Song for the Lost

Song for the Lost

There is a girl I know.

She is beautiful. She doesn’t believe it.

She is smart. She doesn’t believe it.

She is so very strong. She doesn’t believe it.

She is you.

You are lost and you are hurting. You are so cold, so numb. But you are not alone, and that matters. I am here in the wilderness with you. I am here, as the night falls and the air chills and the wind bites. I am here as the shadows reach, try to take you, try to suffocate you in their vile grip. I will not let them steal you.

Give me your hand and close your eyes. Block out the black emptiness of the night with my words. See those dots inscribed upon the inside of your eyelids? Those are the morning stars. Dawn shall not be long in coming now.

I know you are tired, I know you are hurt, I know you are lost, but you are not weak and you are not alone and that matters. Stay with me, my beautiful bruised friend. These marks may be branded upon your skin, but they will not pierce the grace of your soul. Dawn shall not be long in coming now.

There is a girl I know.

She is beautiful.

She is strong.

She is loved.

She is you.
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You are loved. Always remember that.