Hell on the Heart

Walk On The Ocean

The bell rang for the end of morning classes and Gina made her way towards her locker, hugging her books close to her chest. It was lunchtime but her mind wasn’t on food. It was on the tall, dark-haired, green-eyed son of her father’s friend, John Winchester and it had been for quite a while. In fact, she couldn’t recall what her last class had been about because she had been busy playing out scenarios in her head where she ended up alone with Dean Winchester and he would finally ask her out. Reaching her locker, she punched in her combination and shoved her books inside before pulling out her purse and slinging it over her shoulder. As she closed the metal door, she felt her heart skip a beat and her stomach lurch as she came face to face with the boy she had just spent the last hour or so daydreaming about.

“Hey G’,” Dean grinned, locking his green gaze onto hers and Gina felt the heat in her cheeks rise as she stared back at him, reveling in the sound of his nickname for her passing his sweet lips.

“Hey Dean,” She managed to say, her mouth going dry at the thought of actually having to talk to him especially after the things she had been thinking about in class that involved his mouth doing more than just talking.

“So, uh,” Dean leaned against the lockers beside him confidently. “What are you doing for lunch?”

“Oh, I’m just going to meet up with some friends, I guess…”

“How about you skip that and come for a ride with me instead?” Dean smirked, pulling the keys to his Dad’s Impala out of his jeans pocket and dangling them in front of her face. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while,” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Gina blushed, averting her gaze. “Oh, come on,” He reached out a finger and tilted Gina’s chin up so that she had no choice but to look back at him. “I won’t bite…” He winked playfully at her and Gina chuckled, nodding her head in a moment of bravery as she smiled back at him.

“Okay, I’ll go with you…”

“Great!” Dean seemed more than pleased with her response and moved to place his arm around her shoulders as he guided her down the hallway, towards the school’s parking lot. “I was hoping you were going to say that…”

“Yeah?” Gina peeked up at him from under her eyelashes and Dean chuckled.

“Yeah, I’ve been dying to get you alone for a long time. There’s something I want to ask you…”

Living in Southern California had its advantages, Gina mused. For one, she was able to enjoy the sight of Dean Winchester in a grey fitted tee, free from the constraints of his usual leather jacket and plaid shirt combo because of the warm sunshine and the other reason being that they could skip an afternoon of school in style down at the beach. Dean had drove them towards the coast upon Gina’s suggestion and they were now parked up in a quiet spot not too far from the pier where they could watch the huge Ferris wheel turn around and around even though it’s carts were empty. Dean slumped back in his seat, his arm stretched out over the back of it as he watched the fairground ride before glancing at the pretty brunette beside him.

“You ever been on one of those?” He asked her, Gina nodding her head as she looked back at him.

“Yeah, once or twice…” She smiled. “The view is amazing from the top; you can see the whole town…”

Dean grinned, a plan suddenly forming in his mind as he pulled the keys out of the ignition and reached for the door handle.

Gina watched him in confusion; “Dean, what are you doing?”

“I’m going for a Ferris ride; I’ve never been on one…” He replied, stepping out of the car and turning to peer back in at her. “Are you coming?”

Dean didn’t wait for her reply, choosing instead to close his door and stand beside the Impala with his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jeans as he waited for her to join him. Gina studied him from her seat, observing the way he was watching the Ferris wheel like a child would eye up a shiny toy in a shop window. She also seized the opportunity to allow her eyes to wander over his stature, admiring the way his t-shirt fit snugly against his toned torso and how his jeans hung off his hips just right. Then she realized that she was sitting in his car stealing glances at him when she could be accompanying him on his first Ferris wheel ride and she hurriedly got out of the car, Dean turning to look at her when he heard her close the door.

“You took long enough…” He teased, flashing her a smile that could melt the most frozen of hearts and she shrugged her shoulders at him.

“Well, you know, I’m not usually one for ditching class and going to fairgrounds with a boy I hardly know…” Gina shot back as she walked up to him.

Dean let out a laugh, slipping his arm around her shoulders almost as if that’s where it was intended to be and Gina felt herself lean into his touch.

“I’d say you know me a lot better than most girls I’ve met…” He told her as they started the walk towards the pier. “I mean, the fact that you know what my Dad really does kinda takes the pressure off having to find a reason for our short stay…”

“I only know because he works with my Dad and sometimes…” Gina paused, wondering if she should say what was on her mind and Dean glanced sideways at her, offering her a knowing smile.

“Sometimes you wished you didn’t know what really went bump in the night so that you could pretend to have a normal family?” He asked, Gina smiling at the fact that he seemed to know what she was thinking.


Dean squeezed her shoulders, pulling her closer to him; “Yeah, me too…”

They reached the pier, Dean leading them towards the Operator’s box of the Ferris wheel and Gina couldn’t help but feel safe and contented under his arm, as if she was supposed to be there. During their walk she had summoned up enough courage to wrap her arm around his waist and Dean had smiled at her, letting her know without words that it was okay. They came to a halt outside their intended destination, Dean dropping his hold on Gina for a moment so that he could talk to the guy running the ride and the brunette sighed at the loss of contact with him. She didn’t have to go without his touch for long though as he quickly returned to her side, taking her by the hand as he led her onto one of the empty Ferris wheel carts and smiling wickedly.

“What are you looking so pleased about?” Gina wanted to know, glancing at him as he sat down beside her and the ride operator made sure they were secure before returning to the box to pull the lever that would begin their skyward journey.

“Oh, you’ll see….” Dean chuckled softly, one arm around Gina’s shoulders as the other hand gripped the metal bar across them and the cart jolted as their ride began.

They slowly but surely started to climb towards the pale blue sky, Gina pleased that Dean was experiencing his first Ferris ride on such a beautiful cloudless day. She stole a glance at him, smiling at the way he was looking out at the scenery in awe.

“Beautiful, huh?” The brunette asked, Dean looking back at her.

“Yeah…” He grinned, his fingers finding the ends of her chestnut locks. “So’s the view…”

Gina felt herself blush, quickly glancing away from Dean for fear of him seeing her cheeks turn a deep shade of pink.

“Oh, don’t go all shy on me now, G’…” Dean groaned, bringing his other hand up to turn her face back towards him. Their gazes locked and for one fleeting moment Gina thought that he was finally going to kiss her but then the ride suddenly jolted to a halt and she realized that they had stopped at the top.

“Perfect timing…” Dean muttered, Gina furrowing her brow at his words.

“Perfect timing for what?” She wanted to know and Dean chuckled again, looking out across Southern California.

“You know, G’, for such a smart girl you can be really dumb at times…”

“What are you talking about, Dean?” Gina quizzed him and he looked back at her, his green eyes staring into hers.

“I’m talking about this. Us…” He gestured between the two of them. “We both know what’s going on here but it seems I’m going to have to be the one to say it…”

Gina shook her head; “If you’re about to say what I think you are, then don’t. Because believe me I have played this scene out in my head a thousand times and as good as it is, the ending sucks…”

“Who said anything about it ending?” Dean asked, Gina rolling her eyes at him.

“You’ll be leaving in a couple of weeks, Dean, and I probably won’t get to see you ever again…” The brunette pouted, realizing that the ride hadn’t started moving again and she glanced down at the ground worriedly. “Why aren’t we moving?”

“Because I paid the guy a couple of extra bucks to keep his up here longer than usual…” Dean admitted, Gina looking back at him in surprise. He slipped his arm out from around her shoulders and brought both of his hands up to rest against Gina’s cheeks. “I wanted to be alone with you somewhere we wouldn’t be disturbed…”

Gina felt her heart beat faster as he stroked the pad of his thumb against her skin and stared back at her intently.

“I’m not good at this stuff, G’. I’m not good with the whole heart stuff, never have been…” Dean began. “But you… You make it better, easier… If I only get to have you for a couple of weeks then they’ll be the best two weeks of my life because I’d rather have fourteen days with you than not have you at all….”

Gina swallowed back the lump forming in her throat; “Dean, what are you saying here?”

“I’m saying that…” He paused, taking a breath to compose himself. “I’m saying that I love you…” He continued, Gina unable to refrain from smiling at his words. “I don’t know how, I don’t know why but… I fell in love with you, Gina Baker and now I can’t imagine a single day of my life without you in it….”

Gina opened her mouth to respond but before the words could leave her mouth, Dean crashed his lips to hers and kissed her with everything that he had and in that moment, in that one single breathless moment, Gina knew that she loved him too.

The day rolled on, the Ferris wheel ride now no more than a memory in Gina’s mind but as she walked barefoot along the beach with her hand locked in Dean’s she knew that this was only the beginning of what was going to be a relationship that would always play a significant part in her life. The sun was starting to set, fading into the horizon as it cast an orange glow across the sky that was gradually growing darker.

“We should probably start heading back…” Dean suggested with a hint of reluctance in his voice.
“School finished hours ago and I’m pretty sure your Dad will be wondering where you are…” He glanced down at Gina who was staring down at her feet, watching the way the golden sand covered her toes with every step they took. “Hey, you okay?”

Gina looked up at him, frowning; “I don’t want to go home, Dean…”

Dean stopped in his tracks, pulling her to him before dropping his hold on her hands and wrapping his arms around her waist; “Are you forgetting that I’m staying at your place for a while, G’?”

Gina shook her head, bringing her hand up to rest over his heart as the other kept hold of her shoes and she smiled up at him; “No, I could never forget that. You’ve pretty much been on my mind since the day you showed up in town….”

“Then what is it?” Dean asked, bringing one hand up to push her chestnut curls back away from her face. “You can tell me anything, baby, you know that…”

“It’s just…” Gina paused, collecting her thoughts and trying not to get lost in the emerald pools staring back at her. “I guess I just want to keep you to myself for a little bit longer…” She confessed, Dean chuckling and leaning forward to kiss her forehead.

“If I keep you out any longer, your Dad is gonna gank me the same way he ganks demons…” He smiled, their gazes locking for a moment before their lips met in a sweet kiss that Gina never wanted to end.

The sun sunk further down into the ocean, blackness creeping into the world as the two teenagers lost themselves in each other’s embrace. They both knew that they should be heading home soon to face whatever lecture their respective parents had for them but for now, they didn’t care because they were in each other’s arms and that was all that mattered to them.

Gina and Dean walked hand in hand up the path that led up to the Baker’s house, Gina smiling when she saw he baby brother, Matt, sitting on the front porch with his redheaded female friend from school.

“Hey Matty…” She greeted him, Matt’s head snapping up from the video game in his hands upon hearing her voice.

“Gina! Dad is gonna kill you!” The youngster told her, Gina sharing a glance with Dean before shrugging her shoulders.

“My day was totally worth it…”

“I can see that…” Matt groaned, rolling his eyes at his big sister and pulling a face at her public display of affection with one of their house guests. “Do you guys have to do that? It’s disgusting!”

“Trust me, little man, when you get older you’ll want to do this and a whole lot more with chicks just as hot as your sister….” Dean smirked, Gina slapping her free hand against his chest.


Dean laughed, shrugging his shoulders; “I’m just telling him the truth…”

Gina shook her head at him, releasing her hold on his hand to walk up the steps leading to the front door of her family home aware that Matt’s school friend was watching her the entire time. She turned to smile down at the young girl.

“Hey Harlow…”

“Hey…” Harlow replied shyly, watching as the brunette she admired opened the door just as a young dark-haired boy about Matt’s age was about to walk out onto the porch.

“Oh, hey Sammy!” Gina beamed, ruffling the young boy’s hair as she stepped aside to let him pass and he pulled a face at her as he smoothed down his messy hair.

“It’s Sam!” He insisted, Gina laughing as she walked inside and Dean bounded up the porch steps to join her.

“Is Dad around, Sammy?” He asked Sam, gazing down at the youngster who nodded his response.
“He’s inside and he’s not happy with you…”

Dean ruffled his little brother’s hair just like Gina had seconds ago; “Thanks for the heads up, little brother…”

Sam watched his big brother walk into the house they were currently staying at before looking back at Matt who was wrapped up in his handheld video game again. The redhead sitting beside him kept her icy blue gaze on Sam but when Sam turned to glance back at her she quickly turned away, muttering something about her Dad being mad if she was late home before running off down the path. Sam watched her go, intrigued by her actions as he took her spot beside the youngest of the Baker children.

“Hey, who was that?”

“Harlow Madden…” Matt replied without looking up from his game. “Some chick I know from school…”

“Huh…” Sam stared out into the street as if to be hoping to catch another glimpse of the redhead and Matt looked at him, noticing the way he was gazing out into the nothingness of the night.

“Man, you’re just like your brother…” He chuckled, shaking his head. “Girl crazy…”

Inside the Baker’s home, Dean and Gina sat across from their fathers at the kitchen table listening to them both complain about how irresponsible they had been and that they both know better than to act so recklessly. Dean allowed his hand to fall to rest on Gina’s knee underneath the table and the brunette squirmed beneath his touch as she tried to listen intently to what her father was telling her.
“Regardless of what you think, Gina, you need a good education behind you and skipping class is not the way to go about getting one…” Matthew Baker scolded his one and only daughter, his green eyes trained on her and the teenage son of his friend beside her as he loaded his pistol with rock salt bullets. “And you should know better than to take my daughter out of school, Dean…”

Dean looked back at Gina’s father, his thumb stroking the brunette’s knee as he made his apology; “I know and I’m sorry, sir… I just wanted to blow off a little steam…”

Matthew Baker snapped his gun shut, Gina flinching at the sudden movement but both of the Winchester men at the table hardly batting an eyelid.

“Well, young Winchester, next time you want to blow off a little steam I suggest you go off on your own rather than interrupting my daughter’s studies…” Matt Senior placed his pistol down onto the table and stood up out of his seat, staring down at Dean. “And take your damn hand off her knee…” He added, Dean quickly shifting his hand back to his own lap as Mr. Baker left the room.

John Winchester sat silently in his chair, his face expressionless and his focus on the guns laid out in front of him. Dean and Gina exchanged a quick, wary glance before Dean leaned forward in his seat to speak to his father.


John raised a hand, shaking his head at his first born son; “Don’t, Dean…”

“Sir, we didn’t mean to stay out so late…” Gina tried to apologize.

John exhaled loudly, bringing his gaze up to meet that of the worried teenagers facing him; “Gina, you don’t need to explain yourself to me. I’m not concerned with where you went or for how long you went there for…”

The head of the Winchester family looked straight at his oldest son, his eyes locking onto his as he continued with his speech; “I’m more concerned about the fact that Sammy was left waiting for his big brother when school ended and if it hadn’t been for Matt getting a ride home off Zack, he probably would have had to walk home. Alone…”

Dean hung his head, the disappointment in his father’s eyes too much for him to bear and Gina reached under the table to gently place her hand on top of his, squeezing it reassuringly.

“You’ve got one job, Dean. One job…” John shook his head. “Look out for Sammy. That’s all I ask of you…”

Dean’s head shot up, his jaw set as he glared at his father; “That’s all I ever do, Dad!”

There was tense moment as the two Winchester men stared each other down, Gina sitting anxiously in her chair unsure of what she should do but relaxing when Dean lowered his head again, submitting to his father. She squeezed his hand again and Dean moved his hand to lace their fingers together, a subtle movement that made Gina have to bite down on her lip to refrain from smiling from ear to ear. John stood up, moving around his chair to push it back into position under the table before he stood and looked at the two teenagers for a moment. He knew that there was more than a simple friendship brewing between his son and the pretty daughter of his long-time friend and it pained him that he couldn’t cut Dean a little slack to enjoy just one night with the girl he was interested in. He needed him too much, it was tough and it was too much responsibility to place on the shoulders of his eldest child but if Dean didn’t look out for Sam then who would? He moved away from the table, picking up his journal from its resting place on top of his jacket folded up on the counter.

“We’ve got a hunt tonight…” He told the teens, turning to look back at them. “Dean, I’ll need you to watch Sammy…”

“Yes sir…” Dean nodded his head obediently. “What’s the hunt?”

“Just a regular salt and burn…” John replied, shoving his journal into the inside pocket of his dark waist length jacket as he picked it up. “Matt and I have got it covered, you kids just stay safe and we’ll be back by morning…”

Matt Senior re-entered the room, ushering his youngest son and Sam inside ahead of him. He picked up the gun he had loaded previously and tucked it neatly into the waistband of his old blue jeans before picking up another smaller one and offering it, handle first, over to Gina.

“Zack will be here all night but I want you to have this just in case…”

“Dad, I don’t need a gun,” Gina protested, Dean looking up at Mr. Baker.

“Sir, with all due respect, I’ll be here too and I can assure you that I am more than capable of taking care of your daughter…”

Mr. Baker’s eyes narrowed at the young hunter; “I am well aware of that, Dean, but it’s not demons I’m worried about tonight…”

“Dad…” Gina trailed off when her father looked back at her warningly, thrusting the gun into her hands.

“I’m your father; it’s my job to protect you. Don’t argue with me on this…” He told her and Gina nodded her head, accepting the small pistol reluctantly.

Matt Senior turned back to look at his long-time friend standing behind him; “Now, John, are we all set?”

“Good to go…” John nodded, picking up his backpack of supplies and swinging it over his left shoulder.

Half an hour later, John and Matthew had left on their salt and burn mission for the night, leaving the house under full control of Zack but as he was currently busy with his band in the garage, Gina took it upon herself to make sure that Matt Jnr and Sam got washed and ready for bed at a reasonable hour. It was a school night and she knew from experience that if no one reigned her little brother in and told him to go to bed that he would stay up all night and fall asleep during class tomorrow, something her father would not be too pleased about so she made sure that he was going to get a good night’s rest.

Once both fourteen year olds were safely tucked up in Matt’s room, the hand held video game confiscated for the night and Sam having to sleep on the guest air bed on the floor, the brunette crept back down the stairs to discover Dean waiting for her in the kitchen. His gaze locked on her mouth; “So, what are we going to do now?”

Gina licked her lips, trying to ignore the urge to just jump on him right there and then; “I don’t know, what do you want to do?”

“Well, we’re all alone…” Dean stepped closer to her, his lids lowering over those pretty green eyes of his as he lowered his head to meet hers. “There are plenty of things we could do that just involve the two of us…”

“What do you have in mind?” She asked him just before their mouths touched, his lips brushing over hers.

Dean caught her lower lip, nipping at it gently with his teeth. He seemed to enjoy doing that and Gina seemed to enjoy him doing it as she groaned and slid her arms around his neck, resting one of her hands at the back of his head. He pulled her closer to him, his fingers hooking into the waistband of her jeans.

“What are you doing?” Gina asked him, Dean smirking back at her.

“Something I’ve wanted to do all damn day….”

“What? You want me right here in the kitchen?” She whispered against his mouth, Dean responding with a grunt. “You know this is kind of kinky….”

“I haven’t even gotten started yet….” Dean’s tongue thrust between her lips. “I’m all kinds of kinky, baby…”

Gina moved to deepen the kiss but Dean pulled away slightly, licking and nipping at her bottom lip. She leaned into him, craving the contact of his skin against hers, her hands moving their way down his back and settling at his waist tugging the hem of his t-shirt up.

Dean tore his mouth away from hers, lifting his head to meet her gaze; “How long have we got the place to ourselves for?”

“Well, the boys are asleep and I’m pretty sure that Zack will be busy with his band for hours,” Gina replied breathlessly, staring up at his handsome face with lustful eyes.

He flashed a wicked smile at her; “Yeah?”


“Good…” Dean stepped back, taking her shoulders in his hands and spinning her around before pulling her back against him.

Gina stiffened; “Dean, what the….?”

“Just relax, baby….” He demanded, his warm breath rushing against her ear. “I’m not going to hurt you,” He pressed a kiss to the pulse point in her neck. “Unless you want me to, that is…”

Gina caught her breath; “What are you going to do?”

“Something that you’re never going to forget….” Dean replied, his hands sliding up under her t-shirt.

His hands felt warm as they gently cupped her breasts through the thin delicate lace of her bra, his expert fingers hooking into the fabric and tugging them free. Gina squirmed underneath his grasp, unconsciously rubbing her ass against his groin feeling his erection pressing firmly against it from within the confines of his jeans.

“You like that?” He whispered hoarsely into her ear, his fingers roaming over her breasts making her ache for him to use them somewhere else.

“Don’t stop…” She panted, resting her head back against his shoulder.

“I want you so bad, you know that?” He practically purred, releasing one of her breasts and sliding his hand down her torso until he found the button of her jeans. With one quick movement he popped it open and slid down her zipper, working a hand down into her panties. His fingers roamed over her delicate flesh, sliding easily in between her tight folds.

Gina groaned helplessly as two of his calloused fingers pumped away inside of her, stroking across the little nub of sensitive flesh they found nestled within her core and she arched her back, gasping for air.

“Oh Dean….” She breathed, setting her feet farther apart as he plunged his fingers deeper inside her working her into a frenzy.

“Say that again….” Dean paused his movements to suck lightly at her pierced earlobe.


“I love the way you say my name….” He started pumping his fingers again, stroking his thumb against her clit. “I’m going to take you right to the edge, baby….” He kissed her neck. “And then….”

“Then what?” Gina groaned, feeling the orgasm building up inside of her as he teased her to unbearable heights of pleasure with those expert fingers of his.

He pressed himself further against her, burrowing his face in her neck as he rubbed his straining length against her ass; “And then I’m going to give you what you’re aching for….”

She reached a hand around behind her, her fingers finding his imprisoned erection and kneading it gently before skillfully undoing his button, gripping his member within her palm making him gasp.
“How about we just get down to it right now?” The brunette suggested with a raspy voice, arching her back as he pumped both fingers into her depths, his teeth scraping against her throat.

“You’d like that, huh?” Dean groaned against her skin, Gina’s hand palming his hardened length desperate to have it free from the confines of his boxers.

“Yes….” She moaned as he flicked a skilful thumb over her clit, her hands pushing down his jeans and boxers finally releasing him. Circling her fingers around him, she guided him to where she needed him to be and he was happy to oblige, bending her over the counter with a gentle push as he slid into her with ease. The fact that they could easily get caught at any moment only fuelled their passion and desire for each other, teenage hormones causing havoc with any sense of reason either of them had.

Gina’s orgasm burst free the moment Dean started thrusting against her but he continued, gripping her tightly against him by her hips as she stifled her pleasurable groans for fear of waking up her brother and their youngest house guest. Dean kept going, moving back and forth enjoying the sensation of Gina’s tight flesh gripping him as she straightened herself, her fingernails raking the bare skin of his arms. That first sweet wave of heaven sent pleasure was followed by a second and then finally a third as Dean joined her in the climatic ecstasy she was experiencing. He held her against his chest as they came together in a long blissful pulse of desire.

“Wow, that was….” Gina panted as she hung helplessly in his strong arms. “Amazing…”

Dean grinned behind her; “My pleasure, baby….”

“I’ve never…” She stopped to swallow, her mouth dry. “I’ve never come like that before…”

“I told you I was going to give you something that you were never going to forget….” Dean whispered against her ear, his hands slipping down to where she was still pulsating and caressing her.

“Again?” Gina gasped; she didn’t think it was possible for them to repeat what they had just done.

Dean’s finger slid inside of her as he nipped her earlobe; “You said we’ve got hours, right?”

He stroked along her walls, slipping another finger deep inside of her as he pressed himself up against her ass. Gina was surprised to find that he was hard again; she had obviously underestimated his stamina.

“Right…” She gasped, barely holding it together.

“Then I’m up for another round if you are,” Dean breathed into her ear, his fingers pumping inside of her as she hung limp in his arms. “What do you say, baby? Shall we move this upstairs?”

Gina nodded breathlessly; of course she wanted to have a repeat performance of what had just occurred between them. She’d be crazy to turn him down, especially when her day had started out with daydreams about what she would do if she was ever alone with the one and only Dean Winchester. Now she was being offered the chance to bring her day to an end by making those dreams come true and so they helped each other dress before she led him by the hand up the stairs to her bedroom, intent on showing him what had been on her mind during class.

The following morning, Gina awoke tangled up in Dean to the smell of pancakes burning and knew that her father was attempting to cook breakfast again. He wasn’t much of a chef, Matthew Baker Snr. He could kill a monster faster than you could blink and knew all kinds of lore about them but put him in a kitchen and he’d be lost. The brunette groaned, turning over in her bed to see Dean still sleeping soundly beside her, one arm resting against his bare chest as the other hung limply out of the bed. She took a moment to take in the beautiful sight she had woken up to, allowing her fingers to play with the amulet he wore around his neck as she gazed lovingly at him. It was strange, yesterday she had woken up longing to have him there beside her and now he was wrapped up in her sheets, her scent mingling with his and the marks she had made on his skin during their love-making last night still visible. It was like she was lost in some kind of dream and she decided that if that was the case then she never wanted to wake up, she would happily spend the rest of her existence at Dean’s side. Of course that little fact was nothing new to her, she had known from the very moment she had laid eyes on the very handsome Dean Winchester standing on her doorstep with his father and kid brother that he was the guy for her but she never knew that anything would ever come of it. Dean had a history, Zack had warned her. He was the kind of guy to have a girl in every town they stopped in, staying just long enough to make them fall madly in love with him before he was off to the next town with his family, taking their unsuspecting hearts with them but yesterday when he had professed his love for her and poured his heart out on top of the Ferris Wheel, Gina knew that this time it was different. This time he was playing for keeps.

Dean stirred, rolling onto his side and burrowing his head further into the soft pillows. Gina smiled, watching him before leaning forward and pressing her lips to his tenderly.

“Dean, baby, wake up…” She whispered, kissing him again. “Hey, wake up, sleepy head…”

The young hunter opened one eye, smiling sleepily at the brunette gazing at him as he reached out and pulled her towards him.

“Hey you…” He murmured, crashing his lips against hers.

“Hey…” Gina grinned happily, enjoying the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms.

Dean pressed himself up against her, Gina giggling when she realized just how awake he really was and pushing her hand against his chest.

“Dean, its morning…” She told him. “Our Dad’s are back, you should probably go…”

“Oh, I get it, you’ve had your way with me and now you’re kicking me out….” Dean taunted her.

“Believe me I wouldn’t kick you out of bed if someone paid me all the money in the world but if Dad catches you in here…”

“I’m a dead man, I know…” Dean groaned, releasing his hold on her and rolling over to swing his legs out of the bed.

Gina propped herself up on her elbow, clutching the sheets against her slender frame as she watched him start to dress. He turned to glance over his shoulder at her, smiling as he pulled on his t-shirt before leaning back to kiss her.

“Guess I’ll see you downstairs for breakfast…”

“I guess so…” Gina smiled, stealing another kiss from Dean’s lips before he rose from the bed and crept out of her bedroom. This was it, she thought as she watched him, this was what love felt like.

Their two weeks together were over before they realized and now Gina was standing on the porch of her home watching John Winchester pack up the Impala with the help of his sons. She couldn’t believe that it was really happening, that Dean was really leaving. The past fourteen days had come and gone so fast they all seemed to blur into one blissful moment. Her father walked out of the house, carrying a folder and handing it over to his friend when he reached him. John nodded, taking the folder and moving to place it onto the front seat of his car before ordering his sons to get in. Sam complied with his request, waving his goodbyes to the Baker children watching him on the porch before sliding into the backseat of the Impala, ready to leave. Dean glanced at his Dad noticing that he was deep in conversation with Mr. Baker and ran up to Gina, pulling her into his arms the moment he reached her and kissing her deeply much to Matt Jnr’s dismay.

Zack smacked his little brother upside the head and guided him towards the front door; “Come on, little man, let’s leave these two lovebirds alone…”

Gina and Dean broke apart just as Zack and Matt disappeared inside the house, Gina glancing up at Dean with teary eyes. He stroked the pad of his thumb across her cheek and bent his head to brush his lips against her forehead.

“Don’t cry, baby,” He whispered. “I’ll be back soon…”

“When?” Gina asked, Dean shaking his head as he let out a broken hearted sigh.

“I don’t know, babe…” He replied sadly. “But soon…”

Gina clutched at his shirt, gripping greedy handfuls as she reached up on her tiptoes to press her lips to his; “Promise me you’ll stay safe…”

“I promise…” Dean whispered, kissing her once more before he heard his father yell at him.

“Dean, we’re burning daylight!” John scolded his eldest son. “Kiss the girl goodbye and move your ass!”

Dean rolled his eyes at his father’s words before looking back at Gina apologetically; “I have to go, G’…”

Gina nodded her head, slowly releasing her hold on him and Dean kissed her for one last time before stepping away from her. He left the porch, turning to glance back at her.

“Take care of yourself, okay? I want to come back to find you in one piece…” He grinned at her and despite her sadness, Gina smiled back at him.

“I’ll be right here waiting for you…”

Matthew Baker patted Dean on his shoulder as they crossed paths, the two men sharing a glance that was heavy with unspoken words about the heart broken girl standing on the porch with her arms wrapped around herself as she watched her boyfriend slide into the front seat of the Impala beside his father and slam the door shut. The engine of the car roared to life, the red taillights illuminating as John got the car ready to leave the Baker’s driveway and Gina watched as it slowly started to drive away from her home. Her tears started to fall, her green eyes trained on the back of Dean’s head as the Impala inched further and further away from where she was standing and her dad came to stand beside her, wrapping her up in his arms and kissing her hair comfortingly.

“Don’t worry, honey, everything will be fine…” He whispered, Gina burying her face into his chest as she sobbed and the Impala turned out onto the street.

Dean sat quietly in his seat beside his dad, his gaze on the road ahead for fear of looking back and breaking at the sight of Gina crying over him. Sam sat in the backseat, a book open in his lap but as they headed down the road, hot on the trail of the latest lead his father had got on the yellow eyed demon, something told him to look up and as he did, he caught sight of the red haired girl that was friends with Matt walking towards the Baker’s house. She glanced back at him, her blue eyes meeting his dark ones as the car passed her by and Sam shifted in his seat to look out of the back window, smiling slightly when he noticed that she was still watching him and he waved at her.

Harlow stood on the sidewalk, watching the black ’67 Chevy Impala roll off into the distance with the dark-haired boy from Matt’s house staring at her from the back seat. She watched as he waved at her and she raised her hand to wave back, a little unsure of what she was doing and as the taillights of the car faded into the horizon she found herself wondering if she’d ever cross paths with that boy ever again. But that was another story….