."

He seemed mesmerized. I giggled, and told him about his eyes.

My glasses, now fixed and settled on my face, allowed me to see his distinct face. He blushed a tad, and quickly recovered his natural expression.

My eyes were very blue. They were as blue as the crystal blue sea. The color was deep. My eyes were pools of water. Everyone was mesmerized by them. However, the scratches on my glasses were so many and large that my eyes were never really noticed with the presence of my glasses.

His comments made me think a little bit. He was a thinker, as was I. I loved every second I spent just thinking about my thoughts. Alec and I shared this. I knew right away, he was the one for me.

We had each other's backs no matter what from that point on, and we both needed it.
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~ I apologize for the delay. Please feel free to comment and tell me what you think. Also please to subscribe this and recommend it do others. :) ~