Sequel: Glass
Status: Complete



"I need coffee," Zack mumbled incoherently into his pillow. I rolled my eyes and threw the blankets off of him, grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up before shoving a Starbuck's cup in his hand, "I knew I kept you around for a reason," He smiled as he took a sip.

I smirked and went over to the closet, grabbing clothes for the day. I pulled out a pair of black jeans, some flats, and a Vengeance University hoodie, "Hey, you should wear the Thrasher tee," He commented, "So you can promote the new styles."

I nodded, woefully tossing my beloved jacket aside before pulling out the short sleeved crop top. I sighed and grabbed one of my many long-sleeved undershirts before heading to the bathroom to change. I did so, and actually attempted to do something with my hair that didn't consist of a mess of a bun, and was finally done so Zack could get ready.

"You're weird," He commented as he sifted through his suitcase to find the day's outfit. One thing about Zack was that he was very adamant that he look good. He could have been a girl with how much he changed styles and loved clothes.

"How am I weird?" I questioned as I packed up everything I would need for the day.

"That top is supposed to show skin, not cover it up, Silly," He laughed.

"I don't like showing skin," I replied simply, "I'm really self-conscious about my skin, okay?" I looked at him with a warning look and he looked back at me sadly. We had only talked about it once before, when he asked why I was wearing a sweatshirt in 80 degree weather. I simply said I was uncomfortable. This was back when I first started working for Zack and we didn't know each other that well, so he didn't question it.

He questioned nothing else and left to the bathroom to get ready. I sighed, packing up all the extra VU stickers and buttons I was due to hand out to coax kids into coming to our booth. It was when I heard the shower turn on that Zack's phone started ringing. I walked over to the corner of the room, expecting to see one of the guys names on the caller ID.

I was met with the smiling face of Amber, her name blinking brightly on the screen. I groaned and looked towards the bathroom. Zack must have not heard the ringtone past the hot water from the shower. I knew if Zack heard anything from Amber, he'd be a wreck the whole rest of the weekend. Any other time it would be fine, and I was okay with dealing with it. But I wasn't going to let Amber get in the way of his work.

Before I could do anything the phone stopped ringing. I picked it up and unlocked it, having already known Zack's password. I went into his recent calls and deleted the missed call from Amber, so he wouldn't even know. This way he wouldn't be temped to call her back. I locked it again and put it down. Sighing, I went back over to my side of the room when he came out of the bathroom all ready to go.

"Let's go. I think the car is already here," He smiled and I followed him out the door after he grabbed his phone from the table.


The convention hall was jam packed with rowdy teenagers, musicians, and businessmen. Zack wasn't interested in merging his line with any big-time companies, so I didn't have to worry about my etiquette in front of them. I liked that Zack stayed true to what he wanted to accomplish. A small clothing line for kids who liked it. He wasn't going to change just to sell more designs. That's not how Zack worked. And in a world where everyone else only cared about demand and profits, Zack was truly admirable.

"Zacky Vengeance makes these shirts!?" A girl exclaimed. She was wearing an Aveneged Sevenfold shirt and looked young enough to make me want to ask her where her mother was.

"He designs them, yes," I smiled, "And if you buy one today you get a special promotional code to get something discounted on his online store," I coaxed her and her eyes went wide.

"I like the shirt you're wearing," She said. After telling me her size I grabbed one from the pile and handed it to her as she handed me two twenties. I counted out change before turning back to her, handing her the coupon code. She exclaimed a thank you before walking off, pleased with her new purchases.

By one in the afternoon I was swamped. So swamped that I actually had to call the Berry twins to aid me. They didn't provide much help though. They were almost as popular as the band, and were surrounded by kids requesting pictures, "Hey!" I turned to them, "I need those shirts out of that box."

It was during another rush that I looked up and saw a figure in the distance. An all too familiar face I didn't want to see. I stopped, blinking and rubbing my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. It was only my first day in Vegas. I couldn't have possibly run into my ex-boyfriend that quick. But when I opened my eyes he was gone. I assumed it was paranoia that made me see him. The fear that he might come across me again. I was just freaking myself out, that's all.

I had been internally freaking out all day. I had actually been worrying since the plane landed, but I wasn't about to tell Zack that. Las Vegas was a big city. The chances of Craig and I crossing paths were slim to none. And even if he did find me, I had Dan right?

"You okay?" Jason asked and I turned to him.

"Uh, yeah," I smiled.

"You look a little pale," He noted.

"Um, just overwhelmed that's all," I smiled and he looked at me skeptically before turning back to the crowd in front of him.

After another hour the convention was finally done for the day, and I was exhausted. I wasn't sure how I was going to make it all night at a club. It seemed impossible.

I slouched in the chair, my head on the desk as the twins worked on packing up the boxes that were much too heavy for me to carry. My head felt like it was about to split open with all the thinking I was doing. Vegas was a small city, but not that small of a city for me to be recognized so easily, "Alright, Vi, let's go," Dan stated, wrapping his arms around me so he could lift me up out of the chair.

"Is it sleepy time?" I asked him and he laughed.

"No. It's get ready to go to the club time," He corrected and I groaned. He set me down on my feet and allowed me to lean against him as we made our way to the back of the building where the car was waiting.

"Violet! Violet Kennedy!?" A voice shrieked and I cringed. Dan stopped and I turned to see a frantic figure running for me. Before I could react I was tackled in a hug. Dan immidietly jumped into 'bodyguard' mode and pulled the girl off of me before I could even react, "Hey! Let me go! I'm her friend!" She protested.

Friend was hardly a word I would associate with Samantha Greene.

"Holy shit! I can't believe you're here!" She exclaimed from Dan's arms, "You know no one thought you would ever should your face around here again. You back to finish what you started?" She smirked and I glared.

Samantha, was once a part of my very close group of friends and at one point she was all I had. She wasn't my favorite of people. The thing I liked the least about her was her inability to shut up. She was always opening her mouth to people, and in front of the wrong people, when she shouldn't. She's one of the very many people who helped dig my grave in this city, and I still hadn't completely forgiven her for it.

"Wait, what's going on?" Dan asked, "Vi, you know this girl?" He questioned, curiosity filling his eyes. He had caught on to something Samantha said and I mentally cursed.

"Hey, so you're here with Avenged right? Heard they make the big bucks," Mischief clouded her eyes and I could feel a growl emitting from my throat, "Do you model for them too?"

My eyes widened in horror as I felt Dan's eyes on me. I pursed my lips, composing myself as I took a step towards her, "I'm sure you're just excited to see me as I am to see you, Samantha," I snapped, "But I'm working at the moment, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stay away from me."

"I thought we were friends, Violet," She smiled sweetly, "I was looking forward to catching up with you."

"We weren't friends then and we aren't friends now," I snarled and she made a move to come after me, trying to break out of Dan's grip.

"That's it," Dan huffed and lifted Samantha over his shoulder, "You're being escorted out. Let's go."

"Hey!" She protested, "You know you're making a big mistake, Violet!" She called as Dan began to walk away, "Craig knows you're back!"

I froze, my breathing cutting short at her words. Of course Samantha couldn't keep her mouth shut, and I wouldn't be surprised if she were the one to tell Craig of my return. The last thing I needed was my ex-boyfriend finding me again. And I especially didn't need him coming around Zack or the rest of the guys.

I breathed in, feeling the same tightening in my chest. I breathed slowly, begging what ever God was out there that I don't have a freak anxiety attack. I couldn't do that in front of the guys, "What's going on?" Zack asked from behind me suddenly and I gasped, turning around and instinctively placing a hand over my heart.

"Jesus Christ," I breathed.

"Woah, are you okay? Was that girl bothering you?" He asked, having seen Dan take Sam away from me. He comfortingly place an arm around me, truly concerned for me.

"I'm fine. Just... don't sneak up on me like that," I stated and he nodded.

"We should go. We're due at the club in three hours," He reminded me and I nodded, my heart sinking.

The last thing I wanted was to go to the club.
Especially when my ex-boyfriend is the one who owns it.