Big Kids


August 23rd - 07:23 a.m.

It's a warm, summer morning.

Four adults lounge against the vents, feeling the soft rumbling as it expels the warm heat from the building.

Thanks to their early arrival, and one person's access to the roof access key, they could lounge on the roof and watch the darkness fade away as the sun rose behind them.

One raises her water bottle into the air, exclaiming, "Another year of uncooperative students." That's Vanessa Ortiz, or better known as Nessa, the fourth grade teacher.

Another hand raises, that of Alan Whitley, the physical education teacher, and he adds, "And another year of students bleeding."

A snappy response comes from the one with the arm draped over her face, Charlotte Harkins, school nurse, "Oh thanks."

Alan turns to face her, and smiles, even though she doesn't move the arm from over her eyes.

"And another year of gossiping parents and phone calls from kids trying to call in sick," the fourth, Anthony Hopkins, front desk, finishes.

Nessa shakes the hand holding the bottle, screaming, "Toast!"

The other had no bottles or cups so instead they bumped their fists to the bottle, and exclaimed toast upon impact.