Status: This is my first story, by the way, I'm Tyler Evans.... Saavimafia's friend.

The Z-B Virus

Chapter one

Hi, I’m Kyle Collins. Up until a few months ago, I didn’t know what the phrase, “Hell on Earth,” meant. But I do now.
I was a vaccine test subject, recruited by Project Hades. I was torn from my parents when I was only seven years old. I’m sixteen now, and I am totally immune to over sixty viruses that the United States government has created in the event of a fourth World War.
Anyways, a few months ago, a new virus was tested on me: the Z-B Virus. This is what happened.

One of the cute nurses strapped me into a metal chair, which was bolted to the floor. As she did up the last strap she asked me the oddest question I’ve ever been asked while I’ve been at Area 56.1, the home of Project Hades.
“That’s not too tight, is it?”
I couldn’t help but ask, “What?”
“Are you comfortable?”
“Yeah,” I answered cautiously, “why do you ask?”
“Because I know what it feels like to be a government test monkey. And because you will most likely vomit blood after we inject you with this virus. We need to be sure that you’re not vomiting blood because of discomfort.”
“Um, okay. Wait, what exactly does this new virus do?” I asked.
The nurse hesitated, then said, “It is supposed to reduce human, or animal, brain activity to next to nothing. Rendering the victim helpless. Unfortunately, it only leaves the most basic of instincts working. That instinct just happens to be: feeding.”
I thought for a minute as she checked my vitals. “So basically it will turn me into a zombie,” I said bluntly.
“In theory, yes, but if you’re naturally immune to it, all that will happen is: you’ll vomit blood, you will gain inhuman strength and speed. There may be more side-effects but we’re not sure.”
“Cool. Vomiting blood is worth getting super powers.”
The nurse smiled at me and started to walk out but stopped when I asked, “Hey, what’s your name?”
“My name is Ms. Jenny.” Then she walked out.
A few minutes later, Dr. Gibson walked in with a small bag.
“Hello, Kyle. How are you today?”
“Pretty good,” I said as he unraveled his bag, “how many shots this time Doc?”
“Well, let’s see. There is one in both quadriceps, um, two in each biceps and triceps, one in your neck. I do believe there will be one in your spinal cord, three around your heart, an extremely risky one which will go into the base of your skull, one at the base of both ears. And finally, one directly into your heart.”
I could feel the blood leaving my face as I turned pale.
Dr. Gibson chuckled and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll give you some morphine and a sedative. You won’t feel a thing, although, you might be sore when you wake up in a few hours.”
I sighed with relief. Dr. Gibson then stuck a needle into my arm and injected me with the morphine, and then the sedative. I immediately started to feel tired.
“Hey Doc, is it good that I feel tired already?”
Dr. Gibson simply chuckled and put an IV into my arm. A few seconds later and I was out, but not before I saw the needle he was about to stick me with.
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This is my first I'm sorry if it sucks.....but i think its good...I CALL DIBS ON COPYRIGHT!!!!