Status: I would like to thank the Skykomish Police Department for giving me permission to transcribe the diary enteries.

The Paranormal Diaries

July 2, 1993. 3:00pm.

It's June 2nd, and the noises are getting more intense. This morning Chelsea woke up, went downstairs, grabbed a knife and tried to cut herself. She says that she doesn't know what happened, but I think something took over her. Kind of like a mind control, it's strange and I'm just so scared. When Brad woke up to find her blood all over the living room he instantly freaked out, running upstairs waking Stan and I up who were sleeping in the same bed.

It's crazy, because as I'm writing this there is a bang upstairs. It's not any of us because we're all downstairs, I'm scared and just want to go home. This summer is turning into a nightmare, and I'm not sure how much more I can take of thi.......