Status: I would like to thank the Skykomish Police Department for giving me permission to transcribe the diary enteries.

The Paranormal Diaries

June 26, 1993. 3:00am.

So I just heard a noise outside, and it was a loud one this time. It's been two days since I heard it last, and at this point I'm in tears. Brad and Stan are outside looking around, scouting it out. Just as I begin to wonder if they haven't found anything I hear Stan scream. Chelsea ran on the porch, looking down she sees four dead deer in a circle around the fire pit. There is also a dead Raccoon on a giant rock that is right next to the fire pit for people to sit on.

Whoever is out here is a sick fuck, all I want to do is leave. But everyone insists on staying, not sure why but they do. Well I am officially scared, so I'm not sure how long I'll write in here again.