Sequel: Glass
Status: Complete



"Are you okay?" Brian asked me as he entered Zack's living room. I didn't even hear him come in. I had been sitting at on the floor just thinking, not even doing anything.

"Fine," I looked at him and he raised an eyebrow at me. I ignored him and went back to sorting through the new shipments of jackets we had received that morning.

"No offense, but you look like shit. I mean, when's the last time you slept?" He questioned.

"I've been sick, so I haven't been sleeping well. I'll be fine in a few days," I lied quickly and he nodded.

"So, where's Loverboy?" He questioned and I rolled my eyes.

"He left to go pick up Amber from a doctor's appointment. She thinks driving stresses the baby, so she makes Zack drive her everywhere," I informed him and he groaned.

"Any word on when he can get the paternity test?" He asked.

"In all honesty, he hasn't been looking into it. He's too afraid to as Amber for one, because he knows she'll flip."

He sighed and walked further into the room so he could sit on the couch and kick his feet up. He leaned his head back and I could tell he was stressed, "He hasn't come in to finish tracking his parts. We're getting really frustrated with him. We're behind because of him," He informed me.

"I didn't know that. I'll make sure he goes tomorrow in the morning," I assured him and he smiled.

"Thank God for you. We'd be royally screwed without you, Vi," He informed me and I laughed, "Seriously. If anyone can talk some sense into him, it's you. Maybe you can convince him to not marry this dumb girl so he can get his life back to normal."

I sighed, "I've been trying. He's stuck on her," I shrugged and he groaned.

"I don't know what's gotten into him. I don't understand what Amber's given him that he can't get from other girls. It just doesn't make sense. Zack's never been this way before," He told me and I looked at him sadly.

"Well, once I figure it out, I'll let you know. Until then, we're stuck with her."

We sat in silence for a long time. I so desperately wanted to sleep. I thought about taking an hour nap on Zack's couch before his return. I was so exhausted, though, that I knew I wouldn't wake until morning. An hour wasn't enough time for me. Instead, I stayed up and drank coffee, something I never did. I was a tea girl, and even Zack thought it was strange that I purely disliked coffee. I just needed something to keep me going, because I was sure I wouldn't get any sleep tonight either.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Brian asked and I nodded, "Ever since we've gotten back from Vegas you've been weird. Did anything happen between you and Zack?" He asked.

"No," I answered, "I think I have a cold. That's all," I shrugged and he gave me a disappointed look.

"Val told me what happened when you went shopping. She also told me you have some weird ex-boyfrind named Craig," He noted and I sighed heavily.

"And? I don't see how that has to do with anything," I snapped.

"You seem pretty bitter about this ex," He noted.

"No offense, Brian, but its not really any of your business."

I got up from the couch and headed to the office, leaving Brian there speechless. I had done my best to get rid of any secrets that followed me, and I'll be damned if I let them come back and ruin everything I've worked for.


"How could you be so stupid!" Stephanie snapped at me. She paced in front of me, her expensive Louboutin shoes echoing on the tile floor.

"I said I was sorry," I snapped and she turned to me, eyes blazing.

"Sorry doesn't get rid of the fact that you are now plastered all over the city half-naked!" She seethed and I cringed, "You're seen as a slut, Violet. If you had a hard time convincing my parents to let you into our little family, you'll have an even harder time explaining this one to them."

I felt tears prick my eyes as I stared up at her. She was right. God, was she right. The Stevenson family already hated me, and now I made things worse. I wasn't exactly their favorite person.

"What am I supposed to do!?" I screamed at her and fury filled in her eyes. I knew I had crossed the line with her as she brought her hand up, bringing it down until I felt a hot sting on my cheek.

"You keep your fucking mouth shut. Know your place, Violet. You're not a Stevenson yet," She hissed.

It was then that I felt his strong hands on my shoulders. I looked up, seeing him and his eyes locked with his sister's. He had a hard glare in his eye, "You may be my sister, Stephanie, but don't you ever think you can put your hands on Violet ever again," He stated calmly.

Of course. Only he was allowed to. I belonged to him, not her.

"She's tainting this family, Craig. Train your pet before she brings the entire family down with her," She snapped before turning and leaving the room, slamming the door as she exited.

I was breathing hard, unable to get enough air in my lungs as he walked around and kneeled so he was eye-level with me. I looked up at him, my own eyes staring into his big blue ones. His hadn't shaved yet, so he had the slightest of scruff on his face. Despite it being so early in the morning, he was already dressed in suit and tie, ready for the day.

He silent brought a hand up to the reddening skin from where Stephanie slapped me. He rubbed it soothingly, "Well, it looks like you've gotten us in quite the bind, haven't you, Doll?" He asked.

"Craig, I'm so sorry. I didn't-" I started but he put a finger over my lips, telling me to be quiet.

"This may be Sin City, Violet, but some of us have a reputation to keep. I can't let my business partners know about my little slut, can I?" He asked and my lip quivered. He brought his eyes down to look at my hand, the hand with the sparkling ring on my finger, "I'll figure out a way to keep the papers out of this. Until then, you're to remain in here."

"But, my Mom. She'll be wondering where I am. What do I tell her?" I asked him and he glared.

"Your mother is of no concern to me, Violet. Last time I checked her last name wasn't Stevenson," He snapped and I cringed away from him, "I have my own ass to cover, thanks to you," He spat.

He stood up, violently pushing me off bed I was cowering on so I fell onto the floor. I took the satin sheets with me, covering my body, only for him to rip them off. I was exposed in the very sexy and expensive lingerie he asked me to model for him. The very same lingerie that got us in this predicament.

How was I supposed to know those pictures of me were going to be leaked onto the internet? It wasn't my fault. I tried to tell him. I tried to explain that Samantha had been the one to find the pictures on my phone. How was I supposed to know that she would put them up on Facebook? It's not like I meant for people to see me naked in nothing but expensive lingerie.

He brought his foot up before slamming it down into my ribs, blood coughing up out of my mouth as I attempted to breathe.

This wasn't even the worst of it.


I bolted awake, once again only getting an hour of sleep. At this rate I was ready to keel over and die. It had been two weeks since our return from Vegas. Not only had I received no sign of Craig, but I wasn't sleeping. These memories were constantly flowing back to me, no matter how hard I tried to keep them out.

I looked down and pulled my shirt up, revealing the scars and marks from. They were a constant reminder that I didn't know my place, and I was punished for it.

I knew he was around. He had ways of telling me. The way my doormat would be shifted when I got home one day told me he had been there. I knew it. I also didn't miss the very expensive car that seemed to follow me whenever I was out with Zack. It was inevitable. He was watching me. He was also watching Zack, and that made me uneasy.

What I hated most was the fact that Craig had controlled my life for an entire year. And now he was controlling me again. He had a way of controlling me with fear, and that's not something I enjoyed.

Suddenly there was a loud pounding on my door and I stood up, heading over to the door. I peered into the peephole only to see Matt and Jimmy very impatiently standing there, waiting for me to open, "Violet!" The called and Matt pounded on the door again.

I quickly opened the door to face them and their eyes widened, "Woah, are you okay?" Matt asked instantly.

I was used to that question by now. I had looked like shit ever since I've gotten back from Vegas. Sleep was avoiding me, and I was having a hard time keeping up with life. I didn't even try to look decent anymore. No amount of makeup could cover up the bags underneath my eyes.

"Rough night," I answered briefly, "What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Have you seen Zack?" Matt asked and I shook my head.

"Not since yesterday. He left his house around five to meet Amber for dinner. I had to lock up for him," I recalled the previous nights events. Zack had gotten me a key to his house. It was so I could finish working and leave before he got home with Amber, making it seem like I was never there to begin with.

He was going through extreme lengths to please her, and it was annoying. He didn't understand that with or without her, I still had a job to do.

"Well, he didn't turn up at the studio this morning. We drove by his house and he's not there. We called Amber and she doesn't know where he is, so now she's freaking out thinking you have something to do with it," He explained and I sighed.

"Great. Did she say they got into any arguments?" I asked, though I already knew the answer. Zack only took off when something really bad happened. He hadn't done this since he caught Amber dancing on a tabletop while her tongue was shoved down another man's throat.

He nodded, "She was livid," He explained, "He finally brought up the paternity test and she lost it. She couldn't believe he would accuse her of such a thing," I scoffed at that and he sighed, "We're trying to find him before word gets out about this. We can't let the fans know Zack is losing his mind, or that Amber is pregnant."

"Know where he might be?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Hang on," I groaned and opened the door so they could come in. I quickly went to my bedroom and changed into a pair of tights, Uggs, and a sweatshirt. The California sun was hidden. Only clouds hung as the new swell came in and the sky smelled like rain.

I walked back out to find Matt and Jimmy waiting patiently for me. I grabbed my keys and turned to them, "He's going to be at the park. Don't ask me why, but I'm the only one who knows the spot. He'll kill me if you guys find out," I explained and they nodded, but were still upset that Zack would keep his secret spot away from them. The wouldn't understand, though. He often went there when the guys were bagging on him about Amber and his out of balanced emotions. I didn't blame him.

"Do us a favor?" Matt asked, "Pick him up and bring him to Brian's. We need an intervention," He stated and I nodded.

This was not how I wanted to spend my day off. I could have said no, but I didn't. Instead, I grabbed my keys and Matt took me to my car. They went one way to Brian's house, while I drove to the park closest to Zack's house.

Sure enough, his BMW was in the parking lot alone. I pulled up next to him and sighed, tossing my seatbelt off. I stood up and got out, kicking a rock along the path I took. I disappeared into shrubbery, finding my way by using the clues Zack had left. Trails of cigarette butts and a couple beer bottles from previous visits. I came to a clearing, just a small one big enough for three people at maximum.

As predicted, Zack was sitting on the lone boulder in the clearing. His head was in his hands and he looked like he was about to pass out. He had a bottle of whiskey next to him. Not even Jack Daniels. It was an off-brand you can't even find at the bars. That's how desperate he was, "What happened now?" I asked and he looked up, his eyes puffy. He ignored me and went to grab the bottle, but I beat him to it. I yanked it away, crossing my arms over my chest, "Do not make me play games with you, Baker. It's Sunday, remember?" I asked and he sighed, obviously defeated.

"She told me she wants me to go play on a freeway," He stated and I almost scoffed at him, "And she called off the wedding," He announced and I sighed. I tossed the bottle aside, far away from Zack's reach, and approached him.

In all honesty, calling off the wedding was actually a blessing. But not to Zack. He was still some puppy attached to Amber, and it was annoying. Until he understood how toxic this woman was, there would be no way of making him understand that.

"Hey," I said softly as I sat down in front of him, but he kept his eyes away from me, "Zack, there comes a time when you need to put your foot down. This girl is walking all over for you, and you shouldn't take it," I placed my hand on his knee to comfort him.

I should be yelling at him. I should be shaking him by the shoulders and slapping him senseless for being so stupid. But I knew Zack's limits. He was in a delicate situation right now, especially when he still had hope that this kid was somehow his.

"What am I doing with my life, Vi?" He asked, his voice cracking.

This was a different Zack. Somewhere in Zack's eyes I found myself. Lost and stranded, hoping for someone to come save me. He was trapped in someone's grasp, much like I was. Except I had to save myself. No one came to my rescue.

The look in Zack's eye and brought back even more memories than the trip to Vegas did. I was suddenly reminded of the person I had become. The desperate and weak person that I had to claw my way out of. I was reminded that I was once like him, and no matter how bad it got, I still always came back. It wasn't fair to Zack. Suddenly, I couldn't be mad at him anymore, or call him stupid. I was a hypocrite.

In that moment I decided I was going to save Zack. I was going to do my damn best to get Amber away and out of his life for good. Zack was too special of a person to deserve this. He did way too much good in the world to be put through this misery. I at least deserved my punishment, but Zack didn't.

"You're wasting it, Zack. And now it's time you get it back," I whispered and he nodded.

"She's the only one who's ever shown me love," He confessed and I didn't say anything, "She's the only one to put up with my little habits and traits. She just accepts me as long as I give her what she wants."

I understood. I understood every word he was saying, and I would forever be the only one to understand. How could the guys understand how Zack was feeling?

"You shouldn't have to give her what she wants, Zack. Not in exchange for love. That's not how it works," I informed him, "Trust me, I know."

He looked up at me and sighed, "I just can't help myself. I'm so lost. I'm not happy. I don't know what to do with myself."

I stood up and grabbed his hand, pulling him up so he could stand on his own, "Let's get out of here. The guys really need to see you, Zack. It's important."

"The studio?" He questioned and I shook my head.

"Brian's house. C'mon," I pulled him out of the green shrubbery.

He didn't let go of my hand as we walked through the park and to the parking lot. I didn't stop him, either. He needed some comfort. He got into his car and drove off safely before I turned to my car.

I stopped. An expensive black car parked along the curb across the street. I stared at it as the window rolled down, Craig himself sitting in the front seat. His eyes were shaded by those expensive sunglasses he always wore, and by the collar on his shirt I could see he was dressed for business. He smirked before rolling the window up, driving off down the road in the opposite direction of Zack.

I quickly got into my car, not wasting any time. I sped off down the street towards Brian's house where Zack already was. I got out, locking it before checking the surroundings. I looked around for the familiar black car when a hand fell on my shoulder.

I screamed as loud as I could, turning around and kneeing the mystery man in the gut as hard as I could before he fell to the ground, "Jesus Christ, Violet!" He yelled, "Fuck!"

"Oh my God, Matt I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as he coughed.

"What the hell has gotten into you, Vi?" He asked as he recuperated from the blow.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed and he stood up. He looked down at my and put a hand over my forehead, examining me. His hazel eyes were searching for something he couldn't find. I had grown so immune to prying eyes. I was unbreakable.

"You're not the same, Violet. You're pale and there's bags under your eyes. When's the last time you slept?" He asked and I shrugged, unable to answer him. He sighed, "You're not in some kind of trouble, are you? Vi, we're your friends. You can tell us anything. What ever it is we can help you," He assured.

Before I could say anything I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I groaned, pulling it out. It was probably Zack, wondering where I was at and why I was taking so long. I unlocked the screen to see an unknown number had texted me. It was a Las Vegas area code and I almost wanted to throw up.

I really love what you've done with the place.

I stopped, almost dropping my phone as my heart began to race. I looked back at my car before looking back at Brian's house, then Matt.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked.

"I..." I didn't have any more excuses to give.

"Vi, what's going on?" He asked.

"I have to go," I stated and ran back to my car, turning it on and locking it before Matt could reach me. I was out of the driveway and Matt was yelling for me to come back, but I couldn't.

I couldn't run anymore.