Status: new story! comments appreciated <3

You're Everywhere to Me

I want you to stay

"Andy, please. Tell me what's going on. Why are you semi-transparent?" Roxanne began to worry. Was everything Andy had said true? Would he really be gone forever if she stayed with CC? She thought Andy had just been messing with her. She thought it was just him trying to scare her into leaving CC for him. But it had all been true.

"It's because you won't leave him Roxanne. If you leave him, I won't have to leave you. The longer you stay, the more I will disappear and soon I will be gone forever. I warned you. You didn't listen." Andy told her.

"Okay, I promise I won't talk to him again. I want you to stay." And it was true, she wanted Andy to stay. As much as she liked CC's care and attention, she had "been with" Andy for a very long time and she couldn't just throw all of that away.

As soon as she agreed to stop seeing CC, the rest of Andy came back and he appeared full again. He was whole again. "Now I won't leave you." He embraced her, kissed her with such passion and lust.

Roxanne woke up to find herself breathing very heavily. Andy did things to her emotions. He made her feel alive and real even though he wasn't. Roxanne was more than determined to find him today. She had a good feeling that today would be the day that she finally found Andy. He said he was out there somewhere. She just had to look hard enough.

"Vega, come on! I want to get going!" Roxanne called to her friend. Vega always took a long time to get ready and it was rather annoying to Roxanne. Roxanne was excited to go searching for Andy again and she wanted to get the show on the road.

"I'm coming, Roxanne. Calm down." Vega walked down the stairs and grabbed her bag off the couch. "I can't believe you're dragging me along to find your dream man again. I keep telling you he's not real."

"He is, Vega. He told me so." Roxanne sounded so sure of herself.

Vega thought Roxanne was full of crazy pills or something. No one in their right mind would listen to a voice, or a figment of their imagination the way that Roxanne was. Vega knew Roxanne was different than most people but she had never been this different before. This different was a little frightening.

This time around, the girls decided to go shopping. They lived in a glorious city with wonderful stores and they hadn't been shopping in a while. It would be a nice girls' day out, or at least Vega thought it would be.

"How about this? This is pretty cute. I can see you wearing it." Vega held up a leather jacket with studded shoulders. It was right in Roxanne's style spectrum but Roxanne was distracted by something else. "Roxanne?"

Roxanne stared out the big glass window of the store at a man with her back to her standing right outside trying to snag a taxi cab. "I'll be right back." Roxanne said and ditched her friend in the store.

Vega sighed. She knew this was bound to happen. She put the leather jacket back on the rack and began looking for clothes for herself. It was no use looking for Roxanne anymore. Her mind was in another world and she didn't seem to care about anything else but finding this guy.

The bell on the top of the door jingled as she exited the store and approached the man standing outside. "Hey, excuse me?" She tapped on his shoulder and he turned around. To her disappointment, she found it wasn't Andy but another guy with brown eyes and black hair just like CC and Andy's.

"Well, hello there." The guy smirked. "I'm Ashley." He was very straightforward. "And you," He took her hand and kissed it lightly. "Are very pretty."

Roxanne smiled and blushed a little. "Well, thank you."

Ashley turned to glance at the street and managed to catch a taxi cab going by. The cab pulled over to the curb and came to a stop. "My friends and I are going out tonight. You wanna meet up?"

Roxanne looked back at the store where Vega was and then to Ashley. "Sure, sounds like fun." She smiled.

"What's your number? I'll text you with details." He asked.

Roxanne gave him her number and watched the taxi take him off down the road. She watched the taxi go all the way down the street until it turned left at the traffic lights a little ways away from where she was standing. She looked back across the street and saw Andy standing on the sidewalk right across from her. He looked like he was shaking his head disapprovingly. She went to wave to him but a large truck drove by, blocking him from her view. When the truck passed, Andy was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, no shout outs this time since I didn't get any comments. Please guys, I really want to know if you like it or not. I'll start promo-ing myself in my other stories but it would be awesome if you guys could comment and recommend the story to your friends and such. I'd love more readers. I know this story seems kinda weird but I thought it was really a cool idea.