Hell on the Heart

Between The Raindrops

The minute hand couldn’t move fast enough. Just as Gina began shutting down her office for the weekend, she saw the digital clock on her desktop move from 4:49 to 5:00. She quickly put her away message on her voicemail and shut down the computer before shutting the door of her office behind her and locking up. With her purse over one shoulder, she briskly walked down the hallway of the office, one hand balancing her leftover Starbucks from lunch and her cell phone while she dug around her purse for her sunglasses with the other. Just as she exited the building she felt the phone vibrate in her hand; rearranging her keys in order to see who the message was from and chuckling when she saw her brother’s name on the screen. She knew he was anxiously awaiting their group’s usual Friday night debauchery and figured it was a message telling her to hurry up and get her shit together and make her way to his house to meet everyone, and that she sucked for having a nine to five job.

Once she had settled herself in the car she quickly opened the message, her stomach twisting into knots when she read the message telling her not to go home, but to come to their fathers house instead; that he was canceling the plans they had with their friends for the night because this was more important. He never said anything else when she had responded, trying to find out if everything was okay with their dad, or if something happened to their younger brother. Without waiting any longer for a response she slammed the key into the ignition of her black Audi Coupe and sped off down Pacific Coast Highway, weaving in and out of traffic to get to her dad’s house. By the time she pulled up the familiar driveway, she saw her dad’s white Ford Explorer, Zack’s black Audi, and an unfamiliar Ford pickup truck. She parked behind Zack’s car and quickly grabbed her purse before running up the front steps.

The twenty six year old woman flew through the front door of her father’s southern California home, wavy chestnut brown hair breezing behind her and green eyes shining with a worried glimmer that was somewhat uncommon for her. She skidded to a halt outside the kitchen almost tripping over the chunky heels of her camel color wedge booties. Smoothing over her black skinny jeans and caramel top she took a deep breath, preparing herself for what awaited her in the other room. As she turned the corner she gasped in surprise, her purse hitting the floor with a loud thud that alerted the other members of the house that she had arrived. The man sitting opposite her dad was none other than John Winchester, and he was accompanied by his two greatest accessories; his sons Sam and Dean.
“Oh my fucking god!” Gina breathed, just loud enough for everyone to hear the shock and, maybe a twinge of happiness in her voice. Her eyes fell on the two younger Winchester’s sitting at the table, both nursing a beer, both pairs of eyes trained on her. The soft caramel eyes of Sam held a humorous glimmer at her sudden outburst while the emerald eyes that belonged to Dean roamed her body from head to toe, a smile of appreciation and remembrance fixed to his handsome face.
Her father, however, fixed her with a stern look while Zack laughed openly at his sister.

“Don’t laugh at me asshole,” She snapped, pointing at her brother. “You text me this cryptic shit when I’m leaving work, you don’t answer so of course I think something’s wrong with dad, and I fly over here and…” She stopped her rant when she realized that Zack had stopped laughing and was looking at her funny.

“And what?” Her father’s voice held a soft chuckle as he turned in his chair to get a better look at Gina.

With a shaky breath she ran her fingers through her hair, not bothering to worry about the few pieces that had fallen into her eyes. She took the moment of silence to really look around the room before her eyes fell on the eldest Winchester man. John Winchester had aged, but not the way most men his age do. You could tell by looking in his eyes that he had seen things that the average person wouldn’t deem a reality. She knew this; she had grown up having the Winchester’s as frequent guests in her parent’s home, despite how much her mother hated having them there.

“And the Winchester’s are here,” She finished, sighing once more before moving to the fridge and grabbing a beer for herself. “Not for nothing, but they’re the last people I expected to see sitting in your kitchen.”

“Are we really the last people you expected?” Sam asked, speaking up. “I mean God would be more likely than us.”

“Doubtful,” She replied. “I’ve seen your kind of weird Sammy, but never have I seen God.”

“You’d be surprised.” Dean replied while his eyes stayed focused entirely on Gina.

“Well, you do have your moments don’t you Dean?” She replied, a playful tone to her voice.

He winked back at her, knowing no one but Gina would see it since she was standing on the opposite side of the kitchen while everyone else was on his side of the invisible line that was somehow still keeping the two of them apart.

It felt like an hour had passed before someone finally spoke up, Gina and Dean kept stealing glances at each other while their dad’s sat quietly at the table with Zack and Sam, both lost in some kind of their own worlds.

“So, are we going to talk about this at all?” Zack finally announced before downing the rest of his beer.

“Well if you aren’t eager…” John trailed off with a laugh

“I mean, I’m just trying to figure all out,” He replied, standing to get another beer from the fridge.
“You guys have been MIA for the last, what, ten years?”

“Eight.” Gina and Dean replied simultaneously.

“Okay, the last eight years,” Zack corrected, giving Gina a funny look while popping the top off the new bottle and taking a long sip. “And now you’re just back, out of the blue, and sitting here looking over maps with dad and talking about some gun that’s been missing since who knows when!”

She watched Zack finish his rant, arms flailing in every direction as only Zack could manage to do. She was sure he had held off on all of his questions while he waited for her to get to the house, which could only mean that he had a million floating around in his ever erratic brain. This was Zack after all.

Gina couldn’t help but steal glances at Dean. If she thought he was good looking when we were eighteen, his teen years had nothing on him now. The past eight years had surely been kind to him; he had certainly maintained his handsome features as well as attained some of that rugged handsomeness that could easily make her weak at the knees had she not been leaning against the kitchen counter. And as handsome as he did in fact look, he also looked more aged than any twenty six year old should look; she could see it plain as day in his emerald orbs. Gina could tell that his father’s lifestyle for hunting all things supernatural had caught up to him. Their want and desire to find the demon with the yellow eyes, the creature that had taken their mother when they were children was just a strong and potent as it was all those years ago; although sometimes Gina felt that it consumed his entire being no matter how many times he tried to deny it when they were younger. But no matter how she sliced it, or which way all of it was calculated; he was still Dean Winchester.
He was the boy with the green eyes when they were five years old. When they were ten, he teased her for still playing with “kiddie’s toys.” When they were fifteen, he was too cool for school, while Gina couldn’t stop drawing on corners of napkins, and reading magazines like Vogue, and Cosmopolitan; scoping out the latest fashion trends. At eighteen, they discovered that they weren’t very different; the children of hunters, looking out for our younger siblings, just trying to find some way to be normal teenagers. It wasn’t until the Winchester’s had showed back up on the Baker’s doorstep all those years later did Dean and Gina really see what had been brewing since their childhood. It was Dean’s rebel without a cause bad boy attitude, the keys to a 1967 Chevy Impala, and an afternoon of skipping school that finally sealed the deal for the two of them. It was a ride on the Ferris wheel overlooking the California skyline, a heartfelt confession, and a kiss. That simple kiss had set forth one of the greatest teenage love affairs ever; greater than anything an eighteen year old girl could fabricate in her imagination, and more than any eighteen year old boy might know what to do with. But not Gina and Dean; they were cut from the same cloth; kindred spirits. Dean and Gina were children of hunters.

“Gina, did you get any of that?” Her dad’s voice suddenly interrupted her train of thought.

“Hmm, yea.” She replied absentmindedly.

She heard her dad sigh and saw Zack shake his head while Sam and Dean tried to suppress a laugh.

“You haven’t changed.” Sam said, cracking a wide smile and glancing knowingly at the brunette.

“Neither have you, Sammy.” She smiled back, tipping the beer bottle in his direction.

“What I was saying, while you spaced out over there,” Matthew laughed. “Is that John and I are going to be trying to locate this gun, the colt, to be more specific; and since many hands spoil the pot as your mother used to say; you kids should really go out and do something.”

The hunter had certainly found his soft spot in the past few years, having giving up the desire to chase the supernatural, Matthew Baker had settled on continuing to raise his kids, and watch their successes; he had become somewhat of a normal father and it was something his kids adored him for, even in their twenties.

“Wait, what?!” Dean almost yelled, jumping up from his seat at the table.

“You heard Mr. Baker, and I’m giving you boys an order,” John replied, resuming the stoic state he was in when Gina had entered this screwed up affair. He waited for Dean to sit back down before he continued talking. “We’re going to work on locating the colt, and you two, for as long as this is going to take, will work on trying to recoup because this past week seems to have taken a lot out of you. I want you two on you’re A-game when we get into this fight, and if that means taking time off and getting your heads together you’ll do it.”

“But dad…” Sam started, but never got to finish.

“I already told you,” John sighed. “That’s an order Sam.”

Both boys looked utterly defeated by John’s orders, and Gina could tell how much all of this meant to them; all three of them. Dean sighed and stood up; walking over to where Gina was leaning against the counter and put his empty beer bottle down, casually draping an arm over her shoulders. The small gesture opened up a flood gate of emotions within the brunette, causing her to involuntarily lean into his touch.

“So, do we have a game plan?” Dean questioned.

“Oh, I always have a game plan.” Zack replied, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

An hour later the foursome had dropped Zack’s car off at his house and, upon his persistence, made their way to Gina’s house. As we pulled into the driveway Gina could see Dean’s eyes go wide in the back seat and Zack let go of the chuckle he seemed to be holding in. Sam had bent his head to get a better look at the beachfront property she had pulled the car up to, his eyes as wide as his brother’s.
“This is your house?” Sam asked, wonder in his voice.

“This is my house.” She confirmed with a smile, turning the car off and taking the key out of the ignition.

“You live right on the beach!” Sam exclaimed.

“This is nothing,” Zack said. “Wait till you get inside and out back; there’s some serious beach action back there!”

As soon as Gina had unlocked the front door Zack pushed past everyone and made a bee line for the kitchen to grab some beers and unlock the back door.

“Guys, go ahead and make yourselves comfortable; I just want to change out of my work clothes since we are in fact going out later.” She said, heading in the opposite direction of everyone else and up the stairs.

Gina let the door to her bedroom close behind her and immediately walked towards the iPod dock on the nightstand. The sounds of Mumford and Sons filled the room as she sat on the bed and kicked off the shoes she had worn to work, her feet resting against the cool hardwood floor. She sat for a moment, her mind racing a mile a minute with possibilities of what all of what had happened back at her dad’s could mean before standing and making my way to the closet. The brunette hastily dug through her wardrobe for a pair of distressed jeans and black top before walking back over to the bed. Just as she had began pulling her shirt over her head there was a knock at the door.

“What?!” She shouted, thinking it was Zack coming to ask if he could dip into the liquor cabinet for a little pre-bar action.


The sound of Dean’s voice on the other side of the door made her freeze, instantly pulling her half unbuttoned shirt back over her head as she mulled over the possibilities as to why he would be knocking on her door after she said she was coming up to change.

She quickly pushed any thoughts of the two of them together away for the moment, and moved to open the door, standing in front of him barefoot, looking like she was a mess.

“Dean!” She smiled.

“I’m sorry?” He offered, the usually confident male looking sheepish standing in front of her.

“Sorry, for what?”

“For coming up here and bothering you,” Was his simple reply. “I know you said you were getting changed but I really wanted to see you.”

“No bother Dean, come in, it’s fine.” She smiled, moving out of the way so that he could walk farther into the room.

When he closed the door behind him it had finally dawned on her that they were alone, in the bedroom, something that hadn’t happened in eight years time. A soft blush crept up Gina’s cheeks as she thought back to their last night together as teenagers; the way he had held her, uncaring that if anyone in the house were to knock on her door they would surely catch Dean in bed with her.

“I really didn’t mean to intrude on you like this…” He trailed off, after staying silent for a moment.

“You didn’t intrude on me,” She smiled. “I’m only getting changed, and if I remember correctly you’ve seen me in a more vulnerable state.”

He smiled softly, moving farther into the room towards the bed.

“Why don’t you sit down, I’ll only be a minute.”

Gina gestured to the bed, watching as he sat down almost obediently while she grabbed her clothes and made her way to the master bathroom. Once the door was shut she quickly rid herself of the work clothes from the day and changed into the distressed jeans and black wife beater tank top with a laughing skull covered in silver gems. She did her best to relax some of the frizz and knots in her long chestnut curls, flipping her hair and spraying in all the right places so that she didn’t leave the house looking like Chewbacca. Just as she brought her hand up to apply a little more bronzer, the song playing in the bedroom changed, causing a shiver to run through her from head to toe as the first notes of Coldplay’s 'Fix You' rang out. Trying her best to focus, Gina quickly ran the eyeliner over her lids, before dropping it back in her makeup bag and grabbing the first lipstick she could find, which happened to be her favorite red, something that Dean had loved on her as a teenager. Just as she put the cap back on the lipstick Dean’s voice filled the room, mixing perfectly with the music.

“Do you remember that day we drove down to the pier in the Impala?”

“You mean the time you whisked me away from school and I skipped an entire day so that you could have your first Ferris wheel ride?” She replied, opening the bathroom door and stepping out into the room. “How could I forget; we were in so deep when we finally got home!”

Dean turned from his seat on the bed and green eyes met green eyes, the first time in eight years that they were seeing each other; really seeing each other.


“Wow good, or wow bad?” Gina asked, tilting her head.

“Definitely good,” He said standing from the bed. “More like amazing.”

Again he had unknowingly caused the heat to rise in her cheeks. He took her hands in his just as the song changed and the room was filled with the sounds of Grace Potter and The Nocturnals 'Stars'.

“Dance with me?” He questioned; his voice just above a whisper.

Gina couldn’t seem to find her voice, and instead found herself nodding against his chest as he pulled her into him, wrapping her in his strong arms and holding her the way he did all those years ago.

“Since when do you dance?” She asked in a whisper, looking up at him with a smile.

“I’ll only dance with you.” He replied, resting his head against the brunettes as they swayed with the music, wrapped tightly in each other’s arms.

The feeling of contentment settled around them in the room, just being there while nothing else seemed to register; the fact that Sam and Zack were waiting downstairs or that there were eight years that were missing from this entire puzzle. For the moment it all just felt right; like it was supposed to be this way, both afraid to let go of it if even for a split second.

“I missed you so much Gina.”

“I missed you too Dean,” She replied, looking up at him. “It’s hard to not miss you.”

“Do you think it was any easier being away from you?”

“You tell me,” She whispered, burying her head in his chest and inhaling the scent of his cologne and the worn leather of his jacket. “It’s been eight years.”

He was silent for a few moments, still holding her, still dancing. His hand moved to her chin, gently tipping her face up so that he could look in her eyes. There was no denying he felt the shiver that coursed through her body when their eyes met; it was obnoxious, and she clung to his jacket as it moved through her veins.

“I never would have stayed away that long if I had it my way.”

“I would have preferred you never left,” She said, her voice shaking with the tears that were threatening to fall. “I never wanted any of this Dean; I never wanted to be left behind.”

“I know that…”

“I’m not sure you do,” She replied, harsher than intended. “I had to wait for my dad to tell me you were still alive Dean, I could never call you like a normal eighteen year old to see how you were; I had to wait for some cryptic message to hear that you had ganked another demon. My personal favorite was don’t worry Gina; it’s just a routine salt and burn. We never had a normal relationship Dean, and now that your dad is hell bent on finding this colt, what shot at normal do you and I really have?”

Her tears soaked through his black t-shirt, her hands gripping his arms for all she was worth, knuckles white, begging for him not to let go. Dean’s hand moved up and down her back in a soft motion while the other stayed wrapped around her slender body, his own sense of security that he wasn’t going anywhere; at least for the time being.

“I’m trying so hard to see the light at the end of this Gina, because I know that you’re at the end of this crazy, fucked up road that we’ve been on for countless miles. I want that normal with you; with no one else, just you Gina! Remember what I told you on the Ferris wheel that day? That I couldn’t see my life without you in it, and I meant that, I still do!”

“Then stay with me!” The tears falling from the woman’s eyes were eerily reminiscent of the ones she cried the day the Impala pulled out of her driveway eight years ago.

“I need to finish this first…” He trailed off, tilting her head up once more, wiping the tears from her stained cheeks with the pad of his thumb.

His hands moved to hold her face, before he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Gina’s lips. The salt from their tears mixed with taste of each other’s lips brought back the light in Gina’s eyes, and the fire in her heart; a fire that burned for Dean Winchester.

“Wait for me?” He whispered, tears in his own eyes as he pulled away.

She couldn’t respond, for fear of not being able to get the words out. Gina nodded, a smile tugging on her lips as she brought his face back down to hers, kissing him, and sealing their promise to each other. It was comforting to know that after all of the time that had passed, the years, the miles traveled, and the countless wondering; that there was still something to be said about your childhood sweetheart.

“We should probably be heading out…” Dean whispered, his arms still wrapped securely around his lover.

“Yea,” She nodded, her head moving against his chest where it had come to rest. “If we don’t Zack is liable to just get drunk here; I don’t want that to be my problem tonight.”

The black car pulled into the parking lot, the line of people waiting to get in turning to see who the new arrival was.

As Gina exited the car she was followed by Zack, then Dean and Sam; a few heads turned, whispering and gasping as they noticed the two siblings. To anyone who was a SoCal local if you didn't know who the Baker's were you were probably living under a rock.

"Everyone's staring..." Sam whispered, leaning down to Gina's ear.

"Yea, it's whatever." She said, brushing it off. "They like to stare, but if they're not careful they're eyes might fall out."

Sam laughed; his eyes dancing with amusement as he heard a guy wonder out loud who the two lucky guys were that had come with the two siblings.

Gina was first to approach the bouncer, placing a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
"Hey Tal!"

"My god! She lives!" He grinned, giving her a hug before moving to greet Zack.

"Yeah yeah, you know how it is..." She chuckled.

"Yea, you keep the ladies of SoCal dressed in your finest threads girl!"

Dean’s eyes widened a bit, realization dawning on him that Gina had in fact gone after her dream of becoming a fashion mogul.

Before he was able to process more, Tal was unhooking the rope that kept those waiting in line outside, and allowed the four of them to go inside.

Gina's hand wrapped around his, pulling him with her into the bar. Music poured from the speakers, surrounding his senses the moment he was over the threshold. It wasn't a large place, but you could tell that there was some kind of family that made up the regulars of the bar.

"This is Johnny's, the best bar on the west coast!" Gina said, turning to face Dean as they settled at a booth in the back.

Dean nodded, sliding into the booth and without warning, pulling Gina down on his lap.

"This is nice..." She whispered, leaning back into his chest.

Sam sat across from the two lovebirds, a smile on his face as he watched his older, sometimes stone cold brother; engage in a normal night out.

A few moments later Zack joined them, with two girls on his arm.

"Look who I found!" He exclaimed in a singsong voice, one of his telltale signs that he was on his way to becoming drunk.

Gina's face lit up as she saw her best friend and brother’s girlfriend Gena, and her surrogate little sister Harlow.

"Yay! You made it!" Gina exclaimed, reaching to take one of the beers that Zack and the girls had brought over.

"Well you did ask!" Harlow laughed, sitting down next to Sam.

Gina could see a small blush creep up Harlow’s neck and into her cheeks as she sat next to Sam. Gina had a feeling that Harlow and Sam would hit it off, and was hoping that her two shy friends would find something to talk about, and not just sit and make eyes at each other all night.

“Are you setting my brother up?” Dean whispered, a hint of amusement in his voice.

“Yes,” Gina replied with mock seriousness as she sipped her beer. “And I hope it works, they would be great together!”

Gena and Zack had sat opposite Sam and Harlow, the six twenty something's taking up the entire round table.

"Guys, this is Dean and Sam Winchester;" Gina motioned to the two brothers, watching with a close eye as Sam and Harlow shook hands. "They're mine and Zack’s oldest friends."

"And apparently you two go way back." Gena winked, motioning to Dean and Gina.

Gina shook her head, laughing quietly while keeping a close eye on Harlow and Sam. It wasn’t until Harlow smiled up at Sam while sipping her drink quietly that Sam made a move to break the tension between them.

"So how do you know Gina?" He asked.

"We go way back," she grinned. "I'm younger than she is, but was in the same grade as their brother Matt, and a school project at their house kind of...set the wheels in motion for our friendship."

Harlow chose her words carefully, not wanting to give too much of her past away to Sam, regardless of how handsome she found him.

"How about you?" She asked, leaning closer to him. "How do you know Gina and Zack?"

"Our dads are old friends." He said quickly.

"That must be interesting; their family is a real treat!" She laughed.

"You have no idea." Sam joined in laughing with her, finding himself enjoying the sound that came from the beautiful redhead.

As the night wore on, the Winchester brothers became more comfortable in their current surroundings. Dean had visibly relaxed, Gina now sitting beside him; both engaged in one of Zack’s tour stories, Gina interjecting every so often when her brother over exaggerated, pointing her finger and reminding him he was a liar liar pants on fire.

Harlow and Sam had become lost in their own world; both of them were facing each other and deep in conversation. Harlow had her hand resting casually on Sam’s leg, laughing at something he had said. It wasn't until noise erupted from the rest of the party they had come with did they remember they were out in public.

"Hey, you wanna get out of here?" Harlow smiled, finishing the rest of her drink.

"Somewhere quiet?" Sam suggested.

"Yes definitely," Harlow turned, tapping Gina on the shoulder and waiting for a response. "I have my car here Sam."

"What about your car?" Gina asked, turning around.

"Sam and I are gonna head out..." She trailed off, waiting for a response from her friend.

Gina leaned in close to Harlow, wiggling her eyebrows before speaking.

"He likes you girl, Sam never does this!"

"We'll see," Harlow grinned, grabbing her keys. "I'll catch you tomorrow?"

"Harl, just go back to mine, you guys can go downstairs to the guest room that way when we come home we won't bother you."

"You sure?" The redhead questioned.

"Positive," Gina grinned. "I didn't put that apartment down there for nothing."

Harlow smiled, pulling Gina into a one armed hug before turning to Sam and extending her hand.

"Ready?" She smiled.

"Absolutely," Sam smiled. "We'll see you guys at home."

As the two exited the bar, Gina turned to Dean, smiling up at him proudly.

"I did good!"

"You did babe," he kissed her forehead, still smiling. "You did real good."

Dean reveled in the fact that Gina had taken two of her friends and put them together in the hopes they would be happy with each other.

By the time Harlow and Sam had reached Gina’s basement apartment both were more than eager to get inside and continue what they had started at the bar; among other things.

Harlow unlocked the door to the apartment she frequented and immediately noticed Sam’s bags in the foyer.

“Are those yours?” The redhead questioned.

“Yea…I thought Gina told you Dean and I are staying with her for a bit.”

“She did,” Harlow mused; thinking of all the ways she wanted could kill Gina for trying to set her up. “She did, however, neglect to tell me that you were staying in the basement apartment that she so kindly offered me for the night.”

“Oh…” Sam trailed off. “Well I’ll share it with you for the night; I don’t think either of us should be upstairs near her bedroom if she and my brother are planning on staying in there.”

Harlow laughed, thinking of how sweet revenge on her brunette best friend would be if she barged in on her reunion with Dean. However, one look up at the caramel eyed boy in the room with her made her change her mind.

“Sam, I think it’s safe to say you and I have been set up.” Harlow grinned, moving to the kitchenette to grab two beers from the fridge.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been set up before.”

“It’s a lot like this,” she giggled, handing him a beer. “Gina tries to do it all the time, and I either politely decline or protest until I’m blue in the face.”

“What made tonight different?” Sam asked, sinking into the leather couch, leaving the perfect space next to him for Harlow to fit under his arm.

“She told me that I wouldn’t regret it.” She smiled, sitting next to Sam and allowing herself to snuggle into that spot between the side of the couch and Sam’s side.

“And do you?” He pressed, looking down at the redhead and into her crystal blue eyes.

“No.” She replied simply, before allowing Sam to move his face down to hers and connect their lips.

The red head rolled over in bed, her back coming to rest against the broad chest of the man she had ended up sharing a room with the night before. She sighed, snuggling back into the warm comforter. Just as she felt herself dozing back off, a strong arm wrapped itself around her. She turned herself just enough to see Sam Winchester, in all of his sexy glory, snuggling with her in the spare bedroom of her best friend’s house.

Harlow couldn't deny that she had found Sam to be extremely attractive from the moment that Gina introduced them at the bar. The tall male had immediately captured her attention, and she enjoyed that he was interested in talking to her and not trying to find the shortest route from the bar to inside her pants.


Harlow quickly turned back around, not sure if Sam was waking up or just stirring.

"I know you're awake Harlow." Sam chuckled lowly, the sleep still present in his voice.


"It's okay," he stretched, rolling onto his back and taking her with him, all while he kept an arm wrapped around her. "I don't mind."

Harlow didn't respond, but draped an arm around Sam's toned stomach, letting her head rest on his chest.

Harlow felt comfortable lying there with Sam. No pressure, nothing implied, just a comfort in knowing he was there. His long arms wrapped around her, while she traced nonsensical patterns up and down his chest with her manicured nails.


Harlow laughed a throaty laugh at Sam's reaction to her nails on his skin, taking pleasure in the fact that she was making him feel that way.

"That feels so good," Sam whispered. "Can you not stop ever?"

"Seriously?" Harlow asked.

"I'm very serious." He said.

"Well I'm sure we can work something out where I stick around." She smiled, turning her head up towards him.

"Good, because you just took the whole asking you out pressure off my shoulders." Sam smiled.

"In that case..." She trailed off.

"What?" He laughed, his head falling back into the plush pillows.

"I still want you to ask me." She smiled.

"Why?" Sam questioned. "Not that I won't, but I'm curious."

"Because I'm old fashioned like that." Harlow grinned, placing a small, feather light kiss to his jaw line before moving to his lips.

Upstairs, Dean and Gina spent their morning wrapped up in each other, the sheets of Gina’s king size bed tangled between the two lost lovers. Their clothes from the night before decorated every inch of the bedroom and the room itself had been shaken quite a bit from their bodies moving and pressing against anything they could find before finally settling on the bed.

“Who would have thought…” Dean trailed off.

“What, that you’d get another chance to have me in bed?” Gina joked, looking up at the green eyed wonder that still held the key to her heart.

Dean laughed loudly, his head lolling to the side before he turned back to his green eyed lover. He placed a kiss on her forehead before moving to take her hand in his.

“Besides that,” he smirked. “I’m talking me and you, it’s like we haven’t skipped a beat.”

“We haven’t Dean, that’s what makes this so…” She tried to find the right words.

“So like us?” He finished for her, watching as she smiled and nodded her head.

As Gina was about to say something, the front door of the house could be heard swinging open and hitting the wall in the foyer.

Dean immediately shot up, reaching for the pistol that was now resting on the bedside table, when Gina shot her arm out and pushed him back onto the bed.

“Relax, it’s just Zack.” She laughed, watching as his expression turned from hunter, to confused, then finally to relaxed.

“Does he always do that?” He sighed, falling back into the mattress.

She nodded, chuckling lightly as she gently turning so that she could move from Dean’s grasp.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He teased.

“I need to feed the rat with the hangover that’s probably scouring through my kitchen.” She sighed, moving from the bed to grab a pair of shorts. Her search for a shirt was quickly solved as she picked Dean’s button down up off the floor and slipped it over her head, the shirt immediately covering the shorts she had put on.

“Is nothing sacred anymore?” Dean teased, tugging on the ends of his shirt.

“Admit it Winchester,” She grinned. “I look hotter in it than you.”

“I won’t argue with that!” He grinned, sitting up against the headboard of the bed.

“C’mon, come downstairs and I’ll make breakfast.” She smiled.

Dean didn’t need telling twice, he bounded from the bed, grabbing his jeans from the night before and the t-shirt he had worn under the shirt that Gina had claimed as her own.

Time had passed since the Winchester's return to California, and Dean and Gina had fallen into a comfortable pattern of living together. She would leave for work in the morning while Dean stayed in bed watching her get ready for her day, doing his best to coax her out of her pencil
skirts and dresses each time.

Gina looked up from her desk as a knock sounded at her door. Figuring it was her secretary or a coworker she didn't bother with pleasantries.

"Come in!"

"Is that how you talk to everyone around here?"

Gina's head snapped up at the sound of Dean’s voice, a smile coming to rest on her purple stained lips.

Dean stood in the doorway of the office, a lazy smile on his face as he leaned against the door frame.


Gina shot out of her chair, scrambling around the large oak desk as fast as she could in her heels; jumping into deans waiting arms.

"Hey baby..." He chuckled, holding her against him for fear she would fall over in her heels.

"You know, I only left the house a few hours ago," she laughed, stepping back to fix him with a look. "And I told you I'd be home for dinner..."

"But I missed you," he grinned. "Plus, Sam's brooding over this thing with Harlow; he's insufferable today."

"Why is he brooding?" She asked, moving to shut the door before turning back to her desk.

"He's afraid that if he gets too close to her then she's going to end up like Jess..."

"Harlow isn't going to die," she sighed, leaning back in her chair as Dean sat on the desk itself. "She's too well protected."

"I know." He agreed.

"Why is your ass on my sketches?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Because you never care where my ass is." He stated matter of factly.

"I do when it's on my sketches!" She laughed, shoving his arm gently.

Dean grinned, carefully pulling the paper out from under his jeans.

"Hey..." Gina trailed off, pulling him down to her by the shirt. "What happened to your eye?"

Dean turned away, trying to hide the bruise that had formed around his left eye.

"Dean..." She pried, turning his face towards her. "What is that?"

"It's nothing."

"It's something!" She said, standing to get a better look at it.

"I kind of...well...remember when I said Sam and I were going out for drinks last night?"


"We never did..."

"Well I can see that now."

"We found a really simple lead and went out for a salt and burn; and well, big bad ghost kinda got me."

The brunette sighed, standing in front of him before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Do me a favor, just tell me next time you find a lead, don't lie about it."

"You're not mad?" He asked astonished.

"No I'm not mad," she chuckled. "Besides, maybe I wanted to go with..."

Dean grinned, giving her a small kiss before pulling away.

"Fighting ghosts in your heels?"

"Don't underestimate me." She laughed, shoving him playfully.

The couple spent the rest of the day in Gina’s office, Dean watching her work, only leaving when his stomach growling prompted him to go out and grab some food for the two of them. They currently sat at the small table in the office, away from the desk and phone; Dean inhaling a cheeseburger while Gina tried not to get salad dressing on her blouse.

“Your brother called before, apparently he doesn’t think you have a real job and that you can stay home like the rest of us.” Dean laughed, his mouth full of ground beef.

“He’s an ass sometimes,” The brunette laughed. “Just because I own the company doesn’t mean I don’t work.”

“He said something about going out for drinks tonight, taking the edge off or something,” Dean wondered. “Is he okay?”

“He’s fine,” Gina rolled her eyes, picking at the croutons in the salad. “The band is back in the studio and he’s wigging out, he always does.”

“Maybe we should go then.”

“We can go if you want, nobody has to be anywhere tomorrow, it’s only Saturday.”

“You think Harlow would go if you told her Sam was going?”

“And you made fun of me for setting them up!” Gina laughed, pointing her fork at her boyfriend as he feigned innocence. “You’re just as bad as I am!”

Gina knew that Sam was shy, it wasn't common knowledge that if you knew Sam Winchester he was the more shy of the two brothers. She also knew that Harlow was equally as shy. She had practically raised the girl through her high school years and taken her under her wing; Gina tried her hardest to get Harlow to open up; taking her out with her and her friends, going shopping with her, anything at all. The girl was stuck being shy, and then Gina introduced her to Sam. It was her proudest moment as Harlow's big sister, and she crossed her fingers praying that it would work out. She wanted her surrogate sister and future brother in law to be happy.

They had pulled up to Harlow's house in the Impala, after a night out with Zack and taking the edge off, and sleeping at Gina's Harlow had wanted to go home and shower before they ventured out again that night with the boys. The redhead had no choice, she knew Gina wouldn’t stop until she was happy, and by happy she knew she meant making sure that Harlow was happy.

As Harlow climbed out of the back seat, she waved her goodbyes to her friends and started to walk up her front path.

"Sam!" Gina hissed. "Walk her to the door!"

Sam fumbled for a moment before getting out of the car and chasing Harlow up to her door.

"Or he can stalk her..." Dean chuckled.

"Harlow wait!" Sam called out.

Harlow turned, finding Sam not far behind her, and smiled.

"Hey..." He grinned, when he finally reached her.

"Hi." She smiled.

"I uhm, you know, I had a really good time with you last night..." He trailed off, looking down at his shoes.

"I did too," Harlow smiled. "I feel like I need a nap before tonight."

"Yea, I didn't think drinks with Zack would turn into such a hangover." He laughed.

"So you're coming out tonight then!"

"Of course I am."

The two stood awkwardly , staring at each other as they tried to figure out what to say next.

Harlow giggled at Sam, she could tell he was nervous, and wanted to help him but didn't know what to say either; she was just as nervous as he was.


He snapped out of his trance, looking at the redhead in front of him before making a single decision that would change his life.

"Oh the hell with it!" He exclaimed, before placing his hands on either side of Harlow's face and leaning down to kiss her.

The redhead responded immediately, placing her hands on Sam's chest and leaning into his kiss. The couple had become immediately wrapped up in each other, both completely forgetting that Dean and Gina were in the car watching them.

From the car, Gina immediately snapped her head up, smacking Dean's shoulder lightly when she saw that Sam had indeed fallen for Harlow.

"Oh my god, Dean look!"

He turned to look at his baby brother, instead getting a visual of him playing tonsil hockey with Harlow.

"That's my boy!" Dean exclaimed.

"So much for shy Sam Winchester, huh?"

"Yea well, he gets that from me." Dean boasted.

"Yea? You taught him how to kiss?" Gina taunted, looking back at the new couple and smiling while leaving Dean to stumble over his response.

Sam and Harlow finally pulled apart when they heard the roar of the engine from the Impala as it backed out of the driveway.

"Are they leaving?" Sam asked, watching as his brother drove away, one arm wrapped around Gina's shoulders as they sped off down the street.

"Looks that way." Harlow giggled. "Why don't you come in, we'll see about that nap I mentioned."

Sam smiled, wrapping his hand around Harlow's as she led him through the door and into the house. Once inside, she turned and pulled him back to her, her arms snaking around his neck as he lowered his head down to hers and covered her mouth with his lips.


His lips moved down her jaw to her neck, Harlow threading her fingers through his hair.

Sam quickly moved his hands to her thighs, picking her up and carrying Harlow up the stairs of her house.

"I say we skip the nap." Sam purred, his nose in her hair.

"I agree," Harlow whispered, gently nipping his earlobe. "But I still want you to take me to bed..."

Harlow was panting as Sam rolled off of her, his body coming to rest next to her as he pulled her into his side, his arm wrapping around her as she rested her head on his chest.

"Wow..." Harlow sighed, her head snuggling into the spot between Sam's neck and shoulder.
Sam let his fingers trail up and down the soft skin of Harlow's arm, his lips coming to find the top of her head.

"That was a hell of a nap." He chuckled.

"We should nap more often..."

"I won't say no." Sam smiled. "Hey, can I tell you something?"

"Yea, of course you can..." Harlow propped herself up on her elbow, her free arm draped over Sam's torso.

"I don't know if I'm gonna sound crazy, but, when I was a kid, my family was staying at Gina's house for a few weeks, and..."

"It is you..." Harlow whispered.

Sam looked at her, wonder and happiness flooding throughout him as he realized that Harlow remembered him the same way he remembered her.

"You were on the steps with Matt, and when I came outside you ran off. I never forgot you..."

"I can't believe you remembered me..." She trailed off. "I thought about you for weeks and weeks."

"The girl with the red hair was always a favorite memory of mine," Sam admitted. "And now, well, I'm hoping I can call you mine."

"You can." Harlow smiled, leaning up and capturing Sam's lips in a sweet kiss.

“How’s that for old fashioned?” Sam questioned, remembering what she had said to him the morning after they had shared the bed in Gina’s guest room.

“I’d say I’m blown away.” Harlow smiled, pulling him back down to her.

The phone rang, Harlow and Sam both stirring from their peaceful sleep as the sound reverberated through the room.

"Hmm, just let it ring..." Harlow groaned, snuggling back into Sam's arms.

"I can't, it could be Dean..." Sam sighed.

"He's with Gina, don't worry." She whispered.

Sam nodded, letting the phones ring die out as he put his head back down on the pillow, eyes closed ready to drift back to sleep. Just as he was about to drift off the phone rang again, this time it was Harlow's.

"It has to be Gina and your brother, only they would think to bother us." She groaned, sitting up and reaching over to the bedside table for her cell before answering it and putting it on speaker.

"Harlow where are you?" Gina's voice sounded from the other end.

Harlow could hear music playing in the background, and a few people talking.

"I was sleeping," She replied. "Why?"

"Harlow you were supposed to be at my house an hour ago! We have plans tonight!" Gina laughed.

"Oh crap, we must have lost track of time..." She trailed off.

"So that's where my brother is!" Dean yelled playfully in the background.

"Well, we're gonna leave in an hour and make our way to Slidebar, can we count you guys in?"

"You know what," Harlow grinned, looking over at Sam. "You guys go, we're gonna hang out here tonight."

Gina was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"We'll have a few drinks for you. And remember Harl, don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Harlow could tell Gina was smiling as the words passed through the receiver.

"G, that doesn't leave much..." The redhead laughed.

"That's my point! Have fun!"

And the line went dead.

Harlow turned to Sam, a wicked grin on her lips as he raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

"You heard what she said..."

"Yea, although I'm not all that sure what Gina meant."

"It means we have room to play..." Harlow purred, moving so that she could wrap her arms around Sam and pull him back down onto the mattress with her.

The serenity of the backyard was something out of a movie as Gina sat on the rocking couch clutching her coffee in her hands, her body slowly fighting off the excess sleep feeling. Outside alone for the moment while Dean had gone off in search of breakfast, or brunch depending on the time. He wanted bagels, insisting that the brunette stay and relax while he went and picked some up.

She turned as the back door slid open and figuring Dean had come back from his search for bagels she was surprised to see Sam standing in the doorway.

"Hey Gina..."

The tall male was wiping the sleep from his eyes, a pair of gym shorts hanging loosely from his hips and the t-shirt from last night wrinkled from sleeping.

"Hey Sammy," She smiled, making room on the rocking couch for him. "You’re back kind of early, did you have a good night?”

The taller male laughed, knowing that she knew full well that him and Harlow didn’t do much sleeping the night before.

“Yea, it was great…” He smiled, and she could see in his eyes that his mind was on the redhead he had spent the night with.

"Good I'm glad."

He sat quietly for awhile, watching the waves crash along the shore while the sun rose higher and higher into the California sky.

"Can I ask you something?" Sam finally spoke up.

"Of course you can..." Gina replied, taken back a little by the sudden sound of concern in his voice. "Sam we've known each other forever, what is it?

"We'll...I can't ask Dean because he’ll tell me I'm stupid for considering this," he started, letting his hands rest in his lap. "But what would you do about this relationship I'm getting into with Harlow?"

"Well first, you need to tell me what's really going on.”

Sam looked at the brunette for a moment, confusion written all over his face.

"Don't make that face Sam, I know you better than you think I do." She scolded him in a playful big sister kind of way.

"You know more than I think you know, don't you." He sighed.

"Of course I do..."

"What did Dean tell you?"

"Dean didn't tell me anything," She smiled. "My dad told me."

He nodded, taking a deep breath and looking up at, for all intents and purposes, his big sister.

"What happened at Stanford Sam?"

"Yellow Eyes that got my mom...he got my girlfriend Jess."

Gina slowly felt her heart break for him, knowing how hell bent he was on finding the man with the yellow eyes, he now had an additional reason to catch the creep that tore his family apart.
"Oh Sammy..."

"And, I want to kill this thing, so bad, to avenge my mom, and Jess..." He trailed off. "And I didn't think I would ever feel anything like what I felt with Jess, but then you brought Harlow out the other night and..."

"You can feel again..."

"Yea. Exactly." He grinned.

“Well, then you need to be honest with her,” Gina reasoned. “Somehow I think Harlow will understand.”

“How can you be so sure? I mean, I just asked her to be my girlfriend, and then to immediately dump on her that I’m a hunter, and not the kind of hunter that kills a bear and slaps its head on the wall either. I’m the one that cheats death, digs up graves and burns bones; I exorcise demons and shoot a gun loaded with homemade rock salt bullets. I know old lore and mythology; I know what’s really out there Gina.”

“Yea, you do; and lying to her won’t make this any easier on either of you Sam. For once, don’t listen to Dean and listen to what I’m telling you. I’ll deal with Dean if he gets cranky about it, just be honest with Harlow.”

Sam nodded, before pulling Gina into a one armed hug, surprising her by his actions. What surprised him though, was when she put her coffee cup down and hugged him back. She was his big sister; his brother’s girl, and somehow she had always had this maternal instinct that made Sam feel at ease.
“I’ll go talk to her…”

“Not now.” Gina replied.

“Well, I know not now,” Sam laughed. “But even if I wanted to go now…”

“You can’t; you reek of sex and beer, I don’t even want to know what you two did last night.” The brunette laughed, giving Sam a gentle punch in the shoulder, just as the back door opened and Dean emerged.

Sam stood on Harlow’s doorstep, hand raised ready to ring the bell. He had knocked twice, but there was no response. He knew Harlow was home; her white Audi was parked in the driveway. Without a second to think he pressed his finger to the doorbell hearing it ring out inside the redhead’s home.
Seconds later he heard footsteps moving towards the front door, and when it swung back, he came face to face with a bikini clad Harlow.

"Sam!" She reacted with a large smile, the surprise apparent on her face. "Come in!"

Sam smiled, reaching for her as soon as she had shut the door. His arm instinctively snaked around her waist, pulling her into him before leaning down and letting his lips connect with hers.

Harlow pulled away from the kiss with a smile of mixed emotion on her face.

"Did you come all the way here just to kiss me?" She questioned, teasing him lightly.

"No...Yes..Both..." Sam trailed off.

"We'll, what is it?" She asked.

"Can we sit down and chat?" He asked, looking into her blue orbs.

Harlow nodded, taking his hand and leading him through the house, past the everyday amenities, and out to her back yard.

When she opened the door they were met with the sounds of Boys Like Girls playing from the stereo. There was a cocktail on the table and a lounge chair positioned perfectly in the sun.

"Sit down; I’ll grab you a beer and we can chat." She smiled.

Sam nodded, sitting in one of the chairs in the shade, listening quietly to the music that was playing.

Harlow returned moments later with two beers, handing one to Sam before sitting across from him.

"So what's up?" She asked, crossing her legs and leaning back in her chair.

"I need you to know, all of what I'm about to tell you..." He trailed off. "It's all the honest truth and I want you to know exactly who I am because I don't want to be dishonest with you."

Harlow nodded, urging him to continue with what he was about to say.

"I talked to Gina this morning, and she was the one who set me straight, because my brother can be stubborn sometimes. But, my family, were...different...very different than most families."

"How so?" She asked, sipping her beer.

"We're hunters."

Harlow raised an eyebrow, looking at him like he had ten heads.

"Sam, I'm not sure you're aware of this, but, plenty of people hunt deer and crap."

Sam sighed, sipping his beer.

"We hunt...well; the things that go bump in the night." He said directly.

Harlow’s eyes went wide, her body visibly tensing up at what he had just said.

"Ghosts and stuff. The paranormal, the out of this world, supernatural that you only read about in novels or see in movies." He finished.

"Well, if we're being honest, there's something I need to tell you too." She said, sighing as she sat back in her chair again.

"What is it?" Sam asked, his mind going a million miles an hour as to why Harlow hasn't freaked out, yet moved right on in the conversation.

"When I was a kid, my dad was always very edgy, and not like cool kid edgy, I mean very on edge about everything. The smallest thing could set him off. When I was a teenager, I came home from school one day and he was in the kitchen, stabbing my mother to death with one of the carving knives; and his eyes were pitch black..."

Sam stiffened, knowing exactly where she was going with the rest of her story.

"He killed my mom, or rather, it killed my mom. My dad would never go as far as to kill anyone, even if I may have wished it at some points when he was smacking me around. But he did, he had literally butchered my mom’s body before turning on me with the same knife."


"I found a small gun lying on the floor, and before he could get too close to me I shot him. I shot and killed my father Sam; but it wasn't my father. All this black smoke flew out of his mouth and he just hit the ground, dead. I had zero emotion for the fact that he was dead Sam, but all the smoke, the fact that I was holding a gun, that's what got me; so I ran to Gina's place because Matt and them were more family to me than my own. That's what Matthew senior taught me about demons and hunting."

"So you know what Dean and I do..." He trailed off in a whisper.

"I had a hunch that you weren’t a mechanic." She chuckled, moving to sit in his lap.

Sam wound his arms around her waist, holding her close to him and kissing her temple.
"I promise I'm going to protect you."

"I know you are Sam, I never doubted that." She smiled.

In that moment, all was right in the world for the Winchester’s. There was nothing out there that could harm innocent people, no monsters, demons, or other worldly creatures. It was just them; Sam and Harlow and Dean and Gina; the way that they wished it could be forever, but nothing was ever that simple when you were a Winchester.

The weeks had flown by, and it eerily reminded Sam and Dean of the last time they were in Southern California. One minute they were happy and then suddenly their dad was telling them to get in the car because they were burning good daylight. John and Matthew had made progress with locating The Colt, and when John Winchester said jump, you didn’t think twice, you jumped.

Dean and Gina moved around her bedroom with ease as they prepared to meet Sam and Harlow and Zack and Gena for dinner before the boys departed in two days. Dean was tense, and it was setting Gina on edge the more he mumbled things about not wanting to leave the brunette behind again and even more so that it didn’t bother her. Gina knew the consequences of dating a hunter, she knew the life that Dean and his family led; but she also loved him unconditionally and would deal with the side effects if it meant she could call him hers.

“Would you stop mumbling for Christ sake?” She finally snapped, turning from the closet where she was looking for shoes.

"I can't put you through this again!" He shouted, finally feeling exasperated with all of her reasons why it didn't bother her.

"You're not putting me through anything Dean!" She yelled back, throwing her arms up in the air. "I'm choosing this!"

"Choosing to wait for me then?"


"Why?" He screamed back, their argument not losing any heat.

"Because Dean," she shouted, running a hand roughly through her hair. "I don't understand you!"
"Give me a solid reason why you think waiting for me while I'm out there hunting things that could kill me is a good idea." He deadpanned, watching as she moved closer to him.

"Because I love you!" She shouted, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him close to her, shocking Dean by her strength. "I’ve been in love with you since the minute you paid that guy at the Ferris wheel extra to keep us up at the top longer so you could spill your heart to me! And if any of that's not a good enough reason for you, then you're more stubborn than I thought."

"You love me…" Dean whispered.

"I love you..." She trailed off, looking up into his green eyes, her own eyes softening as the anger from moments ago subsided.

"I love you too," Dean smiled, leaning down and softly brushing his lips against hers.

Gina's grip on deans shirt loosened, her hands falling to rest on his chest as she leaned into the kiss.
"Don't ask me to wait for you if you're going to fight me on it." She smirked, repeating his words from the first night he had come back.

"Okay," He grinned, letting his hands rest on the small of her back while he held her. "I won't fight you."

"Good, because I don't like fighting with you."

The end of their stay with the Baker family had come quicker than anyone thought; the couples dreading the day they would have to say goodbye to each other. Sam was currently spending the night at Harlow’s house, wanting all the time with her that he could get, unsure of when he would see the beautiful redhead again. Dean climbed the stairs of the house quietly; knowing he would be leaving tomorrow had certainly run a multitude of emotions through his head. They had a strong lead on the colt, but at what price was he getting all of it? He would be leaving behind the one woman who never stopped believing in him or loving him all those years ago. He was torn, to say the very least.

He opened the door, peering around it to see Gina sitting on the bed shuffling through what looked like work stuff.

"Hey..." He said quietly, closing the door behind him and walking over to her.

She looked up and smiled back at him, running a hand through her hair.

"Hey you..."

"Whatcha doing?" He questioned, sitting next to her, careful not to disrupt the papers in front of her.
"Just going through some final sketches for work, you know me," she smiled. "I only put my best designs on the rack."

Dean chuckled, putting an arm around her and pulling her into his side, placing a gentle kiss on top of her head.

"You ready for all of this?" Gina asked suddenly.

"If by all of this you mean leaving you here, then no." Dean sighed.

Gina turned so her face was pressed into his chest, moving her free hand to lace her fingers with Deans.

"You know," She started, pulling her other arm free of his grasp, and moving to sit in his lap so she was facing him. "I'm always right here..."

Gina's right hand came up to Dean’s chest, resting gently over his heart.

"Always?" Dean mused, giving her a crooked grin.

"Always baby..."

Dean leaned in and pressed his lips gently to Gina's, his hands on her waist as she sat contentedly in his lap. It always amazed him how he was such a tough guy, with a take no shit attitude, but when it came to the brunette in his lap he became a pile of mush.

Gina's arms wound around his neck, her manicured fingers carding through the short hair at the nape of his neck. She sighed, a sound filled with a mixture of pleasure, happiness and a hint of sadness. Dean felt solely responsible for bringing sadness upon her, no matter how many times she uttered the phrase 'I understand.'

"Hmmm..." Gina sighed; dragging her nails down Dean’s back, letting her fingers play with the hem on his shirt.

Dean moved from her lips to her neck, allowing his lips to find that special spot; the one that opened Gina like a custom made key for a lock that belonged to Dean, and Dean alone.

"Dean..." She moaned in his ear.

He removed his lips for a moment, bringing his eyes to meet Gina's; a lazy smile on her lips as she ran a hand through his hair.

"Just be with me tonight..." She whispered. "I don't want to think about anything else, just you."
Dean nodded, gripping her hips tighter and moving them so that she was lying on the plush comforter of the bed and he was on top of her. Gina grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down to her, taking his bottom lip between her teeth and nipping at it gently, while her free hand came to rest on his bicep. Dean slid his hands down to rest on Gina's waist, playing with the hem of her tank top before letting his hand slip underneath it and coast across her stomach. She moaned at the contact of his skin against hers, aching for more. As she arched her back into his touch, pressing her chest against his, Dean took the opportunity to lift her top over her head, ridding Gina of the offending garment.

As soon as Dean saw her exposed skin, he let his lips move over everywhere he could. He moved across her collar bone, biting and sucking the tender flesh, reveling in the light moans he was eliciting from her. He moved across her shoulder, gently sliding her bra strap down so that he could kiss and nip there as well. When his other hand pushed the other strap down she arched up, allowing him the moment he needed to skillfully pop the clasp on the purple silk garment and free her from its confines.

Gina raked her nails down Dean’s arms, her nails leaving light red marks on his skin that would brand him as her own. He belonged to the brunette pinned under him, and he knew in his heart of hearts, no matter how stone cold he was sometimes, that he wouldn’t have it any other way.

She couldn't bring herself to break away from him. Her arms were wound tightly around his neck, her face buried in the cook of his shoulder. As the tears flowed down her cheeks the familiar salty taste that accompanied them hit her lips; mixed with the strong scent of worn leather that radiated off Deans jacket.

Gina cried her heart out, not caring that Zack, her dad and John Winchester were standing a few feet away from them on her father’s front porch. On the other side of the car, Sam was holding Harlow in his arms, trying his best to make their last few minutes together worthwhile, but Gina could tell that the redhead was crying just the same way she was.

Sam continued to run his fingers through Harlow’s long red locks, his other hand rubbing small circles on her back as she clung to him for all she was worth. She knew that he would eventually have to leave, that he would be back on the road with his family, and she knew it would be hard to let her boyfriend go, but she never imagined it to be this painful.

"Baby..." Dean’s voice sounded softly in Gina’s ear.

Her tears fell harder at the sound of his voice.

"I don't want to let go..." She whispered. "It isn't fair."

"Not many things in life are..."

"Promise me you'll come back..." Gina choked out, feeling Dean tighten his hold on her the moment the words fell from her lips.

"With everything I can possibly promise you, I'll come back."

"And not eight years from now either!" She sniffed.

"No, I won't do that again."

She felt Dean press his lips to her forehead, and then heard a quiet sob come from the most inner part of him. A sound so foreign, that if Gina hadn't heard it last night while in bed, she wouldn't believe it herself.


He nodded quietly, a silent answer to her question.

"Dean! C'mon son, we got to hit the road!"

Gina felt her heart break at John’s harsh tone, but slowly pulled away from Deans embrace.
"I promise you, I'll be home soon."

"You better..." She cracked a small smile through her mascara stained cheeks, wiping furiously at the MAC product that was dripping from her eyes.

Dean nodded, leaning on the hood of the car, looking back at the one person that held the lock and key to the heart he thought was too tough to be loved.

She stood on the steps of her house, her arm wrapped around Harlow, who in turn had her arm wrapped around her best friend. No one could know the pain that the two girls felt in that very moment. Gina’s hand was absentmindedly playing with the small charms on the necklace Dean had surprised her with the night before, a gesture that she may have filed as ‘too cheesy’ for Dean Winchester.

"Gina!" He called out, turning back to her. "I love you!"

Gina's smile widened, knowing full well he meant those three small words.

"I love you too!"

“Sammy!” Harlow called out, wanting to tell him exactly how she felt before he was on the road.

Sam turned, surprised when Harlow ran down the steps and back into his arms, kissing him fiercely.

“I love you…” She whispered, her hand coming to rest on his cheek.

“I love you too, Harlow.” Sam grinned, kissing her a final time before slipping into the passenger seat of the Impala.

The girls watched as the car drove down the street, following John Winchester’s pickup truck; both praying that they found this colt sooner rather than later, and brought the end of yellow eyes.

“So, now what do we do?” Harlow asked, turning to Gina as they walked back to the redhead’s car to go home. Gina climbed in the front seat of Harlow’s white Audi, settling into her seat as the redhead waved to Zack and Matthew before pulling out of the driveway.

“Now, we go home and we wait.” Gina responded, using the mirror in the visor to fix her makeup.

“That’s it? We wait?”

"I'm afraid waiting kind of comes with the territory when you're dating a Winchester, Harl'..." Gina trailed off, turning to her friend.

"Then I hope they gank that demon real soon, I don't like waiting...."
♠ ♠ ♠
Please leave comments as we'd love to know what you think about our series so far - Harlow & Gina (Winchester Ink)