Sequel: Glass
Status: Complete



I was warm in Zack's arms when a sudden loud and obnoxious ringtone echoed throughout the room. Zack groaned, rolling over without crushing me, to grab his phone on the opposite table near the bed. He sighed and answered it, "Why are you calling so early?" He questioned and I heard quiet murmuring on the other line, but not clear enough for me to make out words, "Why what's wrong?"

Zack sat up suddenly as the murmuring got faster. Obviously the person he was talking to was extremely impatient, "Is she okay?" At that I sat up, looking at Zack as I saw his eyes darken, "But he didn't touch her or anything?" Zack sighed with relief and nodded as I waited for answers, "I'll be right there. I'm bringing Vi with me."

He hung up and tossed the phone aside, "What's going on?" He asked.

"Val went to the store this morning. She was approached by a man in the parking lot as she was heading back to her car. Matt didn't give me the details, but he said some things that pointed towards you. She rushed home and Matt called me," He explained and my heart dropped.

Craig was now keeping tabs on everyone. He was trying to figure out what was going on. Do doubt he had been back to the apartment and had seen it was cleared out. Surely, knowing where Zack lives, he drove by here and saw my car parked out front. It was no surprise.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

He nodded, "He didn't touch her, he just scared the hell out of her. She's a little shaken up. She's more worried about you, though."

That's all he had to tell me to get me up and out of bed. I quickly changed, not bothering with much of anything else, before following Zack downstairs. We both quickly got into his BMW before he sped off down the street. It was a matter of minutes before we arrived in front of Matt's house, and we wasted no time in letting ourselves in.

"Are you okay?" Was my immediate question to Val when I saw her on the couch, a cup of coffee in her hands. She put the mug down and quickly pulled me into her arms and sighed.

"I'm fine. I want to know if you're okay," She stated and I nodded. We were silent as I calmly put a soothing hand on her shoulder, "He was waiting by my car. At first I thought he was going to ask me about signing a petition or something," She gave a weak laugh, "He was dressed in a nice suit, so I didn't think twice about it."

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He asked if I was Valary Sanders," She continued, "I said I was and he started to ask me about you. He was asking me how long you've been with Zack and what you do exactly for him as his assistant. He was then asking where you had been and if I had seen you."

"Oh God," I put my head in my hands.

"I told him that I lied in Vegas, and that you two really weren't engaged, but that's all. I didn't tell him anything about you. I told him it wasn't his business. So I got in my car and drove away. He just..." She sighed, "There was just something about him that really scared me."

I put my head in my hands, not wanting to look up. I knew Matt was pissed. He was standing in the corner of the living room watching me with his arms crossed over his chest. It was Zack who sat down and put his arm around me.

"Violet," Matt's voice told me to look up at him, "I understand that we all have our secrets. We all have skeletons in our closets. But when it comes to her," He pointed at Val who kept her head down, "I don't care what it is. I can't have you putting her in danger."

"She's not forcing her in danger, Matt. This isn't Violet's fault," Zack defended.

"It is when she refuses to tell us anything! How are we supposed to protect our friends and family when we don't even know what's going on. Who the hell is this guy!?"

"Matt, calm down," Zack stated softly.

"Don't tell me to calm down, Zack. You'd do the same fucking thing for her," Matt pointed at me and Zack gripped me tighter.

I was trapped. I couldn't tell them everything. I had to tell them only enough to please Matt. Right?

"His name is Craig Stevenson," I stated softly, "His family owns half of the Las Vegas strip. We didn't have the healthiest of relationships," I muttered, "When I left it kind of left a bad reputation for him. It really effected him and his family, which is why he's so bitter."

"It's a start," Matt sighed.

"Matt, I'm sorry okay? The reason why I didn't tell you is because I didn't want to bring you all into this," I stated and he nodded.

"But you should know we're your friends, Violet. We're more than friends, we're your family. And family sticks together."

They didn't understand, of course. Family doesn't lead the rest of their family into danger. I lead Craig right to Val. I couldn't explain to them. I just couldn't do it.

"We're going up north this weekend," Zack stated and placed a hand over mine, "Let's forget about this for two days. Craig won't even know we're gone, and maybe we can get him to go back to Vegas."

Matt nodded, "We'll get through this weekend, but when we get back we need to start working on some options. I think we can get a restraining order so he can at least stay away from you guys," Matt nodded to the three of us.

I nodded. It wouldn't work, but I would just have to pretend it would.


When we got home, Zack was silent. It was a strange thing from him, seeing as he had been doing a lot of talking for the past week. I felt like he was shutting me out, and that worried me. As soon as we got home, Zack went to the living room without a word.

"You hungry?" I asked and he shook his head. I sighed and nodded, heading to the kitchen to at least make me a cup of tea. I let the water boil in the kettle as I put my head on the cool granite of the countertops, taking a few deep breaths. I was still recovering from everything that was going on around me.

I could hear Zack start to pace in the other room and I listened to hear what he was doing, "Hello, this is Zack Baker. I missed your call earlier," He stated and I knew he was on the phone. "I'd prefer to just know now, if that's okay."

I knew what that meant. It was the lab calling with his test results. They were about to tell him if he was going to be a father or not. I felt hurt as I thought about Zack wanting to find out without me. Why wouldn't he? I had been through every thing with him. I even went to the testing with him. So why wouldn't he want me now?

"Wow...," He breathed deeply, "Um, thank you for calling... Yes, I'm okay. Thank you, Doctor," He sighed and I knew his phone call was done.

I immiedietly left the stove and walked into the living room to see Zack sitting on the couch. He looked blank, and that worried me. Oh, God. What if he really was going to be a dad? No matter what I did on this Earth, I wouldn't be able to keep him from Amber.

"Zack?" I asked.

"Can you leave me alone?" He asked softly.

I sighed, "Can you at least tell me what happened? I promise I'll leave you alone after. I just... need to know," I whispered.

"It's a boy," He announced and my heart stopped. My breathing stopped. I couldn't move as he looked down at the ground, "And it's not mine."

I realized the blank look on his face wasn't blank at all. It was the look of complete sadness. He wasn't overjoyed like I thought he would be. He was actually upset that he wasn't having a son with Amber. He was actually upset. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't sure how to comfort him or help him.

"I thought you said you would leave me alone?" He asked.

I froze. An all too real pain making its way into my heart, "Zack..." I started.

"Violet," He snapped and I cringed.

I turned around and left, forgetting about my tea in the kitchen. Instead, I retrieved up the stairs. Why wouldn't Zack want me with him? He's never pushed me away. He's always welcomed me for comfort. I was the only comfort he had. So what the hell was he going to do now?

I went into the room and looked around. If Zack didn't want me downstairs, he certainly didn't want me in his bed when he would eventually come upstairs. I sighed and turned around, heading to the guest bedroom where I belonged. I simply went to the bed, not bothering to change, and lay down.

I actually felt defeated.


The blood from my recent cuts were now dry on the Egyptian cotton sheets. I lay in a heap near the ground, toppled over myself as my vision finally became clear again.

I gasped as a searing pain shot up my abdomen. Glancing down, I could see the initials Craig carved deeply into my hip bone. I groaned, placing a hand over the wound and hissed. Tears pricked my eyes as I lay there, completely alone. I wished for my mom to come pick me up and hold me. I wished for Samantha to answer my phone calls. I wished for someone to just be there for me.

I bit back the tears and sat up, glancing over at the phone. I sighed and rolled over to reach the cellphone on the corner. I grabbed it and unlocked it, scrolling down to a number I hadn't dialed in months.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Mom?" I asked, my voice coming out weak and soft.

"V-Violet?" She asked, completely shocked, "Is that really you?"

"It's me mom," I whispered and she gasped.

"Violet, I'm so worried about you," She instantly started to cry, "Vi, it's time to come home now."

"I-I can't, Mom," I confessed.

"Is this about those pictures?" She asked and I remained silent, "Dammit, Violet, I told you to be careful about this. You're relationship with Craig is dangerous and now you've managed to piss off every single member in his family."

"Please don't yell at me, Mom," I whimpered and she sighed.

"Just leave, Violet. We'll get you out of there."

"I can't stay in Vegas, Mom. Not after this. Craig," I choked out, "He wants me to marry him. He thinks it will fix everything. I can't do that. I have to leave."

"Vi, you know if you leave it will make Craig and his family look very bad. Do you want that on your conscience?"

"I lost track of all the sins I've committed, Mom," I answered truthfully, "What's one more?"

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go to college like you wanted. The art school in San Francisco," I answered.

"Vi, we talked about this. I don't have the money to send you there," She stated and I sighed heavily.

"I have one million in my bank account."

"No," She stated firmly, "That's Craig's money and you know it. Violet, that's a recipe for disaster."

"It's the only way, Mom. I'm going to sneak away when I go with Craig to the new club opening in Friday. I just need your help."

"What do you need?"

"I need you to buy my plane ticket. I'll register for my classes when I land in San Francisco. For now, I just need to focus on getting there."

"Okay," She sighed, "I'll make it for Friday at midnight. Sound good?"

"Yes," I answered and I smiled slightly, "Mom?"


"Do... Do you forgive me?"

"Yes, Violet," She sighed, "I forgive you."

I sighed and said a few more words before hanging up. I tossed the phone and sniffled, looking around. I was so helpless. I felt weak and dehumanized. It was a sickening feeling.

Suddenly, the door opened and slammed closed, and I knew Craig was back. I whimpered as he entered the room and he kneeled down to my level, his blue eyes full of lust and anger.

"Are you ready for round two, Doll?"