Status: I would like to thank the Skykomish Police Department for giving me permission to transcribe the diary enteries.

The Paranormal Diaries

June 24, 1993. 2:00am

I just woke up to hear the sounds of walking by the window outside my bed. I'm sleeping in that room alone since Brad decided he wanted to sleep in the middle of Chelsea and Stan in the big bed, so I was forced to sleep in the room next to it.

It's 4:00am right now, and I hear something outside. I'm too scared to go outside, and too polite to wake up Brad. I sit up in the bed and listen, there is a loud bang then what sounds like someone running. I shine my flash light out the window, and see the bushes moving as if someone had just ran through them. My heart is beating so fast I don't know what to do, so my only instinct is to crawl all the way under the covers and sleep.

That is what I'm gonna do, so I guess I'll write in this later!